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Clerical Abuse of Children

20 Jun 23 - 07:59 AM (#4175027)
Subject: Clerical Abuse of Children
From: GUEST,Raggytash

Once again claims are made of the Catholic church knowingly suppressing evidence of child abuse and allowing self confessed abusers to continue to function in the duties of the church.

On this occasion 4 Archbishops in New Orleans went to great lengths to conceal facts that should have been reported to the relevant authorities.

The prepetrator of the abuse in still living. Is it not time to bring him to justice?

20 Jun 23 - 05:25 PM (#4175075)
Subject: RE: Clerical Abuse of Children
From: Donuel

Blessed are the priests who cover their ass. Damned are the clergy who uncovered kids asses.

20 Jun 23 - 05:27 PM (#4175076)
Subject: RE: Clerical Abuse of Children
From: Steve Shaw

It would be really nice if you could keep your tasteless pseudo-witticisms out of what is a serious topic.

20 Jun 23 - 05:41 PM (#4175079)
Subject: RE: Clerical Abuse of Children
From: Helen

Take your own advice, Steve.

20 Jun 23 - 08:30 PM (#4175083)
Subject: RE: Clerical Abuse of Children
From: gillymor

Very creepy, Don and not at all funny.

20 Jun 23 - 08:30 PM (#4175084)
Subject: RE: Clerical Abuse of Children
From: Steve Shaw

The second post in this thread is tasteless, pointless and adds nothing to any potential conversation on this topic, which I'll have to return to tomorrow as there's been a Mudcat outage and it's my bedtime. I'm amazed that you appear to be leaping to its defence. And I don't indulge in tasteless pseudo-witticisms. I suggest you go back to bed and try this time to get out of the right side. Alternatively, you ignore me and I'll ignore you. Deal?

20 Jun 23 - 08:31 PM (#4175085)
Subject: RE: Clerical Abuse of Children
From: Steve Shaw

Obviously not aimed at you, gillymor!

20 Jun 23 - 08:58 PM (#4175086)
Subject: RE: Clerical Abuse of Children
From: Raggytash

I find it astonishing that 4 archbishops could sweep such information under the carpet and protect the, to my mind, criminal perpetrator of such vile abuse. The archbishops first became aware of this in 1999 when the priest "confessed" to his abuses.

Not only should the priest be made subject to the full weight of the law, but I would suggest the archbishops who allowed him to go unpunished should also be brought to book.

I am also amazed, but sadly not surprised, that a poster here should be so crass and insensitive as to try and make humour from it.

20 Jun 23 - 10:59 PM (#4175090)
Subject: RE: Clerical Abuse of Children
From: Helen

"And I don't indulge in tasteless pseudo-witticisms." Oh, you mean except for the recent tasteless pseudo-witticisms you made with reference to female genitalia in the last week?

21 Jun 23 - 02:19 AM (#4175097)
Subject: RE: Clerical Abuse of Children
From: Dave the Gnome

Is it a double act, Helen? Don shits on a thread and you defend him? How about you both treat this topic with the gravitas it deserves and leave the silliness in one of Don's daft threads. Purely advice and I shall leave it at that.

21 Jun 23 - 02:38 AM (#4175106)
Subject: RE: Clerical Abuse of Children
From: Helen

Are you and Steve Shaw a double act?

21 Jun 23 - 03:25 AM (#4175108)
Subject: RE: Clerical Abuse of Children
From: Dave the Gnome

Yes. Now will you please leave any more silliness off this serious thread.

21 Jun 23 - 03:50 AM (#4175111)
Subject: RE: Clerical Abuse of Children
From: Helen

This is relevant to the topic:

A creepy dirty old man thinking about sex thinking about sex in a normal, everyday environment near other people, including girls and women, just going about their daily business, oblivious to his creepy, dirty thoughts.

Maybe this is not unusual for some (or even most?) men, to think about sex in normal, everyday situations, but to crow about it and make it into a big joke on a public music-related forum, open to all people of all ages. Is that normal and healthy or is it creepy and dirty?

And then to act self righteous about the comments posted by other Mudcat members?

21 Jun 23 - 04:19 AM (#4175112)
Subject: RE: Clerical Abuse of Children
From: Steve Shaw

Same post in two threads, link won't open, a complete mystery. In another thread I did rail against the pusillanimous use of euphemisms. Maybe that's it. Who knows.

