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Help: who was James Larkin?

23 Feb 00 - 05:50 AM (#183253)
Subject: PLEASE HELP ME: James Larkin
From: GUEST,ChrisE

Hi! The Dubliners sing a song about James Larkin. Who was James Larkin and what did he? Was he the boss of the Unionmen? I have to analize these lyrics till the day after's for my certificate, and I need an interpretation very quickly!!! I hope there is someone out there who is so nice who could help's really, really, really important!!!

Thanx Chris

23 Feb 00 - 07:58 AM (#183271)
Subject: RE: Help: PLEASE HELP ME: James Larkin
From: Pete Peterson

InOBU can give you a better answer but I will rush in quicly in case he is elsewhere: Larkin was a union organizer in Ireland around 1910; head of the Transport Workers Union; in 1913 he led a series of strikes against the Dublin Tramway Company (street cars) and itw owner, Wm. Murphy. At a sympathy meeting the police themselves rioted and rode through the crowd clubbing down unarmed men and women and children. . . a few months later the strike was broken when the British trade unions would not support the Irish. He also was unable to persuade the extreme Irish nationalists that they should concentrate on improving the life of workers as well as work for independence. . . his great years were 1911-13 and after that the union he had put together was led by James Connolly.

23 Feb 00 - 08:11 AM (#183275)
Subject: RE: Help: PLEASE HELP ME: James Larkin
From: Sourdough

How's this for a starter? I looked him up using the Google search engine.

James Larkin
b. 1872. d. 1947.
Irish Trade Unionist.
and - here's a piece of information you will no doubt find fascinating: He's buried at Glasnevin Cemetery, Dublin, Ireland


23 Feb 00 - 09:01 AM (#183294)
Subject: RE: Help: PLEASE HELP ME: James Larkin
From: Amos

But next time, do the legwork yerself or you'll end up being a lazy lad good for nothing but cruising around on sites like this watching other people look things up -- a tuuurrrible fate!


23 Feb 00 - 10:38 AM (#183346)
Subject: RE: Help: PLEASE HELP ME: James Larkin
From: wysiwyg

Yes, we help but that don't mean we're nice!

Well we are really. In a madcap mudcat way.

23 Feb 00 - 11:01 AM (#183362)
Subject: RE: Help: PLEASE HELP ME: James Larkin
From: paddymac

"The Oxford Companion to Irish History" has an informative bio-sketch on Larkin (1876-1947) detailing his entry into the labor movement, his successes and failures, and committment to communism, for which he served a three year prison sentence for "criminal anarchy" in the US. Get away from your terminal and down to your library and read it.

23 Feb 00 - 02:02 PM (#183543)
Subject: RE: Help: PLEASE HELP ME: James Larkin
From: McGrath of Harlow

Here's a website about him sponsored by the Irish Trades Union Trust: James Larkin

Get hold of Webferret - it's a great search engine, and it came up with this in three seconds when I typoed in James Larkin.

23 Feb 00 - 02:15 PM (#183563)
Subject: RE: Help: PLEASE HELP ME: James Larkin
From: GUEST,ChrisE

Hi again! This is to Amos and Praise: I know that I could do the legwork myself but I have just a few days left to hand in my work and I'm really busy now...if you want then I'll send my work to you to read it. I'm from Austria and I'll make my Cert. in English too...the topic of my work is "The Ireland conflict as a topic in Irish folk and pop music". I first thought I could do that...leave the legwork to the people in here, but I really would become lazy Amos! I asked for the Foggy Dew and it was amazing how quickly I got the answers. So I stopped it and later I just asked for interpretations, that I have different interpretations to compare them. I have now 50 pages and these few things are missing: James Larkin An interpretation of the song The Battle of the Boyne, which is really difficult for me and the interpretation of Van Diemen's land. Anyway, I thank all of those who helped me and I thank you for the critics of Amos and Praise. I hope you nuderstand now. Thanx Chris

23 Feb 00 - 04:41 PM (#183656)
Subject: RE: Help: PLEASE HELP ME: James Larkin
From: Susanne (skw)

Chris, have you got Desmond Greaves' book on The Easter Rising in Song and Ballad?

IIRR, Jim Larkin and the 1913 tram strikes also figure in James Plunkett's novel, Strumpet City. Well worth a read!

Good luck with your work. - Susanne

23 Feb 00 - 05:50 PM (#183680)
Subject: RE: Help: PLEASE HELP ME: James Larkin
From: paddymac

ChrisE - Well, if you had given us a bit more "background" at the start, I suspect we would have all been a bit more helpful and a bit less parental. You picked an impressive topic, but also one with a wealth of "raw material" available. Good Luck!

23 Feb 00 - 07:54 PM (#183737)
Subject: RE: Help: PLEASE HELP ME: James Larkin
From: Martin _Ryan

Here's a song!


23 Feb 00 - 08:03 PM (#183744)
Subject: RE: Help: PLEASE HELP ME: James Larkin
From: Amos

Good work, Chris --- I understand what you're up to better now that you have filled me in. Sorry I was short with you.