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There's gotta be a song here! (Challenge: lentils)

11 Jan 00 - 10:45 AM (#161099)
Subject: There's gotta be a song here!
From: Bert

It is the duty of folksingers to write songs about notable news stories. here's a story that needs singing, so get writing folks.


11 Jan 00 - 10:50 AM (#161101)
Subject: RE: There's gotta be a song here!
From: MMario

"Washing the bug away?"

11 Jan 00 - 10:53 AM (#161103)
Subject: RE: There's gotta be a song here!
From: Áine

Dear Bert,

That's a great idea for a song! I've been museing over whatever happened to all the survivalists who took cover in the hills on New Year's Eve -- Are they still there, too embarrassed to come back to town? Or have some of them snuck back down and claiming that they just went to see their mother for a weekend visit? Maybe they're the ones who could use the extra baths with the water from Colorado!

-- Áine

11 Jan 00 - 10:59 AM (#161105)
Subject: RE: There's gotta be a song here!
From: JenEllen

I'm voting on "Lather, Rinse, Repeat".....Elle

11 Jan 00 - 11:07 AM (#161109)
Subject: RE: There's gotta be a song here!
From: Patrish(inactive)

"It aint no boon
am as wrinkled as a prune2
I got the YK2's
Colorado wash day blues

11 Jan 00 - 11:16 AM (#161112)
Subject: RE: There's gotta be a song here!
From: catspaw49

You might want to include the supplies of a friend of mine who bought 50 POUNDS of Lentils!!! No to mention the 150 pounds of beans. If they had a bidet there might be a use for the water there.........

Lentils fer chrissakes.........


11 Jan 00 - 11:27 AM (#161114)
Subject: RE: There's gotta be a song here!
From: katlaughing

To the tune of "Gonna Wash That Man Right Out My Hair" from South Pacific (no groans please)

I'm gonna wash that bug right outta my hair
Gonna wash that bug right outta my hair
And leave Colorado dry!

11 Jan 00 - 11:27 AM (#161115)
Subject: RE: There's gotta be a song here!
From: Áine

{A la 'Blazing Saddles'}:

Scene: A clear, crisp evening in a small town near a mountainous wilderness area in the western United States. A little girl and her mother are enjoying gazing at the stars in the sky. Suddenly, bright short blazes of light appear on the mountain.

Little Girl: Mommy, what are those lights on the mountain?

Mother: Well dear, a few years ago, when you were just a baby, there were people who were so afraid of the new year that they bought a lot of lentils and went to live in the mountains. That's where they still live -- no one knows why.

Little Girl: But Mommy, what happened to the lentils?

Mother: I don't know dearest, but I heard your Daddy say once that they're great to break the ice at parties!

11 Jan 00 - 11:32 AM (#161120)
Subject: RE: There's gotta be a song here!
From: katlaughing

To the tune of "Gonna Wash That Man Right Out My Hair" from South Pacific (no groans please)

I'm gonna wash that bug right outta my hair
Gonna wash that bug right outta my hair
And leave Colorado dry!

Or, to "Oklahoma"

Cooollooorado, where the tank's too full from Y2K
Where we all take baths 'til 2 millions' gone
And wash that bug right down the drain!

(near the end of the song, 'cause I'm not doing the WHOLE thing!)

Ay, yippee, yippee, Hey! It's only water!
We're squeaky clean, Colorado! Colorado, okay!

11 Jan 00 - 11:38 AM (#161123)
Subject: RE: There's gotta be a song here!
From: Bert

We're squeaky clean, Colorado! - I love it.

50 pounds of lentils, Wanted - recipes for 'dal' - quick Kat, start a healing circle for 'em.

