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Lyr Req: Jack of All Trades

05 Jan 00 - 09:21 PM (#158731)
Subject: Jack of All Trades
From: BDenz

How do I cancel a topic? I found the lyrics ....

05 Jan 00 - 09:23 PM (#158734)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Jack of All Trades
From: AllisonA(Animaterra)

So you don't need them any more?
To cancel a topic, just don't press "send"!

05 Jan 00 - 09:26 PM (#158738)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Jack of All Trades
From: BDenz

Oops. Well, I DO need to know if this is trad or by whom and when.

06 Jan 00 - 03:50 AM (#158885)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Jack of All Trades
From: Stewie

The 'Dublin Jack of All Trades' in the DT is #40 in Colm O Lochlainn's 'Irish Street Ballads'. He noted that he had it from Dublin ballad singers about 1912. He indicated the source of the words as from printed ballad sheets. I recall that the Critics group did a London Jack of All Trades on their 'Sweet Thames Flow Softly', an old Argo album from the 1960s that I no longer have. I believe that also was from a broadside. Bruce O probably has heaps of information on these.


06 Jan 00 - 03:56 AM (#158887)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Jack of All Trades
From: Roger the skiffler

I've been searching for a West Midlands (UK) version that I think Ian Campbell used to do in the 60's, if anyone comes across it I'd be grateful. I have the Critics LP Stewie mentions if you want me to transcribe the London version.

06 Jan 00 - 04:57 AM (#158893)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Jack of All Trades
From: Bruce O.

There's a similar ballad "Jolly Jack of All Trades" on a London broadside ballad of 1686-8, noted at ZN1198 in the broadside ballad index on my website.

06 Jan 00 - 03:02 PM (#159072)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Jack of All Trades
From: BDenz

Stewie -- thanks.

Roger -- yes please.

Bruce -- which is where? [your website]

06 Jan 00 - 03:59 PM (#159097)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Jack of All Trades
From: Bruce O.

06 Jan 00 - 04:13 PM (#159105)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Jack of All Trades
From: BDenz

Thankeem kindly. Nice digs! Am searching through links now ....

06 Jan 00 - 05:24 PM (#159154)
From: Tim Salt

Roger, I found "Birmingham Jack Of All Trades" in a great book by Roy Palmer called a "Touch On The Times.” My copy is so old ISBN hadn't been invented!


I am a jolly roving blade
They call me Jack of all trades
I always fixed my chief delight
In kissing of the fair maids
To Birmingham I did set out
To seek a situation
I'd often heard folks say it was
The toy shop of the nation

I'm a roving Jack of all trades
Of every trade and all trades
And if you want to know my name
They call me Jack of all trades

'Twas in the Bull Ring first I went
There I became a porter
I with my master soon fell out
And cut acquaintance shorter
In Bull Street was a pastry cook
Dale End an undertaker
Then I removed to Friday Street
There I set up coffin maker

In Pinfold Street I sold rag mops
In Bread Street was a grinder
In Dudley Street I lost my wife
Thank God I could never find her
In Hill Street I sold black puddings
In Edmund Street made mouse traps
At the Old Wharf I did sell coal
In Suffolk Street made louse traps

In Digbeth was a waterman
St Martin's Lane a saddler
In Ran's Yard was a slaughterman
In Park Street was a fiddler
In Spiceal Street I sold hot pudding
At Friday Bridge sold charcoal
In Philip Street sold blacking paste
In High Street kept the louse-hole

In Smallbrook Street made candle-sticks
In Worcester Street a broker
In Floodgate Street made fire-irons
Both shovel, tongs and poker
In Ann Street was a dialist
Newhall Street a die-sinker
In New Street drove a hackney coach
In Moor Street was a printer

In Walmer Lane steel trusses made
In Lichfield Street a sad shop
In Steelhouse Lane made snuffers
And in Bell Street kept a rag shop
In Church Street was a silversmith
In Livery Street made split rings
In Charles Street was a clock maker
And all such little odd things

In Aston Street I did make glass
In Coleshill Street a baker
In Woodcock Street I did cast brass
In Duke Street was a Quaker
In the Horse Fair sold crumpets rare
Made penny wigs in Cox Street
At Lady Well I kept a bath
In Hurst Street I sold dog's meat

