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Stone's Barn workshops. UK.

07 Aug 23 - 04:43 AM (#4178587)
Subject: Stone's Barn workshops. UK.
From: Dave the Gnome

Just back from a wonderful long weekend at Stone's Barn

Never in a million years did I think I would be singing a capella with Maddy Prior or performing "The King", Steeleye Span style, with Rick Kemp but I did :-) And they were just the bonuses! The course was vocal techniques, taught mainly by Rose Ellen Kemp who is so knowledgeable on the subject that even her dad turned up to learn something:-D The course was given to me by my lovely family as a birthday present so I had no preconceptions. It turned out that I learned a lot and enjoyed it so much that I cannot, excuse the pun, sing its praises too highly.

I would recommend it to anyone. The whole event was so relaxed as well and in lovely surroundings. Oh, and Maddy makes a mean scrambled egg :-)

07 Aug 23 - 05:44 AM (#4178597)
Subject: RE: Stone's Barn workshops. UK.

THANK YOU... I have just followed your link and am keen to sign up for something

07 Aug 23 - 08:43 AM (#4178618)
Subject: RE: Stone's Barn workshops. UK.
From: matt milton

I've often looked enviously at the Stone's Barn workshops. They look great and I'd love to attend. But it's an epic journey from South London - it's a little off the beaten track. How did you find the process of getting there Dave?

07 Aug 23 - 09:30 AM (#4178621)
Subject: RE: Stone's Barn workshops. UK.
From: Dave the Gnome

Easy for me, Matt. 2.5 hours from Skipton! There were people there from Essex, Bristol and Swindon which I guess may be similar journeys to yours - apart from the hassle of getting out of London!

Maybe you could go up for longer and combine it with a holiday around Hadrian's wall? Being up there longer may make up for some of the travelling! Or how about train to Carlisle and either hire a car from there or see if someone will pick you up?

07 Aug 23 - 09:33 AM (#4178622)
Subject: RE: Stone's Barn workshops. UK.
From: Dave the Gnome

Sorry, not Essex, Sussex (Ipswich)

07 Aug 23 - 10:37 AM (#4178629)
Subject: RE: Stone's Barn workshops. UK.

ipswich is in suffolk not sussex

07 Aug 23 - 10:55 AM (#4178633)
Subject: RE: Stone's Barn workshops. UK.
From: Dave the Gnome

It is! Thanks Dick. Fancy getting my folk confused with sex :-D

07 Aug 23 - 11:30 AM (#4178639)
Subject: RE: Stone's Barn workshops. UK.

Ewan MacColl,a man who has often been critised on this forum had various ways of improving breath control[ no he did not sing blowing in the wind] H used to take a verse of rocky road to dublin, and make points in the verse where he would try and sing it in one breath, and gradually increase the lengths of breathhg holding,
The funny thing is he formed the critics group and never charged a penny for his time and help,

07 Aug 23 - 12:12 PM (#4178645)
Subject: RE: Stone's Barn workshops. UK.
From: Dave the Gnome

There is a whole science to it, Dick. Centred around Complete Vocal Technique it is very well researched and medically proven. I'm sure that there are plenty singing tutors out there and it is great that someone like MacColl gave up his time like that. Much like other things though I would trust the science over unknown sources. There is, of course, plenty room for both and, as long as other voice coaches do not cause any physical harm, good luck to them.

07 Aug 23 - 03:18 PM (#4178662)
Subject: RE: Stone's Barn workshops. UK.

It certainly looks like a gpod place to have a weekend. I suppose the scrambled egg recipe is secret too

08 Aug 23 - 02:19 AM (#4178692)
Subject: RE: Stone's Barn workshops. UK.
From: Dave the Gnome

It's a lovely place run by lovely people. They know what they are doing and really care about the well being of the people on their courses. They obviously enjoy what they do and that enjoyment is infectious. You would have to ask Maddy about the eggs :-)

13 Aug 23 - 11:55 AM (#4179102)
Subject: RE: Stone's Barn workshops. UK.
From: Richard Bridge

Smashing place, smashing people. I would love to go back to Forgotten Lands festival - best soundman I've ever had - but 800 miles with the van on the back at 16 Volvo mpg!

13 Aug 23 - 12:17 PM (#4179103)
Subject: RE: Stone's Barn workshops. UK.
From: Dave the Gnome

I didn't know about Forgotten Lands until after I got back. I am now on the mailing list and looking forward to May 2024 :-)