11 Jan 00 - 11:48 AM (#161128)
Subject: RE: There's gotta be a song here!
From: MTed

Bert--Sorry, I looked at the whole water/bath thing, and don't believe a word of it, in Golden Colorado, they use up any extra water by just putting something yellow in it, and then selling it as Coors Beer--However, I did just get back from the Armenian Market, where I bought two kinds of lentils, and that idea worked for me--

I'm hearing the following lyrics, sung by Mitch Miller and the Gang to something that sounds a lot like "I'm a Rambling Wreck from Georgia Tech--

Fifty pounds of lentils, and I was feelin' fine
Made a pot of lentil soup and there were forty-nine

Forty-nine pounds of lentils, and I was feelin' great
Made a pot of lentil soup and there were forty-eight

Forty-eight pounds of lentils, and I was still in heaven
Made a pot of lentil soup and there were forty-seven

Forty-seven pounds of lentils, and I was in the sticks
Made a pot of lentil soup and there were forty-six

Forty-six pounds of lentils, and how will I survive?
Made a pot of lentil soup and there were forty-five

Forty-five pounds of lentils and I was feeling poor,
Made a pot of lentil soup and there were forty-four

Forty-four pounds of lentils, and now I cannot see
Made a pot of lentil soup and there were forty-three

Forty-three pounds of lentils, I don't know what to do
Made a pot of lentil soup and there are forty-two

Forty-two pounds of lentils, and I'm not having fun
Made a pot of lentil soup and there are forty-one

I don't have time to finish (got to make lentil soup!) but all the rights to these words are reserved by me--and any use of them at all is strictly encouraged--

11 Jan 00 - 12:26 PM (#161150)
Subject: RE: There's gotta be a song here!
From: Mbo

To the tune of "Paddy's Green Shamrock Shore":
Fresh water there we did take on
Two million gallons they'd load
In case we run dry
All because of the Y
2K bug that never showed.


11 Jan 00 - 01:43 PM (#161199)
Subject: RE: There's gotta be a song here!
From: Wesley S

I sure hope that all the excess food { lentils included } that was purchased for the Y2K "crash" will find its way into a good soup kitchen or food bank where needy people will have a chance to get some use out of it. I understand that some food banks are advertising in the paper with hopes of getting some donations.

11 Jan 00 - 02:04 PM (#161213)
Subject: RE: There's gotta be a song here!
From: McGrath of Harlow

God gave Noah the Rainbow Sign

Won't be water but Fire next time!

11 Jan 00 - 04:50 PM (#161295)
Subject: RE: There's gotta be a song here!
From: Jeri

Now, my name is Jock Stewart
I'm paranoid man,
And a careful young fellow, I've been.

Don't be easy and free
When you're dealin' wi' me.
I'm a man you don't meet every day.

I have acres of land;
A bomb shelter grand;
I have always a gun aimed at you.

Now, I took out my gun,
With my dog I did hide,
In my shelter for chaos to come

I'm in a terrible mood
but I've got lots of food
And whiskey to drive care away

I watched the year change
And I thought it so strange
When everything worked the next day

I fell victim to fears
Now I'm in beans to my ears
And below ground I think I'll just stay.

11 Jan 00 - 04:57 PM (#161302)
Subject: RE: There's gotta be a song here!
From: JedMarum

What?? The city of Golden CO has a water surplus. They've has asked the townspeople to use it up by increasing their bathing functions ... and we've been spared the obvious pun about Golden Showers?

Well far be it for me to made such a crude joke! Spaw; where are ya?

11 Jan 00 - 05:12 PM (#161319)
Subject: RE: There's gotta be a song here!
From: Áine

Ah, dear Jeri, ROTFLMAO!!! Your song/poem(?) is great! So, do you have a tune for it? If not, write one -- I'd love to hear this on the Mudcat Radio!!!

Congrats, Áine

11 Jan 00 - 06:16 PM (#161363)
Subject: RE: There's gotta be a song here!
From: Liz the Squeak

Jeri, fantastic.

Golden showers is not funny, it is the UK's best selling climbing rose, and has lots of yellow flowers. There is one in my garden under the bastard service tree and next to the bleeding hearts and bloody cranesbill.