At Islington I sold sky blue
In Smithfield was a drover
In Stafford Street I sold old shoes
In Bath Street was a glover
In Loveday Street sold measuring tapes
In Price Street bled with leeches
In Lench Street I sold penny pies
In York Street sold old breeches

In Broad Street I made spectacles
In Sand Street an engraver
In Weaman Street a gun maker
In Newton Street a pavior
In Snow Hill was a pawnbroker
In Shadwell Street a sawyer
In Bromsgrove Street made coffin nails
In Cannon Street a lawyer

In Temple Street I sold shaloon
In Queen Street a cork cutter
In Colmore Street I kept a shop
Sold bacon cheese and butter
In John Street I sold faggots hot
Of which I often boasted
And then in London Prentice Street
Sold mutton ready roasted

In Swallow Street made bellow pipes
In Wharf Street was a blacksmith
In Beak Street there I did sell tripe
In Freeman Street was a locksmith
In Cherry Street I was a quack
In Summer Lane sold pancakes
Oh then at last I got a knack
To manufacture worm cakes

In Wood Street I sold sandpaper
In Buck Street I sold prayer books
In Duddeston Street made pattern cards
In Doe Street I sold fishhooks
In Ashted I made Jew’s harp springs
In Thomas Street made awl blades
So now you know the ups and downs
Of a jolly Jack of all trades

Louse-traps: Hats
Louse-hole: Lock-up
Dialist: Maker of dials
Sad shop: Bakery
Shaloon: Sort of cloth

Birmingham used to be known as the "city of the thousand trades.”

I wish I'd finished that "Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing" course!


HTML line breaks added. --JoeClone, 17-Mar-02.

06 Jan 00 - 05:29 PM (#159161)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Jack of All Trades
From: Tim Salt

How come all the lines merged then? Should I have been using these < > things?Birmingham Jack Of All Trades


06 Jan 00 - 05:37 PM (#159169)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Jack of All Trades
From: Tim Salt

I wish I'd read Joes thread before I started typing - might have saved my lines getting mashed up together! So what's a line break?


06 Jan 00 - 05:50 PM (#159177)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Jack of All Trades
From: Tim Salt

Birmingham Jack Of All Trades

I am a jolly roving blade
They call me Jack of all trades
I always fixed my chief delight
In kissing of the fair maids
To Birmingham I did set out
To seek a situation
I'd often heard folks say it was
The toy shop of the nation

Just testing - Tim

06 Jan 00 - 06:02 PM (#159189)
From: Tim Salt


I am a jolly roving blade
They call me Jack of all trades
I always fixed my chief delight
In kissing of the fair maids
To Birmingham I did set out
To seek a situation
I'd often heard folks say it was
The toy shop of the nation

I'm a roving Jack of all trades
Of every trade and all trades
And if you want to know my name
They call me Jack of all trades

Twas in the Bull Ring first I went
There I became a porter
I with my master soon fell out
And cut acquaintance shorter
In Bull Street was a pastry cook
Dale End an undertaker
Then I removed to Friday Street
There I set up coffin maker

In Pinfold Street I sold rag mops
In Bread Street was a grinder
In Dudley Street I lost my wife
Thank God I could never find her
In Hill Street I sold black puddings
In Edmund Street made mouse traps
At the Old Wharf I did sell coal
In Suffolk Street made louse traps

In Digbeth was a waterman
St Martin's Lane a saddler
In Ran's Yard was a slaughterman
In Park Street was a fiddler
In Spiceal Street I sold hot pudding
At Friday Bridge sold charcoal
In Philip Street sold blacking paste
In High Street kept the louse-hole

In Smallbrook Street made candle-sticks
In Worcester Street a broker
In Floodgate Street made fire-irons
Both shovel, tongs and poker
In Ann Street was a dialist
Newhall Street a die-sinker
In New Street drove a hackney coach
In Moor Street was a printer

In Broad Street I made spectacles
In Sand Street an engraver
In Weaman Street a gun maker
In Newton Street a pavior
In Snow Hill was a pawnbroke
r In Shadwell Street a sawyer
In Bromsgrove Street made coffin nails
In Cannon Street a lawyer

