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Playin' Dylan songs in Public

23 Feb 00 - 08:31 PM (#183761)
Subject: Playin' Dylan songs in Public
From: Froodo

What do you all think about people who play Dylan songs at open mics or whatnot? Is this a faux pas in the folk world?

23 Feb 00 - 09:31 PM (#183780)
Subject: RE: BS: Playin' Dylan songs in Public
From: uncle bill

think it depends on the song and whether you do it better than dylan did.

23 Feb 00 - 09:48 PM (#183794)
Subject: RE: BS: Playin' Dylan songs in Public
From: Amos

Dylans song are well written -- why shouldn't people perform them, assuming they can communicate!?

Bankers nieces seek perfection
Expecting all the gifts that was men bring ....duimdedum

...think I'll sing one myself.

23 Feb 00 - 09:51 PM (#183797)
Subject: RE: BS: Playin' Dylan songs in Public
From: Mbo

Amos, could you do "The Mighty Quinn"? That song cooks!


23 Feb 00 - 09:53 PM (#183799)
Subject: RE: BS: Playin' Dylan songs in Public
From: GUEST,ddw

I'd rather hear almost any Dylan song done reasonably well than a LOT of the drivel most singer-songwriters do. They might be out of place in a real trad gathering, but there seem to be very few of those around any more.



23 Feb 00 - 11:13 PM (#183840)
Subject: RE: BS: Playin' Dylan songs in Public
From: Clifton53

It's pretty hard to be an accoustic guitar playing singer and NOT touch on Bob Dylan. Jaysus, I never knew there were so many blinkin' rules !


23 Feb 00 - 11:16 PM (#183841)
Subject: RE: BS: Playin' Dylan songs in Public
From: Troll

David, Amen to that!


23 Feb 00 - 11:59 PM (#183859)
Subject: RE: BS: Playin' Dylan songs in Public
From: GUEST,_gargoyle

If it is requested; and especially if they put a tip in the mug.....

....then Mr. Bob is ALWAYS more than welcome to drink at my bar.

24 Feb 00 - 12:01 AM (#183861)
Subject: RE: BS: Playin' Dylan songs in Public
From: Mbo

Someone give me a nice shot of "For Ramona". Please?


24 Feb 00 - 12:24 AM (#183870)
Subject: RE: BS: Playin' Dylan songs in Public
From: Amos

Ramona, come closer, shut softly your watery eyes
And the sadness within you will fade, as your senses will riise
An' it just breaks my heart love to see you be part of a world that just does not exiist
Full of people who hype you and type you an' leave you there feeling like this

(Sorry if I have crossed up words ... the whaddyacallit is the first thing to go).

24 Feb 00 - 12:56 AM (#183881)
Subject: RE: BS: Playin' Dylan songs in Public
From: Amos

Besides, it's better to play Bob Dyl'n to have your play dill bobbed.

24 Feb 00 - 01:11 AM (#183888)
Subject: RE: BS: Playin' Dylan songs in Public
From: simon-pierre

Amos, thanks for the verse. It's always good to hear anything from Dylan. As I type this, i'm listening to Dave Van Ronk's latest album, and he plays «Song to Woody», so I hope it's not a «faux pas» in the folk world!


24 Feb 00 - 05:26 AM (#183930)
Subject: RE: BS: Playin' Dylan songs in Public
From: Spider Tom

You should learn his song well
or else you'll be humming
You'll find you'll be "boo'd",
before you stop strumming
You'll look like the king
Of the always unknowing
Then you'll run away
Cause your slip has been showing
Who else, knew the words?
There's no way of knowing.
Who'd shimmer, as a Zimmer-man?

24 Feb 00 - 05:52 AM (#183932)
Subject: RE: BS: Playin' Dylan songs in Public

Amos, at the risk of seeming like a compulsive corrector, the whaddyacallit is the SECOND thing to go, and I can't remember what the first is! Long live Dylan....maybe a bit too modern for some, but certainly part of the trad of the future......

24 Feb 00 - 10:42 AM (#184019)
Subject: RE: BS: Playin' Dylan songs in Public
From: Steve Latimer


There seem to be two camps at Mudcat, Dylan lovers (I'm one) and Dylan bashers, many who don't consider him to be a folk artist. I think you have summed up Bob and the folk world beautifully in one sentence.

