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2024 Obit: Ian Green - Greentrax Recordings

11 Mar 24 - 07:24 PM (#4198940)
Subject: Obit: Ian Green - Greentrax Recordings
From: Tattie Bogle

Sad to hear today that one of the most significant gentlemen of Scottish music had passed away in Edinburgh just yesterday. There have been very many tributes to him on Facebook from those in the Scottish traditional music industry who benefited from his generosity, humanity, guidance, support and infallible honesty. Over around 40 years of Greentrax recordings some 500 albums were produced and gave many artists a huge boost on their road to recognition and fame.
I first met him back in the 90s and later on he kindly sponsored some of our Edinburgh & Lothians TMSA events, coming along with his wife June and his “wee dug” and of course, lots of great albums for sale.

I’d like to quote a couple of the tributes posted today: first from Eric Bogle:

“A sad day for me. This morning Ian Green, the boss of Greentrax Records who distributed my CD's in Europe and North America, died after a short illness. Ian was one of the good guys in an industry that has it's fair share of shonks. An honest, ethical man whose word was his bond, a straight arrow, a sealed with a handshake sort of human being, of the kind that you rarely come across now in these grubbier and greedier times.

Ian was a policeman for 30 years, reaching the giddy heights of Inspector, and was also a cycling champion in his youth. Called up for National service at age eighteen, he also served in Korea during the Korean War. Whilst still in the police force, Ian started a folk club in Edinburgh called "Fuzzfolk" which became a very popular club indeed in no time at all. I played there a couple of times in the early days, and a warm memory it is. It was at this club that Ian deepened and extended his love and knowledge of folk music, especially Scottish traditional music. This led to him deciding, upon receiving a generous severance payment after thirty years in the police, to invest this money in starting a record label to promote and sell folk music. I and many others told him he was "aff his heid" as we say in Scotland, but luckily he totally ignored us and so Greentrax was born. Which then became the pre-eminent and most treasured record label in Scotland, and perhaps the world, as far as Scottish folk music was concerned anyway.

When adding another artist to the Greentrax roster, the financial imperative was the last of Ian's considerations. If he thought that artist's music was worth hearing he often financed the artist's recording himself, and was indifferent if subsequent sales returned his investment. The music, always the music, was at the heart of everything Ian did at Greetrax. And what a heart it was.....

There you are then. A man's life in four wee paragraphs. So much more to know, so much left unsaid. But those of us who knew first hand the man and his story are privileged indeed, and know that we are. You will be sadly and sorely missed my dear friend. Safe onward journey, and rest assured that, in no small part due to you, the song goes on..... “

11 Mar 24 - 07:28 PM (#4198941)
Subject: RE: 2024 Obit: Ian Green - Greentrax Recordings
From: Tattie Bogle

And from John Barrow of Stoneyport Associates:

I am sorry to report that my oldest friend in Edinburgh, Ian Green, died at 90 years of age yesterday afternoon, Sunday 10 March 2024, in Edinburgh's Royal Infirmary. We'd been firm friends since about 1968-69. Ian ran the Police Folk Club from about 1966-67 (I think) until about 1980 and became one the organisers of the Edinburgh FC in 1973 as well as one of the editors of Sandy Bell's Broadsheet from 1973 until 1982. When I ran the Edinburgh Folk Festival Ian worked as stage manager from the beginning (1979) through my tenure as festival director. Along with John Allan (who died 2-3 years ago) and myself Ian was one of the organisers in 1982 of what ultimately became the Acoustic Music Centre. And when he retired from the police around 1985 he created Greentrax Records. Through all that activity he was a constable in the then Lothian and Borders Police Force (he retired as an Inspector when Greentrax started). The folk scene has lost a most highly valued friend who took integrity to a new level. Ian was awarded an honorary doctorate by the Royal Scottish Conservatoire such was the respect in which he was held. A very sad day for his family and for the many friends he acquired around the world over the years.

