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Eurovision 2024

11 May 24 - 08:00 AM (#4202354)
Subject: Eurovision 2024
From: Dave the Gnome

Thread just for the music and entertainment please. There is a 'Damned Eurovision' thread below the line for criticism, politics and anything about Israel!

I will start with what I just posted on there

It's on tonight and I shall be glued to the box :-)

After Doctor Who of course!

11 May 24 - 09:11 AM (#4202360)
Subject: RE: Eurovision 2024
From: Johnny J

The UK haven't had a decent song since The Allisons...

11 May 24 - 10:23 AM (#4202364)
Subject: RE: Eurovision 2024
From: John MacKenzie

Programmes like this make me really glad that I don't watch TV   :)

11 May 24 - 11:21 AM (#4202367)
Subject: RE: Eurovision 2024
From: Dave the Gnome

That was really good, Johnny J :-) Thank you. I quite Mary Hopkin's 1970 entry too Knock, knock. Who's there?

Mind you I was also partial to a bit of Sandy Shaw and Gima G so that probably tells you a lot :-D

John Mc - How do you know if you never watch it? ;-D

11 May 24 - 11:24 AM (#4202369)
Subject: RE: Eurovision 2024
From: Dave the Gnome

Good site to see all the past UK entries

And even I must admit that there are some there that make me shudder :-D

11 May 24 - 12:05 PM (#4202371)
Subject: RE: Eurovision 2024
From: Johnny J

Oh I liked Mary Hopkin, Sandie Shaw, and Lulu too.
Their EU song entries not so much.

We had some really bad ones, mind you...

11 May 24 - 01:11 PM (#4202374)
Subject: RE: Eurovision 2024
From: Dave the Gnome

Odd shenanigans with the Dutch act being expelled and doubts cast on Ireland's entry with them missing dress rehersals. Controversy even before it starts!

11 May 24 - 01:28 PM (#4202375)
Subject: RE: Eurovision 2024
From: Johnny J

I think the Dutch entrant was expelled because he looked too much like Jimmy Savile..... ;-)))))

11 May 24 - 02:05 PM (#4202377)
Subject: RE: Eurovision 2024
From: Dave the Gnome


11 May 24 - 03:05 PM (#4202379)
Subject: RE: Eurovision 2024
From: Dave the Gnome

The end of Doctor Who led into it perfectly!

11 May 24 - 03:43 PM (#4202386)
Subject: RE: Eurovision 2024
From: The Sandman

what is the appeal pf the contest?

11 May 24 - 04:01 PM (#4202387)
Subject: RE: Eurovision 2024
From: Dave the Gnome

Bambi Thug rules!

11 May 24 - 04:07 PM (#4202389)
Subject: RE: Eurovision 2024
From: John MacKenzie

Don't need to watch it when it's plastered all over the news pages

11 May 24 - 04:14 PM (#4202390)
Subject: RE: Eurovision 2024
From: GUEST,Steve Shaw

I quite liked the Greek job...

11 May 24 - 04:16 PM (#4202391)
Subject: RE: Eurovision 2024
From: Dave the Gnome

I repeat, Thread just for the music and entertainment please. There is a 'Damned Eurovision' thread below the line for criticism, politics and anything about Israel!

11 May 24 - 04:17 PM (#4202392)
Subject: RE: Eurovision 2024
From: Dave the Gnome

I thought Greece were good too. Was there some sort of bagpipes in the background?

11 May 24 - 04:20 PM (#4202393)
Subject: RE: Eurovision 2024
From: GUEST,Steve Shaw

No politics from me this end: I thought Israel's was pretty good too.

11 May 24 - 04:28 PM (#4202394)
Subject: RE: Eurovision 2024
From: GUEST,Steve Shaw

Three wrinklies watching in our house. We all liked Italy's effort... proper job!

11 May 24 - 04:30 PM (#4202395)
Subject: RE: Eurovision 2024
From: GUEST,Steve Shaw

UK: embarrassing bunch of shite, or is it just me. Not healthy somehow.

11 May 24 - 04:33 PM (#4202396)
Subject: RE: Eurovision 2024
From: Dave the Gnome

I wasn't impressed with the UK entry either. No idea what was supposed to be going on,

The Finnish Flasher was weird too!

11 May 24 - 04:38 PM (#4202397)
Subject: RE: Eurovision 2024
From: GUEST,Steve Shaw

Damned fine singer that Portuguese lass. Not keen on the act but one has seen worse...

11 May 24 - 04:42 PM (#4202398)
Subject: RE: Eurovision 2024
From: GUEST,Steve Shaw

Loved Armenia. Just for once they seemed to be thoroughly enjoying themselves and they did a great job. Beautiful lady, beautiful singer.

11 May 24 - 05:02 PM (#4202399)
Subject: RE: Eurovision 2024
From: Dave the Gnome

Rim Tim Tagi Dim?

You don't get daft lyrics like that in folk music :-D

11 May 24 - 05:09 PM (#4202400)
Subject: RE: Eurovision 2024
From: Dave the Gnome

The French bloke has a hell of a voice. I liked the song too.

11 May 24 - 05:26 PM (#4202401)
Subject: RE: Eurovision 2024
From: GUEST,Steve Shaw

The whole shebang was plagued with flashing lights tonight. I know a couple of people with epilepsy who have been completely unable to watch the show.

11 May 24 - 05:30 PM (#4202402)
Subject: RE: Eurovision 2024
From: GUEST,Steve Shaw

I seem to recall the Silly Sisters singing ring ting tingling too, Dave... :-)

11 May 24 - 06:08 PM (#4202404)
Subject: RE: Eurovision 2024
From: GUEST,Steve Shaw

This is farcical. Bloody Switzerland fer chrissake?! What's going on here!

