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BS: HELP! Someone save Max!

23 Feb 00 - 01:42 PM (#183511)
Subject: HELP! Someone save Max!
From: Mary in Kentucky

OK guys...this is serious. Check out the auction to see poor Max's fate in seven days if you don't act now. I would help...but I'm happily married and have twin sons his age and just don't quite feel comfortable with the age thing. But here's an idea. What about some of the ladies who live in the same area combining their money for a group date with Max. Surely they can outbid the Spaw gang and save poor Max!

23 Feb 00 - 01:44 PM (#183514)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Someone save Max!
From: Amos

Besides, Spaw is on that mycoxafalin, and he's gettin' nearsighted and Max look a little like possum anyhow...

23 Feb 00 - 01:51 PM (#183523)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Someone save Max!
From: Troll

Yeah, but Max won't roll over and play dead and Spaw needs every advantage he can get. I think Max will be safe as long as he keeps moving.

Mary has a good but I don't think I can help. Max isn't my type and my Wife would NEVER understand.



23 Feb 00 - 01:55 PM (#183533)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Someone save Max!
From: MMario

Max has been trying to get out of close contact with Cleigh for quite some time now......remember the money making scheme for the getaway that got canceled?

23 Feb 00 - 01:57 PM (#183535)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Someone save Max!
From: wysiwyg

Is there a counter-auction to enter the rescue party?

23 Feb 00 - 02:00 PM (#183539)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Someone save Max!
From: catspaw49

Geeziz Praise...The boy ain't auctionin' off no counters!


23 Feb 00 - 02:02 PM (#183542)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Someone save Max!
From: Clinton Hammond2

Max is a big boy... he can take care of himself, I'm sure!


23 Feb 00 - 02:03 PM (#183544)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Someone save Max!
From: Mbo

I'd help, but you know the starving artist thing...

23 Feb 00 - 02:03 PM (#183545)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Someone save Max!
From: wysiwyg

Then I can sell timeshares for space at the Cafe serving bar?

23 Feb 00 - 02:08 PM (#183552)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Someone save Max!
From: paddymac

Why not also auction a "morning after - try to help Max feel better" date?

23 Feb 00 - 02:08 PM (#183554)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Someone save Max!
From: Troll

Be careful, Praise. "Timeshare" is not considered to be a "nice" word here in Florida.


23 Feb 00 - 02:10 PM (#183558)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Someone save Max!
From: wysiwyg

OK, T, T*share?

23 Feb 00 - 02:16 PM (#183564)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Someone save Max!
From: wysiwyg

To see the auction thread, and hopefully enter a bid while ye're there,

Click the SHOP & AUCTION at top of page.

Then click [A Date with Max]

Good way for newbies to see how auction works

23 Feb 00 - 02:21 PM (#183568)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Someone save Max!
From: Amos

Morning after ...what, Preparation H?

23 Feb 00 - 02:31 PM (#183578)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Someone save Max!
From: Troll

Amos, you have an evil mind. I like that in a person.always remember, an evil mind is a great comfort.


23 Feb 00 - 02:32 PM (#183582)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Someone save Max!
From: Molly Malone

Thank you for the visual! :P

(Bad place, BAAAAAD place.)
You know, the way the bidding is going, you could auction yourself off for a week or more...maybe even slave for a day! Any takers? Spaw???

23 Feb 00 - 02:33 PM (#183583)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Someone save Max!
From: annamill

When is the end of the auction? I get my next paycheck on the first. I'll bid a hundred just for the joy of listening to him play for me awwwlawwwlawwwlll niiiight loooong. (Zeppelin) Gee! We could have a couple of blues players over and have an blues gathering! I'd really like that. Maybe a hundred and fifty even. That's about it though. Our store is leaving us a little low right now.

Love, annap

23 Feb 00 - 04:34 PM (#183653)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Someone save Max!
From: Chet W.

About the group date idea; You ladies are on your own, but I think we need a ruling from a higher authority. Is it right? Is it traditional?


23 Feb 00 - 04:42 PM (#183657)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Someone save Max!
From: catspaw49

Chet, te;; me you're not going into something about the "oral process."