24 Feb 00 - 10:51 AM (#184027)
Subject: RE: BS: Playin' Dylan songs in Public
From: GUEST,Mbo

I lik 'im! Ever hear him take the lead on Yhe Traveling Wilburys' "Congratulations"? Great Jeff Lynne song, and great Dylan rendering!


24 Feb 00 - 10:58 AM (#184034)
Subject: RE: BS: Playin' Dylan songs in Public
From: Steve Latimer

Oh yes, back to the topic. I think that Bob has written so many great songs that it would be difficult to do an acoustic gig without playing some of his material. I have heard some people cover his material very well. I have also heard some trying to sound exactly like him, which irks me, and others who go to far the other way and try to make it sound sickly sweet which also bothers me.

My advice is to have enough faith in your ability as a performer to do it in your own voice, and enough faith in the strength of Bob's songs that they will be well received.

24 Feb 00 - 04:15 PM (#184217)
Subject: RE: BS: Playin' Dylan songs in Public
From: GUEST,The youngest Bob fan

Hiya! I'm 15 and from SC, and Bob Dylan is the best! His songwriting ability is incredible- every time I hear one of his songs, I am inspired to write myself. Has anyone heard his newest song from the WONDER BOYS soundtrack¿? It's called "Things Have Changed", and it is really good. :o)

~People are crazy and times are strange I'm locked in tight I'm out of range I used to care but Things Have Changed~

24 Feb 00 - 04:22 PM (#184224)
Subject: RE: BS: Playin' Dylan songs in Public
From: Molly Malone

I would rather here someone ELSE to Dylan. He was a wonderful songwriter, but his voice grates on me like no tomorrow. Same for ...

Crud! It IS the first thing to go.

Tom Petty! That's him! Yeah, see, I'm not as old as I feel.

24 Feb 00 - 04:29 PM (#184230)
Subject: RE: BS: Playin' Dylan songs in Public
From: Amos

Do ye feel as well as ye age, then?


24 Feb 00 - 04:30 PM (#184231)
Subject: RE: BS: Playin' Dylan songs in Public
From: Osmium

The worst busker I ever heard was a USA citizen doing Dylan in Cannes (France) in a little cobbled street where all the outside cafes run - he ended up with a bucket of cold fish waste over his head having refused to move on several times; the best busker I ever heard was a USA citizen doing Dylan in Oslo (Norway) and he earn't a fortune. Don't matter what you do - do it well!

24 Feb 00 - 04:42 PM (#184234)
Subject: RE: BS: Playin' Dylan songs in Public
From: Molly Malone


I think that goes for anything, Dylan or no. Bad buskers are bad buskers.

Now, bad singers are a different think altogether.

But you can really put Dylan songs anywhere if arranged properly.

24 Feb 00 - 04:44 PM (#184237)
Subject: RE: BS: Playin' Dylan songs in Public
From: Mbo

Hey! Tom & Bob--that's 2 of the original 5 Traveling Wilburys! And I like both their voices. Even though Bob's is getting more whiny as he gets older, it's the voice of experience.

--Mbo ( got a good deal, good you must feel..)

24 Feb 00 - 05:58 PM (#184270)
Subject: RE: BS: Playin' Dylan songs in Public
From: simon-pierre

The guy called me monday at 5h00 pm to ask me if I wanted to sing at 8hOO pm for students who occupied their school (were I was four years ago) and did a bed-in. He ask me if i could play some protest songs to ecxite the troups. Ok, all right, hadn't been on stage since two years, but i'm always there for the cause.

They were.. fifteen! Solidarity....

I ended with «Times they are a-changin'». I only catched the irony in the middle of the song.

They have changed, indeed...

24 Feb 00 - 06:06 PM (#184275)
Subject: RE: BS: Playin' Dylan songs in Public
From: Terry K

The person Im most envious of is the one who hasn't yet heard Bob Dylan, but is about to.

And the person I feel most sorry for is the one who has heard him, but didn't like him.

24 Feb 00 - 07:09 PM (#184305)
Subject: RE: BS: Playin' Dylan songs in Public
From: Lanfranc

Having made a point over the years of being eclectic in my choice of songs, I include a number of Dylan's in my repertoire. I find they are invariably well received at gigs, singarounds and parties. Mighty Quinn is almost as good a general purpose singalong as American Pie in virtually any setting. Love Minus Zero is handy for ladies' birthdays (Bow down to her on Sunday, salute her when her birthday comes ....).