Didn't Babs Streisand make a film about Lentils??

LTS, smirking because she stockpiled chocolate - mind you, it wouldn't last me till Ash Wednesday.....

11 Jan 00 - 06:16 PM (#161364)
Subject: RE: There's gotta be a song here!
From: Liz the Squeak

Jeri, fantastic.

Golden showers is not funny, it is the UK's best selling climbing rose, and has lots of yellow flowers. There is one in my garden under the bastard service tree and next to the bleeding hearts and bloody cranesbill.

Didn't Babs Streisand make a film about Lentils??

LTS, smirking because she stockpiled chocolate - mind you, it wouldn't last me till Ash Wednesday.....

11 Jan 00 - 06:28 PM (#161370)
Subject: RE: There's gotta be a song here!
From: Jeri

I murdered the poor defenseless Jock Stewart - the link to the tune's at the bottom of that page.

11 Jan 00 - 08:10 PM (#161406)
Subject: RE: There's gotta be a song here!
From: Áine

Dear Jeri,

May I have permission to put your song in the Mudcat Songbook? Which category would you prefer: Parodies or Thread Songs?

-- Áine

11 Jan 00 - 10:36 PM (#161454)
Subject: RE: There's gotta be a song here!
From: Dave (the ancient mariner)

Ladies and Gentlemen, for your edification and delight. A short song written on the spur of the Y2K moment. I present...Yours,Aye.Dave

With suitable and profuse appologies to.. "Buffalo Springfield"


There's something happening here
What it is ain't exactly clear
There's Bill Gates with a sign over there
Telling me I got to prepare

I think it's time we stop, children whats that sound
Y2K is comming around

There's credit lines being withdrawn
MacIntosh is right if Microsofts wrong
Young people going online
Getting so much Internet before it's time

I think it's time we stop, hey whats that sound
Microsoft maybe going down

What a field-day without heat
Millions shivering in the street
Carrying MacIntosh and Microsoft signs
Saying I'll gladly pay for more Millenium time

It's time we stop, hey whats that sound
The Internet may be going down

Paranoia strikes deep
Into your threads it will creep
It starts when you're always online
you come offline Y2K comes and takes it away

we better stop, hey whats that sound
Microsoft may be going down
Stop hey what's that sound
Everybody Internet is going down
Stop now, what's that sound
Traffic lights will be falling down
Stop children what's that sound
Bugger all happened I'm going downtown

11 Jan 00 - 11:11 PM (#161462)
Subject: RE: There's gotta be a song here!
From: Jeri

Áine, go ahead and put it up if you think it's worth it. It's both a parody and a thread song - probably more a thread song as the thread inspired it. (or was it a bit of potato I ate?) I don't know if it counts for anything other than a post-Y2K statement.

11 Jan 00 - 11:11 PM (#161463)
Subject: RE: There's gotta be a song here!
From: Áine

I love it, Dave! Would you like to have that in the Mudcat Songbook? Parodies or Thread Songs -- take your pick!

Well, Bert, I guess you were right -- there is a song here! (or two or three)!

-- Áine

11 Jan 00 - 11:13 PM (#161464)
Subject: RE: There's gotta be a song here!
From: Áine

Jeri - Great! I'll put it in Thread Songs -- but, if you change your mind later, I'll be happy to move it.

Great job, keep it up!

-- Áine

11 Jan 00 - 11:16 PM (#161469)
Subject: RE: There's gotta be a song here!
From: Áine

Jeri -- I forgot to ask if you have a name for this wonderful bit of Y2K commentary -- I'll wait to upload it until you let me know.

-- Áine

11 Jan 00 - 11:23 PM (#161473)
Subject: RE: There's gotta be a song here!
From: Jeri

Uh..."Beans To My Ears?"..."Paranoid Man?"..."Post-Apocolyptic Frenzy Letdown?" "Bomb Shelters and Beans?"...I give up.