In Temple Street I sold shaloon
In Queen Street a cork cutter
In Colmore Street I kept a shop
Sold bacon cheese and butter
In John Street I sold faggots hot
Of which I often boasted
And then in London Prentice Street
Sold mutton ready roasted

In Swallow Street made bellow pipes
In Wharf Street was a blacksmith
In Beak Street there I did sell tripe
In Freeman Street was a locksmith
In Cherry Street I was a quack
In Summer Lane sold pancakes
Oh then at last I got a knack
To manufacture worm cakes

In Wood Street I sold sandpaper
In Buck Street I sold prayer books
In Duddeston Street made pattern cards
In Doe Street I sold fishhooks
In Ashted I made jew's harp springs
In Thomas Street made awl blades
So now you know the ups and downs
Of a jolly Jack of all trades

I think I may have got the hang of this!


06 Jan 00 - 09:28 PM (#159302)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Jack of All Trades
From: BDenz

Damn. Is there one of those for every city? I suppose one could "adapt" the words for your own town. "Seattle Jack fo All Trades" sort of loses something in translation ....

Thanks, Tim.

07 Jan 00 - 12:08 AM (#159405)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Jack of All Trades
From: Bruce O.

There's also "The Jolly Trades-men" in 'Pills to Purge Melancholy' [tune, "Jamaica" is B238 on my website (ABC and MIDI)]. A manuscipt copy is accompanied by the Jill of All Trades one that's in Scarce Songs 1 on my website as "Fit for any man".
"Tom of All Trades" is ZN1838 in the broadside ballad index on my webesite, and see ZN99.
"Last Christmas 'twas my chance" (Scarce Song 1) is probably the 'Dance of all trades' that replaced the stage jig in 1622 (See Baskerville's 'the Elizabethan Jig')
I think I have a bawdy version of the "Dublin Jack of All Trades", but I can't find the little green book that it's in.

07 Jan 00 - 12:34 AM (#159413)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Jack of All Trades
From: Bruce O.

See also in DT: I used to work in Chicago, and Haben a boo.

07 Jan 00 - 04:12 AM (#159448)
Subject: Lyr Add: THE STREETS OF LONDON (John Halsted)
From: Roger the skiffler

Thanks, Tim, now all I have to do is learn it!
To reciprocate, here is the London version off the Critics album Sweet Thames Flow Softly (Argo ZDA47)
Confusingly they call it The Streets of London. The sleeve notes say:" Words: John Halsted, Tune:Irish Traditional Dublin Street Song 'Jack of All Trades'. John Halsted, a product of Westminster Choir School and now an outstanding atomic physicist, wrote a number of songs during the skiffle era. This is the best of them."
(John Halsted)

1.I'm a roving blade of many a trade, I've every trade and all trades
And if you want to know my name then call me Jack of all trades
I'd often heard of London town the pride of every nation
At twenty-one it's here I've come to try for a situation

CHORUS:I'm a roving Jack of all trades, of evry trade and all trades
And if you want to know me name, they call me Jack of all trades

2. In Covent Garden I began and there I was a porter
My boss and I we soon fell out which made acquaintance shorter
Then I drove a number 46 from Waterloo to Wembley
Where I became an engineer on aeroplane assembly

3.In Charlotte Street I was a chef, in Stepney Green a tailor
But very soon they laid us off, so I became a sailor
In Rotherhithe a stevedore, in Gray's Inn Road a grinder
On Hampstead Heath I lost my wife, it's sad but I could never find her

4. In Downing Street I was a lord, in Denmark Street I made songs
In every street and all streets with my banjo I played songs
In Harley Street I was a quack, in Turnham Green a teacher
On Highbury Hill a half-back and on Primrose Hill a preacher

5. In Gower Street I'd furniture with fleas and bugs I sold it
In Leicester Square a big white card I often stood to hold it
By London Bridge I'd lodging beds for all who made their way there
For London is of high renown and Scotsmen often stay there

6. I'm a roving blade of many a trade, I've every trade and all trades
And if you want to know my name, then call me Jack of all trades
I've tried my hand at everything from herringbones to hat pegs
But I can raise my head and say I've never been a blackleg

[For non-UK readers: no 46 is a 'bus route, Primrose Hill, like Tower Hill is a place where people go to stand on soapboxes and address the interested, the big white card is a sandwich board.]