I know at least one seriously traditional singer, squeezebox player and step dancer who confesses, albeit in his cups, that he wishes he played guitar just so he could sing Dylan. Meanwhile he just sings along.

Dammit, early Dylan songs are about as old now as some "Traditional" songs were when I started in the sixties.

OK Dylan's no Pavarotti, but neither is Leonard Cohen, nor was Woody Guthrie. It's the song that counts, and the great thing about Dylan is that you can interpret the songs in so many ways.

25 Feb 00 - 12:49 AM (#184525)
Subject: RE: BS: Playin' Dylan songs in Public
From: GUEST,ddw

Truth, Alan — Dylan's songs can be interpreted a bazillion ways and they're still good songs. One of my favorite examples of that is an old album I had in the '60s, lost and recently reacquired in a thrift shop. It's Odetta Sings Dylan and the two most memorable songs on it are her version of Don't Think Twice, done with just a mostly bass, very sparing BLUES beat, and Mr. Tamborine Man, which she does very slowly and plaintively.

Of course I do have a bit of trouble listening to some of the scream&electric versions of his stuff, but that's not the fault of the songs.



25 Feb 00 - 12:42 PM (#184732)
Subject: RE: BS: Playin' Dylan songs in Public
From: GUEST,Steve Roberson

Alan Francis --

You're right about how different Dylan songs can be fit different venues, but just to be a jerk I wanted to point out that the line "Bow down to her on Sunday, salute her when her birthday comes" is from She Belongs to Me. Same album as Love Minus Zero, but a different song.

25 Feb 00 - 01:47 PM (#184805)
Subject: RE: BS: Playin' Dylan songs in Public
From: Peter T.

Is there a better garage song than "Leopard Skin Pill Box Hat"? I don't think so. ("...balances on your head just like a mattress balances on a bottle of wine."
yours, Peter t.

25 Feb 00 - 01:52 PM (#184810)
Subject: RE: BS: Playin' Dylan songs in Public
From: Ringer

What is a "garage song", Peter?

The line it is drawn; the curse it is cast.
And the slow one now will later be fast.
As the present now will later be past.
The order is rapidly changing.
And the first one now will later be last,
For the times they are a'changing.


25 Feb 00 - 02:21 PM (#184846)
Subject: RE: BS: Playin' Dylan songs in Public
From: Hasek

Hello All !! The song title is actually " To Ramona ", so if I missed a joke, so sorry. You know , I play over 100 dates a year and 10 % of the covers/trad material I perform are Dylan songs . As all of you know ,many early Dylan song melodies were directly taken from traditional songs. Even some of his early song lyrics mirror trad songs. At least this tells us where he began and what he listened too. At my age of 47 and living/growing up through these wonderful and incredibly changing decades in the USA , he is by far,one of the greatest contributors to folk music there ever will be in my life time.

PS I've secured many a gig over the 25 years I've been playing by performing Dylan songs at open mic's.

Mike Strobel

25 Feb 00 - 06:23 PM (#184980)
Subject: RE: BS: Playin' Dylan songs in Public
From: Lanfranc

OK, you got me bang to rights - that's the trouble when you arrive at the Mudcat Cafe tired and emotional at around midnight. Yes, love minus zero is not the song I quoted, yes, you were right. Sorry. I must remember just to sing the song and forget about the intro and the title.

My love she speaks like silence Without ideals or violence She doesn't have to say she's faithful But she's true, like ice like fire ...

See - I know both!!!

Ageing hippyitis is a sad disease - don't mock the afflicted.

25 Feb 00 - 06:57 PM (#185000)
Subject: RE: BS: Playin' Dylan songs in Public
From: Biskit

WELL THERE ARE ONLY TWO TYPES OF OPEN MIKE MUSICIANS,THOSE WHO CAN PLAY Dylan well, and those that only wish that they could. If youn are one of the first all means,..please do!!!!

25 Feb 00 - 07:30 PM (#185017)
Subject: RE: BS: Playin' Dylan songs in Public
From: Lucius

If Sebastian Cabot (Buffy and Sissy's butler on "Family affair") can do Bob Dylan, then anyone can. As far as doing him justice, that's for you to decide.

