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BS: Things done for the first time this year

23 Dec 20 - 05:03 PM (#4084750)
Subject: BS: Things done for the first time this year
From: Mrrzy

Ok, yeah, 2020 sucked, and is still sucking.


I made my first whole goose, my first Yule bûche, my first vat of bone broth soup.

I am living for the first time without roommates, pets, or relatives, and liking it.

What is a first for you? I am thinking accomplishments... Enough firsts have been thrown at us (widowhood, hospital stays, Zoom mustaches) but what did you *do* -on purpose, because you could- for the first time? Especially things you always wanted to? I wanted to do the cooking stuff.

I did not *think* that I wanted to live alone, but I consider my enjoyment of it to be the accomplishment!

23 Dec 20 - 05:05 PM (#4084752)
Subject: RE: BS: Things done for the first time this year
From: Donuel

Yule buche you lucky dog.

23 Dec 20 - 05:47 PM (#4084757)
Subject: RE: BS: Things done for the first time this year
From: Helen

If it had not been for the COVID Monster, I wouldn't have finally taken the plunge and bought a lightweight portable harp - a Sharpsicle made by William Rees company in the USA.

I have known about the Harpsicle harps for decades but never found that the financial cost-benefit analysis came out in its favour because there were always other things more "important" to spend my money on. How could I justify buying another harp when I already have a large-ish one and another small one which I bought some years ago to take to our session group gatherings? Although it is small it is heavy and unwieldy.

Well, pre-COVID we held sessions either at my home or another person's home so I would play the 36 string harp at home and I bought a ukulele to play at the other place.

Then there were restrictions on how many people we could have in a house and also the social distancing rules so we started playing in a rotunda in a park. Braving the wintry weather, trudging across the very big park with the folding stool, harp, backpack, all the gear etc. Not to mention the prep of all the gear at home, getting it into and out of the car, and then doing it all over again to go back home. A few weeks later we started using a room at a local club and it was a bit easier because there were chairs and tables.

If I didn't take the harp I was not getting to play it with my friends so I finally bit the bullet and ordered the Sharpsicle - a purple one of course - at the end of July and waited till the first week of October for it to wend its tardy way across the ocean and then up to the harp supplier in Queensland and finally down to me in mid-coast NSW.

So it weighs 2.7 kg (6 lbs). I can lift it up with one finger. Yay! It has a sweet sound, and I can take it to the sessions any time I want.

The other big events were busking on St Pat's Day, a couple of days before our big COVID lockdown began - although I took the small-but-heavy harp that time - and then busking at a local shopping centre a few days ago to play Christmas carols. One lightweight Sharpsicle, a folding stool, a backpack. Cool!

The biggest news about the busking and playing in the park or the club is that I have only ever played the harp in public a couple of times before this year, IN MY WHOLE LIFE.

So this is big for me, and I have to thank the COVID Monster for pushing me out into the big brave world. Without conflict there is no personal growth. Every cloud has a silver lining or two.

(I am painfully aware of how much better off we are here in Oz with political leaders who could actually take charge of the situation for the good of all, so our silver linings are bigger than those of the U.S.)

23 Dec 20 - 07:07 PM (#4084766)
Subject: RE: BS: Things done for the first time this year
From: Mrrzy

Ooh Helen... A HARP! Wow!

23 Dec 20 - 08:39 PM (#4084786)
Subject: RE: BS: Things done for the first time this year
From: Sandra in Sydney

well done, Helen & purple - my colour, tho for clothes not instruments, I'm a chorus singer.

I can't think of anything new I've done this year - my year under covid is not much different to the times before.

I've had more time on my own & as some regular activities open up - socially restricted! - I've joined some friends in some of our normal activities.

No singing sessions - yet, dunno when they will be back. Ive started booking my folk club for 2021, small acts for the start of the year & choirs towards the end as our 100-seat venue is currently restricted to 35 people.   

I did attend 2 zoom concerts & 1 zoom singing session! Zoom is not really my thing, so I can't claim that as something wonderful I've done this year.


23 Dec 20 - 10:12 PM (#4084800)
Subject: RE: BS: Things done for the first time this year
From: Donuel

I love harp. I studied it one semester in college.

23 Dec 20 - 10:25 PM (#4084801)
Subject: RE: BS: Things done for the first time this year
From: JennieG

Well done on the harp, Helen - way to go!

I probably had some 'firsts' this year, but offhand can't remember what they were. I did manage to finish a couple of quilting projects, one bought back in 2012 and the other gifted in 2015; both souvenirs from visits to Canada.

We did try Zoom, every Sunday night we have a family trivia quiz with out son, his wife and The One And Only Grandkid, and son's in-laws, who all live over 700 kms away. Attended one Mudcat Zoom session but it feels really odd singing to the computer, and I stuffed up my turn anyway.