07 Jan 00 - 06:56 AM (#159471)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Jack of All Trades
From: Stewie

Palmer noted that the Birmingham version that Tim posted was from a broadside printed by Wright of Birmingham and 21/743 in the Madden Collection held by Cambridge University Library. Its tune is the Dublin Jack of All Trades slightly adapted. He also commented that there is a Liverpool version as well.


14 Jul 01 - 05:21 PM (#506564)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Jack of All Trades
From: GUEST,Chris Gigg

Anyone have a Nottingham version, with specific references to Nottingham streets and trades?

26 May 02 - 10:29 PM (#717787)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Jack of All Trades
From: GUEST,Mark

Is this the "Jack of all Trades" that the Australian song "Tumba-Bloody-Rumba" is based.

If so, does anyone have the MIDI for "Jack of all Trades"?



26 May 02 - 11:11 PM (#717811)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Jack of All Trades
From: MMario

in the digital tradition is Dublin Jack of all trades with a midi; this can be viewed in a number of formats at

27 May 02 - 07:02 PM (#718391)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Jack of All Trades
From: Gareth

Question - Has anyone updated "Jack of All Trades"


"In Lime Street I became a broker"

"In Croyden South, I swallowed my pride,
and staffed a Banks call Center"

"In Millbank soon, I played the fool
As Cambell's own Spin Doctor"

Gareth ( Ducking and Weaving )

30 May 02 - 06:22 PM (#720492)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Jack of All Trades
From: GUEST,Mark Campbell


15 May 04 - 02:10 AM (#1186028)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Jack of All Trades
From: GUEST,

I want to cancel my account with mavis beacon free typing course cant locate site to close account.

15 May 04 - 11:48 AM (#1186222)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Jack of All Trades
From: Compton

Wasn't there a liverpool version, I recall was sung by Jackie and Bridie ? and the Johnstones, didn't they do one??

15 May 04 - 12:47 PM (#1186254)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Jack of All Trades
From: Sooz

I have an ancient album with the Nottingham version on, but unfortunately nothing to play it on!

24 Nov 09 - 06:06 PM (#2772968)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Jack of All Trades
From: GUEST,C3

Jacqui & Bridie did indeed do a Liverpool version I have it on CD but don't have the lyrics.


25 Nov 09 - 06:01 PM (#2773741)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Jack of All Trades
From: GUEST,Gerry

8 posts and 7 years ago, Guest Mark asked,

Is this the "Jack of all Trades" that the Australian song "Tumba-Bloody-Rumba" is based?

Tumba-Bloody-Rumba is in the DT, and it says,

The words were written by John Wolfe, and the British traditional tune "The Jack of All Trades" was fitted to it by Warren Fahey.

There are some points of similarity, and some differences. JoAT is written in the 1st person, T-B-R in the 3rd. In T-B-R, the boasts of the protagonist are countered by the narrator's insistence that he's no good at any of the work he's given to do.

3 posts and 5 years ago, Compton asked whether the Johnstons did the song. They did, indeed, as Dublin Jack of All Trades. It's on YouTube at

26 Nov 09 - 12:21 PM (#2774202)
From: JeffB

Just for the sake of completeness (some hope!) there is also a Bristol version :-

I am a jolly roving blade, they call me Jack of All Trades,
I always take my chief delight in kissing of the fair maids.
To the city of Bristol I set out to seek a situation
for tradesmen rare I do declare are the flower of the nation.

CH   I am a roving Jack, a roving Jack of all trades,
       and if you want to know my name, call me Jack of All Trades.

When into Corn Street first I came I there became a porter,
I with my master soon fell out and cut acquaintance shorter.
In Merchant Street a broker was, in Redcliffe Street a turner,
   I then to Lawrence Hill removed and there was a lime burner.

On John's Steps I a barber was and polished up their faces,
a teacher then in Park Street School to teach the children graces.
In Gloucester Lane a carrier was, in the The Friars was a baker,
in Maudlin Lane a mason was where I did tombstones make sir.

In Mitchell Lane a chimneysweep, in Wine Street was a draper,
and then to Clare Street next I came and set up a trunk maker.
In Nelson Street had a timber yard, there I sold boards and planks,
in Bullpaunch Lane a butcher was and sold sirloins and flanks.

