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Anyone going to The National?(UK)

29 Mar 00 - 02:05 PM (#203375)
Subject: Anyone going to The National?
From: McGrath of Harlow

Any Mudcatters, apart from me, planning to be at The National Folk Festival at Sutton Bonington, near Loughborough, England, weekend of April 8th?

All kinds of good folk there. Anyway, if you are, let me know. (And if you aren't and would like to know how it went, let me know that too.)


29 Mar 00 - 03:00 PM (#203402)
Subject: RE: Anyone going to The National?
From: GUEST,bigJ

Yep, I'll be in the bar.

29 Mar 00 - 03:51 PM (#203421)
Subject: RE: Anyone going to The National?
From: Dan K (inactive)

McGrath, I'll be in England during that time but I'll be at the Society for Storytelling Gathering in Shropshire. Wish I could do both. Maybe I'll see you at some other festival. I think I'm coming back in the summer of 2001 to do a few. have a great time at The National. Dan Keding

29 Mar 00 - 04:12 PM (#203434)
Subject: RE: Anyone going to The National?
From: McGrath of Harlow

bigJ - well, if you go to bbc's Mudcat resources you'll see a picture of me there, so you can pick me out if you see me. I think I might be at the bar at one time or another...I think I might foind it difficult to recognise you, unless you give me more to go on.

Dan K - The art of bilocation is sadly needed at times. "The Society for Storytelling Gathering in Shropshire" - that sounds good, - it might be a meeting of a "Society for Storytelling Gathering", or a gathering of a "Society fdor Storytelling". It's not in the Folk Roots Festival List - they have a few storytelling events included, but lots of gaps as well. P>

We met briefly at Sidmouth a couple of years ago - you'd been giving a storytelling workshop, including hints on the instant censorship of "Mr Fox" when the little kids get ushered unexpectedly into the room. Hope to see you around some time.

29 Mar 00 - 04:56 PM (#203459)
Subject: RE: Anyone going to The National?
From: GUEST,Little G.

Yep.I'll be in the bar with big J

29 Mar 00 - 05:21 PM (#203473)
Subject: RE: Anyone going to The National?
From: Callie

Yes, I'll be at the National - but the one held in Canberra, Australia!!! Easter long weekend.


29 Mar 00 - 11:09 PM (#203701)
Subject: RE: Anyone going to The National?
From: Bob Bolton

G'day Callie,

We may cross paths in Canberra ... I'll be the chunky bearded bloke under an Akubra Squatter (conservative Australian country fur-felt hat) with a Nikon in front of an assortment of bags carrying a button accordion or two, a half dozen mouthorgans, sundry whistles and few pairs of playing bones. I'll usually be seen somewhere close to the stage at some venue of other

There is a shot of me in Festival mode at the front of the collection of my folk photographs on Folk Australia, at: (sorry everybody, I've misplaced the 'cheat sheet' with the html codes for blue clicky things). Unfortunately, I don't have a Mudcat t-shirt ... I seem to have come out of my t-shirt designing and printing phase with a lessened endency to wear the damned things.

I will definitely be at The Blue Book Marathon on Monday afternoon (in one of the dancing venues), since I published all the The Blue Book 's editions: in 1985, 1987 and 1995 for the Bush Music Club. I don't know who is the madder - the 80-odd (and I mean odd!) Canberra musicians that will play right through all the tunes in the Bush Dance (tunes) book in eight hours - or the dancers that will dance all 39 dances.

At least they have Anzac Day to recuperate! (Bus trip to the Dawn Service and on to view the Book of Kells?)


Bob Bolton

29 Mar 00 - 11:45 PM (#203726)
Subject: RE: Anyone going to The National?
From: Callie

Bob - no need to describe yourself - I KNOW WHO YOU ARE!!! You know me by another name - Callie is my Mudcat name!!

See you in Canberra! Callie

(he he he - don't ya love a wee mystery?!)

30 Mar 00 - 12:52 PM (#203982)
Subject: RE: Anyone going to The National?
From: GUEST,Ickle Dorritt

I thought you meant the Grand National!

30 Mar 00 - 02:03 PM (#204013)
Subject: RE: Anyone going to The National?
From: GUEST,bigJ

Hey McGrath, It's more than likely I will be wearing my maroon 'Support Your Local (Galway) Hooker' sweat shirt. The trouble is that it depends which one is clean whether it's in English or Irish- in which case look out for the '1993' it also says on it. It was frightening looking at your photo - apart from the glasses it was like looking in the mirror. P.S. Little G buys!

