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Thought for the Day - Feb 2

02 Feb 00 - 09:23 AM (#172226)
Subject: Thought for the Day - Feb 2
From: Peter T.

Yesterday, I was at a regional TV station taping a 2 minute editorial for an interfaith channel. The editorial is about the situation in Tibet, the supineness of my government, and so on. It is a topic I get worked up about. I do the editorial. The camera angle is wrong. I do the editorial. I run 10 seconds over. I do the editorial. Halfway through a camera crashes somewhere else in the building. I do the editorial. Something is wrong with the lighting. I am now on the 5th version of this, and I hate everything about it. I hate the words, my voice, the fake emotion which was true emotion 4 versions ago. We go again. I have a bronchial fit halfway through. I wish I had never heard of Tibet. Finally, on take 9, the fakest take of all, my voice cold in fake anger and consummate self-righteousness, topped off with suave journalist punctuation, we get it. As I am leaving, the producer comes out and says: "Don't worry, the last take was the best." And I worry all the way home.

02 Feb 00 - 09:42 AM (#172233)
Subject: RE: Thought for the Day - Feb 2
From: Amos

Worried because:
(a) you thought he was lying?
(b) you feel you didn't do enough? (c) your orignal thoughts and feelings had been steamrolled by the "canning" process?

Once it's in the can, leave it at the studio. If there's anything you don't like about it when it goes out, you can make it better in the next story. But this one is complete unless you carry ithome with you!



02 Feb 00 - 09:46 AM (#172235)
Subject: RE: Thought for the Day - Feb 2
From: Peter T.

Worried that the fakest version was the truest (for TV)!
yours, Peter T.

02 Feb 00 - 10:03 AM (#172238)
Subject: RE: Thought for the Day - Feb 2
From: Bert

Just because it wasn't fresh doesn't mean it was fake.

02 Feb 00 - 10:13 AM (#172248)
Subject: RE: Thought for the Day - Feb 2
From: Little Neophyte

Peter maybe it would be best to focus on letting it go.
Once your feelings are settled, ask myself if this is really something you want to be doing in the future.


02 Feb 00 - 10:14 AM (#172249)
Subject: RE: Thought for the Day - Feb 2
From: AndyG

Sometime around 1980, when I was still active in historical re-enactment I witnessed a local TV station filming the event. Part of their report involved an interview with one of the leading lights of the re-enactment movement.
It went like this:

With the camera focussed on the interviewee
Question ?
Question ?
and so on...

then with the camera focussed on the reporter
differently phrased question ?
differently phrased question ?

I assume the idea was to splice the footage up in the studio but it struck me, being suspicious of the media generally, that this technique was open to serious abuse. I haven't believed in a "talking heads" type report since.


02 Feb 00 - 10:15 AM (#172251)
Subject: RE: Thought for the Day - Feb 2
From: Little Neophyte

I mean ask Yourself, not myself.
Oh, you know what I mean.


02 Feb 00 - 10:41 AM (#172275)
Subject: RE: Thought for the Day - Feb 2

Dont worry, he only said it to make you feel better, perhaps he is not very sensitive. You know it was not the best you could have done, but as a producer he must have thought it was good enough - his reputation is on the line also. I should just mark it down to experience. I do know how you feel - a similar thing happened to me, and I felt really pissed off for a while. Play some music very loud, have a decent glass of red wine and ring a good friend and have a moan

02 Feb 00 - 10:46 AM (#172279)
Subject: RE: Thought for the Day - Feb 2
From: Rick Fielding

Take comfort in the fact that when Geoge Bush Jr. was asked to name the leader of Tibet, he answered "Salvador Dali."


02 Feb 00 - 10:55 AM (#172290)
Subject: RE: Thought for the Day - Feb 2
From: Mbo


--Mbo (an art student who doesn't like Dali much)

02 Feb 00 - 10:56 AM (#172291)
Subject: RE: Thought for the Day - Feb 2
From: Peter T.

I bet that isn't true, but it is very funny.
yours, Peter T.

02 Feb 00 - 11:26 AM (#172309)
Subject: RE: Thought for the Day - Feb 2
From: Amos

I suspect we spend our first twenty years trying to learn thelanguage and our next thirty learning to see through it!

Maybe its only long experience can teach you to penetrate the smoke and mirrors of our PR universe and get a sense of what the underlying realities must actually be.

That's on ereason I like folk music. The path is a little shorter and the medium, although more creative, is a good measure less deceptive where it counts.


02 Feb 00 - 12:42 PM (#172355)
Subject: RE: Thought for the Day - Feb 2
From: Night Owl MaryMac's "music thought..." thread....with the music ON. ;o)

02 Feb 00 - 12:43 PM (#172357)
Subject: RE: Thought for the Day - Feb 2
From: Mbo

So I guess I'm in my first year...


02 Feb 00 - 02:05 PM (#172396)
Subject: RE: Thought for the Day - Feb 2
From: katlaughing

Peter, your reason for doing it was pure of heart. The Universe knows that. The medium will be efficient in bringing the message to other's whose hearts are open and caring as yours, and it will be heard for the intent you meant it. In addition, those who were meant to hear it, will; it is the Way. Blessings on you, big time, for making the effort and letting it go to do its work.

If reading that doesn't help, go look at the Buddha or a picture of HH the Dalai Lama and contemplate his serene smile; know that whatever we do, as mere mortals, is appreciated and, when done of good intent, is a blessing ten, nay, one hundred fold!