I vaguely remember a story connected to Arlo Guthrie durring Bob Dylan's post-Blood on the Tracks period. They were in competing venues in the same town. Arlo looked over his smattering of audience, reflect on the fact that he was competing with Dylan for the folk audience, and said something to the effect of "If you want to hear any of the great OLD Bob Dylan songs you've come to the right place".

25 Feb 00 - 08:32 PM (#185041)
Subject: RE: BS: Playin' Dylan songs in Public
From: GUEST,Lynne

This seems the right place to announce With Bob On Our Side will be playing at the Three Pigeons, Welsh Row, Nantwich, Cheshire on Friday 3rd March 8.30pm....Judge for yourselves!

25 Feb 00 - 08:35 PM (#185042)
Subject: RE: BS: Playin' Dylan songs in Public
From: GUEST,James Bridgland

It's easy to disparage Dylan for the albums where first he rocked up (Blonde on Blonde) and then later lay back (Nashville Skyline) but I think those were as great or better than the earlier stuff - and it's true the early stuff is the stock & trade of the guy who learned acoustic guitar in the sixties.

"I started out on Burgundy but soon I hit the harder stuff everybody said they'd stand behind me when the game got rough ..."


God said to Abraham "Kill me a son" Abe said "Man, You must be putting me on.."

Leonard Cohen might have said it too but not nearly in the same way, that you'd keep singing it to yourself and laughing with delight over how the words had been assembled.

26 Feb 00 - 04:13 AM (#185205)
Subject: RE: BS: Playin' Dylan songs in Public
From: GUEST,_gargoyle

Dear GUEST_youngest Bob fan

If you can recall the rest of the lyrics, please post them. There is a quality to those you cited that has the hard hitting edge of some of his 60's stuff.


Work Hard, Have Fun, Be Safe

26 Feb 00 - 10:30 AM (#185254)
Subject: RE: BS: Playin' Dylan songs in Public
From: Amos

Dear youngest:

Here's a link to the words of Highway 61.

26 Feb 00 - 10:31 AM (#185255)
Subject: RE: BS: Playin' Dylan songs in Public
From: Amos

Sorry, I meant a link to the words of Highway 61.

26 Feb 00 - 11:01 AM (#185270)
Subject: RE: BS: Playin' Dylan songs in Public
From: SteveE

The best renditions of Dylan are those perfromed by people who value the quality of the lyrics. Not those who try to mimick or try to be different for the sake of being different. There is a time and a place for everything, and if you can perform Dylan songs in the appropriate environment then they can only be well received.

"To dance beneath the diamond sky with one hand waving free"

If it moves Mr Crosby I won't go out of my way to find fault.


26 Feb 00 - 02:20 PM (#185323)
Subject: RE: BS: Playin' Dylan songs in Public
From: GUEST,_gargoyle

Dear GUEST,The youngest Bob fan

Now become the youngest Bob authority in the state of South Carolina. This link will take you a long way to understanding his lyrics and the folk roots from which they sprang.Dylan's Roots

Assuming of course, people in SC can read English.

Have Fun!

27 Feb 00 - 06:12 AM (#185690)
Subject: RE: BS: Playin' Dylan songs in Public
From: Lanfranc

Thanks, Gargoyle, for the Dylan's Roots link. Most informative.

?? Why shouldn't people in SC be able to read English?

Is this some form of state-ism similar to the alleged English contempt for the Irish, the Bavarian for the Ostfrieslanders or the New Yorker for the Polish?

Do you have South Carolinan jokes? There could(should?) be another thread here.

27 Feb 00 - 12:30 PM (#185778)
Subject: RE: BS: Playin' Dylan songs in Public
From: Amos

Gargoyle has an unkind word for everybody -- it's his personal nature, not a reflection on any state...except his own. For a brilliant and valuable contributor (occasionally) he sures takes his pound of flesh away in sheer turkey jerkery. Don't worry -- he's not allowed to spill and Mudcat blood...

