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Getting fed up with 'guests'

30 Jan 00 - 02:04 PM (#170511)
Subject: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: Rick Fielding

I completely understand why Max had to do something in an attempt to prevent another occurence of the "Mudcat Massacree week-end of silliness" from a few days ago, but some of this is getting tiresome. Is it possible to ask that folks coming in with folk music topics under the "guest" banner at least sign their names? Even a first name would make things a little more personal. When I reply to someone here, I have a picture in my mind (and sometimes an actual one courtesy of Bbc) of who I'm talking to, and a (semi) accurate profile of them from past postings. That is not only important to me but is proving crucial as a reason to be here.

I've been to several other folk-related websites where the conversations at times seem to be moronic in the extreme..but everyone's anonymous, so they don't care.

If someone's got a bee in their bonnet and really doesn't want to be identified then be my "GUEST", but for Pete's sake if you're not mad about something, can you identify yourself?

Send flames and burning pitch-forks to:


30 Jan 00 - 02:21 PM (#170518)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: shep


I kind of agree here. I do like to know where you are all from and its nice every so often to see someone sign their name and "general" locality. It helps the feel of the site and those who contribute.





30 Jan 00 - 02:26 PM (#170525)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: GUEST,_gargoyle

I am proud to be a guest.

Perhaps, after a year in exhile, and with time off for good behavior

Max will return my MudCatterenship which was abolished during the OrangeDay/Week Massacree of July 99.

A kitty's tail got caught in the automatic-clip-action of an Armalite, when she tried to "heal the hurting" of the Prods and Greens.

30 Jan 00 - 02:28 PM (#170526)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: Dave (the ancient mariner)

Dave Lever from Bedford Nova Scotia, I am definately not a nonny mouse...Yours, (always) Aye. Dave

30 Jan 00 - 02:30 PM (#170528)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: sheila

Shep - Is that northwest _England_, or northwest _UK_ (Sutherland)?

30 Jan 00 - 03:16 PM (#170552)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: katlaughing

Amen to that Rick! I think "GUEST" has just afforded some the opportunity to be even more obnoxious.


30 Jan 00 - 03:21 PM (#170555)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: Banjer

Rick has my backing, for what it's worth. I find myself logging on less and less it seems. Certainly posting less, but I won't let them run me out completely.

30 Jan 00 - 03:38 PM (#170564)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: Mary in Kentucky

But then, I reply to an anonymous GUEST when I think the info might also be appreciated by others. It's much harder this way to carry on a's really just talking to myself...not much fun.

30 Jan 00 - 03:39 PM (#170565)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: Little Neophyte

Good point Rick, my dad told me never to talk to strangers.


30 Jan 00 - 03:44 PM (#170568)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: Clinton Hammond2

Guests? I see no problem with them at all, provided they are contributing to Mudcat in a positive way, be it music or just fun sillyness...

Otherwise they are just another spammer...

Personal? Well nothing is more annony-mouse than the internet, and thats one of the up sides... You are offerd the chance to re-invent yourself everytime you connect to the net... Myself, my first instinct is to dissbelieve EVERYTHING I read in cyberspace... For that exact reason... it takes a lot of time to get to know a REAL person... to get to know someone through what their avatar presents takes much longer... And some would argue that because of the volitile nature of avatars, there is not point in trying to see past them...

Once again, my 0.02

30 Jan 00 - 03:58 PM (#170570)
Subject: Caballo diablo
From: GUEST,Rick Daniel

I/m trying to find the lyrics to Caballo Diablo by the charlie Daniels band...

Can anybody help? If ou have them please send them to


30 Jan 00 - 04:06 PM (#170573)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: Gary T

Hi, Rick Daniel. I'm sorry I'm not familiar with that one. I suggest a "lyric request" post (start a new thread) with the song title in it as the most efficient way to get a helpful response.

And thanks for giving us a name. There have been so many posts very recently that say simply "GUEST" that it's been a bit bewildering/off-putting.

30 Jan 00 - 04:06 PM (#170574)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: Lucius

I don't much reckon to being a guest in these parts either, but that's the way that the cookie sometimes crumbles.

I was finally forced to reset my cookie, if only to remove the blasted "guest" from my name.

Point taken.

Lucius (AKA Bob Jovi)

30 Jan 00 - 04:09 PM (#170576)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: The Shambles

I don't hark back to a 'golden age of Mudcat', for I feel that is yet to come, with all the fresh new blood that is now contributing. It is up to all of us to rise to the challenge of these newer posters and not to JUST refer them back to a similar discussion "'We' had two years ago". One of those newer posters appears to have just left, unfortunately (see the 'I love Mudcat' thread').

The events that Rick refers to and subsequent silliness, does highlight a problem. When I first came to The Mudcat, what attracted me was the welcoming and helpful 'tone' and that I detected a feeling that, it was more important, what was being said than who was saying it.

That emphasis changed over time. Now though, with all this (temporary) 'guest' stuff, the identity of the poster is not now certain, we can now only respond (or not) to what is being said and the 'tone' in which it is worded. Which may turn out to be a blessing in disguise? 'Knowing', in a cyber-sense and recognising all these good folk's names is nice but there is a balance to be struck between the personal stuff (being made public) and the music/politics etc. I have always worried about the danger of the forum becoming, just another chat room, where who is saying something is more important than what is being said.

"Send flames and burning pitch-forks to:"

The Shambles.

30 Jan 00 - 04:40 PM (#170593)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: Gary T

Shambles (or is it The Shambles?), apparently you have no idea how much UPS and Fed-Ex charge to ship a burning pitchfork (still burning, of course). I can't afford to comply! (ROFLMAO, just playing around and hoping others think it's humorous)

30 Jan 00 - 04:48 PM (#170597)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: wildlone

how many of they pitchforks do ee want then, I could get a few by end of week if ee want
dave of Dorset, pioneer.

30 Jan 00 - 05:46 PM (#170636)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: Susanne (skw)

We've had anonymous posters before, and personally I found the blank spaces before THE DAY much more annoying than the GUEST designation. I certainly wouldn't give up checking and contributing to the Mudcat for such a reason. However, if others find it grates then why don't we ask Max to replace the GUEST by a less obvious sign such as @ or $ or &, so that members know this is a guest? Might that provide a solution? - Susanne

30 Jan 00 - 06:25 PM (#170654)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: GUEST,sharon

And how do I reset my cookie, so that I am not a guest. I used to be a regular Mudcatter, and hadn't been here in quite sometime, and now I find that I am a guest! KInd of like going back to your old home church and the minister says, Oh, I see we have some "visitors" here!

