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Tune Req: Northwest Passage

08 Feb 21 - 10:04 AM (#4092123)
Subject: Tune Req: Northwest Passage
From: GUEST,guest

I can't quite get the basic melody of this one.
Got the chorus OK but need the dots (I'm a bit deaf...)

08 Feb 21 - 10:31 AM (#4092128)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Northwest Passage
From: GUEST,#

Google Omages.   

Search for Northwest Passage   

You will find some sheet music there.

08 Feb 21 - 10:47 AM (#4092134)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Northwest Passage
From: GUEST,#

09 Feb 21 - 09:40 AM (#4092291)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Northwest Passage
From: Jeri

Thia may or may not be helpful.

If you sing the chorus, then sing the do-re-mi-fa-so-la-ti-do scale of the song.
The verse ("Westward from the Davis Straight"), it starts on "la", two notes down from "do".

13 Feb 21 - 09:04 AM (#4092934)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Northwest Passage

Thank you friends.
I did find the link to the sheetmusic for the chorus, but it's the verse I'm after.
Jeri: I'll try to get it by ear - maybe listen to a baritone voice, which I find easier to follow (I have a deep baritone voice myself) than Stan Rogers', and some others who seem to sing more recitativo, making the tune harder to pin down.
I try not to get frustrated with my hearing difficulty, but being a mostly 'by ear'musician, it's definitely a thing.

13 Feb 21 - 09:56 AM (#4092939)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Northwest Passage
From: GUEST,#

I don't know if this will help you at all. I hope so.

Subject: Tune Add: NORTHWEST PASSAGE (Stan Rogers)
From: MMario
Date: 27 May 03 - 09:40 AM

T:Northwest Passage
C:Stan Rogers
N:'Songs from Fogarty's Cove'
z4(E F) (F/2 E/2 D)|D4F4|E4F2A2|B3A A2F2|
w:Ah,_ for__ just one time I would take the North-west
A B3z2(c d)|d3c B2A2|A2(F/2 E/2 D) D F3|E3F D A,3|
w:Pa-ssage To_ find the hand of Frank-lin__ reach-ing for the Beau-fort
(B,2A,2)(E F) (F/2 E/2 D)|D4(F3G/2 F/2)|E4F2A2|B3A A2F2|
w:Sea;_ Tra_-cing__ one warm__ line through a land so wide and
A B3z2d2|d3c B2A2|A (G2A/2 F/2) E3D|D8|z8|
w:sa-vage And make a North-west Pa-ssage__ to the sea.
B B3B2d2|d2d2F2(F/2 G/2 A/2 G/2)|F2E2A2A2|A4z2B2|
w:West-ward from the Da-vis Strait 'tis___ there 'twas said to lie The
B B3B2d2|d2d2F2(G A/2 G/2)|F2E2E D3|D4z4|
w:sea route to the Or-i-ent for__ which so ma-ny died;
B B3B2e2|c2d2F G3|F E3A3F|B2z2B2c2|
w:Seek-ing gold and glo-ry, leav-ing weath-ered, bro-ken bones And a
(d c) (c B) B A3|(F E) E2D2A,2|B,8
w:long_-for_-got-ten lone_-ly cairn of stones.