23 Feb 00 - 07:05 PM (#183710)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Someone save Max!
From: Peter T.

Gee CP, it isn't often you see someone with an obscene punctuation slip of the tongue. Two semicolons?????? Whew.
yours, Peter T.

23 Feb 00 - 07:17 PM (#183717)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Someone save Max!
From: catspaw49

OOOOOOooooooooo Freaky......But there is no salvation for Max.


23 Feb 00 - 07:23 PM (#183724)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Someone save Max!
From: Sandy Paton

I think ol' Spaw is all too familiar with "semi-colons."

23 Feb 00 - 09:26 PM (#183776)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Someone save Max!
From: GUEST,_gargoyle


23 Feb 00 - 09:28 PM (#183778)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Someone save Max!
From: GUEST,_gargoyle

He is saved

THANX for the tip

Now he is mine, Mine, MINE!!!!

23 Feb 00 - 09:31 PM (#183781)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Someone save Max!
From: Mbo

Ah yes...I can see the conversation topics now. "So how DO you do all that neat HTML stuff anyway?"


23 Feb 00 - 09:39 PM (#183785)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Someone save Max!
From: GUEST,_gargoyle

Dear MBO ... "Movement of the Bowels Obliquely"(hemroids/piles??????)

You are no "newbie" consult the threads under "HTML".....folks have been hired with as "specialists" with less knowledge than the threads within this site!!! The education is HERE partake of the past and sup freely.

23 Feb 00 - 09:45 PM (#183789)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Someone save Max!
From: Mbo

Thank you kindly, sir. I will do so immediately.


23 Feb 00 - 09:51 PM (#183795)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Someone save Max!
From: Troll

GG.Oblique Bowels? That sounds Sooooooo painful. Is it fun?


23 Feb 00 - 10:19 PM (#183816)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Someone save Max!
From: Mary in Kentucky

Wait a minute...I just got back from THE game...the bid for Max at the official auction site is still $101 (by the Spaw gang). I don't think a bid counts unless it's at the official site. In other words...put your money where your mouth is.

23 Feb 00 - 10:32 PM (#183819)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Someone save Max!
From: GUEST,_gargoyle

Oh!!! So....sorry....I am not part of the "annotated anoited" however, I will gladly pay....101.02 for the MAX bowels of Max.

Payment upon delivery, ....I have paid much more.

23 Feb 00 - 10:36 PM (#183820)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Someone save Max!
From: GUEST,_gargoyle

Is there a menu for "Chittins" in the cookbook???? lookin' forward to fryin' some.

23 Feb 00 - 10:39 PM (#183824)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Someone save Max!
From: GUEST,_gargoyle

Since my bids are "under the counter" a .03% discount is considered "normal."

23 Feb 00 - 10:43 PM (#183826)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Someone save Max!
From: Troll

It's "chittlins" Garg. But if you don't find them under that spelling, try "chitterlings". Thats the posh spelling.

They go good with grits and cracklin' cornbread.

This should give you ammo for several postings. No, don't thank me. I was happy to help.


23 Feb 00 - 11:01 PM (#183832)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Someone save Max!
From: Mbo

As Brother Phelps says "Feelin' good, feelin' fine--it's chittlin' time!"


23 Feb 00 - 11:56 PM (#183858)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Someone save Max!
From: GUEST,_gargoyle

Keep that fire hot....
Keep that fire sizzlin
Lookin' to have bought
A bowl of Max's chittlin's


24 Feb 00 - 05:12 AM (#183928)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Someone save Max!
From: GUEST,Roger the skiffler

I suppose there's no connection between this thread and a news item in this month's Wildlife magazine about antipodean attempts to put possums on the contraceptive pill....

24 Feb 00 - 07:53 AM (#183957)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Someone save Max!
From: GUEST,Dani

Help! I'm stuck out here in the cold. Couldn't get there through netscape. What's a microsoftinternetexplorere?

All I wanted to say is, Annap how do you get a paycheck when you have your own business? I started my own business but they told me I had to do it for love and leftovers?!

Dani (who feels funny as a guest)

24 Feb 00 - 07:55 AM (#183958)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Someone save Max!
From: GUEST,Dani

PS - y'all need to clean up your act. You never know when company is coming, and a decent girl won't have a thing to do with Max with the likes of you dragging him through the mud!!

