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BS: What do you call a person who.........?

24 Oct 22 - 03:38 AM (#4156173)
Subject: BS: What do you call a person who.........?
From: Mr Red

OK creative hats on folks.

A person who finds lost serviceable objects in streets/footpaths/towpaths etc and hands them to charity shops (thrift shops, Salvation Army bins etc)

A chariteer?

guilty as charged, me lud

24 Oct 22 - 07:41 AM (#4156190)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you call a person who.........?
From: Donuel

We never went antiquing. We went junk hunting.

24 Oct 22 - 08:08 AM (#4156199)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you call a person who.........?
From: Mrrzy

I knew someone who went yard-sailing.

24 Oct 22 - 12:28 PM (#4156224)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you call a person who.........?
From: Joe Offer

I don't remember yard sales in Berlin, but they had one day a year when residents put large items out for collection for disposal. We GIs had a grand time going through junk piles on those days. I found some treasures. I found a very nice grandfather clock, but it was decorated with swastikas so I left it.


24 Oct 22 - 12:42 PM (#4156226)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you call a person who.........?
From: Stilly River Sage

Bin diving would simply mean the retrieval of good items discarded - it doesn't suggest their disposition. Are you looking for a pun, or to simply give the donation of said items a term?

26 Oct 22 - 06:22 PM (#4156444)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you call a person who.........?
From: keberoxu

Around where I am staying, there is no need to dive into bins;
the stuff is brought to the curb with a sign saying FREE
and people either help themselves, first come first serve,
or they leave stuff to rot in the rain.

As we speak, there is a davenport that has sat at the curb,
a ways up the road, for something like two weeks and nobody will touch the thing.

27 Oct 22 - 03:10 AM (#4156460)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you call a person who.........?
From: Mr Red

Free-looters? Looter-Louts?

Puns, yes, wherever you find them.

I photograph (as part of a group) stone stiles of my County and put them on a map - Would that make me a ................ Stile Guru?

ditto Boundary Stones & ........ a BS Merchant?

Toll Houses of GB .... a "told you so"?

27 Oct 22 - 03:53 AM (#4156466)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you call a person who.........?
From: Sandra in Sydney


Yesterday I rescued several items from a "Free to a Good home" pile on my street which will go to my local charity shop as I didn't need them, but I do have a number of items here that came from similar piles, as well as charity shops.

31 Oct 22 - 04:39 PM (#4156864)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you call a person who.........?
From: Donuel

A most common phrase here is a dumpster diver. The biggest curio hunt is at the end of the school year curbside in college towns.

01 Nov 22 - 12:03 AM (#4156903)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you call a person who.........?
From: Stilly River Sage

I'll second that! We saw an amazing array of perfectly good stuff pushed into the large dumpsters outside the dorm when we were moving my daughter out. Everything came back home with her, no trashing perfectly good printers, refrigerators, etc. Large furniture and beds in Tucson when my son was moving out - he had no place to put or store his mattress, and as he was dragging out outside a guy in a pickup asked if he was getting rid of it and loaded it and the box springs and frame. There went several hundred dollars in a hurry.

01 Nov 22 - 03:49 AM (#4156908)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you call a person who.........?
From: Senoufou

A few years ago, some Eastern Europeans used to pop a printed plastic bag through our doors, inviting people to put unwanted items in them and leave them outside. The bags were printed with logos of various charities. But our Local Council investigated, and discovered that these people were merely scavenging for their own use, not for the charities.
Then, I ordered a new washing machine, and paid £10 for the delivery/installers to take away the old one and dispose of it. We left the old one out at the front of the house, but in two shakes of a donkey's tail, the Eastern Europeans appeared and took it away! Hee hee, this saved me £10, which was refunded by the firm.