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Lyr Add: Chunna Mise Mo Leannan

10 Oct 20 - 12:14 PM (#4075007)
Subject: Lyr Add: Chunna Mise Mo Leannan
From: RunrigFan

Dòchas - Appearng as Waulking Song

'S na horo hì hoireannan
Horo chall eile
'S na horo hì hoireannan

Gura mis' tha fo mhulad
Air an tulaich 's mòr m' èislean

Chunna mise mo leannan
Cha do dh'aithnich e 'n dè mi

Cha do dh'fhidir, 's cha d' fharraid
Cha do ghabh e dhìom sgeula

Chunna mise dol suas thu
Gu buaile na sprèidhe

'S ann a ghabh e orm seachad
Air each glas nan ceum eutrom

Air each glas nan ceum lùthmhor
'Ghearradh sùnndach an fhèithe

Tha mo leanabh nam achlais
'S mi gun taice fo'n ghrèin dha

Cha bu mhise bu choireach
'S ann bu choireach e fhèin ris

Na Seòid

Gura mise tha fo mhulad air an tulaich, ’s mòr m’eislean

Ho ro ho hi hoireannan, horo chall eile, ho ro ho hi hoireannan

Chunna mise mo leannan ’s cha do dh’aithnich e fhèin mi.
Cha d’ fhidir, ’s cha d’ fharraid, cha do ghabh e bhuam sgeula
Ach cha ruigeadh e leas e, cha robh mis’ an trom dèidh air
Dol timchioll a’ rubha, bha mi dubhach, trom-dheurach
’S iad mo rùn-sa Clann Dòmhnaill, sin an còmhlan nach trèig mi
Seun Mhoire san Dòmhnaich, le Clann Dòmhnaill nan geur-lann
Luchd nan calpannan troma, chùl dona, cheum eutrom
Luchd tharraing nam biodag fo chriosan nan fhèilidh
Luchd nan claidheamhnan caol geala, chìthte faileas dhiubh làth’ grèine
Luchd nam boghannan iubhair, dh’fhuilingeadh lùbadh ’s nach leumadh
’S nan gunnaichean dubha, chuireadh smùid air na slèibhte

10 Oct 20 - 12:20 PM (#4075011)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Chunna Mise Mo Leannan
From: RunrigFan

Translation for Na Seòid

I am sad on the hillock, great is my sorrow
I saw my love but he did not even recognise me
He took no notice, did not ask, did not listen to my news
He need not have, I was not so fond of him
Going round the headland, I was depressed and weeping constantly
My beloved Clan Donald, they are the band I will not betray
The blessing of Mary and the Lord’s day, with Clan Donald of the sharpest blades
Men of the stout calves, brown-haired and light of step
Men who would draw their daggers from beneath the belts of their plaids
Men of the slender white swords, glinting in the summer’s sunlight
Men of the yew longbows, that would bend without slipping its bowstring
And the black guns that would send smoke rising from the slopes

Don't have Dòchas album so cant check translation

27 Jun 21 - 02:23 PM (#4111616)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Chunna Mise Mo Leannan
From: RunrigFan

source word document from Ne Seoid