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BS: Unanswered Questions

24 Feb 00 - 03:27 PM (#184185)
Subject: Unanswered Questions
From: BlueJay

Please refer to the thread regarding Kenney Wayne Sheppard. I think this needs a new thread: How do we treat GUESTS, and is it considered a fatal error to advertise?

24 Feb 00 - 03:30 PM (#184189)
Subject: RE: BS: Unanswered Questions
From: wysiwyg

Click here to see the thread referenced above by BlueJay.

24 Feb 00 - 03:43 PM (#184196)
Subject: RE: BS: Unanswered Questions
From: Molly Malone

It might not be a bad idea to have a general concert announcement page. This really isn't advertising so much, as I doubt this person is in any way related to the concert itself.

Does the Mudcat have any sort of place (outside of regular threads that either die off or get so long they take forever to load)that we could post concerts and performance venues? I didn't see anything in links...

Thoughts? Questions? Rude gestures?

24 Feb 00 - 03:44 PM (#184197)
Subject: RE: BS: Unanswered Questions
From: wysiwyg

tip o the hat?

Ye're fresh!

24 Feb 00 - 03:46 PM (#184198)
Subject: RE: BS: Unanswered Questions
From: MMario

If they are somebody new, I think we should greet them as normal. For me that usually means seeing Praise's note that she has e-mailed them inviting them back to the community.

if the ad looks interesting, comment on it as normally as we ever do anything.

if they spam us, politely explain "don't do that".

or ignore it.

in other words, business as usual, unless the person is obviously spamming the forum.

24 Feb 00 - 09:04 PM (#184370)
Subject: RE: BS: Unanswered Questions
From: Joe Offer

I dunno - I think the best place for concert announcements if right here in the Forum. I suppose a calendar might be nice. About once every three years, somebody at church volunteers to do an activities calendar. They do a great job for about four months, and then get behind. I think the same thing would happen here.
But the Forum seems like a GREAT place for such announcements.
-Joe Offer-

24 Feb 00 - 09:29 PM (#184380)
Subject: RE: BS: Unanswered Questions
From: catspaw49

My only objection to this is when its posted as a self-serving piece of crap. We get a lot of these that are simply posted as ads for people we don't know with no association with the 'Cat.

On the other hand, I do like to see our own people post their "wares" here. Now Sandy can't get into that because he has a sense of propriety that is truly honorable....HOWEVER--A few of us are often linking him at Folk-Legacy Records because he has got some wonderful things and a lifetime's work for the betterment of Folk/Trad deserves our support....and again, it benefits Mudcat. Dick Greenhaus of the DT has recently acquired Camsco Music and that too deserves our support obviously.

Our own performers listings are always welcome to me, but the outside stuff gets a little wearing.


24 Feb 00 - 09:41 PM (#184386)
Subject: RE: BS: Unanswered Questions
From: GUEST,_gargoyle

Appears straight-forward to me...

Wanna buy tickets.... e-mail direct

Then again.... restrict adver-tiz-ments....go pure commercial....Public Radio did it ......why not MAX???? (2,000 now .....20K in three years)

On second thought, lay a lien against the concert, and put the money to "good use" here at the MudCat....we have several miscreant lawyers present.

24 Feb 00 - 11:11 PM (#184439)
Subject: RE: BS: Unanswered Questions
From: SeanM

Well then 'spaw, howza bout people like me?

I'm not exactly a "regular" poster, being a not overly active BS or info poster...

But, I still like to consider the 'cat a home.

As opposed to the Stone Moron's post, I think it'd be very appropriate to have links on the "Mudcat Resource" page... perhaps with one link on the forum page to announce that they're there... but that WOULD create additional work.

And Garg, if performance isn't the soul of music, what is? Seems that you're unhappy if we discuss the base that we draw music from, and if we discuss the finished product. What is there left to discuss? Finnish furniture merchandising?


24 Feb 00 - 11:33 PM (#184452)
Subject: RE: BS: Unanswered Questions
From: catspaw49

Yeah know you're OK and I wasn't trying to put down anyone on this, rather I'd like to see more in a way. Its certainly not up to me!!! I always try to post in support of a 'Catter and ignore the "Drop-In Advertizers" ... Its just what I do...there isn't and shouldn't be a "policy"........Just my bullshit opinion.


25 Feb 00 - 08:02 AM (#184594)
Subject: RE: BS: Unanswered Questions
From: MudGuard

If there is interest in a Mudcat Concert Calender I'd be willing to try to host it.
I've got some of my webspace left, and I think I can give it some time.
I provide a sample of how I think this could look like at Mudcat Concert Calender Preview


25 Feb 00 - 08:14 AM (#184596)
Subject: RE: BS: Unanswered Questions
From: Vixen


That's beautiful!



25 Feb 00 - 08:17 AM (#184597)
Subject: RE: BS: Unanswered Questions
From: MudGuard

Just a try-to-do-something-quick-and-dirty-in-five-minutes solution, nothing fancy there.

25 Feb 00 - 08:34 AM (#184601)
Subject: RE: BS: Unanswered Questions
From: GUEST,Roger the skiffler

A one-time thread advertising a concert some 'Catters might be interested in doesn't seem a sin. However,we comulsive posters (I'm on the 12-step programme in the Brian Wilson Wing of the Neil Young Center, I will post less) should leave it be and not add to it with "helpful" comments like "way cool", or "wrong side of the Atlantic" .

25 Feb 00 - 08:41 AM (#184603)
Subject: RE: BS: Unanswered Questions
From: jeffp

Hey Mudguard! Looks good! Don't apologize for simplicity. Believe me, simple is generally better than cluttering up the page with meaningless stuff that distracts from the message. Besides, the simpler it is to maintain, the less of a burden it will be and the less likely you are to regret taking on the responsibility in the first place. HTML tables are fun to play with aren't they?


25 Feb 00 - 09:07 AM (#184610)
Subject: RE: BS: Unanswered Questions
From: Troll

Roger, I agree with you in principle but,knowing how people love to see their name on a thread, a calendar is probably the best way to go.

If Mudguard is willing to do it, I say lets take advantage of his stup... generosity!

Thats just my opinion. Cooler heads may prevail.


25 Feb 00 - 10:54 AM (#184663)
Subject: RE: BS: Unanswered Questions
From: Amos

Nice, clean and easy to maintain means its a good design, 'guard! Simplicity is the key to elegance. Way to go.