In my own little world, in the last ten years or so I've known three men round here, separate cases, who skilfully hid their decades-old abuse of children from all of the rest of us. One died a few years ago, a man who played music with us. The other two, both old men now, are now serving very long prison sentences. They were both able to conceal their pasts for many decades largely by becoming pillars of the religious community in my town, assuming a cloak of respect that now seems staggering in retrospect. Whether any of their peers knew about them and kept schtum, I don't know. What I've always found disturbing about sexual abuse of children is how often we hear that the context of the abuse is religion, and, even when so many cases in that context are exposed, how institutional religion either appears not to recognise it or, much worse, tries to cover it up.

I was brought up a Catholic and was taught by priest and brothers. I didn't experience or hear of abuse, though I've seen rumours on the types of social media that I've ditched, not least because of that kind of nastiness. In my opinion, John-Paul II criminally neglected this issue, or was in denial maybe, during his long reign. Yet he's now a saint. Wow.

21 Jun 23 - 04:20 AM (#4175113)
Subject: RE: Clerical Abuse of Children
From: Steve Shaw

21 Jun 23 - 04:58 AM (#4175119)
Subject: RE: Clerical Abuse of Children
From: Helen

A creepy dirty old man thinking about sex

21 Jun 23 - 05:12 AM (#4175120)
Subject: RE: Clerical Abuse of Children
From: Steve Shaw

Nice slur. Your problem, of course. Creepy, dirty old men are men who act on their inclinations. The vast majority of we men are well in control, thanks. It ill-behoves you to make judgements about someone's whole character because you've read a post that you didn't care for (a post that simply expressed mild disagreement about something in another posters link). This is a grown-ups' website and if it bothers you either stay away or grow up yourself.

21 Jun 23 - 05:13 AM (#4175121)
Subject: RE: Clerical Abuse of Children
From: Steve Shaw

Damned apostrophe's going missing...

21 Jun 23 - 05:53 AM (#4175123)
Subject: RE: Clerical Abuse of Children
From: Dave the Gnome

It has nothing whatsoever to do with the topic of clerical abuse of children and everythibg to do with trying, and failing, to abuse another member. Now, how about you take your silliness to Don's thread as I suggested and let this important topic be discussed without continuing your long term feud?

21 Jun 23 - 06:14 AM (#4175131)
Subject: RE: Clerical Abuse of Children
From: Steve Shaw

OK, Dave, will do... Oh, 'ang on, you didn't mean me, did you? ;-)

21 Jun 23 - 07:28 AM (#4175145)
Subject: RE: Clerical Abuse of Children
From: Donuel

I think I summed up the mindset of the archbishops.
As for the damned perpetrators, Jesus will forgive.
I won't.

21 Jun 23 - 07:30 AM (#4175146)
Subject: RE: Clerical Abuse of Children
From: Donuel

PS: Steve, please stop talking about my testicles.

21 Jun 23 - 07:41 AM (#4175150)
Subject: RE: Clerical Abuse of Children
From: Steve Shaw

You clearly have nothing of substance to say. As has been said, this is a serious and important topic, so, if you have nothing to contribute, kindly confine your silliness to your own threads, which are many and varied, and which provide you with all the opportunity you need to peddle your fluff.

21 Jun 23 - 01:21 PM (#4175177)
Subject: RE: Clerical Abuse of Children
From: Donuel

I'm sure if anyone has an opinion you will give it to them.

21 Jun 23 - 05:01 PM (#4175187)
Subject: RE: Clerical Abuse of Children
From: Steve Shaw

Gibberish. I've contributed to this via my experiences at Catholic schools and via my grown-up experiences. Other people have made serious contributions. So far, we haven't had a proper contribution from you, though we have had your usual load of flannel. You are being disrespectful to the original poster and are being generally offensive.

22 Jun 23 - 05:23 AM (#4175213)
Subject: RE: Clerical Abuse of Children
From: Dave the Gnome

I also had a Catholic upbringing and, fortunately, never saw any evidence of abuse by priests. Sadistic teachers is a different matter though!