30 Jan 00 - 06:34 PM (#170661)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: Amos

It's under Quicklinks, Sharon, at the top of the page--"Reset Cookie". You resupply your user name and password and it restores the cookie it needs to recognize you.


30 Jan 00 - 06:47 PM (#170665)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: GUEST,sharon

Just checking to see if I'm still a guest. I tried to fix it.

30 Jan 00 - 06:50 PM (#170669)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: Sharon

s'cuse me. I'm trying once more.

30 Jan 00 - 06:51 PM (#170670)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: Micca

i occasionally turn up with the Guest label but thats because I somtimes post from work where I do not have a cookie( and I suspect I can not because of the set up they use) so if I show as a GUEST thats why.

30 Jan 00 - 07:24 PM (#170681)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: McGrath of Harlow

The problem isn't the GUEST prefix, which is there for a very good reason (to stop the situation where it was possible to post messages using someone else's name, thus sowing confusion. It seems that is how some people get their jollies.

But if two people or more sign in as GUEST, without adding a name, it becomes very difficult to respond to what they are saying. And that arouses the suspicion that they are doing this on purpose to make life difficulty for other people.

If people want to us a pseudonym, fair enough, it doesn't involve that kind of confusion. The only confusion is that, for example one "GUEST, gargoyle" might not be the same as the next "GUEST gargoyle". But that's life. (Incidentally, what good behaviour was that? I could put one of those emoticons in here, I suppose, but I can't think of one that's fitting.)

30 Jan 00 - 07:41 PM (#170686)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: paddymac

Guess I might be the contrarian on this thread. The "Guest" business doesn't bother me at all. Although I personally despise those damnable banner ads, perhaps some such device might be appropriate at the mudcat homepage to draw attention to the membership option. As suggested above, some members may enter from other than their home computer and thus appear as a guest. It's nice (and courteous) when "Guest" posters do identify themselves, but it's hardly essential if they are making a relevant or sentient post. I think the content of their idea is more important than knowing their alias or nomme de plume.

30 Jan 00 - 07:42 PM (#170687)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: Callie

Also, it does not seem possible to send 'personal messages' to GUESTs, as I've just discovered. But this may be due to my lack of capability rather than the system's! Callie

30 Jan 00 - 09:45 PM (#170727)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: Bugsy

I'm completely lost with all this GUEST shit.

If you're not prepared to identify yourself and register properly - piss off!

It's like standing outside someones party, shouting through the window and expecting people to answer you.




30 Jan 00 - 10:06 PM (#170736)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: catspaw49

...and now its my turn to join you Bugsy, if you don't mind being seen with a moron. I'm about fed up with the whole thing myself.


30 Jan 00 - 10:14 PM (#170742)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: Little Neophyte

Well if Bugsy doesn't mine being seen with a moron and Catspaw doesn't mind being seen with a flirt, then I would like to join you guys.

Disenchanted BB

30 Jan 00 - 10:19 PM (#170747)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: bbelle

I've always enjoyed being in the midst of good company, so I'll join Bugsy, 'spaw, and banjo bonnie ... moonchild

30 Jan 00 - 10:24 PM (#170749)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: Escamillo

90% of the GUEST postings come from the same person, whose purpose is to force all of us to discuss exclusively musical matters. For example, he/she posts requests for lyrics by the dozen, thus pushing all other threads down, out of the 1-day list. When he/she runs out of songs to request, he/she refreshes 30 or 40 old unanswered requests. I think it's a kind of musical policeman (with due respect to policemen). However, this place is an island of intelligence and kindness in the net, and worth bearing this situations and much more.
Un abrazo, also for the GUEST - Andrés

30 Jan 00 - 10:37 PM (#170756)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: Sorcha

Andres, those have been my thoughts exactly.

30 Jan 00 - 10:41 PM (#170759)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: Big Mick

Hey 'Spaw, BB, My darling Moonchild, Bugsy Boy.........can a grouchy, overworked, left wing, broken down union organizer/singer jump in with you miscreants?????? It looks like pretty good company to me. I only have a few minutes but I can't think of a better place to spend it.


30 Jan 00 - 10:48 PM (#170766)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: catspaw49

Anytime Ace...and answer your e-mail occasionally....just so I know you're alive!!


30 Jan 00 - 10:53 PM (#170769)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: bbelle

Mick, hoping the "others" won't mind if I speak for them, you're most welcome in our group, though I suppose we should be careful about referring to us as a group. Let me reassure anyone who bristles at the word "group" that we are not setting ourselves apart from the rest, just simply showing support for a thought. For those who think everyone should think the same, except, of course, as regarding music, this is not the Mudcat Cafe - Stepfordville ... everyone here gets to think independantly. Mick, I'm glad to hear from your old grouchy, overworked, leftwing, broken down union organizer/singer self ... moonchild

30 Jan 00 - 10:58 PM (#170773)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: Mbo

I'm not disillusioned yet! I love this place to much for that to happen, no matter how many GUESTs play crazy games with our heads. I'm here to stay and never want to leave--ever!


30 Jan 00 - 11:00 PM (#170775)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: Brendy

Innocent question.
What exactly are you doing? Setting up an alternative Mudcat?
And if so, why?

30 Jan 00 - 11:00 PM (#170776)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: Rick Fielding

Thanks for the feedback folks.

Just in case there's any misunderstanding about my initial intent. I was asking folks with only the appellation "GUEST" to just sign your name to your post...or ANY NAME for that matter. Just makes it a bit more personal if you want a response. I know that a lot of folks are cookie-less at the moment, and obviously I don't mean them.

Andres, (how's the weather down there?) One of the misconceptions here seems to be that GG is the only disenter on this forum. He is of course the long time master of the title "keeper of the flame", but I assure you that writing styles over a period of time produce as much evidence as fingerprints or DNA. Along with Quentin Crisp and Pete Seeger, one of my all-time literary heroes was a man named Auguste Dupin. He had some great little tricks that work well today. Problem is that pinpointing someone using "another name" may be entertaining detective work, but it ain't gonna help this forum flourish.


