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BS: Do any of you sleep?

03 Mar 00 - 04:49 PM (#188954)
Subject: Do any of you sleep?
From: BlueJay

Dear Mudcatters- I hesitate to start this thread, as it surely has been covered many times. My Mudcat search has proved fruitless, however. DO ANY OF YOU SLEEP? Or have full time jobs? I'm asking as a newbie, who can't begin to keep up with all of the threads. But there are some VERY prolific Mudcatters who seem to respond to just about every thread. That's OK, maybe you can just type a lot faster than I can. But my research reveals, (from a good source), that you all may be a computer program, except for me! If so, what a stroke of genius. But how long before I start getting bills for $9.95/month? (I think that'd be worth it for the apparant resources I have at my disposal). Give me a sign!
Love, BlueJay

03 Mar 00 - 04:50 PM (#188956)
Subject: RE: BS: Do any of you sleep?
From: Amos

Try Sagittarius -- Virgi don't last long in these parts...

03 Mar 00 - 04:52 PM (#188957)
Subject: RE: BS: Do any of you sleep?
From: MMario

fellow programs! This human has discovered our secret. It must be eliminated, or rendered harmless. Wait..., it is not a guest, therefore it is already ours.

PS - the bill is in the mail. Make payable to Mudcat Cafe.

03 Mar 00 - 04:54 PM (#188962)
Subject: RE: BS: Do any of you sleep?
From: BlueJay

I am a Saggitarius

03 Mar 00 - 04:55 PM (#188963)
Subject: RE: BS: Do any of you sleep?
From: rangeroger

Yes,No, and Maybe. rr

03 Mar 00 - 05:03 PM (#188967)
Subject: RE: BS: Do any of you sleep?
From: BlueJay

Goodnight, see you tomorrow.

03 Mar 00 - 05:18 PM (#188968)
Subject: RE: BS: Do any of you sleep?
From: simon-pierre

Yes, I sleep, and usually, I do it at night. Because I also have a day job, and that boring routine is call a «real» life.

03 Mar 00 - 05:19 PM (#188969)
Subject: RE: BS: Do any of you sleep?
From: Uncle_DaveO

The truth is, most Mudcatters post from work, during working hours, when the boss isn't around!

03 Mar 00 - 05:28 PM (#188973)
Subject: RE: BS: Do any of you sleep?
From: Malcolm Douglas

And we're in a number of different time-zones, which helps to maintain the illusion.


03 Mar 00 - 05:32 PM (#188974)
Subject: RE: BS: Do any of you sleep?
From: Froodo

I post from work too. I also write a bunch of lyrics at work. The trick is to be quick with the mouse so that when someone walks by you can get that spreadsheet back up on the screen.

03 Mar 00 - 05:35 PM (#188975)
Subject: RE: BS: Do any of you sleep?
From: Mbo

I'm a Sagittarius too...I only get five hours of sleep at night during the week...but the week after next is SPRING BREAK! WOOHOO! 9 days of sleeping late! Yes! And more time on Mudcat without that nasty schoolwork getting in the way! Wow....I can do Song Challenge!s ALL DAY...


03 Mar 00 - 06:21 PM (#188995)
Subject: RE: BS: Do any of you sleep?
From: catspaw49

Insomnia has its rewards. I can't really think of any but since its an incredible pain in the ass, there HAS to be a plus to it somewhere.


03 Mar 00 - 06:29 PM (#188999)
Subject: RE: BS: Do any of you sleep?
From: Jon Freeman

I sleep but being unemployed and only have in free internet connection at certain times of day has turned my life somwhat upside-down. I typically go to bed at about 6am. From then on, a lot depends on what I have to do, sometimes, I will grab a couple of hours sleep, maybe do some shopping or visit the job centre in the morning and then go back to bed.


03 Mar 00 - 06:29 PM (#189000)
Subject: RE: BS: Do any of you sleep?
From: Hardiman the Fiddler

Someone once told me: sleeping is a waste of time HTF

03 Mar 00 - 06:29 PM (#189001)
Subject: RE: BS: Do any of you sleep?
From: catspaw49

After a quick check, I average 10+ posts a day. Most are like this one....totally worthless.