I suppose like all other walks of life there is good and bad in the priesthood. It is just when priests go wrong it seems more shocking somehow. Having people in high places cover up for them is unforgivable but, again, that has happened elsewhere. Look at Savile and Harris!

22 Jun 23 - 05:54 AM (#4175215)
Subject: RE: Clerical Abuse of Children
From: Donuel

While birds of a feather flock together and we judge people by the company they keep I do not think most of us know 3 prominent pedophiles.

22 Jun 23 - 07:29 AM (#4175229)
Subject: RE: Clerical Abuse of Children
From: Steve Shaw

Would you care to expand on that please? Let me tell you that the only "company" I kept with any of the three was round a pub table playing tunes in a session with one of them. The other two were no more than distant acquaintances that I knew through other people. Had I known that any of them were paedophiles (in their distant pasts) I wouldn't have gone within a mile of them. Would you like me to judge you through your obsession with with one of the nastiest men on the planet? Sometimes it seems that you can't get close enough to him. Now grow up.

22 Jun 23 - 07:55 AM (#4175230)
Subject: RE: Clerical Abuse of Children
From: Dave the Gnome

"I do not think most of us know 3 prominent pedophiles"

Jimmy Savile
Rolf Harris
Gary Glitter
Jonathan King
Max Clifford
Jeffrey Epstien

All pretty prominent

22 Jun 23 - 08:29 AM (#4175234)
Subject: RE: Clerical Abuse of Children
From: Jon Freeman

Last year I learned that someone I knew when I lived in N Wales had spent some time in jail for having 100s of child porn images on his computer. Not a pillar of society but he was someone I think everyone liked and respected in the couple of pubs he used to visit. I used to enjoy a pint and a chat with him. I don’t think anyone would ever have suspected he had this dark secret.

22 Jun 23 - 01:28 PM (#4175243)
Subject: RE: Clerical Abuse of Children
From: MaJoC the Filk

Point of pedantry:

> All pretty prominent

.... famous (for other reasons), but not personal acquaintances. Test: would any of them have known you from Adam?

We now return you to your normal discourse.

22 Jun 23 - 01:58 PM (#4175244)
Subject: RE: Clerical Abuse of Children
From: Dave the Gnome

They may not know me MaJoC but I know them. Which is how the comment was phrased! (Just to be pedantic ;-D )

23 Jun 23 - 07:18 PM (#4175319)
Subject: RE: Clerical Abuse of Children
From: Donuel

Jimmy Saville tops the list but may not be known by many Americans.

24 Jun 23 - 03:28 AM (#4175340)
Subject: RE: Clerical Abuse of Children
From: Senoufou

My husband often growls at the word paedophile, and says he can't for the life of him understand why a man would want sexual activity with a child. He thinks women here in the developed world are so easy to seduce that it's never necessary to seek pleasure with an innocent and defenceless youngster.
Apparently (according to him) if any man did such a thing in Ivory Coast, his home country, the locals would literally tear him limb from limb and beat him to death.

25 Jun 23 - 01:16 PM (#4175462)
Subject: RE: Clerical Abuse of Children
From: Dave the Gnome

Sadly, Sen, a lot of child abusers were abused themselves. Yes, what they do is totally wrong but it became ingrained in them as children. Tearing them limb from limb may seem just to some but making them well again would be a better option.

25 Jun 23 - 03:17 PM (#4175471)
Subject: RE: Clerical Abuse of Children
From: Donuel

Residevidism among child sexual abusers is one of the highest.

26 Jun 23 - 01:16 AM (#4175503)
Subject: RE: Clerical Abuse of Children
From: Joe Offer

If a sex offender is an artist, how should we treat his/her artistic works? Should we destroy paintings and sculptures and recordings and sheet music and such? Should we refuse to employ these people or commission them to do works of art?
What's the appropriate way to respond? Is their doing the time for their crime enough?


26 Jun 23 - 09:08 AM (#4175535)
Subject: RE: Clerical Abuse of Children
From: Raggytash

"What's the appropriate way to respond? Is their doing the time for their crime enough?"

The point you seem to miss Joe is that the church knew of these abuses but actively helped to cover them up. They did not report them to the relevant authorities so the abuses could be dealt with, they did not sack the people concerned, they seemingly did not castigate them in any way shape or form.