27 Feb 00 - 12:33 PM (#185779)
Subject: Lyr Add: THINGS HAVE CHANGED (Bob Dylan)
From: GUEST,The youngest Bob fan

Here are all of the lyrics that I can understand in Bob's new song "Things Have Changed"

A worried man with a worried mind
Don't want in front of me and nothing behind
There's a woman on my lap and she's drinking champagne
That white skin got assassin's eyes
I'm looking up into the sapphire tinted skies
----- waiting on the last train
Standing on the ----- with my head in the noose
Any minute now I'm expecting all hell to break loose

People are crazy and times are strange
I'm locked in tight; I'm out of range
I used to care but things have changed

This place ain't doing me any good
I'm in the wrong town; I sit there in Hollywood
Just for a second now I thought I saw something move
I'm gonna take dancing lessons; do the jitterbug right
Ain't no ---- wanna dress in drag
Only a fool here would think he got anything to prove
------ water under the bridge
Don't get up, gentlemen; I'm only passing through

People are crazy and times are strange
I'm locked in tight I'm out of range
I used to care but things have changed

I've been walking 40 miles of bad road
If the Bible is right; the world will explode
I've been trying to get as far away from myself as I can
Some things are too hot to touch
The human mind can only stand so much
You can't win with a losing hand
Feel like falling in love with the first woman I meet
Putting her in a wheelbarrow and wheeling her down the street

People are crazy and times are strange
I'm locked in tight I'm out of range
I used to care but things have changed

I hurt easy. I just don't show it
You can hurt someone without even knowing it
The next 60 seconds can be like an eternity
----- lowdown, gonna fly high
All the truth in the world adds up to one big lie
I'm in love with a woman who don't even appeal to me
Mr. Jinx and Mrs. Lucy they jumped in a lake
I'm not eager to make a mistake

People are crazy and times are strange
I'm locked in tight I'm out of range
I used to care but things have changed

27 Feb 00 - 12:39 PM (#185781)
Subject: RE: BS: Playin' Dylan songs in Public
From: GUEST,The youngest Bob Fan

Dear Amos,

I love the song "Highway 61." I saw Bob Dylan perform it in Raleigh, North Carolina at the Bob Dylan/Paul Simon concert. It was very memorable :)

27 Feb 00 - 12:40 PM (#185782)
Subject: RE: BS: Playin' Dylan songs in Public
From: GUEST,The youngest Bob Fan

Dear Gargoyle, Although I am quite fluent in hick, I can also read and speak English well...

27 Feb 00 - 12:44 PM (#185785)
Subject: RE: BS: Playin' Dylan songs in Public
From: GUEST,_gargoyle

Dear GUEST,The youngest Bob fan

Thank you VERY MUCH for the lyrics...

Will be chewing on them for a awhile, like a "piece of turkey jerky" to savor the flavor and also the meaning.

You are probably, now, the youngest to Post Lyrics at the MudCat.


27 Feb 00 - 03:51 PM (#185832)
Subject: RE: BS: Playin' Dylan songs in Public
From: GUEST,_gargoyle

Some of Bob's old style (60's) metaphors and similies in those lyrics.

The title is obviously a reference to his "Times They Are a Changing"

A few thoughts:
"A worried man" - (takes a worried man to sing a worried song)
"Standing on the gallows with my head in a noose (Hangman, slack your rope for a while)
"Forty miles of bad road" (Forty Miles Forty Miles
Mrs. Lucy (Lucille Ball) (Mr. Jinx = ??? Jinx Davis)
"Only Passin Through" (gospel song This world is not my home, I'm only passing through)
"Putting her in a wheelbarrow" (Molly Malone

Having been written for a film, there are probably allusions to characters within the script. However, the refrain is the standard of centuries of musicians who have lost touch with passion of their youth and are disconnected with the world today.

28 Feb 00 - 10:01 AM (#186145)
Subject: RE: BS: Playin' Dylan songs in Public
From: Mooh

"...don't criticize what you don't understand..." Why not? Can it be worse than, say, the Carpenters presented as folk? Seriously, BobWorship is better served by playing and singing his songs than by making him a false God, in a "we're not worthy" sort of way. I intend to open a coffee house gig soon with The Times They Are A-Changing, the first time in 25 years of knowing the song, and I hope I've got the right "read" on the piece. "...keep your eyes wide, the chance won't come again..."

28 Feb 00 - 10:48 AM (#186162)
Subject: RE: BS: Playin' Dylan songs in Public
From: Amos

Sing it out loud and clear, Mooh-zee...the times are still a-changing, and anything that jolts people awake is worth its weight in old Dylan go! Hit 'em in the face with fresh fish!