03 Mar 00 - 06:33 PM (#189005)
Subject: RE: BS: Do any of you sleep?
From: Crowhugger


03 Mar 00 - 06:36 PM (#189007)
Subject: RE: BS: Do any of you sleep?
From: catspaw49

...and if you are curious about other "compulsives" like myself....kat averages 12.


03 Mar 00 - 06:39 PM (#189010)
Subject: RE: BS: Do any of you sleep?
From: Amos

Spaw is now the Official Statistician -- hey if you can't count it, you can't manage it.

03 Mar 00 - 06:40 PM (#189011)
Subject: RE: BS: Do any of you sleep?
From: sophocleese

Umm could you define "sleep" for me?

03 Mar 00 - 06:43 PM (#189013)
Subject: RE: BS: Do any of you sleep?
From: Sorcha

I think 'spaw used to, but then he got Cleigh (giggle giggle!)

03 Mar 00 - 07:13 PM (#189032)
Subject: RE: BS: Do any of you sleep?
From: wysiwyg

I sleep while posting and dream a little dream of you-all. We'll have to see how this works out. I actually think the rapid clicking around in here substitutes for REM sleep, esp. when writing songs/poems... but it can't last!!!!!

03 Mar 00 - 07:13 PM (#189033)
Subject: RE: BS: Do any of you sleep?
From: thosp

i have been diagnosed with MSD (mudcat sleep disorder),i'm told there is no known cure

peace (Y) thosp

03 Mar 00 - 08:02 PM (#189061)
Subject: RE: BS: Do any of you sleep?
From: Clinton Hammond2

To quote Kurgan, from the movie "Highlander"...

"Gods Don't Sleep!"



03 Mar 00 - 08:12 PM (#189063)
Subject: RE: BS: Do any of you sleep?
From: Dave (the ancient mariner)

Sleep? I slept last week... I'm a Gemini one sleeps the other posts and vicky verka.. Yours,Aye.Aye.Dave and Dave ( the ancient twins )

03 Mar 00 - 08:24 PM (#189066)
Subject: RE: BS: Do any of you sleep?
From: katlaughing

Oh, thanks, Spaw!!

Hey, guys, Rog says he has a cure for the Mudcat Sleep Disorder: after midnight Mudcat time, only discussions on new age music wil be available! LOL, yeah, right!!

If I can't sleep, BlueJay, which is 2-3 times per week, I am drawn like a cat to catnip to the Mudcat for a quick "fix".


03 Mar 00 - 08:24 PM (#189067)
Subject: RE: BS: Do any of you sleep?
From: M. Ted (inactive)

Blue Jay, the real question is, do you sleep? I have looked at the times that you have posted--and your not any better than any of the rest of us--gotta go--I need a cup of coffee--

03 Mar 00 - 08:40 PM (#189071)
Subject: RE: BS: Do any of you sleep?
From: Oversoul

I had a joke about all of the above being "bed-wetters" but I am on probation so I will pass on it,ok? Maybe they just go to bed to pee, who cares?

03 Mar 00 - 09:16 PM (#189089)
Subject: RE: BS: Do any of you sleep?
From: bbc

Hi, BlueJay,

As usual, it's a mixed answer. When I was new, I thought for months that Joe Offer was a computer program. It seemed that, as soon as a question was asked, he was on top of it. Last fall, I met, chatted w/ him, even hugged him. He appears to be flesh & blood. He even sings!

The answer about time zones is valid, but doesn't explain the prolific individual posters. Some, like MM, work in front of a computer & follow along most of the day. I am a teacher (well, school librarian, actually). Sometimes, I post before leaving at 6 am & I'm home between 3:30 & 4 pm. In the summer months, when school is out, I'll probably be around much more. Some of the others are just out-and-out addicts! :)


03 Mar 00 - 09:21 PM (#189093)
Subject: RE: BS: Do any of you sleep?
From: Mbo

Yep! My college work study job is in a rather lazy computer lab, as a lab assistant...which means: more happy Mudcat! More happy happy Mudcat!