30 Jan 00 - 11:01 PM (#170777)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: Joe Offer

Interesting theory, Andrés. I don't think it's the case, but maybe I'm wrong. I think the person who came in yesterday and posted all those requests is just somebody who went a little overboard. If you're new here, it's easy to forget to fill in the name box when you're posting a message, and then the "from" part of your message shows up as GUEST with a blank. Before Max added the "Guest" designation, all you got was the blank. (So, Rick, I don't think it has anything to do with Max's changes - the box for entering the sender's name is just like it used to be, but now it registers "guest" and not just a blank).
But no, I don't think all those threads yesterday came from somebody who was trying to play "folk police." A person with those interests wouldn't be asking for pop songs and songs that are included in Rise Up Singing. I think it's more likely an overenthusiastic kid with a new guitar, who's trying to gather chords for songs to play. At least, the person did what we like and asked for the songs separately, instead of all in one message in one thread.
-Joe Offer-

P.S. If you're having cookie problems, leave a message for me in the help forum. I'll look up your registration and get you straightened out.

30 Jan 00 - 11:02 PM (#170778)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: Bugsy

I'm, here to stay too. I'm just getting so pissed off with all the associated shit that seems to be taking over so much of the threads.

It's really pissing me off!



30 Jan 00 - 11:02 PM (#170779)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: Bugsy

Especially the Anonymous "Guest" shit!


30 Jan 00 - 11:19 PM (#170788)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: paddymac

Ah, Bugsy, dear friend and valued commentator on mudcat miscellany, remember old Confucious saying: it is much better to be pissed off than pissed on. :>) Also old paddymac saying: the fuckers only win if you let 'em!

30 Jan 00 - 11:20 PM (#170790)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: Bugsy

Thank you Paddymac, I now feel soothed.



30 Jan 00 - 11:31 PM (#170793)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: GUEST,Al

I will remain a "Guest". I have worked in IT for a long time and after it took years to put decent security on mainframe computers, along comes Bill Gates and security goes out of the window. "Windows" means that folks can look in as well as out! I therefore allow NO cookies to be placed on my computer by any site. I am careful to download only from reputable sites and do so to a file which can be virus scanned before running. The internet has enabled far too many crooks, assholes and idiots with an agenda to get into our personal lives and it is as a defense against this intrusion that I do not care to reveal much about myself. Those who do so may take that risk at their own peril and I feel that Rick Fielding does us all a disservice by encouraging personal revelations. Not everyone who may access the mudcat may be benign.

30 Jan 00 - 11:31 PM (#170794)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: catspaw49

...and better to be pissed on than pissed through, 'cause that'd make you a pr.......well, you know.........


30 Jan 00 - 11:36 PM (#170798)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: bbelle

Brendy ... if your comment was made to me, I will ignore it, and suggest you reread my post. If you have questions as to what I meant, please address it to me via personal message... moonchild

30 Jan 00 - 11:39 PM (#170800)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: Escamillo

Rick, I'm trying to throw out one of the dogs (not disturbing wife and two sons) in order to get a place in the bath tub. But they grunt (the dogs)- what can I do ?

To be duly registered, that Rick asked me: "Andres, (how's the weather down there?) "

Warm (30 C degrees at 1:30 AM) hugs - Andrés

30 Jan 00 - 11:42 PM (#170802)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: Little Neophyte

GuestAl, I think Rick was suggesting that if you are a Guest it would be helpful for communication sake to identify the Guest. This doesn't mean you have to have a Cookie.
Al the Guest, just like you posted, is very helpful for others who wish to respond to your particular posting.


30 Jan 00 - 11:55 PM (#170811)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: Rick Fielding

Now be nice "A1" or is it "AL"? You have to take SOME chances in life. I've been a part of an international folk community for 30 years and I've never had a single maniac follow me home....although I've met a few accordion players that I wouldn't lend a lot of money to.

Rick (happily spreading disservices, like johnny did Appleseeds)

30 Jan 00 - 11:58 PM (#170814)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: Little Neophyte

Rick, you are stuttering again

31 Jan 00 - 12:12 AM (#170819)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: Amos

It's that tired single digit -- it starts shaking late at night...--known as Mudcat's Forefinger. Which is odd because as far as I know real Mudcats don't have forefingers.


31 Jan 00 - 12:26 AM (#170836)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: GUEST,_gargoyle

Al....your message precisely the one preached in the past....upon this very only convert has been a reluctant Mr. Seed.....stopped short of revealing his wife's creditcard balances which (might have made him a REAL believer.) Use the white pages when selecting registration names....and juno/hot/net/ e-mail replies.

Shambles, "can-it-old-man"

31 Jan 00 - 12:30 AM (#170839)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: Joe Offer

Ah, Rick never stutters - he's got Joe to clean up his duplicate messages (but he got caught this time...)

Andrés, maybe you're right that something is going on. Now he's asking for BeeGees songs. I hate not to give requested information, if I have it, but this is getting to be a bit too much. I think all these requests are coming from the same person, although he/she has started to put various names in the "from" box. It's gotten past the point of merely being overenthusiatic, and it's well into the "obnoxious" area.
So, should I go to the trouble of looking up "Stayin' Alive"? Maybe not.
-Joe Offer-

31 Jan 00 - 12:55 AM (#170859)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: GUEST,Al

As a matter of fact Rick, I do play the Accordion and I resent the implication. But what I am saying is that this is not a closed community of folk enthusiasts - it is open to the world. This is not the friendly confines of a folk club - you are in the big bad world (in the true global sense) of the internet. I simply try to warn the users that it can be dangerous to adults as well as kids to reveal too much personal information. Several threads on the mudcat encourage this - "Where do Mudcatters Live", "What Brand of Prophylactic ... " What Age ..." and you seemed to be trying to have people open themselves up even more. In Canada, you seem to be pretty civilized, but in the US you can get shot for cutting someone off in traffic. So if you piss off some lonely geek on a web site, you don't want to give him too much data to track you down. All I'm saying is, "Be careful out there!"

31 Jan 00 - 01:05 AM (#170865)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: Clinton Hammond2


Accordion players?? So how long HAVE you known Len Wallace for?!?! LOL!!