26 Jun 23 - 10:42 AM (#4175539)
Subject: RE: Clerical Abuse of Children
From: Steve Shaw

It's a good question, Joe. Sometimes the media, galleries, etc., make the choice for us by withdrawing their efforts from the public gaze. You won't see much of Jim'll Fix It repeats or Rolf Harris's animal programmes any more. Otherwise, I think it's a matter of personal choice and conscience. Richard Wagner, though not a convicted criminal, was a rabid and detestable antisemite. His music is admired by millions, but, for others, it's fatally poisoned by the knowledge of his predilections. I fall into the latter camp and I won't listen to anything by him. I'd even argue that his nastiness and ego bleeds through into his art, contradicting claims that the two aspects, personality and art, are independent of each other. The way we individually react to art is highly subjective and valid and I wouldn't shout at anyone who disagrees. Can paedophiles ever be regarded was having spent their sentence? Not in my book, not least because not only did they abuse children but they also deceived everyone around them via their covering up. The three abusive men I referred to up the thread all deceived their friends and families for decades. They made dozens of people feel foolish for not seeing what they'd done. I suppose that the Christian ethic leaves room for forgiveness. Maybe, but my inclination is simply to cut them dead.

26 Jun 23 - 11:39 AM (#4175553)
Subject: RE: Clerical Abuse of Children
From: Joe Offer

What a strange assumption to make, Raggytash. No, Raggytash, I don't miss the point that church administrators covered up the crimes of these sex offenders. I get that. I'm not stupid. They should be prosecuted and punished. But what punishment is appropriate?
But if the offender sculpted a masterpiece, what do we do with it? Blow it up? Am I a horrible person if I've sung "Tie Me Kangaroo Down" with gusto? Must I never sing it again?

27 Jun 23 - 07:38 AM (#4175624)
Subject: RE: Clerical Abuse of Children
From: Donuel

Whataboutism at its height Joe.

To boycott will always be a personal choice.

27 Jun 23 - 07:51 AM (#4175627)
Subject: RE: Clerical Abuse of Children
From: Donuel

I believe I can fly

27 Jun 23 - 12:39 PM (#4175662)
Subject: RE: Clerical Abuse of Children
From: Steve Shaw

Caravaggio was an irascible man given to violent reactions when things weren't going his way and he got involved in brawling on many occasions. The man he allegedly murdered was a gangster, and the circumstances of the killing remain murky. I somehow don't see this in quite the same way as a lifelong predilection to race hate (Wagner) or paedophilia (the several people referred to in this thread). The Italian renaissance composer Gesualdo caught his wife and her lover in flagrante delicto and killed them both whilst they were still in bed. He even went back in to make sure he'd finished the job. The authorities, having inspected the gruesome scene and having considered that Gesualdo had been provoked, found that no crime had been committed (!). He wrote some great music but, as I'm not a massive fan of the music of that era, I thankfully don't have to make a choice...But I do love Caravaggio's paintings...

28 Jun 23 - 03:57 PM (#4175740)
Subject: RE: Clerical Abuse of Children
From: Joe Offer

I think the quality of a work of art stands on its own, despite the immoral character of its creator. So if a work of art is good, it should be judged on its own merit, even though its creator may be despicable. Even evil minds can create good art.

28 Jun 23 - 04:41 PM (#4175745)
Subject: RE: Clerical Abuse of Children
From: Steve Shaw

Not sure, Joe. But we are in decidely subjective territory here.

28 Jun 23 - 07:18 PM (#4175750)
Subject: RE: Clerical Abuse of Children
From: Joe Offer

I don't see destruction as an appropriate response to wrongdoing. Even if a person has committed a crime, I don't think it's a good response to destroy or kill the criminal or what he/she has created. There has to be a better way for a civilized society to respond to crime.

I've been working for jail reform since 2008, and I worked with correctional institutions on the job from 1974-99. I've always had this question - how can we respond to crime in constructive ways?

I've known about the sexual abuse of children in the Catholic Church since my seminary days in the 1960s, and I've always pondered about the way to respond to it. At the time, US Catholic bishops treated child molesters as mentally ill, and they spent millions on treatment centers to rehabilitate priests who had molested children. After the centers certified the priests as "rehabilitated," the bishops reassigned the errant priests to new parishes. Obviously, that didn't work.

