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Penguin: The Manchester 'Angel'

19 Mar 00 - 01:26 AM (#197535)
Subject: Penguin: The Manchester 'Angel' (tune only) ^^
From: Alan of Australia

From the Penguin Book Of English Folk Songs, Ed Pellow's rendition of the tune of THE MANCHESTER ANGEL can be found here.

Previous song: Lucy Wan.
Next song: The Man Of Burningham Town.

Penguin Index provided by Joe Offer

Alan ^^

12 Feb 04 - 03:19 PM (#1115064)
Subject: RE: Penguin: The Manchester 'Angel'
From: Joe Offer

Notes from Penguin:

    The Manchester 'Angel' (FSJ VII 52)
    The Angel Inn is said to have stood in the Market Place adjoining Market Sted Lane, Manchester. According to Miss Anne Gilchrist, 'it seems possible that this song dates from about the '45, In November 1745 a Manchester regiment was raised in support of Charles Edward's cause, but suffered disaster with the Prince after the fiasco at Derby, surrendering at Carlisle a few weeks later.' Other versions of the song have been found in Dorset (FSJ VII 52-3) and in Yorkshire (KPS 4).

Here's the entry from the Traditional Ballad Index:

Manchester Angel, The

DESCRIPTION: The singer meets a girl in Manchester and promises to marry her. She sleeps with him; his regiment prepares to march. She begs to go with him; he refuses. She offers to buy his discharge; he refuses. She vows to enter a nunnery until he returns.
AUTHOR: unknown
KEYWORDS: courting sex army parting dialog soldier
FOUND IN: Britain(England(South,North))
REFERENCES (2 citations):
Vaughan Williams/Lloyd, pp. 66-67, "The Manchester Angel" (1 text, 1 tune)

Roud #2741
cf. "The Girl Volunteer (The Cruel War Is Raging)" [Laws O33]
cf. "Jack Monroe (Jackie Frazer; The Wars of Germany)" [Laws N7]
cf. "William and Nancy (I) (Lisbon; Men's Clothing I'll Put On I)" [Laws N8]
cf. "The Banks of the Nile (Men's Clothing I'll Put On II)" [Laws N9]
cf. "High Germany"
cf. "The Jacket So Blue (The Bonnet o' Blue)" (theme)
Notes: [According to A.L. Lloyd,] "The Angel Inn is said to have stood in the Market Place adjoining Market Sted Lane, Manchester."
Given the large number of ballads with this plot, I was tempted to lump this with one of the others. However, it has enough unique elements, in my judgment, to warrant a separate listing. -PJS
Although most of the elements of this song are duplicated elsewhere, the combination is unique. So is the (frequently Dorian) tune. So I agree with Paul: This piece is unique. There is another song with this title in Sam Henry, but it is distinct (and fragmentary). - RBW
File: VWL066

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