Dani (who intended no pun but is pleased with it anyway. Can't beat Sandy's, though)

24 Feb 00 - 09:58 AM (#183999)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Someone save Max!
From: annamill

I work to support my new business til it's off the ground. Soon I hope!! We haven't opened yet. Still in the building stage. I still want to have Max and his music all to myself one evening. I hope this auction lasts till the first. Just 5 more days.

Love, annap

24 Feb 00 - 10:41 AM (#184018)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Someone save Max!
From: MMario

annap - you'll come in just under the wire, Max's "sell by" date is showing as 6 days left....

24 Feb 00 - 10:45 AM (#184023)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Someone save Max!
From: Max

But I am always FRESH.

24 Feb 00 - 10:47 AM (#184024)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Someone save Max!
From: catspaw49

With the reprobate and the marsupial in the lead. I can tell Max is real excited about a date with Cleigh since he said he's willing to shut down Mudcat if we win. Now that's REAL commitment!!!! Cleigh has been so excited.........


24 Feb 00 - 10:48 AM (#184025)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Someone save Max!
From: Bert

He'll do it too.

24 Feb 00 - 10:53 AM (#184029)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Someone save Max!
From: catspaw49

Then someone needs to outbid the possum Bert!


24 Feb 00 - 10:57 AM (#184031)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Someone save Max!
From: Troll

Not to be nosy ,Spaw, but just what DOES that possum see in you anyhow? Granted that a possum will eat dang near anything, but I thought they had SOME taste.


24 Feb 00 - 10:57 AM (#184032)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Someone save Max!
From: MMario

'spaw, bert isn't a possum. Cleigh is.

24 Feb 00 - 11:01 AM (#184036)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Someone save Max!
From: Bert

Yea, but don't expect me to get into the bidding. He would close up shop immediately and run like ^%&^%#


24 Feb 00 - 11:02 AM (#184039)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Someone save Max!
From: annamill

Don't worry Max!

Love, annap

24 Feb 00 - 11:03 AM (#184040)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Someone save Max!
From: catspaw49

Mario, that's a good point....and I ain't the one to be blowin' up Bert's ass to find out!!!


24 Feb 00 - 11:12 AM (#184044)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Someone save Max!
From: Amos

Gettin' picky in your old age, Spaw?

24 Feb 00 - 11:21 AM (#184050)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Someone save Max!
From: Troll

It isn't that Spaw's gettin' picky,

Or that he's gettin' feeble and frail.

It's that Bert doesn't LOOK like a possum

He ain't got a long hairless tail!

Spaw just gets turned on by possums.

Alive or dead, stiff, and cold.

And the tial is really important,

'Cause the tail gives him something to hold!


24 Feb 00 - 05:00 PM (#184243)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Someone save Max!
From: Amos

How long is Burt's tail, anyway? I imagine it would be hairless enough in a pinch, Spaw.

24 Feb 00 - 05:27 PM (#184253)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Someone save Max!
From: paddymac

Been away from the machine awhile (naw, that's a fib; just from this thread) - I see this has undergone a mudcat devolution. Amos is giving 'Spaw a run for the ultra-bawdy quipster title. Look forward to watching/reading the continued competition. BTW 'Spaw - you noted above there was "no salvation for Max". Thought perhaps you might have meant "salivation" the way the bidding was lagging along. I gather it's picked up a bit since then. :>)

24 Feb 00 - 05:35 PM (#184256)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Someone save Max!
From: Amos

Yer kind remark I must decline,
'Tis Spaw who has the wickeder mind
His wit is crueler than a dentist!
And I am only Spaw's apprentice.
But someday, if I study hard,
(if I am not hanged from a yard)
I'll learn to make 'em wince and laugh
And learn the art of the Gaffer's gaff.


24 Feb 00 - 05:59 PM (#184271)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Someone save Max!
From: Mbo

Don't I know it, paddy! Also Amos, Praise and Troll are trying for the forward pass, while the sad young poet's on the sidelines with his head in a cast. I abdicate my position--it's hard to be creative when something's put a LID (Lyrical Impairedness Disorder) on it.