11 Mar 24 - 07:32 PM (#4198942)
Subject: RE: 2024 Obit: Ian Green - Greentrax Recordings
From: Tattie Bogle

And from David Francis, from the Traditional Music Forum:

How to do justice to Ian Green, who died yesterday after a short illness? His contribution to folk music in Scotland is almost incalculable. He started the Police Folk Club, one of the most popular of the several folk clubs that thrived in Edinburgh in the 70s. He was one of the founders and editors of Sandy Bell’s Broadsheet, and one of the same team that started the AAL Centre, a lunch-till-late folk hub during the Festival Fringe. He sold otherwise hard-to-get folk albums by mail order and at his stall which was a fixture at festivals the length of the land, before he turned his interest from selling other people’s records to making his own.

Greentrax issued almost 500 titles, a testament to Ian’s faith in the talent and creativity of Scottish folk music. The label is an outlet that enabled that talent and creativity to flourish in a way that it might never have done otherwise. For many musicians a contract with Greentrax was the first rung on the ladder to making a career in the music business, but Ian was always mindful of the fact that our community is not just made up of professionals, with space being made for semi-pro musicians, Scottish dance bands, pipe bands, the whole gamut of activity and musical perspectives.

Ian was famous for his straight dealing. If he wasn’t happy with something he would tell you. By the same token, a Greentrax agreement meant that you would be guaranteed full disclosure on royalties, regular statements, a proper share of PPL, MCPS and all the other arcane aspects of the music business that are often as not honoured in the breach by less scrupulous record labels.

Ian was to be found behind his desk in his office at Cockenzie almost to the end, still planning releases, still grappling with the complexities of downloads and streaming at an age when you would have forgiven him for shutting up shop. His dedication to the music he loved though kept him going through difficult times, not least the loss of his beloved June, and more recently his faithful canine companion, Mairi Beag.

On a personal note, I’m honoured to be on that Greentrax roster (CDTRAX 319), and to have taken part in the legendary Greentrax anniversary concerts at Edinburgh’s Queens’ Hall. Ian was also a tremendous support during my time at Edinburgh Folk Festival, and Greentrax was one of the first organisations to sign up to and support the fledgling Traditional Music Forum. With his love of good crack, generosity of spirit, and his vision for the possibilities of the music we all love he’ll be a tremendous miss. But what a legacy!
David Francis

And there are many, many more.

12 Mar 24 - 10:45 AM (#4198972)
Subject: RE: 2024 Obit: Ian Green - Greentrax Recordings
From: GUEST,Roger

RIP Ian.

13 Mar 24 - 12:41 PM (#4199037)
Subject: RE: 2024 Obit: Ian Green - Greentrax Recordings
From: Susanne (skw)

I was deeply sad to learn of Iain's death even though I knew he must be getting on. Thanks for posting the obits, Tattie Bogle! I met him a few times and got the impression he was not a man to be messed with, but that he was also deeply dedicated to what he believed in and loved. Most of the folk albums I bought are Greentrax ones. Also, I once asked one of the many Iains busy on the folk scene why so many artists switched over to Greentrax when they'd had a (to me) perfectly good publisher. "Because he's honest!" was his succinct reply. For those who would like to learn more about the man: Try to get hold of his memoir "From Fuzz to Folk". A great read!
RIP Iain!

16 Mar 24 - 07:50 PM (#4199204)
Subject: RE: 2024 Obit: Ian Green - Greentrax Recordings
From: FreddyHeadey

Travelling Folk - Anna Massie
Radio Scotland - 14th March 2024
Ian Green
Anna pays tribute to the great man through his musical legacy in Greentrax Records plus an archive Travelling Folk interview with Ian from 2016.
only available for 28 days
> skip to ~40:50 for Ian talking to Bruce MacGregor in 2016.

16 Mar 24 - 08:02 PM (#4199205)
Subject: RE: 2024 Obit: Ian Green - Greentrax Recordings
From: Tattie Bogle

For those who would like to pay their last respects to Ian, his funeral is on Weds 27th March at Mortonhall Crematorium, Edinburgh at 11am. Family flowers only, donations to Cancer Research UK.