In the High Street was a watchmaker of which I've often boasted,
I then removed to Lewins Mead, sold mutton raw and roasted.
In Brick Street kept a lodging-house, sold matches, pins and laces,
and thought no sin to take all in whether black or white their   faces.

In Temple Street a pawnbroker and money to lend was willing -
bring me your coat that's worth two pound and I'll lend you six shilling.
So now farewell amd fond adieu, a roving life I've led,
I must away to Durdham Down, a maiden for to wed.

I suppose Durdham Down was a place to find prostitutes in the old days. You can't now, of course.

26 Nov 09 - 03:04 PM (#2774343)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Jack of All Trades
From: ard mhacha

And here is a Dublin version of the song, with the brilliant Johnston group,

29 Oct 10 - 09:15 AM (#3018450)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Jack of All Trades
From: GUEST,Stuart Reed

And here's a Brighton (UK) version:

I'm a roving blade of many a trade of every trade and all trades
And if you want to know my name they call me Jack of all trades.
Now Brighton is of high renown, the pride of all the nation
At 21 it's here I came to seek for a situation.

In Lewes Road I started when I joined the Corporation
And drove a number 45 from Kemptown to the Station.
I've been a stage hand at the Dome, in Woodingdean a welder
And in Sherry's lost my heart to Rose the moment I beheld her.

I've nicked shoplifters in Hannington's when I was a floorwalker,
In West Street was a bouncer and in Hollingdean a hawker
And on the Pier you'd hear me clear when calling out the bingo;
In summer taught the hordes of kids who'd come to learn our lingo.

In Preston Park I was a clerk, in Rottingdean a roofer
And when cleaning bathroom windows saw a lady with her loofah.
In New Church Road I pushed a broom which kept the pavements cleaner
And I've fleeced the toffs who keep their yachts in the Marina.

I've done social work in Whitehawk where I got my cuts and bruises,
Been a doorman at the Metropole where I knew all the floozies.
I've been a busker in the Lanes, in London Road a mender
And underneath the Clock Tower was an Evening Argus vendor.

At the railway works I turned a lathe, in Patcham was a printer,
I've rescued sheep up on the Downs when they got lost in winter.
I've never set the world on fire, been a mover or a shaker
But I've always been a union man and never a strike breaker.

I'm a roving blade of many a trade of every trade and all trades
And if you want to know my name they call me Jack of all trades.
Now Brighton is of high renown, the pride of all of England
At 21 it's here I came when I was free and single.

01 Dec 13 - 04:10 PM (#3580495)
Subject: Lyr Add: JACK OF ALL TRADES (from Frank Luther)
From: Jim Dixon

This is an American song, unrelated, as far as I can tell, to all the British and Irish songs with the same title, except for the theme.

As sung by Frank Luther & His Pards on "Country Music Pioneers on Edison Records, Vol. 2" (2013).

1. I went to school for nineteen winters,
Figgered and I ciphered and I figgered and I spelled,
And I'd still be in the third reader
If the teacher hadn't said, "Young feller, you're expelled."

2. Then I built a ferry-boat down on the river,
But the darn thing sunk the first trip across.
When I was a blacksmith, I had lots o' trouble
Puttin' shoes on a Ford and fenders on a horse.

3. Jack of all trades, plumb disgusted,
Jack of all trades, nothin' to do,
Jack of all trades, hungry and busted,
Ever'thing's wrong no matter what I do.

4. I tried auctioneerin' but my voice wasn't loud enough.
I talked till I was hoarse but nothin' left the shelf.
I made a mistake while I was an undertaker:
Darned if I didn't up and bury myself.

5. I was engineer on a brass-line railroad.
I had to get out and push when I come to a hill.
Then I was a dentist; in comes a customer.
I pulled the wrong tooth and he wouldn't pay his bill.

6. Jack of all trades, the sun is a-settin',
Jack of all trades, the moon comin' up,
Jack of all trades, I shot at a possum.
I missed the possum but I hit my pup.

7. I went into politics, runnin' for commissioner.
I didn't get nary a vote but mine.
I tried horse-racin' but my horse wasn't fast enough.
He came in three days behind.