24 Feb 00 - 06:01 PM (#184273)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Someone save Max!
From: catspaw49

Me???? Wicked??? Is there another Catspaw around here maybe? Look Amos, I'll send you an e-mail with attachment to show what a loving guy I am and you can see that Cleigh IS a party animal and very deserving of a date with Max.


24 Feb 00 - 06:08 PM (#184278)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Someone save Max!
From: Mark Cohen

Hello, I just found this thread and I wondered if anybody knows the words to Beautiful People, by Melanie? I mean, you guys are all musicians, right? And that's such a far-out song.

24 Feb 00 - 07:13 PM (#184308)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Someone save Max!
From: Dave (the ancient mariner)

Beautiful People
you live in the same world as I do
But some how I never noticed you before today
I'm ashamed to say
Beautiful people we share the same back door
and it isnt right we never met before but then
We may never meet again
If I were'nt afraid you'd laugh at me I would run and take hold of your hands
And I'd gather everyone together for a day
And when we gathered I'll pass buttons out that say
Beautiful people
Then you'll never be alone cause they'll always be someone
with the same button on as you include him in everything you do
Beautiful people you ride the same subway as I do every mornin
Thats gotta tell ya something we got so much in common I go the same direction that you do
So if you'll take care of me maybe I'll take care of you
Beautiful people you look like friends of mine
And its about time that someone said here and now
I make a vow that sometime somehow I'll have a meeting and invite everyone you know
I'll pass out buttons for the ones who'll come to show
Beautiful people you never have to be alone
Cause they'll always be someone with the same button on as you
include him in everything you do
he may be sitting right next to you
maybe a beautiful people too
and if you take care of him well maybe he'll take care of you
Cause all of the beautiful people do hmm and all of the beautiful people too.....

24 Feb 00 - 07:17 PM (#184310)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Someone save Max!
From: catspaw49

Mark my beachcomber buddy...tis YOU that be cruel!!! LOL


24 Feb 00 - 07:22 PM (#184314)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Someone save Max!
From: Amos

Cracking up! How thoughtful!


25 Feb 00 - 12:55 AM (#184528)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Someone save Max!
From: catspaw49

Before I turn in, I want you all to know that Amos has now seen "Cleigh, the Party Possum" and agrees that the boy is ready for a date with Max. Ladies, I will be happy to forward a copy of this photo to any of you so you can see what you're up against!!!

And the bidding goes on..............


25 Feb 00 - 09:35 PM (#185064)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Someone save Max!
From: MMario

tension mounts, but bidding has dropped off.....

26 Feb 00 - 12:10 AM (#185139)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Someone save Max!
From: Amos

But the date has to be at the restaurant Cleigh stole the fancy goblet from...

26 Feb 00 - 12:28 AM (#185147)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Someone save Max!
From: catspaw49

Most of the folks haven't seen that picture Amos, but, uh...that joint would do. Say, can you stick the pic up here Mr. Wizard?


26 Feb 00 - 12:32 AM (#185149)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Someone save Max!
From: Amos

Well, could but don't have it here at home -- you mysteriously sent it to my office, so I had to do this long explanation to all the VPs about CLeigh an' all and the whistle part, and where it was and everything...I have to go up there in the morning and maybe I can figger a way. Just need to dump it somewhere.

26 Feb 00 - 12:36 AM (#185151)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Someone save Max!
From: catspaw49

Well I'm a mysterious kinda' guy..........Sorry about that, I pulled the addy off an e-mail you sent me instead of looking it up.


26 Feb 00 - 01:32 AM (#185161)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Someone save Max!
From: wysiwyg

[We're reporting live from the Mudcat Auction Sidebar and things seem to be heating up at last. The crowd's really getting theor money's worth tonight! Several of the more vigorous men have apparently become entangled in a strange, oddly ritualized contest involving bodily functions, distance, and aim. I believe, although we have not confirmed this with our sources yet, that this is what the Americans call a Pissing Contest. Let's move in closer. We're sorry for the blurry video, I'll try to describe what we're seeing here for you people at home. As we join the action live, one of them is pulling off his fellow's addy. One of them is attempting to stick a pick up somewhere rather delicately, and the other is gesticulating urgently about a need to dump something else somewhere else. I can just make out the words… "Mr. Wizard…" Ah yes, one of the fellows is replying, although we had understood that is not his actual name. On the other side of the action, Ten's son appears to have mounted somebody, but now their bi**ing has dropped off... And standing on the sidelines is a lady, she looks rather disgusted and yet amused… if I can make out what she's…. "This lady does not care to be assumed to be up against anything that has to do with these gents!" It's a chaotic scene, ladies and gentlemen, stay tuned for updates… we're going back to the studio… Right, Nigel.]