28 Feb 00 - 05:10 PM (#186388)
Subject: RE: BS: Playin' Dylan songs in Public
From: GUEST,The youngest BOB fan

Dear Gargoyle,

Your references are some I would never have thought of. :-D I just wish I could fill in the blank spots... you can get a free download of his new song at under "news." Also, I found at that Bob Dylan has 4 songs on the soundtrack: "Buckets of Rain", "Shooting Star", "Things Have Changed", and "Not Dark Yet." It should be one soundtrack that can't be missed.

Have a great day all!

29 Feb 00 - 08:56 AM (#186693)
Subject: RE: BS: Playin' Dylan songs in Public
From: Terry Allan Hall

Why would playing a song by a very good FOLKSINGER be a "no-no" at a folk open mike?

BTW, the idea expressed in another thread that a song can't be a folksong if said song had an author is utter drivel...all songs had an author, some just were forgotten!

29 Feb 00 - 09:12 AM (#186698)
Subject: RE: BS: Playin' Dylan songs in Public
From: Clifton53

If you wish to call the opinions of Max Foster "utter drivel", it's a free country. Of course, you should find out who he was first.


29 Feb 00 - 09:16 AM (#186702)
Subject: RE: BS: Playin' Dylan songs in Public
From: Amos

I don't think even Max Foster would argue that every song had an author somewhere!

29 Feb 00 - 09:52 AM (#186718)
Subject: RE: BS: Playin' Dylan songs in Public
From: Clifton53

Point taken. Thanks Amos. I'm straight on it now. My apologies. Excuse me. Beg pardon. I'll try to do better. So sorry.


29 Feb 00 - 12:07 PM (#186771)
Subject: RE: BS: Playin' Dylan songs in Public
From: Amos

Oh, ok, then, get off yer damn knees...jeeze, luise, ya try an' have a conversation,...:>))

29 Feb 00 - 12:17 PM (#186777)
Subject: RE: BS: Playin' Dylan songs in Public
From: Clifton53

Hey, you see me on my knees, they'll be throwing dirt on me! I just don't like being talked to like a three year old. Your not the only intelligent mega-poster out there pal.


29 Feb 00 - 12:18 PM (#186778)
Subject: RE: BS: Playin' Dylan songs in Public
From: Mbo

Yeah, 'cause I'm still here!


29 Feb 00 - 12:34 PM (#186789)
Subject: RE: BS: Playin' Dylan songs in Public
From: Amos

CLifton --

I'm offense intended

If I was curt it was not because I was being condescending, but because I am posting in between other things at work, so I have to steal small opportunities. I certainly don't think of myself as the only -- and sometimes not even one of the -- intelligent posters out there. I mean out here...well, whatever. Anyway, pax, I apologize if I seemed other than purely conversational.

29 Feb 00 - 09:45 PM (#187166)
Subject: RE: BS: Playin' Dylan songs in Public

Mr gg you are one sick, twisted, dude

Gettin a under age kid to post copyrighted lyrics cause he cant be prosecuted

your no better than than the lizzard bellyed dope dealers.

If I could I would have you proscecuted under federal law for child endangerment and contributing to the delinquency of a minor. the kid had no chance. go back to your rock.

01 Mar 00 - 05:43 AM (#187364)
Subject: RE: BS: Playin' Dylan songs in Public
From: GUEST,Roger the skiffler

I'm not a great Dylan fan but I suspect when I return to Kalymnos this summer I will be droning along to my friend Yorgos Sklinatsis' guitar and voice on "Blowin' in the wind" and "Times they are a-changin'" as they are part of his English-language repertoire. After a few glasses of Metaxas I think I sound quite good...the audience may need a few more before they agree. I think Yorgos lets me do a few solo numbers because Greeks are naturally generous and tolerant of idiot tourists and also because it highlights his own real skills!

01 Mar 00 - 09:26 AM (#187419)
Subject: RE: BS: Playin' Dylan songs in Public
From: Callie

I even love the Dylan songs praising god!! (Try "every Drop of Rain"!)

I also love the Eric Bogle song "I just won't sing any Bob Dylan" about a folkie who refuses to sing Dylan in all sorts of circumstances. ("No, no, a thousand times no; I'd rather see my life's blood spilling/I'll sing anything even god save the king/but I just won't sing any Bob Dylan") It's hilarious!