I have way too much fun at his expence... but he picks on everybody he knows too, so I guess it's all fair eh?



31 Jan 00 - 01:40 AM (#170880)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: Rick Fielding

Actually Al, I gotta come clean.(although I was hoping to get rid of a few snappy one-liners tonight) You have a good point. A little less than a year ago a fellow mudcatter provided their address and an invitation for others to visit them on an appointed day. I though "great, ain't that hospitable" and then had an attack of "reality" and sent them a private message suggesting that they be a little more careful with giving out that kind of information. The person was a bit taken aback at my "suspicious nature", and I re-thought the whole thing out at length. Well, as I often do, when in doubt, I turned to the writing of the wisest man who ever lived (in my humble opinion)Quentin Crisp. His views (many of which I emulate as well as a straight Canadian male can) are clear on this. "Anyone not wanting to murder you, is a potential interesting friend, so keep as open as's much more interesting that way". Now granted, I'm 6 feet tall, 220 pounds and have eyes in the back of my head, when it comes to smelling trouble, so perhaps if I was a little more potentially vulnerable, I might see it differently, but we'll just have to agree to disagree a bit on this.

Oh by the way...I didn't mean accordion player...I mean't BANJO player! Sorry Bonnie, but Al might be 6' 5"!!

By the way (part two) what stuttering? I never saw a thing, but my computer did funny things for a few minutes. Thank you Joe. As usual I'm in your debt.


31 Jan 00 - 03:15 AM (#170896)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: Brendy

Whatever made you think that I directed my inquiry at you personally, as nowhere in my post did I so much as imply I was doing so? (Perhaps YOU should read my post again)
Had you done me the courtesy of of addressing your concerns to me via the 'personal pages', I may have returned the favour.
I don't see how "Innocent Question" could be construed as being anything else but that, and even given the amount of paranoia and latent xenophobia which has been apparent of late, I still think that the word "You" could stretch itself to include the plural definition.
I just wanted to find out where you were all going: to another café, to the movies, going fishing......What?
Whatever about getting fed up with 'Guests', there are people who hide behind equally ridiculous pseudonyms who are doing more, in my opinion, to hurt this place. And the sooner they get off peoples' backs the sooner this forum will quieten my opinion.

31 Jan 00 - 03:18 AM (#170897)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: GUEST,Benjamin

Wow, I couldn't finish reading this thread as it's long! (That happens when you don't check in). As for me, don't have a cookie, never did. But I promise, I do put my name when I post (I've quit using the "Blue Moon" name since the 'guest' came up though).

For me, I am probably the youngest here (just turned 20 today!) and come here to often to learn from what others have learned or know. As far as I'm seeing, The 'guest' sign isn't really doing much, people were posting leaving the name blank before.

I guess the only point of my post is to say that there is lots for me to learn here and I don't have a cookie. I just don't want people thinking I'm causing trouble when they see the 'guest' before my name. I must agree with your opening post Rick!


31 Jan 00 - 03:25 AM (#170902)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: Brendy

Happy Birthday Benji, old boy
May you peace and prosper.

31 Jan 00 - 04:12 AM (#170912)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: Joe Offer

Hi, Benjamin - the "Guest" designation is just to help prevent people from posting under the names of reigstered Mudcatters. If the "from" box says guest, you know it's not from somebody who's posting through a Mudcat registration. We had some impersonation problems that got a little nasty. I think Max came up with a pretty workable solution, that allows people to post easily without being registered, if that's what they want to do.
-Joe Offer-

31 Jan 00 - 09:17 AM (#170955)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: GUEST,Auxiris

Okay, that's it; I've had it. After having been (relatively) courteous, having tried to help various people with bits of information, contributed the odd song and/or poem, having tried to join in on several discussions, been ignored for the most part by the rest of you, I'm leaving. Am I to be "suspect" because I choose not to become a member and thus have "GUEST" attached to my pseudo? I'll just have to be content with plundering the odd song here and there. Thanks a lot.



31 Jan 00 - 09:41 AM (#170971)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: Dave (the ancient mariner)

Ladies and Gentlemen. I hope that none of you will take the drastic action of leaving the Mudcat because of the antics of some malcontent with nothing better to do than trying to piss people off. For my part I believe,that trying to intimidate people on here, is somewhat akin to a flea climbing an elephants tail intent on rape. The flea may achieve his objective, but the elephant will continue on oblivious; and for the most part uncaring. If someone intends anything otherwise, they might find out that some folkies do not turn the other cheek; and have the ability to reach out and touch someone... Yours,(not a nonny mouse) Aye. Dave

31 Jan 00 - 10:36 AM (#171004)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: Gary T

Auxiris, I'm sorry you've had a less than pleasant experience. I have no clue as to why it seems you might have been ignored. But I would like to clarify, there is no problem with the tag "GUEST" per se. Perhaps the thread title is a bit misleading. The problem (in my eyes, anyway) is that there has been a rash of posts lately that say "GUEST" and nothing more, the equivalent of leaving the "from" box blank in the past. Posting with some kind of name, as you did, is appreciated. You are not suspect just because of the "GUEST" label, and it's not necessary for you (or anyone else) to join and register. What's disconcerting is when the "from" box says ONLY "GUEST", leaving us no clue as to whether these very many "GUEST"-only posts are all from one person or from any number of different people. Please participate as you will, and I hope it gets better here for you. And thank you for adding the "Auxiris" name to your post.

31 Jan 00 - 11:22 AM (#171029)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: GUEST,Auxiris

Sincere thanks for your kind words, Gary; sorry to get chuffed off like that. I wouldn't even THINK of using anyone else's name and I think there's a lot of mistrust just now about the whole "guest" thing. What I didn't say is that when I tried to join Mudcat over a year ago, the "cookie" tarted up my computer pretty bad and it took me weeks to get it back in running order. And, just maybe the contributions I've made weren't all that interesting.



31 Jan 00 - 11:28 AM (#171032)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: Amos

Don't see how a cookie could tart up a whole computer, unless it was lemon meringue. It's just an ASCII string. It's more likely that the session did the tarting by locking up a port or some such confusing thing. New thread on the hatred of computers coming soon.