26 Feb 00 - 01:56 AM (#185169)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Someone save Max!
From: Sabra

Oh my. I'm goin off to the auction site to see if I can make heads or tails of this (oops, no freudian stuff intended there folks) SHEESH! this newbie stuff is complicated around here...Sabra (who is still smiling, and heading off to find out about this mysterious HTML mmbo-jumbo as well)

26 Feb 00 - 10:38 AM (#185259)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Someone save Max!
From: Amos

Sabra...just stick to making heads and the tails will take care of themselves, I think...but better ask Spaw, who is the local expert on the latter. Not heads, tho -- he tries to enlarge his with a shovel occasionally.

26 Feb 00 - 10:52 AM (#185266)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Someone save Max!
From: wysiwyg

Hee boy!

26 Feb 00 - 12:36 PM (#185292)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Someone save Max!
From: WyoWoman

I just hope the bids don't heat up tooo much. Sorcha, Kat and I are plotting a group buy so all three of us can have our way(s) with Max out here on the High Plains.

Max, you don't have any antelope allergies, do you? You can bring that pesky possum with you. We know what to do with varmints out in these parts. (We tickle they's tummies and waft a sage smudge-stick around their nether parts...)

Kat, Sorcha... where are you, girls? We have bidding to do.

xoxo, A Wanton WyoWoman

26 Feb 00 - 12:58 PM (#185299)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Someone save Max!
From: catspaw49

Hey Pansy!!!! Now personally I'd be all for seeing the three of you in a front page "spread" that kat mentioned.....But y'all need to send Ol' Spaw the negatives!!!!

Now regarding Max.......Well you better get the act in gear, cause I think the boy will be blowing possum ass real soon.


26 Feb 00 - 01:41 PM (#185313)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Someone save Max!
From: Mary in Kentucky

Go ahead the bidding up on ole 'Spaw, afterall, it's for "THE CAUSE." (and it's your money)

26 Feb 00 - 02:19 PM (#185322)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Someone save Max!
From: Mbo

Mbo-jumbo? Wonder what that could mean?


26 Feb 00 - 09:52 PM (#185520)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Someone save Max!
From: WyoWoman

Max is safe, at least for the time being, and Sorcha, Kat and I are polishing up the WyomingWelcomeWagon. Eat our dust, Mr. Spaw.

Pansy Rue Bob Twidgett

27 Feb 00 - 12:41 AM (#185626)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Someone save Max!
From: Amos

Rue Bobba Rue Bobb a Bim Bom Bam! You ladies are hot stuff and I'm here to say thanks for keeping yon Maxwell out of the hands of that oz-penis whistle Clay O. Possum...

27 Feb 00 - 12:44 AM (#185628)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Someone save Max!
From: WyoWoman

It isn't Cleigh's hands I'm so worried about ...

27 Feb 00 - 12:51 AM (#185631)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Someone save Max!
From: Amos

I think you should learn something about what you will be up against.

27 Feb 00 - 01:16 AM (#185642)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Someone save Max!
From: catspaw49

I don't know why that would surprise me.......Is there ANYTHING you can't buy on the net???? Bill D. did some wacky calculation that came out to something like "If three people in the world have an interest in something, its on the web."

BTW Amos....I had a friend in college in an Ag class who came back laughing his ass off one day. The Prof, a generally subdued guy, had been explaining the possum and the ospenis and some lame asshole couldn't understand it. The prof tries a couple of different tacks and the guy is still clueless. In total exasperation, he finally yells at the guy, "ITS A BONY PETER MAN!!!!"

And for another "penile tidbit"......the Ohio State Marching Band has a "mascot" they keep in a velvet case, a petrified bull's penis...named Roger.