I remember seeing a tv show that showed Bob and Van Morrison jamming on a pier somewhere picturesque. They were just mucking about, but it sounded mighty fine.

Go Bob!


01 Mar 00 - 09:35 AM (#187423)
Subject: RE: BS: Playin' Dylan songs in Public
From: Clifton53

Bad day for me Amos, I was out of line, and I apologize.


01 Mar 00 - 10:02 AM (#187436)
Subject: RE: BS: Playin' Dylan songs in Public
From: Amos

Trying times, Cliff -- No offense taken. Bob Dylan gets under people's skins, which I guess is what they pay him for...

01 Mar 00 - 10:49 AM (#187472)
Subject: RE: BS: Playin' Dylan songs in Public
From: Fortunato


Do you know how many folkies it takes to change a light bulb? Only one, but first they have to be told it's ok by one of their 'gods'.

Sing what you @#$%ing please. Let the anal retentives fall where they may.

cheers, Fortunato

01 Mar 00 - 11:00 AM (#187485)
Subject: RE: BS: Playin' Dylan songs in Public
From: GUEST,BlueSage

Back to the subject. I can't see why anyone might feel that any song would be taboo at a coffee house, or any other gathering. If the lyrics speak to you, I feel you almost have an obligation to share that song with others. Any song, no matter how many times it's been covered, will be given new life with each new interpretation. This process is what folk music is all about! Just my opinion...Mike

01 Mar 00 - 11:18 AM (#187499)
Subject: RE: BS: Playin' Dylan songs in Public
From: Amos

Opinions are like...eyeballs. Everyone has a couple. I like yours, Mike. If you can't lay out some heart, taking whatever the risk may be, yer in the wrong trade...

01 Mar 00 - 01:30 PM (#187585)
Subject: RE: BS: Playin' Dylan songs in Public
From: Froodo

Thanks everyone for your thoughts. Trust me, I intend to sing every song that I want, whenever I want. Just wanted to see what the popular opinion was on this whole Dylan matter. I've, in the past, figured that Dylan might be a little too, shall we say, cliche in some folk cicles.

At any rate, I'm going to be doing "North Country Blues." I grew up around Pittsburgh, PA and my father worked the steel mills there for many years -- 'til the place shut down and left my dad with out a job and with out his pride for some time. But he went back to school and has a new gig now. Anyway, that tune really feels like home to me...and I sing it pretty good too!

Thanks all! Froodo

01 Mar 00 - 08:32 PM (#187833)
Subject: RE: BS: Playin' Dylan songs in Public
From: GUEST,The youngest BOB fan

< Gettin a under age kid to post copyrighted lyrics cause he cant be prosecuted

your no better than than the lizzard bellyed dope dealers.

If I could I would have you proscecuted under federal law for child endangerment and contributing to the delinquency of a minor. the kid had no chance. go back to your rock.>>

I assume I am the "under age kid" you are referring to. It is under my assumption that if the copyrighted material is for personal use, there is no problem. Not to mention that my daddy is a lawyer... but ya know whatever. What right do you have anyway, to make wild assumptions and name-call like you were... well... like you were my age... lol. I really hope you're kidding... I mean, "Child endangerment" and "Contributing to teh deliquency of a minor" give me a break... oh Wait!! That's copyrighted by Kit Kat... cuff me and put me in the squad car... I'm going to jail not to mention *heck*...

01 Mar 00 - 10:15 PM (#187892)
Subject: RE: BS: Playin' Dylan songs in Public
From: GUEST,_gargoyle

Well said, ..... Fortunato - couldn't agree more - (too many, worry too much, too long)"Sing what you @#$%ing please.."

Hey, Guest,The youngest Bob fan with your grip and reality and sense of humor.... you will hang right tight with this unrully pack of retrobates....

A most sincere

GUEST,_gargoyle welcome!

02 Mar 00 - 07:03 PM (#188434)
Subject: RE: BS: Playin' Dylan songs in Public
From: GUEST,The youngest BOB fan

Dear GUEST,_gargoyle- Thanks :)

15 Mar 00 - 11:26 PM (#195853)
Subject: RE: BS: Playin' Dylan songs in Public
From: Robo

I hear someone's givin' me bruder boy Clifton trouble? Lemme at him, lemme at him!