30 Mar 00 - 04:44 PM (#204127)
Subject: RE: Anyone going to The National?
From: McGrath of Harlow

Yeah - I certainly find it frightening looking in a mirror. If I can see myself, I look like a werewolf, and if I can't, I must be looking like a vampire...

30 Mar 00 - 05:21 PM (#204161)
Subject: RE: Anyone going to The National?
From: Bert

...If I can see myself, I look like a werewolf, and if I can't, I must be looking like a vampire...

sounds like a song to me McG.

30 Mar 00 - 05:29 PM (#204171)
Subject: RE: Anyone going to The National?
From: Teasle

I would LOVE to be going to the National - in Canberra! Next year for certain - Port Fairy first though... lots of happy memories from that festival.

Has anyone enjoyed a National in Alice Springs - in the days when they shared it around!! (any Alice Springs folks lurking at the Mudcat)?

30 Mar 00 - 06:25 PM (#204206)
Subject: RE: Anyone going to The National?
From: Callie

No, sadly. I'm only young enough to know the National in Canberra. Love the idea of getting in the car and driving for days to get to Alice Springs (no sarcasm intended, I love a long drive & never been to Alice)


30 Mar 00 - 06:44 PM (#204217)
Subject: RE: Anyone going to The National?
From: Bob Bolton

G'day All,

Teasle: Somebody sure enjoyed the (Australian) National Folk Festival when they held it at Alice ... it was just about the last of the peripatetic series to make a healthy profit. I remember analysing why it profitted and finding that it was because they kept control of the bar sale - and they paid for everything else. Actually, an ABC programme on Great Train Journeys of the World had an episode on The Ghan and they went through the Alice durung the NFF. I clearly remember their footage of (the late ... and even lamented) Keith Snell, who ran the band I played with in the 1970s, Rouseabouts, crawling across the Festival bar floor, pushing a full glass with his head!

It was the growing (and growing) losses that forced the National, having united the national folkie scene, into a fixed venue and the advantages that flow from a developing a body of expertise and known venue. Some great aspects were lost, some good points were gained, the whole show now works and will keep working ... and Queenslanders thinkl it is a Southern plot (plus ca change, plus ca meme).

See you in Canberra in the new millennium! (The one that starts we we complete the 1000th year of this one!)


Bob Bolton

30 Mar 00 - 08:20 PM (#204257)
Subject: RE: Anyone going to The National?
From: McGrath of Harlow

Well in Ireland they still keep the Fleadh Ceoil moving around - a couple of years in some place they think needs it, and then off again.

And roll on the day they have it in the North (and I say, roll on the day there's a few Orangwe bands invited to takle part, and willing to do so... but that's a bit further off I suppose. It'll happen though).

But I'm afraid in England the travelling festival idea never seems to have taken off. A pity.

I'd have thought the right thing to do would be to have the title "National Folk Festival" like an award that would be given to different existing folk festivals - "And this years National Folk Festival will be the one taking place in Sidmnouth... or Whitby...or Fylde. Or out in Australia the places would be a bit further apart.

In the meantinme the English National at Sutton Bonnington is a small but perfectly formed static festival, a bit like an academic conference in some ways, with lectures as well as performances. A brilliant way to get back into it after a winter's hibernation. And there are still tickets...

30 Mar 00 - 08:39 PM (#204263)
Subject: RE: Anyone going to The National?
From: Bob Bolton

G'day McGrath of Harlow,

In many ways the peripatetic period of our National was a great thing; for 25 years it travelled from state to state and the state awarded each year's National could choose where to stage it. It was generally in a university in the capital city and the older universities were fine places, with venues ranging down from mighty lecture halls, through good stages and performance spaces - all the way to little resonant niches and blind corridors for informal sessioning.

The host states had a great boost to unity and identity in hosting the National and the various state Folk Federations - and state Folk Festivals - usually arose from the National Festival. What killed off this this halcyon era was increasing size during the 1970s / '80s and economic rationalism's impact on large public bodies such as universities. As the cost of venue skyrocketted, the need for substantial corporate sponsorship insinuated itself and such bodies want to deal with a fixed group of organisers and see a 'proven track record' for the event.