31 Jan 00 - 12:46 PM (#171091)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: Rick Fielding

Jeez Auxirus, I doubt if you were truly "ignored", and I'm sorry if it appeared that way. keep in mind that all of us get "ignored" a lot of times here. Whether it be what we consider a very salient point, or a brilliant joke. As far as the joke goes...if I think it's REALLY good, I wait a couple of weeks and slip it into another thread! Even a musical point can be used again if you really want feedback. Just gotta be a little persistant at times. (or you can start a thread called "Joe Offer's Head on a Stick" and get IMMEDIATE detailed feedback!!!)


31 Jan 00 - 12:46 PM (#171092)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: GUEST,Auxiris

Well, it did, Amos--believe it or not--and I am not anxious to try again. No, it was not the session and yes, it took me forever to get my computer back in running order. I also lost a lot of files in the process, so no poison cookies for me. Sorry for the thread creep.

cheers, Auxiris

31 Jan 00 - 01:06 PM (#171098)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: GUEST,Neil Lowe

Auxiris...may I make a suggestion? When posting to this forum, do what I do: pretend like you're talking to yourself. That way, if nobody responds, you will know that at least one other intelligent person saw what you had to say.

Regardless, I think you have one helluva good start at piquing interest in your posts. Any moniker that has an "X" in it is always intriguing.

Neil X. Lowe

31 Jan 00 - 01:18 PM (#171103)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: GUEST,Auxiris

Thanks, Neil X. . . LOL. Regardless, having already admitted to being a banjo player (and proud to be one) elsewhere in the forum, I don't know if I can qualify as an intelligent person.

cheers, Auxiris

31 Jan 00 - 01:22 PM (#171108)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: Amos

Now, hold on! My best pal in junior high, who walkerd the early folkie road withme, was primarily a banjo plucker, and one of the smartest guys I know to boot. It's not like he played the accordion! And, come to think of it, the smartest gal I know plays the accordion! Just shows to go ya.


31 Jan 00 - 01:23 PM (#171109)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: Fortunato

Do you folks know the Zen Koan:

How do you get the chicken out of the box?

The answer could be:'s out.

Or this way:

There are stones in the road
and ice upon the trail
but, oh! the birdsong.

Regards, Fortunato

31 Jan 00 - 01:26 PM (#171113)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: GUEST,Auxiris

I play accordion, too.

cheers, Auxiris

31 Jan 00 - 01:42 PM (#171128)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: McGrath of Harlow

Best be careful being rude about accordion players. Idi Amin plays the creature. He used to get very enthusiastic audiences at one stage.

I liked Neil Lowe's point about having X in a name. - as in Max. Perhaps we could ask Max (another X) to change it from GUEST to XENOS, which, as has been pointed out, means both guest and stranger in Greek. And it's a very intriguing prefix to wear on your name, into the bargain.

31 Jan 00 - 01:57 PM (#171145)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: GUEST,Benjamin


I don't consider myself a stranger here (though I've never meet anyone here in person) I'm somewhat of a consistent poster. I just don't have a cookie! I'm not sure how much I'd like the prefix to my name to mean stranger.


31 Jan 00 - 02:13 PM (#171152)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: GUEST,Neil Lowe

Auxiris...and proud you should be. Being a Yank, I am always receptive to things that I can point to with pride here in the U.S. I am told (perhaps you could verify) that the banjo is the only instrument indigent to North America. All others (the guitar, for example, came from Spain - I think) were imported from somewhere else. True? If so, I'll leave it to personal opinion of the other respected members of this forum whether that should be a source of pride or no. And as fas as a relationship between choice of instrument and steal another member's joke: you know what they call someone who likes to hang out with musicians? A drummer.

Regards, Neil (former drummer)

31 Jan 00 - 02:16 PM (#171154)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: GUEST,lloyd61

My Lap-Top has made me a GUEST. I guess when I'm on the road I'm a GUEST. Max, how can I have the same name on all my PC's. I need Cookie that goes with me. O'well it's sunny and warm here in Arizona, the cookie would melt.


31 Jan 00 - 02:28 PM (#171162)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: Amos

I think if you reset the cookie (using the Quicklinks menu) while using the laptop, then that copy of the browser (Netscape or IE) will have the needed cookie and be able to log you in automagically.

Try it and see if that works?

Alternatively you could create several IDs (such as lloyd62, lloyd63, etc.) one for each machine.


31 Jan 00 - 03:58 PM (#171213)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: Cara

Indeed, you can have cookies on several different machines. I do. Just make sure to log out if you're 'Catting in a public place.

31 Jan 00 - 04:22 PM (#171233)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: Amos

Cara! Have you been catting in public places? Isn't that risky?


31 Jan 00 - 08:07 PM (#171365)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: Art Thieme

Guests and fish stink after 3 or 4 days.


31 Jan 00 - 10:18 PM (#171428)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: Lin in Kansas

re: Escamillo's posting way back up there...

I wonder:

If whoever the "musical police" is/are realizes:

Posting all those dozens of requests for lyrics/chords is far more disruptive to the purpose of the Mudcat (at least, as I understand that purpose) than any BS or healing thread. What he/she/they are actually doing is making the people who comprise the knowledge and information base of the Mudcat reluctant to answer *any* lyric/chords request, by making them doubt the poster's sincerity in asking... Many of the postings seem designed to simply waste the time and expertise of these people, not truly to want an answer.

IMO, that's a downright shame. My intro to Mudcat was when I requested lyrics to a song that had been haunting me, and received answers almost immediately--and I thought, Wow! This place is terrific! and came back again to learn more. Thank you, all of you who willingly share your knowledge and quirky senses of humor!

If the "musical police" render the Lyr/Chords resource unusable or untrustworthy, as seems to be happening, he/she/they have impaired half of what makes the Mudcat somewhere special.

That ploy won't force Mudcatters to discuss "only music," it will force Mudcatters to discuss nothing at all. Or is that really the reason for all the hoorah?