11 Jan 00 - 11:27 PM (#161475)
Subject: RE: There's gotta be a song here!
From: Áine

Well, if I had *my* druthers, I'd pick "Post-Apocolyptic Frenzy Letdown" or "Bombs Away, Bean Babies" . . .

-- Áine

11 Jan 00 - 11:30 PM (#161476)
Subject: RE: There's gotta be a song here!
From: Dave (the ancient mariner)

Aine, I'm delighted you enjoyed it; I bow to your wisdom, you know the best place to put it. Yours,(Ego Trippin)Aye. Dave

12 Jan 00 - 11:46 AM (#161688)
Subject: RE: There's gotta be a song here!
From: Áine

Dear Jeri and Dave,

Your songs are in the Songbook for the elucidation of posterity now! I put them both under 'Thread Songs'. Please take a look at them and let me know if there are any mistakes, problems, etc. Great job guys!

-- Áine

12 Jan 00 - 05:45 PM (#161828)
Subject: RE: There's gotta be a song here!
From: emily b

12 Jan 00 - 05:48 PM (#161829)
Subject: RE: There's gotta be a song here!
From: emily b

Yikes. I hit that blasted enter key.

I'm always amazed at the high level of creativity of you mudcatters. How do you folks whip out these lyrics so quickly? 'Course the bit about the Coors was inspired also. Keep up the good work. I love being entertained by you guys.


12 Jan 00 - 07:47 PM (#161910)
Subject: RE: There's gotta be a song here!
From: tradsteve


We've dug ourselves a hole here in Golden Colorado
We've all this water that has nowhere to go
We let our fears get the best, now we've water to our chest
We've dug ourselves a hole in Golden Colorado

Take two or three baths a day and scrub behind your ears
Nothing left for you to do but wallow in your fears.
New Years was not that bad so shouldn't we all be so glad?
Now drink a glass and water the grass before it all goes bad.

Stockpiled spam can be a salty treat
Might as well wash it down with water while you eat.
Fill your pool nice and deep and hope the chlorine keeps
Have a heart and do your part in Golden Colorado

The water is a-ready and a-itchin' to be used
Waste it while it's there and ready to be abused
Use your toilet paper rolls and flush those toilet bowls
Flush us out of our hole in Golden Colorado

Two million gallons is an awful lot
But we thought by Y2K the computers would be shot
So waste the water while you can and lend a helping hand
Drink us out of our hole in Golden Colorado

12 Jan 00 - 08:17 PM (#161926)
Subject: RE: There's gotta be a song here!
From: Lonesome EJ

We folks here in Colorado
Instead of washin' out our shorts
Ought to ship that water to LA
At a dollar twenty five a quart

Cause we're doin' what we oughtta
With thatVintage Y2KFor the fans of designer water
In the valley of LA

13 Jan 00 - 10:21 AM (#162162)
Subject: RE: There's gotta be a song here!
From: Bert

And don't forget to sing "Twinkle, twinkle, little star" while washing your hands.

13 Jan 00 - 10:40 AM (#162167)
Subject: RE: There's gotta be a song here!
From: Áine

Hey tradsteve!! Do you want to join Jeri and Dave's songs in the Songbook? Just let me know and it's there!

-- Áine

13 Jan 00 - 06:59 PM (#162403)
Subject: RE: There's gotta be a song here!
From: tradsteve

Aine, sure! I'd be honoured.

13 Jan 00 - 07:17 PM (#162412)
Subject: RE: There's gotta be a song here!
From: Áine

It's a done deal, tradsteve. Here's the link to the Mudcat Songbook, or, you can go up to the Quicklinks list at the top of the page and find it there.

By the way, is there a tune for this? I'd love to sing it! Great job!

-- Áine

13 Jan 00 - 10:30 PM (#162513)
Subject: RE: There's gotta be a song here!
From: tradsteve

The tune is "I Ain't Got No Home", Thank You!