Fingers crossed for the folk club next year, Sandra.

24 Dec 20 - 12:28 AM (#4084803)
Subject: RE: BS: Things done for the first time this year
From: Joe Offer

Things done for the first time this year: ZOOM!
Who'da thunk there's be any use for such a thing?

24 Dec 20 - 01:00 AM (#4084804)
Subject: RE: BS: Things done for the first time this year
From: Mr Red

Zoom is getting bigger

I'll get my coat.........

24 Dec 20 - 04:12 AM (#4084821)
Subject: RE: BS: Things done for the first time this year
From: Black belt caterpillar wrestler

I had a go at using abc to note down my compositions, I don't read music for playing but I can read it for singing. That's when I found out just how many notes I am playing at once!
I ended up doing simple and complete versions. I must do some more.


24 Dec 20 - 04:27 AM (#4084823)
Subject: RE: BS: Things done for the first time this year
From: DMcG

Most of my new things last year are not because of covid-19, but because I retired in November last year.

I have joined a number of U3A groups (essentially discussion groups for those typically of retirement age) and have given around 6 presentations to them, on science, computing and maths topics. I have also become the effective leader of one on philosophy, because while the formal leader is still taking part, I have the Zoom account and the provide the course material.

In the science group, a few people are from a medical background, so there have been some really interesting ones from them. A lecture on how light is used medically was especially informative. There is some really interesting exploitation of the fact that different frequencies of light penetrate the skin and underlying layers to different depths. Plus medical use of lasers, naturally.

I've also had around a dozen history lectures, many themed on the development of Southampton over the centuries. Lots to learn there...

I do miss the U3A dance groups and the choirs I joined though.

24 Dec 20 - 09:35 AM (#4084834)
Subject: RE: BS: Things done for the first time this year
From: Charmion

Because of COVID, I started playing tunes at home with a fiddler and a guitarist. We are not quite good yet, but we can see it from where we are.

And choir practice on Zoom. Not my idea of fun, but better than no choir practice at all.

The other new things did not arise from COVID, but from the unexpected death of my dear husband at Thanksgiving. Suddenly I had to do rather a lot of new things, and some were actually not awful.

For example, I bought a brand new car, and it is precisely the car I wanted, not a compromise negotiated between my preference for economy and smart handling, Edmund's yen for long road trips and taking EVERYTHING with us, and the limitations of the bank account.

Also, I'm consciously counting my blessings, and learning to live one day, one hour or even just one minute at a time.

24 Dec 20 - 11:28 AM (#4084844)
Subject: RE: BS: Things done for the first time this year
From: Mrrzy

Good on yer, Charmion.

JennieG, if you feel like it, do come back to the Singaround! It gets more usual every week. I sing at my phone, it is great, and when it's not my turn, I wii bowl, and do other things that can be interrupted to unmute, clap, compliment, remute.

24 Dec 20 - 11:39 AM (#4084850)
Subject: RE: BS: Things done for the first time this year
From: Jon Freeman

I backed a few cakes and some cheese scones.
I've been plying with a 3d printer.

24 Dec 20 - 03:49 PM (#4084887)
Subject: RE: BS: Things done for the first time this year
From: keberoxu

First time in the whole of my little long life,
to crib from James Joyce,
that I ever wore a surgical facemask.

Or a cloth facemask, for that matter.

24 Dec 20 - 03:56 PM (#4084891)
Subject: RE: BS: Things done for the first time this year
From: Helen

Charmion, love, peace and blessings from all of us here. Christmas or other family events are the hardest to get through, but remember the good times whenever and wherever you can.

25 Dec 20 - 09:03 AM (#4084951)
Subject: RE: BS: Things done for the first time this year
From: Mrrzy

I am interested in what you've been 3d printing, Jon Freeman.

First $mas day alone. Being cheerful is the accomplishment.

25 Dec 20 - 10:33 AM (#4084956)
Subject: RE: BS: Things done for the first time this year
From: Jon Freeman

Mostly little animals – things I’ve fancied the look of while trying to get used to the printer.

I used it for some Christmas presents, eg these bowls and these vases I didn’t get the vases watertight but I thought they looked pretty good with artificial flowers.

I’ve also had a couple of tries at designing my own things using FreeCad. One was a lighthouse which I made in sections and the other a windmill. I need to redo the (loose in the photo) top part of this. The little motor I put in it only lasted two days and I’ll have to change things to use something else.

25 Dec 20 - 10:54 AM (#4084958)
Subject: RE: BS: Things done for the first time this year
From: Stilly River Sage

For the first time I had major bone surgery to replace the failing moving parts of my arthritic right knee. I refused the spinal block so they had to use the "deep" anesthesia, and that takes a while to get over, but the outcome otherwise has been remarkable. Walking, sleeping, and moving without pain is a gift.