31 Jan 00 - 11:13 PM (#171444)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: Guy Wolff

Thanks Rick, I am so happy to know the people who have chosen to show themselves here.There are some wanderfull people here and the ones that dont want to show themselves tell me they are not here to be met.. What is the point of wasting time on someone who isnt there.I'm always interested in what a person who stands up and is counted has to say.The word guest is an aside to protect us from the childish bull dinky .Please dont get mad at it you guys,it has helped show whos has been nauty and who has been nice..Its been very helpfull.Dont go away Spaw I look forward to your words here. All the best to thoughs of good will. You know who you are!!!! Guy

01 Feb 00 - 12:21 AM (#171490)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: Rick Fielding

Boy, it can be easy to be misunderstood again and again. Once more, my ONLY point was it would be nice if newcomers under the "GUEST" banner, would sign a name at the end of their post. ANY name, just to give it a bit of a personal touch. No more, no less. I'm NOT asking people to reveal their visa numbers.

Re: song requests. My way of dealing with them has always been to COMPLETELY ignore any request that doesn't give some information other than "song wanted". If someone's social skills are so lacking that they can't even say please and thank you, their request can fall in a lake...or off this forum.


01 Feb 00 - 01:46 PM (#171764)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: annamill

Spaw, BB, Moonchild, Bugsy Boy, Mick..can I come too? This whole thing is scaring the s**t out of me. I'm afraid Max is going to get sick of it all and shut us down. Between you and me, if I was new now, I'd be real reluctant to offer my home to "anyone" on Mudcat. If that's true, you know something valuable has been lost. Sad, huh? I know I miss what we had. Maybe a lot of wonderful new people have joined us, but they're being lost in the garbage. I hate subversion and mistrust. I usually avoid it, but I have such good friends here, that I'm reluctant to go away.

Oh well. Love, annap

01 Feb 00 - 02:41 PM (#171800)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: Amos

Hey guys, I'm just a loudmouthed newcomer in Cat terms, but I'd really appreciate it if you not go away, as I feel it would cost me too dearly. I admire you all and enjoy your views and communications.

The mention of the ant practicing on the elephant comes to mind. The flak bugs go away after a while and the genuine hearts still appear.


01 Feb 00 - 02:53 PM (#171802)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: annamill

Amos, I've enjoyed your postings very much. Your songs are great and I am glad you've joined us. I'd have you at a gathering anytime, but I don't like being in the position of having to pick and choose who comes. My home has always been open to any Mudcatter, even Gargoyle (mean as he can be sometimes). Now I'm a little nervous about doing that. Oh, I'll probably do it anyway!

Love, annap

01 Feb 00 - 02:59 PM (#171808)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: Amos

Well, thankee, kindly annap. The occasional airhead who comes through these pagesusually (I think) finds the _actual_ interest of the majority offputting and goes off to screw up some other site :>).

Just choose a few of the biggest of your friends who will come and act as Masters at Arms and you'll have nothing to fear.

Or you can ask people to respond by personal message, which will filter out the n'e'r-do-wells.

Warm regards,


01 Feb 00 - 03:02 PM (#171810)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: Bill in Alabama

C'mon-- The GUEST designation did what it was supposed to do: it supposedly solved the problem of stolen handles, or identities, or whatever it was that brought on that last big scamperdown. I think Max did a great job with it, and I can't, frankly, understand why there's so much whining about it. If you are bothered by the designation, don't open the thread --isn't that what some folks have been preaching in other instances?

01 Feb 00 - 04:14 PM (#171828)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: MMario

It isn't really the "guest" designation that people are complaining's the plethora of anonymous posts. Partly I think it's because they are much more obvious now....and because it's frustrating trying to reply to a vacuam even when the request is legitimate. Add to that the creeping suspicion that someone is deliberatley posting requests to make 'catters respond.....

01 Feb 00 - 05:01 PM (#171845)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: GUEST,BlueJay

Rick Fielding, I empathize with your concerns about cyberworld anonymity. As a guest, I also understand the need for anonymity. I'm fairly new to computers, and there's lots more like me, who are COMPUTER IDIOTS- probably should just take it back to the store, but the internet in general is fun and informative. I'm not a regular "mudcatter", but I pop in from time to time and have even found a couple of long lost lyrics, easing my mind greatly. I think the Mudcat Cafe is an invaluable internet resource even though I'm not a member, (a couple of people have encouraged me to join). But you see, I like to visit many sites and they all want me to sign up. I like it just the way it is: visit as a guest, I'm not trying to screw things up or plagiarize anyone, I just may have an occasional question or comment. I tink there are probably more people like me out there than there are regular mudcatters. Hell, I don't even know how to sign up if I wanted to: I bookmarked the discussion page and haven't explored it further, and check in occasionally. If it weren't for the anonymity warning I read, I'd probably be giving you my e-mail address at this point.

My point is that there are a lot of people like me, who stumble on to this site, who are neither computer geniuses nor have the finances to sign up officially. I know you've had problems with impersonators, but please don't assume that if BlueJay is a guest there is some malicious intent.

My final question: what exactly is a "mudcat"? My closest frame of reference is "mudduck", an endagered species of Colorado railroaders. You may be tired of this question, but I think I'll take the bold step of starting a new thread, (and why is it called a thread)?

01 Feb 00 - 05:17 PM (#171853)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: katlaughing

Blue Jay, it costs nothing to become a member of the Mudcat. The advantages include being able to send and receive personal message, listing your profile or picture on the BBC's Resources Page, and just plain joining in in support of a great website. Oh, and a lot of us were once Computer Idiots, too, no problem there!:-) Ask any question and you will generally get a rapid answer/response.

There is an answer about what a mudcat is in the new thread, that GUEST started, "can anyone tell me about the Mudcat."

Having a name beside GUEST makes it easier to respond to individuals and engenders trust and mutual respect.

Thanks and welcome to the Mudcat, Blue Jay.


01 Feb 00 - 06:18 PM (#171885)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: Little Neophyte

Annap, I wasn't really going anywhere. Just expressing my feelings; making a point.
When you were a kid, did you ever pack your bags and tell your parents you were leaving?
I think the furthest I ever got was the backyard.


01 Feb 00 - 06:43 PM (#171896)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: katlaughing

Sorry, bbc, that SHOULD have read "at BBC's Mudcat Resoures", not "the" BBC's. Whoo-boy, then we would've really arrived!

BB - me, too

01 Feb 00 - 08:56 PM (#171947)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: McGrath of Harlow

First time I saw the Mudcat was when I was looking for a BBC site in a search engine, and came across bbc. "Strange" I thought. Strange is good. So are strangers - but names are handy, even with strangers.

