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keyboards with headphones: do they exist

23 Feb 24 - 05:24 PM (#4197787)
Subject: keyboards with headphones: do they exist
From: keberoxu

Is there such a thing as a portable [electronic] keyboard
that has a headphone feature so that
one can play the keyboard and no one else can hear it?
It would be handy when practicing sometimes.

23 Feb 24 - 05:49 PM (#4197788)
Subject: RE: keyboards with headphones: do they exist
From: Helen

I had a Yamaha keyboard and I bought a headphone set to use with it. I bought it maybe 20 years ago but I think the set up would still be available. I could also save tunes in digital format. It was a fun keyboard but I was really just trying to get my head around playing left and right hands on my harp.

I gave it all to my nephew so I don't know the model number or other details.

23 Feb 24 - 09:13 PM (#4197807)
Subject: RE: keyboards with headphones: do they exist
From: Joe Offer

Most Casio keyboards have headphone jacks. If a device has a headphone jack, it almost always has a way to turn off any speakers the device might have. I'm betting it's the same with Yamaha keyboards.

23 Feb 24 - 10:43 PM (#4197809)
Subject: RE: keyboards with headphones: do they exist
From: Stilly River Sage

I have a Legato keyboard (a great find at a local thrift store) that works with or without headphones.

24 Feb 24 - 12:00 AM (#4197811)
Subject: RE: keyboards with headphones: do they exist
From: GUEST,.gargoyle

Roland certainly does.
Standard for decades.

Even the Kindle Fire 10 has multiple keyboards available for free and a jack for headphones. Its just the action and release are not the same as real. You can record, mix, adjust times and pitch.


For travel ... I prefer a harmonica and a cow pasture.

24 Feb 24 - 05:21 AM (#4197824)
Subject: RE: keyboards with headphones: do they exist
From: Tattie Bogle

Yes: I have a Casio too, and the external speakers automatically turn off when you plug in the headphones: any make of ‘phones that have the standard jack will do.
I was on a keyboard accompanying course with 6 of us present, so, having been told what to do, we call plug in our phones and play away without disturbing each other: the tutor could then listen to us one by one as we each took it in turn to unplug. We all had different makes of keyboards and they all had this facility.

24 Feb 24 - 12:28 PM (#4197863)
Subject: RE: keyboards with headphones: do they exist
From: GUEST,James Phillips

I have never come across a synthesizer or electronic keyboard that didn't have a headphone socket.

24 Feb 24 - 12:41 PM (#4197868)
Subject: RE: keyboards with headphones: do they exist
From: Stilly River Sage

In another thread we were talking with keberoxu about new housing and apartments and moving musical instruments and disturbing (or not) neighbors during practice.

Good thing she doesn't play banjo or bagpipes. :)

24 Feb 24 - 04:43 PM (#4197893)
Subject: RE: keyboards with headphones: do they exist
From: MaJoC the Filk

For completeness: Pete Seeger suggests that one can muffle a banjo by stuffing a towel up the back. (That won't work with my horror, as there's a girt big wooden reflector/resonator in the way.) It's related to using a sock in the horn of a wind-up gramophone as a volume control.*

Muffling bagpipes is a whole new challenge, which I leave as an exercise.

* Which is where "put a sock in it" comes from. Strange but true.