02 Feb 00 - 03:18 PM (#172444)
Subject: RE: Thought for the Day - Feb 2
From: Amos

Well, I wasna gonna bring it up but since Kat opened the door, I got this from my sister this week:

Begin quote:

I received this story from an email friend and wanted you to have it:

Recently a group spent days visiting with H.H. Dalai Lama focusing upon what they believe the five most important questions to be considered moving into the new millennium.
The five questions were:

1. How do we address the widening gap between rich and poor?
2. How do we protect the earth?
3. How do we educate our children?
4. How do we help Tibet and other oppressed countries and peoples of the world?
5. How do we bring spirituality (deep caring for one another) through all disciplines of life?

The Dalai Lama said all five questions fall under the last one. if we have true compassion in our hearts, our children will be educated wisely, we will care for the earth, those who "have not" will be cared for.

The group asked the Dalai Lama, "Do you think loving on the planet is increasing or staying the same?"

His response: "My experience leads me to believe that love IS increasing."

He shared a simple practice that will increase loving and compassion in the world. He asked everyone in the group to share it with as many people as they can.

The Practice:
1. Spend 5 minutes at the beginning of each day remembering we all want the same things (to be happy and be loved) and we are all connected to one another.

2. Spend 5 minutes -- breathing in - cherishing yourself; and, breathing out - cherishing others.
If you think about people you have difficulty cherishing, extend your cherishing to them anyway.

3. During the day extend that attitude to everyone you meet.
Practice cherishing the simplest person (clerks, attendants, etc., as well as the "important" people in your life;
cherish the people you love and the people you dislike).

4. Continue this practice no matter what happens or what anyone does to you.

These thoughts are very simple, inspiring and helpful.
The practice of cherishing can be taken very deep if done wordlessly; allowing yourself to feel the love and appreciation that already exists in your heart.

======================End Quote=====

I think HH is on our side!


02 Feb 00 - 03:36 PM (#172451)
Subject: RE: Thought for the Day - Feb 2
From: GUEST,canoer

Peter -- I was thinking --

Would the Tibetans be more likely to:

A) Fret over production technicalities

B) Be grateful somebody gave them a voice, way over here?

Cheers, buddy.

02 Feb 00 - 05:08 PM (#172487)
Subject: RE: Thought for the Day - Feb 2
From: McGrath of Harlow

The Dalai Lama and the Pope both wear Doc Martin Boots. I find that kind of reassuring somehow.

And, Peter, I reckon the producer might have been right for all you know, and not just from the technical point of view. It works that way with singing sometimes - you can get messed up with repeats or other problems, until you aren't there any more, and you go on autopilot. Then maybe you listen in to this stranger singing in your voice, and you think "that's not bad".

It's like when you are throwing stones at a target and yoiu aim carefully, and you miss and miss. Then you get fed up and just chuck it, and you hit it. Or that game with a wooden cup and a ball on a string.

The Dalai Lama could explain it a lot better than me.

02 Feb 00 - 05:29 PM (#172503)
Subject: RE: Thought for the Day - Feb 2
From: catspaw49

Quit rationalizing Peter.......You suck.

Just wanted to let you know.


02 Feb 00 - 05:48 PM (#172517)
Subject: RE: Thought for the Day - Feb 2

Don't worry, Peter. You couldn't have possibly been as wooden and insincere as Brad Pitt in Seven Years in Tibet.

02 Feb 00 - 05:52 PM (#172519)
Subject: RE: Thought for the Day - Feb 2
From: Amos

'Spaw must have skipped the DL's instructions! :>)

On the other hand I didn't see "speak honestly" in there.


02 Feb 00 - 07:58 PM (#172595)
Subject: RE: Thought for the Day - Feb 2
From: Little Neophyte

LEJ, it wouldn't bother mean in the least if Brad Pitt was wooden and insincere.


02 Feb 00 - 08:16 PM (#172607)
Subject: RE: Thought for the Day - Feb 2
From: catspaw49

ESPECIALLY "Wooden" huh Bonnie?


02 Feb 00 - 08:42 PM (#172614)
Subject: RE: Thought for the Day - Feb 2
From: Amos

I think 'Spaw thought we were talking about "Dolly" somehow. No, not the sheep.

I hope.


02 Feb 00 - 09:14 PM (#172620)
Subject: RE: Thought for the Day - Feb 2
From: Little Neophyte

That's right Catspaw. Brad could be as insincere as he wishes, as long as he is stiff as a board.


02 Feb 00 - 09:15 PM (#172622)
Subject: RE: Thought for the Day - Feb 2
From: Little Neophyte

That's right Catspaw. Brad could be as insincere as he wishes, as long as he is stiff as a board.


02 Feb 00 - 09:21 PM (#172626)
Subject: RE: Thought for the Day - Feb 2
From: Troll

If he is a good actor he could fake sincerity.Maybe the stiffness is fake too.

Sorry BB. I couldn't resist.LOL


02 Feb 00 - 09:53 PM (#172640)
Subject: RE: Thought for the Day - Feb 2
From: Little Neophyte

How come Joe Offer deletes Rick Fielding's double postings but he doesn't delete mine?
It is bad enough I posted it once.


02 Feb 00 - 10:02 PM (#172646)
Subject: RE: Thought for the Day - Feb 2
From: Amos

Course, Banjo, it's cuz yours are twice as funny when you put 'em in twice!


02 Feb 00 - 10:25 PM (#172661)
Subject: RE: Thought for the Day - Feb 2
From: Lonesome EJ

Bonnie, it's gratifying to know that you women can be just as cheap and superficial as we men can be.grin