03 Mar 00 - 10:35 PM (#189124)
Subject: RE: BS: Do any of you sleep?
From: catspaw49

Its helpful to know schedules, like bbc's.........That way I can make wisecracks behind her back that she may not ever find and save her beating me up on a regular basis like she did last summer. But summer is indeed approaching and I'm working out daily to be able to inprove my footwork and slip the punches better.

Spaw---(and if you're new, so you know, the above is a joke and our bbc is a very special 'Catter...Her work and commitment to "Mudcat Resources" cannot be praised enough.)

03 Mar 00 - 10:56 PM (#189130)
Subject: RE: BS: Do any of you sleep?
From: Bill in Alabama

I'm not a prolific poster; actually, BlueJay, I'm pretty much a ubiquitous lurker nowadays, but I check in to the site fairly often. Like bbc, I'm an academic, but fortunately for me I can post from the office as well as from home. As a professor of linguistics and folklore, I am expected to be doing research in areas which are more or less traditional, and so I don't have to worry that someone might find out that I commit Mudcattery during working hours.

03 Mar 00 - 11:23 PM (#189137)
Subject: RE: BS: Do any of you sleep?
From: BK

Having a 10-12 hr/day job AND a 40 mile drive each way, there are times when I sleep - or lurk/occ post the Mudcat - but not both...

Cheers, BK (who is trying to mannage his addiction by interjecting real life [whatever that is] & remembering that if I get some sleep, & am less on the computor, I 1. won't be getting pissed off at & cussing at Win-98 & get my b.p. up as much, 2. might find time to go have a look at the most interesting parlor guitar w/the pretty inlay that looks like an early 1900's Martin or Washburn.. 3. could get ready for the "hoot" we'll be doing at church.. & 4. etc, etc, like re-assemble my old Trooper II & get it inspected, get the ancient Suzuki 2-stroke road bikes ready for summer, etc..)

04 Mar 00 - 12:14 AM (#189161)
Subject: RE: BS: Do any of you sleep?
From: Hagbardr

I'm usually on a 10am to 2pm schedule and log on mostly in the evenings. I work a 40 hour week, have several hobbies including medievalism, folk music, and hanging out with gay men and bitching about how I can never find a girlfriend. There's no way I can keep up with all the threads, so I keep up the 5 to 10 at a time.


P.S. I'm a Virgo, and I plan on staying a while.

04 Mar 00 - 12:19 AM (#189163)
Subject: RE: BS: Do any of you sleep?
From: simon-pierre

Action, not words!

I'm going to sleep! Good night everyone.

04 Mar 00 - 12:33 AM (#189167)
Subject: RE: BS: Do any of you sleep?
From: Sabra

Actually BlueJay, I've been here a couple o' times long about 2-4 am Central Time (GMT -6) when no one seems to be posting at all...I do sleep-usually not much tho-and I work fulltime and home-school two boys, so i'm not nearly as prolific as I'd like to be.

I found that when I tried to participate in the particularly fascinating Honesty thread that Amos started the other day, my brain overloaded and went totally wonky, so I've decided a bit more sleep is in order...I'll be aiming for quality not quantity.

I have seen folks on here who seem to manage both, but I'm not one of them Im of those "spirit's willing" situations I guess.


04 Mar 00 - 01:00 AM (#189177)
Subject: RE: BS: Do any of you sleep?
From: canoer


I talk in my sleep.


04 Mar 00 - 01:20 AM (#189182)
Subject: RE: BS: Do any of you sleep?
From: catspaw49

There are a few times that are slower generally than others, but you also have some strange gaps where no one seems to be on for a period of time. I also run across threads every now and then that are in essence late night chats. I read one the other morning with 2 folks who'd had quite a conversation the night before. A lot of people object to this, but as I read that thread, it was my impression that 2 friends had been made in the sharing of information on the topic.