Since 1983, the National Catholic Reporter newspaper has been reporting child abuse by priests, but bishops have largely dismissed the newspaper as a "liberal rag." I've been a subscriber since the 1960s, so I guess I'm suspect. In response to the Spotlight investigation by the Boston Globe in 2002, US Catholic bishops instituted strict controls on the sexual abuse of children, and offenses dropped dramatically. Actions against abusing priests took place in other countries over the next ten years or so. The trouble was, no criminal prosecution could be made against many of the offenders, because the offenses took place beyond statutes of limitations. Civil lawsuits followed, and increasingly the lawsuits were filed against the churches, since the offenders had little money to pay reparations. Reparations were first thought to be generous when they were in the tens of thousands of dollars, and then it increased to hundreds of thousands, and then to a million bucks per victim.

The trouble is, those payments didn't heal the harm done to the victims. No amount of money and no amount of offender jail time can heal the victims. I do think that stricter controls on priests has helped. But nowadays, men are removed from the priesthood under very weak suspicion, and sometimes I wonder if this is fair.

Sexual abuse of children continues to take place in families, in schools, in youth organizations, and in churches. We haven't found the solution yet. And I don't know what the solution is.

It's really a stupid thing to suggest that anyone would support the molestation of children or the covering up of such a crime. That just doesn't happen. Such crimes are repulsive. Get that, Raggytash?

29 Jun 23 - 06:26 AM (#4175775)
Subject: RE: Clerical Abuse of Children
From: Raggytash

"It's really a stupid thing to suggest that anyone would support the molestation of children or the covering up of such a crime. That just doesn't happen. Such crimes are repulsive. Get that, Raggytash?"

Did you actually read the article Joe. FOUR archbishops covered up the crimes Joe. Not one, not two but four.

Could I gently point out, this was not meant as an attack on anyone on Mudcat, you seem to take these threads personally and in this case attack the poster.

29 Jun 23 - 07:52 AM (#4175781)
Subject: RE: Clerical Abuse of Children
From: Donuel

Joe may be upset with DeSantis's veto regarding justice reform


DeSantis expanded the death penalty to include child rape.

29 Jun 23 - 10:43 AM (#4175796)
Subject: RE: Clerical Abuse of Children
From: MaJoC the Filk

> Reparations were first thought to be generous when they were in the
> tens of thousands of dollars, and then it increased to hundreds of
> thousands, and then to a million bucks per victim.

Historical perspective: There was a similar inflationary effect in libel cases in the English courts. This was directly traceable to the fact that juries set the penalty, plus the detail that only record-breaking penalties were ever reported in the newspapers. Inevitably, sums awarded ratcheted up over time, as said record-breaking penalties were all the jury members in each trial had ever heard of.

In one of the last such cases, the judge explicitly told the jury to not let the massive sums reported in other cases affect their judgement .... but he was effectively ignored, and yet another record settlement was awarded. The law was changed shortly thereafter so that judges awarded the penalties, and this thermal-runaway effect was stopped cold.

30 Jun 23 - 02:42 AM (#4175843)
Subject: RE: Clerical Abuse of Children
From: Joe Offer

Raggytash, your remark that I disagree with is this: The point you seem to miss Joe is that the church knew of these abuses but actively helped to cover them up.. I learned of these abuses from the 1960s, and it was clear by the 1980s that at least some bishops were fully aware of abuses and not taking action. And it was clear that by the late 1990s or earlier, Pope John Paul II was aware of abuses and was doing nothing about it. Indeed, John Paul was praising Marcial Maciel, one of the most notorious offenders. And I've said all this before.

So, yeah, it's kinda stupid for you to say that I miss the point.

-Joe Offer-

30 Jun 23 - 08:28 AM (#4175856)
Subject: RE: Clerical Abuse of Children
From: Donuel

So we are all for the death penalty regarding clerical child sex abuse? What about Bishops who aid and abet creepy priests?
Wisdom is needed for the hard questions.
Raggytash is not stupid.

30 Jun 23 - 08:55 AM (#4175857)
Subject: RE: Clerical Abuse of Children
From: Steve Shaw

"So we are all for the death penalty regarding clerical child sex abuse?"