27 Feb 00 - 01:16 AM (#185643)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Someone save Max!

Oooohh my!!! I like that large raccoon one! It's pretty! But I couldn't find it up at the auction, is it supposed to be there?

27 Feb 00 - 01:21 AM (#185645)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Someone save Max!
From: alison

when I was a student nurse we had a young man admitted to the ward with a fractured penis...... (try giving a report to the next shift coming on about that with a straight face!).......

now I find out all these years later that they do indeed have bones in them..... hahaha



27 Feb 00 - 03:05 AM (#185674)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Someone save Max!
From: Ebbie

I must say that that walrus penis bone replica is unimpressive. Practically every Alaskan home has a REAL oosik in it- and MUCH longer than 56 cm. And not crooked, neither...

27 Feb 00 - 11:22 AM (#185746)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Someone save Max!
From: Amos

Well, you may have found your destiny...

27 Feb 00 - 04:04 PM (#185841)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Someone save Max!
From: bbelle

Ebbie ... I had a hunting guide friend in Fairbanks who promised to make me a necklace out of what he called "mink dinks." Unfortunately, he perished in his own plane before he could collect enough "dinks." Mink dinks and oosiks made the term "boner" seem all too real. Can you just imagine the social comment on a necklace made of mink penises??? ... moonchild

27 Feb 00 - 04:23 PM (#185844)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Someone save Max!
From: WyoWoman

I think I went out with #OP-2 once...

27 Feb 00 - 04:42 PM (#185851)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Someone save Max!
From: catspaw49

Just to add some musical content.......

"I am the Walrus"


27 Feb 00 - 11:53 PM (#186003)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Someone save Max!
From: WyoWoman


28 Feb 00 - 01:11 AM (#186026)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Someone save Max!
From: Amos

Just because he says he is the Walrus doesn't mean anything -- you gotta make him show you what he's really made of...

28 Feb 00 - 01:13 AM (#186027)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Someone save Max!
From: Sorcha

A walrus is made outa muscle and blood........and DEM BONES!

28 Feb 00 - 08:18 AM (#186095)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Someone save Max!
From: Amos

Sorch, there's a song there...

28 Feb 00 - 08:28 AM (#186101)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Someone save Max!
From: MMario

I think 'Spaw means that he, like the example "walrus" shown - is a reproduction..., not made of the "real stuff", in other words, a fake. *BSEG*

28 Feb 00 - 11:44 PM (#186571)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Someone save Max!
From: WyoWoman

Hmmmphf. He told me reproduction was the whole point.
And what a point it was...

28 Feb 00 - 11:57 PM (#186579)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Someone save Max!
From: catspaw49

Well Twidgett, I was just trying to get something straight between us.

28 Feb 00 - 11:59 PM (#186580)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Someone save Max!
From: catspaw49 to speak......


29 Feb 00 - 12:19 AM (#186592)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Someone save Max!
From: Night Owl

anyone else see the posting re: end of the bidding on this auction??? Some of us thought the auction is ending AFTER the radio show Wed. eve. ??????

29 Feb 00 - 09:30 AM (#186708)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Someone save Max!
From: catspaw49

Yes Owl, its true.....We are entering the final leg of bidding wars for for that dream date with Max. Will he be wearing a tux or a blue strapless evening gown? Will it be a night blowing kisses or possum? Will he get the full spread in Wyoming, one of the beltway babes from DC, the snappin' gators of the Tallahassee twosome, or will he be resigned to blow up a possum's ass, with photos.

Its leap year and on this special day, perhaps Max will leap into the marsupial ooze. Will his March come in like a lion or will it enter upon the tiny feet of a possum. Too soon to tell.....Stay tuned to this same possum channel for furthe news, or check the auction regularly as time passes slowly by.


29 Feb 00 - 09:35 AM (#186710)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Someone save Max!
From: Amos

Spaw, you're a classic:

tongue of poet, heart of gold, mind like broken Hefty bag, and a thin veneer of irascible curmudgeon on the outside just to keep things intersting. Wotta dude.

And lips like a possum-butt. Quelle embouchure!


29 Feb 00 - 06:12 PM (#187051)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Someone save Max!
From: catspaw49

Well another day has been added and the pellets are plipping out.........gimmee a couple Cleigh......Thanks, I'll head for the auction.
