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BS: Christmas

24 Dec 20 - 01:40 PM (#4084861)
Subject: BS: Christmas
From: Gurney

Someone has to be first. A Merry Christmas to all our readers.
Chris in New Zealand. 7.40 am

24 Dec 20 - 02:08 PM (#4084863)
Subject: RE: BS: Christmas
From: Helen

All right, we'll let you go first just this once!

And a very merry from Oz as well.

Here's cheers to the vaccine and the people who made it happen, the health workers, the emergency workers, the frontline workers, the people doing it tough, and the people who care about other people when we all needed it most.

And here's cheers to music making and the love of music.

To all the lovely Mudcatters, may your New Year be better than the last.

Helen in Oz, 6.08 am

24 Dec 20 - 02:12 PM (#4084865)
Subject: RE: BS: Christmas
From: Dave Hanson

Haddy grimble Randoob.

Dave H

24 Dec 20 - 02:48 PM (#4084873)
Subject: RE: BS: Christmas
From: Donuel

[Verse 12]
On the twelfth day of Christmas, I got from Amazon
Twelve swabs for cleaning
Eleven cups for coffee
Ten UHD drives
Nine crazy magnets
Eight vinyl gloves
Seven cans of tuna
Six combs and brushes
Five moldy things
Four trashy novels
Three fire sticks
Two smoothie makers
A qubii for lazy workouts

24 Dec 20 - 02:57 PM (#4084877)
Subject: RE: BS: Christmas
From: JennieG

Another from Oz, 6.56 a.m.

No matter where you are and no matter what you celebrate.....even if you don't celebrate at wishes for a season of peace, love, music, good health, and chocolate. Good quality dark chocolate.


24 Dec 20 - 03:16 PM (#4084880)
Subject: RE: BS: Christmas
From: fat B****rd

All the very best to all from Charlie (fB) in Dunfermline

24 Dec 20 - 03:16 PM (#4084881)
Subject: RE: BS: Christmas
From: fat B****rd

All the very best to all from Charlie (fB) in Dunfermline

24 Dec 20 - 03:17 PM (#4084882)
Subject: RE: BS: Christmas
From: fat B****rd

Whoops ! :-)

24 Dec 20 - 03:20 PM (#4084883)
Subject: RE: BS: Christmas
From: Raggytash

According to the Santa Tracker he is in Lithuania at present!

24 Dec 20 - 03:46 PM (#4084886)
Subject: RE: BS: Christmas
From: keberoxu

Merry Crimble to one and all.

24 Dec 20 - 04:58 PM (#4084898)
Subject: RE: BS: Christmas
From: Gurney

Or as it said in the newspaper: An adequate festival to you all!

24 Dec 20 - 05:02 PM (#4084899)
Subject: RE: BS: Christmas
From: Helen

I bought a Grinch t-shirt a few years ago with the tagline "Merry Whatever". In Christmases past I thought it was funny. What-ev-er!!

But this year when I wear it I have been telling people to have a good Christmas in *whatever* way seems to work in the circumstances.

24 Dec 20 - 05:09 PM (#4084900)
Subject: RE: BS: Christmas
From: The Sandman

will he get held up at dover

24 Dec 20 - 07:08 PM (#4084914)
Subject: RE: BS: Christmas
From: Sandra in Sydney

One year my Mudcat Secret Santa sent me a vintage card (© 1986 Martin/Everson, unfortunately there is nothing about them on the web) showing a group of people at a celebration - caption - Well, let's see - Anjelica is celebrating Christmas and Aelfgar is celebrating Yule. Miriam is celebrating Channuka, Comac is celebrating the Solstice, Sunita is celebrating Diwili, and Mitsume's just celebrating."

I've also seen a list somewhere showing religious celebrations by the major religions over Nov-Jan & there are lots of them.

so whatever you celebrate, enjoy it.

sandra (heading to a Christmas lunch with friends)

24 Dec 20 - 07:25 PM (#4084916)
Subject: RE: BS: Christmas
From: mg

merry christmas from west coast of usa. dry and cool here. this is us in our olden days...not a christmas song but winter. i grew up in swedeland usa...can't stop listening to this song

hoping everyone has a nice today tomorrow whatever you celebrate or not. velcomin du.