Max will have a new chat room up soon and a lot of us use ICQ sometimes. But the thread the other night reminded me of my first 'Catter friends and what a great place the joint really is.

Yep....still up. Grabbin' a handful of drugs and trying again later.


04 Mar 00 - 01:42 AM (#189187)
Subject: RE: BS: Do any of you sleep?
From: Liz the Squeak

Sleep? Remind me.........

Actually, thre are people who post at GMT, I would have done, but I was writing a report for my church.... Quinciquontly I'm a tad tap-happy - will write any old crud and it will all make sense. I'll come back tonight (or tomorrow, whenever real life takes a raincheck) and it will be total gibberish.

I'm a Virgo too, I have no plans on remaining so, but there are days when it feels like it could be a while...... Anyone up for some midnight/early morning canoodling??


04 Mar 00 - 01:50 AM (#189192)
Subject: RE: BS: Do any of you sleep?
From: catspaw49

Only if you've shaved off your chest hair Liz. Have you tried the Aussie stuff called, believe it or not, NADS? They have the most disgusting TV ad I've seen. And I ain't about to put Nads on MY nads, but it is a possibility for your chest hair situation.


04 Mar 00 - 02:04 AM (#189197)
Subject: RE: BS: Do any of you sleep?
From: Liz the Squeak

I recently got a new job. The office clown is hairy. Not so much a crab ladder, as a scramble net. Blows my three little tufts into a cocked hat. When he showed me, I hyperventilated in the filing range and had to be rubbed down with a damp edition of "Taxation - the magazine of the Inland Revenue".......

And you thought the IRS was full of faceless beaurocrats.....


04 Mar 00 - 05:13 AM (#189231)
Subject: RE: BS: Do any of you sleep?
From: GUEST,Skipjack AT HOME!!!!!!!

Happy Saturday, shipmates!

All my trouble is waking up! Dang, I love sleep, list it on my CV as an interest, and get really crabby when it is poor quality, especially when I have obeyed "the Rules" for rocking gently in the arms of Morpheus.

No sailing today, shame, it's a beautiful morning and midday tide, but I'm 223 miles from the good ship Skipjack.


04 Mar 00 - 09:38 AM (#189287)
Subject: RE: BS: Do any of you sleep?
From: George Seto -

I sleep, but who needs more than 4 or 5 hours? Take a nap during lunch. You don't REALLY need 60 minutes to eat. Take half of it for a nap. You'll be refreshed.

The way I work it is, Check around 7AM just after I wake, before I shower. Check during the first half of lunch. Check once more while making supper, and a few times during the evening, on those evenings I am at home. Otherwise, check when I FINALLY get home, and then several times before I go to bed around 2AM, to read for a while.

All in all a full day!

04 Mar 00 - 10:26 AM (#189302)
Subject: RE: BS: Do any of you sleep?
From: Troll

Sleep is for those who do not mainline coffee!


04 Mar 00 - 11:06 AM (#189324)
Subject: RE: BS: Do any of you sleep?
From: BlueJay

So a few of you DO sleep. Maybe I could be diagnosed with the previously Mudcat Sleep Disorder. I work graveyard shift, with varying days off, so getting into ANY kind of sleep pattern is tough. Keeping an eye on these threads tends to push my bedtime later and later. Perhaps this is related to the Mudcat Addiction I read about. Something about The Neil Young Center. At first I didn't take that seriously, but now I wonder. O well, at least it's an informative pastime, much better than watching old reruns. Thank you all for your insights. I think I'll go to bed, (after I check out a few more threads).

04 Mar 00 - 11:13 AM (#189325)
Subject: RE: BS: Do any of you sleep?
From: wysiwyg

Isn't GMT General Mudcat Time which has a different speed from other space-time continua? (Continuums? You know what I mean!) Isn't it always whatever time Max thinks it is?

04 Mar 00 - 01:04 PM (#189364)
Subject: RE: BS: Do any of you sleep?
From: Mooh

What do you mean sleep? I'm a musician, I don't sleep. And I'm only irritating when I'm awake.