And what precisely is this supposed to mean?

30 Jun 23 - 01:15 PM (#4175874)
Subject: RE: Clerical Abuse of Children
From: Steve Shaw

Allow me to butt in just slightly, Joe. It's not so much that you missed the point, but more that you diversified into discussing whether the artistic achievements of abusers should be dismissed out of hand once we learn about the abuses. It IS a valid question ((I tried to respond myself), but it did not directly address the issue that Raggytash raised, to his frustration. Had we been discussing the outrage over the coverups by the archbishops for about fifty or a hundred more posts, the slant you raised might have seemed, er, more valid, that's all. One thing you and I agree on is the despicable non-role of John-Paul II in addressing honestly and promptly the abuses. I can't believe that he was sainted. You know me, the militant ex-Catholic Dawkinsite. But I still feel the outrage over that. You can take the man from the Church (though he might not exactly have dragged his heels) but taking the Church from the man is an entirely other matter...

30 Jun 23 - 03:21 PM (#4175880)
Subject: RE: Clerical Abuse of Children
From: Big Al Whittle

I think paedophilia has probably existed in every culture. Its something that exists in human make up. Its part of sexual diversity.

A friend of mine who was in the Friends Ambulance Service in WW2 told me that Arab countries were much more relaxed about children and sex. Grandad might wander in and start playing with a little lads balls - and no one would remark on it. Maybe part of the longlasting trauma is caused by the violence of our reactions.

By the same token, you could I suppose ask for more toleration of sexual sadism which doubtless has been integrated into some society somewhere.
Personally I find the physical abuse that my catholic friends and cousin suffered at the hands of the teaching brothers very upsetting. I know that boys from my cousin's school suffered from recurrent nightmares about the beatings they receved.

Anyway - just some thoughts.

30 Jun 23 - 05:31 PM (#4175889)
Subject: RE: Clerical Abuse of Children
From: Steve Shaw

"I think paedophilia has probably existed in every culture. Its something that exists in human make up. It's part of sexual diversity."

You are a thoughtful man, Al, but I think that this is beyond the pale. The exploitation of children for sexual gratification is extremely damaging to its victims. The (now middle-aged) victims of two of the men I referred to were damaged for life, some unable to form normal relationships. To dismiss that abuse as merely part of sexual diversity simply will not do. Unless I've misunderstood what you're saying, of course. Perhaps you'd care to rephrase.

30 Jun 23 - 06:43 PM (#4175891)
Subject: RE: Clerical Abuse of Children
From: Donuel

The Greek culture has a sexual reputation. I did not know about Arab culture. Despite a majority of Americans accepting the freedom of who they are legally allowed to love it does not include sex with kids.
The Supreme Court has sided with a minority against LGBTQ. Even though democracy is broken in the USA right now [gun protection, abortion, student loan abuse, affirmative action-all of which the majority is for] there is no voice for sex with kids. Creating a death sentence for the crime should not be the American way IMO.
cat got your tongue or are the silent unsure or cowards?

30 Jun 23 - 10:29 PM (#4175898)
Subject: RE: Clerical Abuse of Children
From: Joe Offer

I suppose it's a losing battle, but let me give some of the facts from the Guardian story. The Guardian reporter dressed the story up to give it more impact, and then Raggytash did even more.

The offenses in question took place between 1966 and 1979. The offending priest is now 91 years old, and has been retired since 2002. His offenses became known to the archdiocese in 1999, and they were reported to law enforcement sometime between 1999 and 2002.

I'm not sure what motivates Raggytash, but every few years he feels compelled to start a new thread about the clerical abuse of children. The story is always the same, impassioned outrage about offenses that took place decades earlier. Raggytash expresses outrage that FOUR archbishops "covered up" these offenses. I'm wondering what what it is these bishops did to cover up the offenses, and whether these are present or long-past bishops. The priest retired in 2002, after it was publicly stated that he was reported to have molested children. After that, he was no longer employed by the archdiocese, and probably no longer being observed. I retired from my own job in 1999, and haven't heard from my employer since about 2002 - although I'm still receiving a pension. I imagine it's the same for the priest in this story.