This is my first xmas all by myself and it's not only damned strange it is incredibly difficult to get motivated to ship it all to distant parts of the country. I've made progress and I did get most of my seasonal cards mailed with a postmark before xmas. We always do the family gathering after the 25th because of family member schedules, this year that delayed date will involve a virtual meeting.

On the other hand, this year I have revived my sewing activity to a level I have never had it at before. In previous years I sewed at the kitchen table or a sewing table in a room that had many other uses, but this year I cleared out a lot of stuff that was in the way in my daughter's former bedroom and now it really is my craft and sewing room. Nominally designated as a guest room there is a bed tucked into the far corner of the room, and a dresser against the back wall, but the rest of it is set up for my sewing including two sewing machine tables, a large table set up with rotary mats just for cutting and piecing, the ironing board is always up, a dresser for storing sewing related materials, and the big cabinet I built for my daughter to store all of her stuff in as a teen has only my craft and sewing materials. I spend evenings sewing (masks, mostly, this year) and have a radio and TV in there for news and entertainment while I work.

25 Dec 20 - 01:50 PM (#4084969)
Subject: RE: BS: Things done for the first time this year
From: Mrrzy

Jon, those vases are gorgeous, even without permanent [note the term] flowers.

I have never gotten into sewing.

25 Dec 20 - 06:48 PM (#4084983)
Subject: RE: BS: Things done for the first time this year
From: Bonzo3legs

Eaten stollen cake with rum butter!!

25 Dec 20 - 09:07 PM (#4085008)
Subject: Folklore: Folk or Folklore Firsts 2020
From: GUEST,Malcolm Storey

I was the subject of an interview on Zoom

25 Dec 20 - 09:41 PM (#4085013)
Subject: RE: Folklore: Folk or Folklore Firsts 2020
From: Jeri

Since "folklore" is:


1The traditional beliefs, customs, and stories of a community, passed through the generations by word of mouth.
‘The time is the 1920s, and Hurston the character is in town to collect local folklore.’
More example sentencesSynonyms
1.1A body of popular myth and beliefs relating to a particular place, activity, or group of people.
‘Hollywood folklore’

I think it would be good if you explained how a tradition belief or custom (this sounds like it's been around a while) could be a "first".

25 Dec 20 - 09:49 PM (#4085014)
Subject: RE: BS: Things done for the first time this year
From: matthewdechant

I released an album! (or will be releasing, I'm just finishing up the whole process now and it'll be released January 9th). It was my first time and I did all the recording and production myself, but I'm pretty happy with how it turned out!

26 Dec 20 - 01:14 AM (#4085025)
Subject: RE: BS: Things done for the first time this year
From: Sandra in Sydney

well done.

26 Dec 20 - 04:38 AM (#4085033)
Subject: RE: BS: Things done for the first time this year
From: Rusty Dobro

Thanks to Zoom, I’ve actually got to speak to Joe Offer!

Apart from that, the fiddle remains unlearnt, the CD remains unrecorded, but from watching ‘Bargain Hunt’, I’ve become expert on trashy antiques.....

26 Dec 20 - 05:20 AM (#4085037)
Subject: RE: BS: Things done for the first time this year
From: Tattie Bogle

Zoom for me too, and many of my musical friends: it has been a real life- line, especially for those living alone. I have used it for:
Pilates classes
Family quizzes
Meetings with former colleagues
Music sessions, both instrumental and singing
Folk Club meetings
Band practices
Festival workshops and concerts............and probably more.

And I finished a cardigan I started knitting 35 years ago: my daughter promptly claimed it! Now working on one for myself, started in 1995!

26 Dec 20 - 10:27 AM (#4085058)
Subject: RE: Folklore: Folk or Folklore Firsts 2020
From: Mrrzy

I sang solo in front of Mudcatters for the first time, duh, Jeri.

26 Dec 20 - 10:54 AM (#4085063)
Subject: RE: BS: Things done for the first time this year
From: Mrrzy

Bonzo3legs, give it back!

Note also new similar thread for music and folk firsts has apeared above the line.

26 Dec 20 - 10:54 AM (#4085064)
Subject: RE: BS: Things done for the first time this year
From: Stilly River Sage

That little Folklore thread got moved over here where it makes more sense. We don't really have guests posting in BS.

26 Dec 20 - 12:00 PM (#4085073)
Subject: RE: BS: Things done for the first time this year
From: Jeri

Makes more sense than trying to cram it into an inappropriate category so it can be put up above.