04 Mar 00 - 01:04 PM (#189365)
Subject: RE: BS: Do any of you sleep?
From: Mooh

What do you mean sleep? I'm a musician, I don't sleep. And I'm only irritating when I'm awake.

04 Mar 00 - 03:21 PM (#189418)
Subject: RE: BS: Do any of you sleep?
From: Mbo

Wow, I sleep 10 hours last night! From 12am to 12pm. So I overslept--it's Saturday and the world looks a lot brighter, even though it's raining out. "In an interstellar burst, I'm back to save the universe!"


04 Mar 00 - 03:34 PM (#189422)
Subject: RE: BS: Do any of you sleep?
From: Troll

The correct quote is," Sleep is a poor substitute for coffee." Alan Dean Foster


04 Mar 00 - 05:07 PM (#189449)
Subject: RE: BS: Do any of you sleep?
From: McGrath of Harlow

Where I am it's just past 10pm. I've got a free connection in the evenings after 6pm, and at weekends. Come on most days for five minutes to check my mail,and then likely get pulled in and trapped. It beats watching TV anyway.

04 Mar 00 - 08:06 PM (#189554)
Subject: RE: BS: Do any of you sleep?
From: vtwin90

I'll sleep when I'm dead--Warren Zevon

04 Mar 00 - 08:38 PM (#189566)
Subject: RE: BS: Do any of you sleep?
From: GUEST,John Gray / Australia

As Franklin said " fatigue is the best pillow".

And to Catspaw49 regarding NADS. A recently retired racing greyhound in Sydney was named NADS. When coming down the straight the crowd would be on their feet yelling out "GO-NADS". He attained cult figure status in racing circles.


04 Mar 00 - 08:45 PM (#189571)
Subject: RE: BS: Do any of you sleep?
From: rangeroger

I no longer watch tv,having cancrelled my cable due to a 100% rate increase.
The problem I'm having is all the rest of my cyber-surfing has ceased. My favorite bookmarked websites all lie unused gathering dust,and I find myself introducing my very good friends to the Mudcat so that they too can become addicted.
Oh my God. Am I a Mudcat pusherman?

04 Mar 00 - 08:46 PM (#189572)
Subject: RE: BS: Do any of you sleep?
From: catspaw49


I recently asked Helen here if "Nads" was in fact used in Oz as all things Australian have taken on a bit of "cool status" in the States. Amish is also getting a lot of sales too.....So if you have any Amish down there, export there products here. Gotta' be a winner.


04 Mar 00 - 08:51 PM (#189574)
Subject: RE: BS: Do any of you sleep?
From: bbc

Yes, 'spaw, you do get things past me, 'cause I'm not reading all the threads. I know I missed at least one lately--you referred to it--but I never saw it. If you feel enough guilt that you *want* to be beaten up for it, direct me to it & I'll do my best to castigate you. Bill, I usually spend lunchtime on email & Mudcat--very antisocial. I should be in the faculty room, mingling. At least I limit myself to my own time. It *is* a temptation to check threads when I should be working, 'cause I have 12 computers in my library media center.


04 Mar 00 - 11:01 PM (#189622)
Subject: RE: BS: Do any of you sleep?
From: rangeroger

That's mind-numbing.You could work 12 threads simultaneously!

04 Mar 00 - 11:08 PM (#189627)
Subject: RE: BS: Do any of you sleep?
From: Mbo

Rog, you think that's neat...I'm in charge of 20 computers, and on Fridays, no one's there except me....


04 Mar 00 - 11:49 PM (#189649)
Subject: RE: BS: Do any of you sleep?
From: GUEST,_gargoyle

Sleep is a luxury

I am a multiple cusp

04 Mar 00 - 11:57 PM (#189652)
Subject: RE: BS: Do any of you sleep?
From: wysiwyg

Do you all know you can open many windows at once on your one computer and zip between threads at the speed of... something you shouldn't travel so fast like?