01 Feb 00 - 09:14 PM (#171954)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: McGrath of Harlow

I hereby promise not to to respond to any request in a thread started by any anonymous GUEST who doesn't even supply a pseudonym - if we all do that they'll vanish down the page pretty fast.

01 Feb 00 - 09:25 PM (#171957)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: Gary T

BlueJay, a mudcat is a catfish, hence the logo with one jumping out of a banjo. To join, look at the menu at the top of the main page, over to the right, and click on "Membership". No fee, essentially it's a matter of registering. It also sets a "cookie" in your computer that automatically puts your name on your posts, saving you from typing it in and eliminating the "Guest" tag.

01 Feb 00 - 09:47 PM (#171970)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: Bill D

and if one is paranoid about cookies, I recommend one of several programs which allow YOU to set rules about which cookies..(and java & javascript..and more) that YOU allow!. I am using something called "AtGuard"..but it has been sold to Norton Utilites, you can find Norton's version at their site...there is also "BlackIce"...but I have not used it...and any number of others. (Oh, the javascript option in the cookie-masher programs stops those 'pop-up' windows on sites like GeoCities, too! Well worth looking at!)...the cookie-eating programs come in a variety of flavors, so look & decide...and I'm sure there a couple of freeware examples out there. It is good to have a good store of bookmarks to freeware sites--you can get a lot of neat stuff that way...

01 Feb 00 - 10:33 PM (#172000)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: BK

Bill D; thanks for the great idea. As for the "GUEST" bit - I agree that it was a sensible & effective - & very open-minded, non-hostile, mature adult thing for Max to do, & it does at least stop some behavior that was indescribably offensive to me. I work in a prison & have to put up w/all manner of vile scummery daily. To come here - the BEST place in cyberspace & find, for example, some sick-o phoney &*^%$#&* signing in as the one & only Katlaughing - well, it was too disgusting. I'd've been a lot less polite than she was. I HATE when work follows me home! I CHERISH the opinions & knowledge of the folks like Kat on the 'cat, & anyway, it was just plain mean & deciteful..

Cheers, & BRAVO! to max! BK

01 Feb 00 - 10:48 PM (#172011)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: GUEST,Brian

I dont think that not answering guests is the right idea. Everyone of you started as a guest at sometime. Besides just cause you are a guest does not mean that you cannot add something worthwhile. It is just as silly as labeling freshman as inferior in high school. My advice is to welcome the guests and try to promote you club by being helpful to them. This would gain the respect of the guests and in my opinion would encourage more of us guests to become members. There is nothing wrong with being a member to try a club for a while.

01 Feb 00 - 11:03 PM (#172022)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: Bugsy

Brian, If you take a few minutes to read the earlier posts to this thread, you will see that it is not the "GUEST" that everyone is getting fed up with. No one has anything against GUESTS in general.


This thread seems to be going round in circles.



01 Feb 00 - 11:11 PM (#172033)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: GUEST,brian

sorry i misunderstood you

01 Feb 00 - 11:13 PM (#172034)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: Bugsy




01 Feb 00 - 11:27 PM (#172042)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: Rick Fielding

GOD BLESS YOU BUGSY! I was beginning to think each of my posts must have been in Latin. Thanks.


01 Feb 00 - 11:33 PM (#172049)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: Bugsy

You are more than welcome - now can we put this one to bed??????



01 Feb 00 - 11:45 PM (#172060)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: GUEST,of a Guest

The disadvantage of membership is that KatLaughing can spam you with healing letters of invitation and you can recieve awful advice from Computer Idiots that believe themselves brillant, so, stay a Guest it has no obligations and no irritations

01 Feb 00 - 11:48 PM (#172064)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: Rick Fielding

Oy vay, Good night Gracie!


02 Feb 00 - 02:18 AM (#172133)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: Benjamin

Okay! I thought it costed money (which I don't have much of) to join. Now I've found out it doesn't, I've joined! No more 'guest' tag! That was a lot simpler than I thought!

02 Feb 00 - 03:25 AM (#172152)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: AKS

Your Latin, Rick, is quite comprehendable even to a non-native English speaker like me, and you made a considered point by expressing that kind wish in the first place.

And in addition: if one would not dare to put one's real name under a posting, be it of any category, the contents of it need reconsideration. Isn't this the same basic idea that lies behind the freedom of the speech? One may not insult people or tell lies about them publicly without running the risk of being sued, or have I been misled?

Well, asking stupid questions might be a different matter, but still, honest people don't need anonymity (exceptions allowed).

Arto Kalevi Sallinen, Joensuu, Finland

02 Feb 00 - 03:47 AM (#172157)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'

You also dont't have to join to contribute. I think its about $80 I've contributed over the last two and a half years and I've never joined. What's the object in joining?

02 Feb 00 - 04:05 AM (#172159)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: Bugsy

The point of joining is, as in any organisation, club, association, or union(trade or otherwise), to be a part oa a community of like minded people. ie. TO BELONG.



02 Feb 00 - 04:24 AM (#172161)
Subject: Joining Mudcat - no obligation
From: Joe Offer

Well, no, you "belong" if you're here and you're having a good time with the rest of us. If you sign up with the Mudcat registration, it allows Mudcat to identify you when you come here, and makes it so you can get personal messages and can add links, and are automatically identified by name on your forum messages, and you can access chat when we've had it. I think the most notable benefit is the personal messaging, which is nice. It's not the end of the world if you don't register, but there are some nice features you can access.
And it doesn't cost a thing, And Max would never sell your name and stuff to anybody. We trust Max. So can you.

I have to say, in all due respect, that Brother Fielding may have made an unfortunate choice of thread titles for this thread, even if he did a reasonably good job of explaining himself in the first message.

-Joe Offer-

02 Feb 00 - 05:05 AM (#172167)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'

So what if my parents named me GUEST??? Ive learned to live with it and so should you!!!

02 Feb 00 - 11:01 AM (#172295)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: Rick Fielding

I'm afraid your right Joe. I guess I ex........ah forget it, what's the point anymore.


02 Feb 00 - 11:12 AM (#172300)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: Amos

Sometimes having to say it over and over is just noblesse oblige, Rick...the burden of the rational voice in a field of haywire motormouths. Appreciate your constancy!