I don't deny the seriousness of the offenses and I find the molestation of children by clergy to be particularly deplorable, but I do want to point out that the offenses took place over 40 years ago, and the priest was removed from ministry over 20 years ago. You can find the facts on this and other cases at

So, Raggytash, next time you want to make a sensation about clerical abuse of children, why not just find an old thread you've started and post a new message with the word "ditto" in the body of the message? Some of us have been working against the crime of clerical abuse of children since it first was reported in the National Catholic Reporter in 1983. Raggytash, where have you been? Where were you when we were sounding the alarm back in 1983?

And as for Donuel, he's had his head up his ass since 1986, and hasn't seen the light of day since them.


01 Jul 23 - 04:12 AM (#4175901)
Subject: RE: Clerical Abuse of Children
From: Big Al Whittle

Well I'm sorry but people are more diverse than is convenient.

Quite why not only our society but every society produces Ted Bundys, Heinrich Himmlers, Jimmy Savilles - Idon't know. But that is my observation.

I do remember that my Dad , an ex CID detective earnestly believed what Dr. Webster (who along with Keith Simpson, Francis Camps and Sydney Smith were the top brains in forensic science in the 1950's) that homosexuality was a dread illness and that anal intercourse would inflict ultimately fatal wounds.

I have seen so much change, in my lifetime. of 'educated opinion' on the subject of sexuality that I don't think its wise to be too sure of anything. Certainly Ru Paul's Drag Race and First Dates including gays as mainstream entertainment, weren't on the horizon when I was born.

I remember the disension caused by a book called Towards a Quaker View of Sex, which called for toleration of gays in the early 1960's . I was front page news and in our little Quaker Meeting House in Spalding, it caused outrage. Although some of the elders were surely gay.

I don't know where we'll be in another 50 years, however I know I wouldn't care to guess.

01 Jul 23 - 06:33 AM (#4175902)
Subject: RE: Clerical Abuse of Children
From: Raggytash

Joe, you ask what I would do with these abusers, well here is a start.

Christian Brother Jailed

You may have to scroll down the page.

01 Jul 23 - 07:40 AM (#4175904)
Subject: RE: Clerical Abuse of Children
From: Raggytash

01 Jul 23 - 11:14 AM (#4175913)
Subject: RE: Clerical Abuse of Children
From: Donuel

Cranial sodomy back at you Joe, my fascist-friendly fiend.

01 Jul 23 - 11:17 AM (#4175915)
Subject: RE: Clerical Abuse of Children
From: Steve Shaw

Well Al, yes people are more diverse that is comfortable. Some are mass murderers. There are the Putins, the Stalins and the Hitlers. Some are wife-beaters. Some drag strangers into parks and up alleyways to rape them. Some groom children in order to exploit them for their own sexual gratification. Some collect or produce thousands of images of children, babies even, undergoing vile abuse. In some areas such as homosexuality, more latterly transgender issues, aspects of human life that are not intended to cause harm or produce victims, we try to move on, the wheels grinding only slowly. As a society we draw red lines with regard to behaviours that harm. Sexual abuse of children is one such area. We don't just stand by and shrug and say that, well, that's people for you. That is simply not good enough.

Joe, the judge in the trial of the 82-year-old I mentioned expressed outrage when the defence lawyer put forward the mitigation that the abuses were "historical," tearing a strip off the fellow for trying to use that to get the sentence reduced. For the victims still living with the damage decades later, he said, the word "historical" was entirely inappropriate. I agreed with that judge.

01 Jul 23 - 11:20 AM (#4175916)
Subject: RE: Clerical Abuse of Children
From: Steve Shaw

It's not sodomy when you do it to yourself. And stop using the word fascist just because someone demurs from your way of thinking.

01 Jul 23 - 01:18 PM (#4175923)
Subject: RE: Clerical Abuse of Children
From: Big Al Whittle

Well yes that is what I am saying. Sixty years ago being gay was seen as an evil act with villains and victims.

Strangely enough I was going round Monkey World this afternoon. My wife has a mobility scooter, but I with frequent stops was going round under my own steam - I have chronic heart disease - one of my arteries runs into the ventricle rather than the auricle, so my heart never gets enough oxygen. Anyway I made it over to this seat, breathing heavily.
'You better move from here, this seats facing the kids playground' counselled my wife.