05 Mar 00 - 12:02 AM (#189654)
Subject: RE: BS: Do any of you sleep?
From: GUEST,_gargoyle

Dear Praise...."Isn't it always whatever time Max thinks it is?"

The benefit of "thinks", in behalf of the creature, is doubtful

05 Mar 00 - 03:16 PM (#189954)
Subject: RE: BS: Do any of you sleep?
From: bbc

Oh, boy, now we're playing the "my computer lab is bigger than yours" game. I was told it wasn't how many you had, but what you could do w/ them! ;)


05 Mar 00 - 04:32 PM (#189972)
Subject: RE: BS: Do any of you sleep?
From: Linda Kelly

I rarely sleep more than 4/5 hours a night going to bed between 1-2am and rising to attend the needs of my semi incontinent pet dog at around 6am. I am a left handed gemini -more than that none of you need to know.

05 Mar 00 - 06:33 PM (#190034)
Subject: RE: BS: Do any of you sleep?
From: Callie

I've never seen 'NADS' in the shops. I think some company in Utah is having you on, Spaw.

Ever since I got a computer at home and can 'Cat at home as WELL as at work, I am getting almost no sleep. I am in danger of losing my mind, friends, and employment (in that order). Will someone help by closing Mudcat immediately?


05 Mar 00 - 07:03 PM (#190053)
Subject: RE: BS: Do any of you sleep?
From: wysiwyg

Callie, some people go to the 'Cat for a break from work. I am considering that the break should go the other direction, and will go to work tomorow to get a break from Mudcat. I don't know if they will let me into my office, I have been working so much from home, but I'm the boss! Anyway, it's bound to be better than learning 12 more songs that I have to go find a venue to play them at! I can't take it anynmore! I can't even write a decent sentence!

Just kidding.

05 Mar 00 - 07:20 PM (#190063)
Subject: RE: BS: Do any of you sleep?
From: Callie

Yes, thanks goodness for going to work. I would hate to improve my guitar playing any more. It's such a drag playing music. I really can't wait to be back at my desk! --Callie

06 Mar 00 - 11:48 PM (#190870)
Subject: RE: BS: Do any of you sleep?
From: Gypsy

Don't you know that you are really part of my dream? I AM asleep!

07 Mar 00 - 08:38 AM (#191053)
Subject: RE: BS: Do any of you sleep?
From: harpgirl

...Doc, I had the strangest dream last night. I dreamed I was the only man in a nudist colony...

my, my, Did you sleep well?

I tried but it was hard!

I was in the woods with Morpheus all night myself...oh, or maybe his name was Orpheus...he said he was from Pennsylvania!!

07 Mar 00 - 08:45 AM (#191060)
Subject: RE: BS: Do any of you sleep?
From: Mbo



07 Mar 00 - 09:05 AM (#191075)
Subject: RE: BS: Do any of you sleep?
From: Callie

EEEEK! Just realised it's ONE A.M. I'm supposed to be working on a submission due in TODAY and I HAVEN'T STARTED IT coz I'm ADDICTED TO MUDCAT. aaaaaarrrrghh!

07 Mar 00 - 10:22 AM (#191118)
Subject: RE: BS: Do any of you sleep?
From: Amos

It is obvious that something is found here that we are not generating amongst our fleshly compatriots, partners and companions. I don't think this is a reflection on our relationships with them, just that the added weight of inertia and mass makes the whole thing so trying compared to the purely cerebral/cardiac experience of soaking up threads through a CRT. Have ti ask, though, if we are at risk of losing the ability to communicate through a meat-space interface.

07 Mar 00 - 05:01 PM (#191385)
Subject: RE: BS: Do any of you sleep?
From: George Seto -

Mbo, I hate to tell you this, but, Sleeping from 12 to 12, is TWELVE hours. Half the day.

Nice work when you can get it. 8-)

07 Mar 00 - 07:10 PM (#191450)
Subject: RE: BS: Do any of you sleep?
From: Mbo

Oh yeah! See, what I tell you? I'm going stunod!