I'm trying to remember if I've done anything new. This year is low on "doing", other than adapting. I suppose one thing I did was sit down and actually learn a couple tunes on concertina. Unfortunately, I'll need a new/better one if I want to play them with people... one day.
I still haven gotten Zoom, though.

26 Dec 20 - 03:19 PM (#4085082)
Subject: RE: BS: Things done for the first time this year
From: Bill D

I guess Zoom was a major new thing for me, also. The virtual FSGW Getaway happened on it, and I sang.. briefly... twice. It is quite the technology, with several options for display in a large group. (as far as I know, it does NOT allow everyone to sing together (timing and latency issues), but probably will be some day.

   I heard some wonderful singing from people I have never met..... and some very odd things from a couple of people who sort of...umm.. pushed to the head of the line each of the three days and ....sang.... inflicted on everyone something they had written that day!
   All in all, it was pretty nice.

27 Dec 20 - 10:52 AM (#4085154)
Subject: RE: BS: Things done for the first time this year
From: Donuel

Zoom of course
cellphone recording
Pour painting. Instead of a 2D Jackson Pollack it is made by havng various colors float up vertically from a silicone base to make chaotic fractals called cells.

28 Dec 20 - 04:23 AM (#4085279)
Subject: RE: BS: Things done for the first time this year
From: BobL

Mixing a virtual choir.

During lockdown the local choirs, church & community, met on Zoom to practice, recording their individual voices to backing tracks sent out by the choirmistress. After the summer respite, the retired radio engineer who mixed them for us had too much else on his plate, so I was "invited" to take on the job. Quite a challenge as it turned out (especially as the community choir has a couple of duff budgies in their ranks), but the results were satisfactory though not as good a I would have liked, and were well received.

Incidentally my only previous experience in this field has been my somewhat notorious country dance "megamixes". Imagine Levi Jackson Rag, with each verse played by a different band. In order of increasing tempo.

28 Dec 20 - 05:42 AM (#4085287)
Subject: RE: BS: Things done for the first time this year
From: Bonzo3legs

Bathing a small cut on our greyhound's foot, after she went mad jumpling up at something on the other side of our back garden fence!

28 Dec 20 - 03:01 PM (#4085358)
Subject: RE: BS: Things done for the first time this year
From: keberoxu

A case-conference experience in a psychiatric hospital.
It was pretty god-awful,
but now I can say that I have done it.

28 Dec 20 - 08:20 PM (#4085415)
Subject: RE: BS: Things done for the first time this year
From: keberoxu

. . . and I bought my very first laptop computer.

28 Dec 20 - 10:27 PM (#4085430)
Subject: RE: BS: Things done for the first time this year
From: Mrrzy

Ooh k now that is a thing indeed!

29 Dec 20 - 02:46 PM (#4085546)
Subject: RE: BS: Things done for the first time this year
From: Ebbie

Had an original(to me) thought: If I had all the money in the world, it would be useless.

29 Dec 20 - 03:09 PM (#4085548)
Subject: RE: BS: Things done for the first time this year
From: Ebbie

A corolary thought: but if I had the only garden I would be sought after forever.

30 Dec 20 - 10:33 AM (#4085686)
Subject: RE: BS: Things done for the first time this year
From: Malcolm Storey

I got to see my great grandson George (born in August) but only once in the flesh.
We do get a regular supply of photos and he is coming along in leaps and bounds - zoom was useful the other day and cheered us up no end.
Meantime we have managed to see my great grand daughter Isabelle who is 18 months old twice in lots of space as she lives adjacent to a couple of public parks - no hugs though.

01 Jan 21 - 06:53 PM (#4086080)
Subject: RE: BS: Things done for the first time this year

Fell in love and moved in with my man. Strange given that I am 73. Also, home schooling a 9 year old. Some days I shake my head in wonder.

02 Jan 21 - 09:45 AM (#4086145)
Subject: RE: BS: Things done for the first time this year
From: Mrrzy

Ooh bully for you, Sinsull!

Maybe a mudelf can amend this thread title to Last Year...

02 Jan 21 - 03:44 PM (#4086172)
Subject: RE: BS: Things done for the first time this year
From: fat B****rd

I became a (step) Great Grandfather :-)

03 Jan 21 - 01:22 PM (#4086288)
Subject: RE: BS: Things done for the first time this year
From: Mrrzy

Ooh bully for you too!

21 May 21 - 03:11 PM (#4106895)
Subject: RE: BS: Things done for the first time this year
From: keberoxu

Why amend the thread title, Mrrzy?
We can make it a MOVABLE year ...

21 May 21 - 04:48 PM (#4106903)
Subject: RE: BS: Things done for the first time this year
From: Mrrzy

I don't think it was I who wanted to amwnd the title. But happy either way.