8. I read in the paper how to be a songwriter,
So I wrote a purty song about a maiden fair.
When I sung it for a feller in New York City,
He said, "I've heard worse but I don't know where."

9. Jack of all trades, I went into vaudeville.
Jack of all trades, times were slack.
I had half a dozen well-trained rabbits,
But I got hungry and ate my act.

10. I courted a rich grass widow,
But I got hay fever and I nearly had a fit.
Then I was a preacher but the job didn't suit me
'Cause they wouldn't let me chew tobacker in the pulpit.

11. This is the first time I've tried singin'.
If you don't like it, please don't laugh.
I'm doin' my best but I guess I better quit
Before I bust this phonograph.

20 Mar 16 - 02:09 AM (#3779914)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Jack of All Trades
From: AmyLove

As sung by The Johnstons (lyrics found here and adjusted slightly; video here )

I am a rovin' sportin' blade, they call me Jack of all trades
I always found my chief delight in courtin' pretty fair maids
For when in Dublin I arrived to try for a situation
I always heard them say it was the pride of all the nation

I'm a rovin' Jack of many a trade
Of every trade, of all trades
And if you wish to know my name
They call me Jack of all trades

In Baggot Street I drove a cab and there was well requited
In Francis Street had lodging beds to entertain all strangers
For Dublin is of high renown, or I am much mistaken
In Kevin Street I do declare sold butter eggs and bacon

I'm a rovin' Jack of many a trade
Of every trade, of all trades
And if you wish to know my name
They call me Jack of all trades

On George's Quay I first began, I there became a porter
Me and my master soon fell out which cut my 'quaintance shorter
In Sackville Street a pastry cook, in James's Street a baker
In Cook Street I did coffins make, in Eustace Street a preacher

I'm a rovin' Jack of many a trade
Of every trade, of all trades
And if you wish to know my name
They call me Jack of all trades

In Golden Lane I sold old shoes, in Meath Street was a grinder
In Barrack Street I lost me wife, and I'm glad I ne'er could find her
In Mary's Lane I've dyed old clothes of which I've often boasted
In that noted place Exchequer Street sold mutton ready roasted

I'm a rovin' Jack of many a trade
Of every trade, of all trades
And if you wish to know my name
They call me Jack of all trades

In Liffey Street had furniture, with fleas and bugs I sold it
And at the bank, a big placard, I often stood to hold it
In New Street I sold hay and straw, in Spitalfields made bacon
In Fishamble Street was at the grand old trade of basketmakin'

I'm a rovin' Jack of many a trade
Of every trade, of all trades
And if you wish to know my name
They call me Jack of all trades

In Summerhill a coachmaker, in Denzille Street a gilder
In Cork Street was a tanner and in Brunswick Street a builder
In High Street I sold hosiery, in Patrick Street sold all blades
So if you wish to know my name, they call me Jack of all trades

I'm a rovin' Jack of many a trade
Of every trade, of all trades
And if you wish to know my name
They call me Jack of all trades

I'm a rovin' Jack of many a trade
Of every trade, of all trades
And if you wish to know my name
They call me Jack of all trades

05 Sep 16 - 02:49 AM (#3808412)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Jack of All Trades
From: Dave Hanson

It's John HASTED not Halsted, a pioneer of the 5 string banjo in the UK as well as being Britains leading nuclear physicist at the time.

Dave H

24 May 24 - 07:03 AM (#4202884)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Jack of All Trades
From: rosma

In 2009 JeffB commented in relation to the song Bristol Jack of all Trades: "I suppose Durdham Down was a place to find prostitutes in the old days. You can't now, of course."

The answer is indeed it was, and here's something to support that statement.

"A notorious book - which scandalised the city when it first appeared in 1977 - is being republished [in 2023].

"It's called 'Ladies' Mile - The Remarkable and Shocking Story of Twilight Bristol', written by a toilet attendant on Durdham Downs called Victoria Hughes.

"Victoria documented the ladies that used the toilet - many of them prostitutes.

"Kerris Harrop, who’s republishing the book, spoke to BBC Radio Bristol’s Steve Yabsley.

"All proceeds from the book go towards refurbishing the toilet block on Durdham Downs."

I have no connection with any of the people involved.

Here is the three minute clip.