Its a good thing of course that we look out for the safety of our children. But contrast that with the days of my childhood. WE lived opposite a sec mod school for girls. When the girls were running round the sports field in their gi-normous knickers - loads of old men were crowded outside the railings watching sporting event.

01 Jul 23 - 04:11 PM (#4175932)
Subject: RE: Clerical Abuse of Children
From: Joe Offer

Raggytash, the article says the 87-yr-old former Christian Brother assaulted five schoolboys almost 50 years ago, 1975-76 and has been sentenced to three years and two months in prison. I suppose there are some who would scream that three years and two months is just a "slap on the wrist," but it could well be a life sentence.
I agree that there must be punishment for the crime, even though it was fifty years ago. And I think this sentence is fair. But with this and every crime, I think we need to explore constructive ways of punishing crime. But no, I don't think that any crime should go unpunished.

01 Jul 23 - 05:51 PM (#4175938)
Subject: RE: Clerical Abuse of Children
From: Steve Shaw

I'm not sure that it should make any difference that it was fifty or more years ago or five years ago. Many victims of child sexual abuse are living a whole life sentence, Joe. Try telling THEM that, well, he's an old man now so let him be. I don't buy that at all.

04 Jul 23 - 05:53 AM (#4176076)
Subject: RE: Clerical Abuse of Children
From: Georgiansilver

In my honest opinion, I believe that (in the UK anyway), millions of pounds are being spent on investigating pieces of historic paedophylia. Granted, many people (not just men) have been found guilty of such offences but I believe that the majority of investigations prove fruitless for lack of evidence. There is a Website which deals with and supports such people who have been wrongly convicted because the accusers word has been accepted as truth( the Group is called Safari ) Should we or should we not spend vast amounts of money on what has become a witch-hunt?

04 Jul 23 - 07:54 AM (#4176082)
Subject: RE: Clerical Abuse of Children
From: Dave the Gnome

If it takes any paedophiles out of action or gives some victims closure on an childhood incident, it is worth every penny.

04 Jul 23 - 06:09 PM (#4176101)
Subject: RE: Clerical Abuse of Children
From: Steve Shaw

Agreed, Dave, but unfortunately this is a fertile area for potentially vexatious accusations to be made, for all kinds of reasons. I can see both sides of this argument and I get what Georgiansilver is saying. But sexual abuse, especially but by no means exclusively of children, creates wounds that time can't heal. That's why I agreed with that judge I mentioned who railed against the lawyer who tried to use "historical" as a mitigation. You could hardly use that in the case of an "historical" child murder, could you? In the Westcountry we have the cases of the two teenagers, Jeanette Tate (1983) and Kate Bushell (1997) which have never been solved. You wouldn't call the pursuit of their killers a "witch-hunt," would you?

I simply don't buy "historical" and I especially don't buy it in the case of child abuse by clerics. They may crave the forgiveness of their God, thereby hoping for their place in heaven, but their victims are ruined for life and their perpetrators don't deserve a free pass.

05 Jul 23 - 11:57 AM (#4176133)
Subject: RE: Clerical Abuse of Children
From: Big Al Whittle

I thought they decided Robert Black was responsible for Genette Tate's murder.

05 Jul 23 - 12:19 PM (#4176134)
Subject: RE: Clerical Abuse of Children
From: Backwoodsman

The police suspected Robert Black of the murder of Genette Tate, but he died before they were able to press charges. So I suppose, in those circumstances, he remains ‘innocent’ as no court has found him guilty. But….

05 Jul 23 - 12:23 PM (#4176135)
Subject: RE: Clerical Abuse of Children
From: Backwoodsman

05 Jul 23 - 01:23 PM (#4176141)
Subject: RE: Clerical Abuse of Children
From: Steve Shaw

Apologies for misspelling Genette.

05 Jul 23 - 04:08 PM (#4176146)
Subject: RE: Clerical Abuse of Children
From: Big Al Whittle

It was a weird case . They found her bicycle - I remember at the time. For a long time there were rumours of suspicions about her father. Later on there were tales of alien abduction.

05 Jul 23 - 04:45 PM (#4176152)
Subject: RE: Clerical Abuse of Children
From: Steve Shaw

You're guilty when you're found guilty in a court of law. Maybe Black defeated the system by dying. Who knows.