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Tech: about Mudcat cookies..

12 Feb 00 - 09:25 PM (#177393)
Subject: about Mudcat cookies..
From: Bill D

well, I had been having some weird things going cookie has been disappearing! Some days I'd come in and it would be there, some days I'd be only a guest...or have to stop and re-set it. I thought I was having conflicts with my security software or something. Then today I opened & closed Netscape several times, and in the process reset my 'new messages since the last time I was here' page. And I noticed something....when I come in *DIRECTLY* to the threads..(which I have set to (2) days), my cookie is fine, but when I come in by the 'front door', that is,, and THEN click on one of the links to the threads, my cookies is NOT there...or, more accurately, it not read, because if I go right back out and come in again, it is ok again...meaning my cookies IS on my computer, but was not read. .........I have no idea why this happens, but it might explain some problems others are having..

(I use the indirect way of entering, because it has (1) days threads as the default, and if I have been in recently, I don't need to take the extra time for loading...but if I have not been in for a day, I like to see (2) days worth, and I have saved a bookmark like this:
to make it easier and NOT have to do (3)days worth)

If Max, or anyone else has info on this phenomenon, or better ideas on how to work it, please enlighten me..

12 Feb 00 - 09:27 PM (#177394)
Subject: RE: about Mudcat cookies..
From: wysiwyg

very helpful to newbie

13 Feb 00 - 03:28 PM (#177712)
Subject: RE: about Mudcat cookies..
From: GUEST,skarpi Iceland

Hallo Bill D, I am having same trouple with my cookie. It is like someone takes the cookie out or it just ????.

I am arggggrgggg"###$%%&$%%/&/#&/$%/&// . I can´t send eny personal messages. Maybe we are under atacked by hackers???. Just wandering. skarpi Iceland.

13 Feb 00 - 03:47 PM (#177720)
Subject: RE: about Mudcat cookies..
From: skarpi

Thanks Bill D, I just saved the thread and reset the cookie and it is okei at the moment. Iha All the best skarpi Iceland.

13 Feb 00 - 09:20 PM (#177863)
Subject: RE: about Mudcat cookies..
From: Bill D

hooray, skarpi!..hope it stays there!....Wish I understood why this happens

14 Feb 00 - 03:50 AM (#177980)
Subject: RE: about Mudcat cookies..
From: GUEST,skarpi Iceland

#$#$%$%%&/%&/()=)/&"$&"&&%/&$%&/%&%???????????????????? Hey I go to sleep and now my cookie is gone. This is very strange, hmmmm. We should tell the FBI about this . Andskotin sjálfur, fari það í hoppandi. All the best skarpi Iceland.

14 Feb 00 - 08:51 AM (#178017)
Subject: RE: about Mudcat cookies..
From: MMario

skarpi - try resetting your cookie THEN MAKE A NEW BOOKMARK to wherever you normally enter the forum and/or site. should preserve your cookie.

14 Feb 00 - 02:30 PM (#178171)
Subject: RE: about Mudcat cookies..
From: GUEST,skarpi Iceland

This is way over my head. I have tried what you told me Joe and you MMario . I went to Options and it is set ( accept cookies ) . I got the cookie last night but this night I cant, maybe I should give it a rest for avile. Who knows it might come back.

Dammmmmmnnnnnnnnnnn What did I do????????????????????????? All the best Skarpi Iceland, As a guest hahahahaha.

14 Feb 00 - 02:36 PM (#178175)
Subject: RE: about Mudcat cookies..
From: Max

Check your browser's cookie settings. There are several settings, one that may delete your cookie after the session (when you close your browser or reboot etc). Other than that, I can't think what may be happening. Let me know what browser and version you are using (ex. Netscape VERSION 4) and I may be able to figure more.

Also, this seems like a thread for the help forum.

14 Feb 00 - 03:11 PM (#178195)
Subject: RE: about Mudcat cookies..
From: GUEST,skarpi Iceland.

Yabb, Max I go to help forum after I checked the Browser. Skarpi Iceland.

14 Feb 00 - 04:55 PM (#178264)
Subject: RE: about Mudcat cookies..
From: Bill D

nope....Netscape 4.7 is set to 'accept all cookies'...(I usually have AtGuard running to control cookies)...the ONLY common factor is whether I come in by the front door, or by a direct link to the threads. *shrug*..(just re-tested it).....and you know, it has been so long since I HAD a problem, I clean forgot about the help forum...