02 Feb 00 - 01:44 PM (#172384)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: McGrath of Harlow

Ave atque vale.

02 Feb 00 - 05:23 PM (#172496)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: GUEST,BlueJay

Thanx kat/katlaughing, I'll join up. I don't have much time to peruse this site, but the few threads I have picked have been very stimulating and rewarding. To Rick Fielding, the original poster of this thread, I am a guest, and if you're talking Latin, I seem to have learned Latin. I'm probably too eager to divulge personal information, (what the hell, I live in a small town where everyone knows everything you do anyway), so your comments seem very reasonable. And Kat,(can I call you Kat), my three year old computer literate daughter wants to know how a cat can laugh.

02 Feb 00 - 05:26 PM (#172501)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: MMario

try seating one on somebody's head.

02 Feb 00 - 08:45 PM (#172616)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: katlaughing

Why, yer welcome, there, BlueJay. That's a very observant daughter you have there. What MMario is referring to is a picture of me which used to be on bbc's Mudcat Resources photo page (see the Quick Links). Since your daughter is interested, I will sned the picture back to bbc and ask her to put it up, again, when she has time. So, in a few days or so, check it out, okay?

Oh, and the cat which is on my head? HE laughs at me all of the time! Tell your youngun' that "Trystan" is a clown who winks at me, smiles, and stands between the kitchen and hallway, hind legs on the linoleum, front legs on the carpet, and scratches his hind legs, like a bull getting ready to charge, revving his engine, then takes off in high gear, racing through the house and making me laugh me arse off, while the other cats run in terror!

Of course, the simple answer is that katlaughing is a contraction of my first and last name: katlaf, so I added the *ing* 'cause it fits me.

Now, is that as clear as mud? Oh, and you may say you don't have a lot of time, but watch it! This place is very addictive, we've even talked about starting our own 12 step group! Hahaha!

Welcome, welcome!


03 Feb 00 - 12:07 AM (#172713)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: Amos

Hi. My name is Amos and ...and....(sits down suddenly).

22 Aug 00 - 09:10 PM (#282885)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: GUEST,Mark

I removed all the cookies from my machine.

This included the mudcat one.

Now I am finding it difficult to rejoin.

So, I am a guest.

I ask for lots of lyrics and chords and will continue to do so.

If you do not answer me because I wear the wrong title. So be it!



Mark (one of the twenty million other Marks on the planet)

22 Aug 00 - 09:48 PM (#282906)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: GUEST,leeneia

I would like to be more than a guest, but the Mudcat wants to know too much about me. My name, address, e-mail address. I an not going to put that information on the same system (the Internet) that has my banking account and can also make a record of any searches I might make on health issues, job security, etc.


22 Aug 00 - 10:49 PM (#282933)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: flattop

Nothing says that you have to give correct information on the internet, leeneia. If you are concerned about safety, use false information. (Mudcat needs a correct e-mail in case you lose your password but yahoo will do.) I signed up on an American newspaper site as a 35 year old Australian woman. Haven't received any sales literature targeted at that audience yet.

22 Aug 00 - 11:26 PM (#282966)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: MMario

All I had to put in was an e-mail address. and Mark, it's anonymous "guests" (most likely regulars hiding behind the "guest" label) that flame that bug us, not regular guests whether they give us a name or not

at least that's my opinion and it seems to be that of many here

23 Aug 00 - 01:28 AM (#283041)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: DougR

Yep, MMario, I think you got it right! DougR

23 Aug 00 - 06:21 AM (#283108)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: Amergin

Guest, Mark, or not so Guest, Mark, post your problem in the help forum so Max and his elves can fix it for you...

Guest, leenia, just set up an email addy at Yahoo or Hotmail or one of the other billion places across the net. You can set those up with false information....


23 Aug 00 - 09:42 AM (#283182)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: GUEST,Mark

I'm not GUEST,Mark, I'm the one who signs this post below. (I only put in the wrong name for the sake of a demonstration and apologise to you, Mark, if you are offended)
Mark and leeneia,
most of us have nothing at all against GUESTs. Most GUESTs come in and have a name we know them by, they are polite, we are, and there's no problem. We do have problems ('problem' is a big understatement for all but the first category), however, with
- GUESTs with no name at all for that makes communication difficult if you don't know whether you are talking to one or three GUESTs. That's what Rick means in his first post here.
- GUESTs with a name like GUEST,hateme who come here for a single message like 'All Americans are stupid and what do you think about it' and never show again under this name.
- GUESTs who are obviously Mudcatters who use the anonymity of the GUEST,chooseanyname possibility to tell some Mudcatter they do dislike what they'd not dare to say using their known name.
- GUESTs using a known Mudcatter name (like I did in this post for the purpose of demonstration) to write nasty things (preferably about other known persons) which that Mudcatter whose name was pirated never would even think of. Joining as a member makes pirating a name much more difficult.
You are both so far from any of these disliked GUESTs that from my point of view you can keep that status forever and if another Mark of those 20000000 should turn up there'd still be MarkA, MarkB, MarkC, etc.
You are not meant by this thread though at the first glance it might look so. Join or not, but enjoy this place.


23 Aug 00 - 11:59 AM (#283275)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: Mary in Kentucky

leeneia-I initially felt as you do about registering with Mudcat. I erroneously thought that my e-mail address would be public. As I understand it, only the Mudcat elves have access to it, and frankly I trust Max, Joe and Pene more than I trust my banker, grocer or any of my doctors! ...Now if we can just see a picture of Pene so we know he's real.


23 Aug 00 - 12:13 PM (#283290)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: little john cameron

Ah still don't know the pronunciation o Pene.Ah asked him bit he'll no tell me.Anither unexplained bit o reality. LJC

23 Aug 00 - 12:58 PM (#283315)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: Pseudolus

I understand the frustration. I have a policy, I never talk to, react to, yell at, listen to, anyone who simply posts as guest. I may read the post and if some "named" catter posts, I may react to that, but never to someone not named. You can see how much of an effect my policy has had on the guest problem (*BG*) but be that as it may, I'M happier and I enjoy logging in much more now. I know, I know, it's easier said than done but hey, it has worked for me.


23 Aug 00 - 09:30 PM (#283656)
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
From: markus Campus Bellorum (inactive)

Thanks all.

I am a member again.