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Favorite videos from Faradena Afifi

15 Apr 22 - 07:50 PM (#4139190)
Subject: Favorite videos from Faradena Afifi
From: Joe Offer

There's a brilliant musician who frequents the weekly Mudcat Worldwide Singaround, and I'd like to introduce her to you. Her name is Faradina Afifi, and her age is.....younger than most of us. She takes songs and makes them her own, in very innovative vocal and instrumental arrangements. And her voice is amazing.

Right now, my favorite Fara song is Cyril Tawney's "Sally Free and Easy." No doubt, I'll soon discover another favorite. But here's "Sally":

Fara is one of several performers on the "Noisy Women Present" YouTube channel: Oh, and did I mention what a nice person she is?


15 Apr 22 - 07:54 PM (#4139191)
Subject: RE: Favorite videos from Faradena Afifi
From: Joe Offer

Fara also performs with Martin Kaszak:

Here's a Spotify link to their album, The Baker's Son:

Fara has also performed with Nick Penny. Here's a link to their album, Kingfisher Blue These albums are wonderful, but my opinion is that Fara sounds better by herself. I just love her voice and what she does with songs and instruments.

19 Jan 24 - 09:29 PM (#4195829)
Subject: RE: Favorite videos from Faradena Afifi
From: Joe Offer

Here's another, "Kingfisher":

Here's what Fara says about it:
    I made my song for competition and was wondering if you like my song you can vote for it by pressing like on the video. I would also appreciate it if you can share with wildlife loving friends thanks very much Fara

I wonder if that's a kingfisher in the background. I've seen them here in California and at the Aswan High Dam in Egypt, and they don't sound like Fara's bird sounds. Here's an esample of U.S. Belted Kingfishers:

I couldn't hear the kingfishers at Aswan. They were too far away. There were lots of them flying in front of the dam, and they were a bright blue color. The U.S. kingfishers were more of a drab, greyish blue.