11 May 24 - 06:21 PM (#4202405)
Subject: RE: Eurovision 2024
From: Dave the Gnome

They won the first one in 1956!

Popular vote may change everything yet

11 May 24 - 06:40 PM (#4202406)
Subject: RE: Eurovision 2024
From: Dave the Gnome

Well, the rest of the world hate us...

Glad it wasn't just me :-)

11 May 24 - 06:51 PM (#4202407)
Subject: RE: Eurovision 2024
From: Dave the Gnome

Not wishing to be trite but...

What was he wearing?

11 May 24 - 07:09 PM (#4202409)
Subject: RE: Eurovision 2024
From: GUEST,Rossey

I hate the fact that Eurovision in the UK has been hijacked as a camp joke. A gay fest. Nothing wrong with what sexuality someone is. However, when an OTT gay club culture overrides to such an extent as to what was shown tonight - it alienates the majority out there, and the joke wears thin. Apart from the appalling quality of singer, the song was crap.   They didn't learn from the year before about these club type songs that are all effects and autotune, which don't work well live.

11 May 24 - 07:20 PM (#4202410)
Subject: RE: Eurovision 2024
From: GUEST,Johnny J

Is it just me or did anyone else think that the vocals were drowned out by the other instruments, backing tracks, beats etc?   All the songs seemed to suffer from this.

11 May 24 - 07:47 PM (#4202411)
Subject: RE: Eurovision 2024
From: GUEST,Steve Shaw

I'm not against gay/camp/whatever you want to call it, but I'll be brave enough to echo what Rossey says. The flashing lights, the overt sexuality, even the symbolic hints of sexual abuse...It's called a song contest fer chrissake. In most cases the song was somewhat lost in the glitzy nonsense of it all, and in most cases the singer, supposedly the only person obliged to "perform live," was augmented by echo, double tracking (or worse) and God knows what other manipulations. A really poor do in my opinion and I might have to give up watching it...

12 May 24 - 03:04 AM (#4202416)
Subject: RE: Eurovision 2024
From: Backwoodsman

And I have to echo what Rossey, Johnny J, and Steve Shaw say.

Barely audible vocals which prevented any understand of the song, a ‘performance over musicality’ ethos, including a lot of highly over-sexualised consumes and performances (Graham Norton mentioned on a number of occasions the ‘shortages of apparel’ - or some similar expression - in a number of performances), presentations dominated by flashing lights and over-loud backing-tracks. And the overt sexuality of some of the performances which, as Steve points out, hinted, in some instances, at sexual abuse.

Mrs Backwoodsperson and I commented several times that the raison d’etre of the contest - the songs - has been lost to the desire of its producers to provide ‘sensational TV’.

An international song-writing and performing contest is a great idea, that sadly has gone increasingly tits-up in recent years.

12 May 24 - 03:05 AM (#4202417)
Subject: RE: Eurovision 2024
From: Backwoodsman

‘UnderstandING! Buggerbuggerbugger!

12 May 24 - 03:28 AM (#4202418)
Subject: RE: Eurovision 2024
From: Dave the Gnome

Yes, music did seem to take a back seat this year. With some exceptions - France and Greece spring to mind although there were more. I do enjoy the spectacle myself but the staging needs to take second place to the music and performance. Hey-ho, let's see what the Swiss can do next year. Maybe a nod back to the 1956 roots?

12 May 24 - 03:46 AM (#4202419)
Subject: RE: Eurovision 2024
From: Backwoodsman

With regard to our own entry, it was a poor song, poorly-sung, and poorly-presented - I’m convinced that the image of a grubby, sweaty changing-room with hints of gay abuse did not sit well with the international voting audience.

Two years ago, the UK’s Sam Ryder came second and, were it not for the huge swell of sympathy for the recently-invaded Ukraine, would have won very easily with a well-written, well-sung, and well-presented song, ‘Spaceman’ - sadly, those who determine the UK’s entry to the competition appear to have learned nothing from 2022 and, the very next year, and again this year, it was back to badly-written, badly-sung, badly-presented dross. And we were caned for it - quite rightly.

12 May 24 - 04:40 AM (#4202420)
Subject: RE: Eurovision 2024
From: Dave the Gnome

Indeed. I think the UK were the only entry to receive no votes at all from the public vote. Maybe we will learn but probably not :-(

It's not as if we can't do music and spectacle. Maybe Wet Leg and Boss Morris next year :-)

12 May 24 - 08:56 AM (#4202421)
Subject: RE: Eurovision 2024
From: Mo the caller

Not watched it for decades. But I remember liking a French* entry years ago that got very few votes but later became a hit here as Love is Blue

*Wiki says Luxembourg

12 May 24 - 11:13 AM (#4202426)
Subject: RE: Eurovision 2024
From: GUEST,Rossey

I still remember watching as a five year old, Cliff doing his funny dance wearing a frilled jabot, singing 'Congratulations' (he was robbed!).   Ann Marie David's 'Wonderful Dream' is still my favourite winner. Classy orchestration and big end.   My favourite UK entry of recent years is now 30 years old! I virtually stop after that. Too subtle, low key and with some religious overtones so it bombed to 10th place.. Frances Ruffelle singing 'Lonely Symphony (We Will Be Free). The words "We Will Rise, Never Fall again and we will be free..", can apply to many present day conflict situations as well as romance.

12 May 24 - 12:54 PM (#4202427)
Subject: RE: Eurovision 2024
From: Thompson

Didn't watch it, but came across the Croatian entry, Rim Tim Tagi Dim and like it.