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Tom Lewis Concert In Windsor Ontario

28 Feb 00 - 08:49 PM (#186497)
Subject: Tom Lewis Concert In Windsor Ontario
From: Clinton Hammond2

That's In Canada...

Tom Lewis will be performing at the Junior Ranks Mess of the HMCS Hunter on Saturday, May 13th...

Ticket prices have yet to be finalized, but if ya wanna come you can reserver your ticket by emailing Steve Micallef at

Steve is gonna be out of town until late next week, so it may be that long before he gets back to you, but havbe no fear, he will respond!

As more info becomes available I'll update this thread... and maybe we can get a few Catters to this show eh!?!?!


28 Feb 00 - 09:13 PM (#186507)
Subject: RE: Tom Lewis Concert In Windsor Ontario
From: MMario

just possibly.......

06 Mar 00 - 03:52 PM (#190522)
Subject: RE: Tom Lewis Concert In Windsor Ontario
From: Clinton Hammond2


Just one who's interested?

07 Mar 00 - 03:42 PM (#191328)
Subject: RE: Tom Lewis Concert In Windsor Ontario
From: GUEST,Rana

Tom is well worth seeing. He is playing the Acoustic Harvest Folk Club in Toronto (well Scarborough which is way out east for me!)in May.

Cheers Rana

07 Mar 00 - 03:48 PM (#191332)
Subject: RE: Tom Lewis Concert In Windsor Ontario
From: Clinton Hammond2

Oh ya?

I just realised that I have a wedding to attend that day when he's in Windsor, so maybe I'll hit the Scarbaria show...



07 Mar 00 - 05:31 PM (#191411)
Subject: RE: Tom Lewis Concert In Windsor Ontario
From: Tony Burns

You can get the whole Tom Lewis tour schedule at his web site.

Tony Burns (Who will be attending the Toronto show on May 6th)

16 Mar 00 - 01:49 PM (#196211)
Subject: RE: Tom Lewis Concert In Windsor Ontario
From: Clinton Hammond2

O.k... update on the Windsor show....

Apparently I'M opening for him!! LOL!! Guess I'm gonna miss a big chunk of the wedding reception....

Tickets... $12.00 for the public $10.00 for memebers of the Windsor Folk Club... that's Canadian $$ as well, so it costs less than a pack of smokes fer you yanks... Provided you can afford the gas to get across the bridge! LOL!!!!

They wil be available at the above email addy as well as locally at
The Bookroom 2157 Wyandotte W. 258-2726

Casa Chavela 405 Pelissier Street 254-6865

Judy's on Ottawa 1384 Ottawa Street 256-1551

Mackenzie Hall Front Desk 3277 Sandwich Street 255-7600

But they haven't been printed yet, so fer now yer best bet is to email and reserve them....


16 Mar 00 - 02:03 PM (#196218)
Subject: RE: Tom Lewis Concert In Windsor Ontario
From: GUEST,steve micallef

yeah, clinton is opening for tom. i hope that doesn't disuade anyone from showing, he wont be on long! JUST KIDDIN CLINTON!

anyways, we will inform you when tickets will be available. If you want to reserve, their are two ways

1) email me at either or

2) call my voice mail at 563-7666, and leave your number and state your calling about tickets. I will get back to you.

and once again, tickets will hopefully be done up in a week or so, and you'll see it right here when they are avail.

thanx for your patience. Cheers Steve micallef

16 Mar 00 - 02:05 PM (#196224)
Subject: RE: Tom Lewis Concert In Windsor Ontario
From: Clinton Hammond2

I hope so too Steve.... I'd like to see the mess make a little $$ off this concert... People can be warned to come a half hour late!! LOL!!


01 May 00 - 03:17 PM (#220942)
Subject: RE: Tom Lewis Concert In Windsor Ontario
From: Clinton Hammond2

Refresh to remind folks... Not that there are many catters in the area...


02 May 00 - 11:06 AM (#221472)
Subject: RE: Tom Lewis Concert In Windsor Ontario
From: Clinton Hammond2

How many catters are close by anyway???

Just curious...


03 May 00 - 11:09 AM (#222225)
Subject: RE: Tom Lewis Concert In Windsor Ontario
From: Clinton Hammond2

That many eh????



03 May 00 - 11:14 AM (#222230)
Subject: RE: Tom Lewis Concert In Windsor Ontario
From: MMario

Depends on what you mean by "in the area" -- I was tempted to drive up myself....but my niece is home, and I think I'm gonna head the other way to meet IrishSargent....

03 May 00 - 01:01 PM (#222294)
Subject: RE: Tom Lewis Concert In Windsor Ontario
From: Clinton Hammond2

"In The Area"...

Sorta speaks fer itself no??

Close by??



03 May 00 - 01:13 PM (#222301)
Subject: RE: Tom Lewis Concert In Windsor Ontario
From: MMario

Clinton - what I meant was that most people wouldn't consider Albany,NY "in the area" of Rochester, NY; but many people wouldn't think twice about driving from Rochester to Albany for a concert, or a football game...

03 May 00 - 03:18 PM (#222381)
Subject: RE: Tom Lewis Concert In Windsor Ontario
From: Clinton Hammond2

So it's subjective... telling me if you consider yerself "in the area" of Windsor, Ontario will let me know alot of stuff about you, if you tell me where yer from...


03 May 00 - 03:32 PM (#222399)
Subject: RE: Tom Lewis Concert In Windsor Ontario
From: MMario

upstate NY. Penn Yan. and I've done worse "day trips"

wouldn't consider myself to be in the area, but wouldn't consider it a hardship to get to windsor for Tom, if I didn't have several other alternatives pulling at me for the same date.

04 May 00 - 12:24 PM (#222952)
Subject: RE: Tom Lewis Concert In Windsor Ontario
From: Clinton Hammond2


Always the way it goes eh!!

6 months of nothing and it all happens in one weekend!



05 May 00 - 12:07 PM (#223528)
Subject: RE: Tom Lewis Concert In Windsor Ontario
From: Dave (the ancient mariner)

Clinton, Get him to sing "the Message In The Bottle" I've never heard it but like the lyrics. Yours, Aye. Dave

05 May 00 - 12:35 PM (#223539)
Subject: RE: Tom Lewis Concert In Windsor Ontario
From: Clinton Hammond2

I'll see what I can do, but I have about a million requests for him that night!! LOL!!!!!!