24 Dec 20 - 08:10 PM (#4084918)
Subject: RE: BS: Christmas
From: Rain Dog

A Happy and Merry Christmas from Dover to all mudcatters.

Spare a thought for all those who work through the Christmas holidays.

Here in Dover we have thousands of drivers stuck in their vehicles awaiting virus tests before they can travel to France. They all expected to be back home for Christmas but that is not going to happen.
We also have approximately 1100 soldiers sent to Kent to help with the testing.
We have extra police officers from further afield sent here to help manage the traffic problems.

Dover port is a 24 hours 7 days a week operation throughout the year. Christmas day was always a day when there were no sailings. Not the case this year,they have arranged for sailings to try and clear the backlog.

A Happy Christmas to all those workers worldwide who keep things going for the rest of us.

24 Dec 20 - 08:54 PM (#4084920)
Subject: RE: BS: Christmas
From: Joe Offer

It's not quite 6 PM here in California, and it's cold and pitch black outside! Send us back some summer!
But Merry Christmas anyhow.
Sure is nice to have a fire blazing in the fireplace.


24 Dec 20 - 09:40 PM (#4084923)
Subject: RE: BS: Christmas
From: Rapparee

Merry Christmas to one and all 'round the world from cold Idaho, USA.

25 Dec 20 - 07:29 AM (#4084945)
Subject: RE: BS: Christmas
From: DMcG

Peace O'er the World,
Her olive branch extends!

Happy Christmas, one and all!

25 Dec 20 - 08:26 AM (#4084948)
Subject: RE: BS: Christmas
From: Charmion

It’s snowing picturesquely in Stratford, Ontario, and just cold enough to keep it from turning to grey slush. CBC Music is for once playing something pleasantly musical. All in all, a great start to the holiday.

Merry Christmas to all, and a happy New Year!

25 Dec 20 - 09:27 AM (#4084953)
Subject: RE: BS: Christmas
From: Donuel

mg your tune somehow reminded me of this ultra crossover of this Gift to everyone of every taste

25 Dec 20 - 05:30 PM (#4084978)
Subject: RE: BS: Christmas
From: mg

God Jul.

25 Dec 20 - 07:24 PM (#4084984)
Subject: RE: BS: Christmas
From: matthewdechant

6 PM and pitch black outside here in Wisconsin, USA, a little dusting of snow on the ground but not very much. Merry Christmas!

26 Dec 20 - 04:29 AM (#4085030)
Subject: RE: BS: Christmas
From: Rusty Dobro

A light dusting of snow in places made it officially a WHITE CHRISTMAS in the UK! Hey, I know a song about that!

26 Dec 20 - 08:51 AM (#4085047)
Subject: RE: BS: Christmas
From: Jos

Last year I went into a branch of Lloyds Bank in December and the first thing I came across was a big sign saying "WINTER WISHES".
I took it to mean they were hoping for dreadful weather for their customers.

26 Dec 20 - 06:11 PM (#4085093)
Subject: RE: BS: Christmas
From: Joe_F

Well, here in New England we had an anti-white Christmas -- warm, windy, & raining. It melted the snow from the blizzard. The news informed us that it was colder in Florida.

28 Dec 20 - 06:53 AM (#4085298)
Subject: RE: BS: Christmas
From: Mr Red

Sorry to be a party pooper, but I don't think 2020 has finished with us yet.

Beardyman - 2020 (You ain't seen the last of me yet)

28 Dec 20 - 07:33 AM (#4085304)
Subject: RE: BS: Christmas
From: Nigel Parsons

Managed to get to a Christmas Eve Carol service at Llandaff Cathedral which was 'live-streamed' and posted on YouTube: Carol Service

28 Dec 20 - 08:04 AM (#4085306)
Subject: RE: BS: Christmas
From: DMcG

I read somewhere that in Bath in November a Kieran White married a Tilly Christmas to become the first known Mr & Mrs White-Christmas in the UK.

28 Dec 20 - 08:19 PM (#4085412)
Subject: RE: BS: Christmas
From: keberoxu

thank Dog that's over for another year