Where we have ended is not in any way a loss or 'sell-out". Every state has its own festival(s), the thriving progeny of the National ... and the National has an excellent and appropriate venue in the nation's capital. On a population/distance weighted basis, the location is almost ideal. It is certainly tough for someone in Perth ... or Darwin ... or Alice Springs ..., but these are some of the most remote capital cities in the world! That is the nature of Australia.

If we want events in all our remote centres, they should grow naturally from the enthusiasm and support of the locals, feature the unique attributes of the region and its folk ... and belong to them. If they are good enough and different enough, Australians will come to them and we will develop diversity and regional identity.


Bob Bolton

30 Mar 00 - 10:13 PM (#204312)
Subject: RE: Anyone going to The National?
From: Helen

I was hoping to go to the National (Oz) in Canberra, but, sadly, this is not to be, not this year at least.


31 Mar 00 - 02:31 PM (#204668)
Subject: RE: Anyone going to The National?
From: McGrath of Harlow

"the older universities were fine places, with venues ranging down from mighty lecture halls, through good stages and performance spaces - all the way to little resonant niches and blind corridors for informal sessioning." - sounds a lot like Sutton Bonington, which is an Agricultural College.

The range of different types of occasion that can be covered by the word "folk festival" is very wide indeed, and I think it's be worth having a thread discussing it. It's a bit the same with the term "folk cklub", or "session" - we use them and we often tend to think that other people are using it to mean the same thing, but the range is enormous, even in one country.

Like someone not too long ago commented favourably on the fact that folk clubs in England tend to be in pubs - but it had never really occurred to me that you could have a folk club that wasn't in a pub. Even the one near us that happens in a church vestry has a bar.

So with festivals they range all the way from the big show biz efforts down to local ones based round a single pub, plus a bit of cavorting round the streets. And even with the big festivals you've got some which are all big venues and distant performers, and some which are masses and masses of small venues, and sessions round every corner. And you've got a few which do it both ways, notably Sidmouth in my experience.

01 Apr 00 - 03:25 AM (#204981)
Subject: RE: Anyone going to The National?
From: GUEST,John i Brisbane

I'm going to Canberra this time around. Not sure how to make it happen but I'll see you all there. Regards, John

26 Apr 00 - 08:00 PM (#218587)
Subject: RE: Anyone going to The National?
From: John in Brisbane

Just been to the National in Canberra and apart from being a great festival, I also had the chance to meet a number of Mudcatters for the first time - Bob Bolton, Keith Maxwell and Tony in Darwin (I'd played with Tony in a few sessions before realising the connection - he has a great voice). If I've met Callie I'm not aware of having had the pleasure. Hope to renew the acquaintances in the near future. Regards, John

26 Apr 00 - 10:14 PM (#218658)
Subject: RE: Anyone going to The National?

I went to the National in Canberra ACT Australia.

Must be a bloody big festival!

27 Apr 00 - 02:34 AM (#218781)
Subject: RE: Anyone going to The National?
From: GUEST,Dinah Maxwell

National is an excellent festival - and yes Keith and I were at the 87 National at Alice Springs - twas wonderful.

27 Apr 00 - 02:47 AM (#218783)
Subject: RE: Anyone going to The National?
From: Seamus Kennedy

Hey, McGrath, if I'm not mistaken, an Orange Band marched an played in the St. Patrick's Day Parade in Dublin, and also in Toronto, so there's hope yet!! All the best

22 Mar 01 - 04:17 AM (#422964)
Subject: RE: Anyone going to The National?
From: Julie B

Re: The National Folk Festival at Sutton Bonington, near Loughborough, England, weekend of April 8th.

In the post this morning I received notification that the festival has been cancelled; quote from festival director John Heydon:

"I have now been advised that due to the Foot and Mouth epidemic, all conferences, and the National is considered a conference, on the Sutton Bonington Campus, have been cancelled until after Easter. In these circumstances, this year's festival cannot be held...I am proposing to ask the same guests to take part in next year's festival over the weekend 12th-14th April 2002. ...Some of the Irish and American contingent are committed to coming to the UK. Haddenham Ceilidhs has its normal ceilidh on Sat 7th April...attached to the [village] hall is a small room ideal for informal concerts. I intend asking all artists who were committed to the National for the weekend to consider coming out to Haddenham and having a small National 'cancelled' party".

See Foot and Mouth thread for more discussion on F&M.

Maybe I'm missing something here, but isn't it a little strange that events like folk festivals are forced to cancel to help 'contain the outbreak', while for horse racing meetings nationwide it's "business as usual"?

22 Mar 01 - 05:15 AM (#422977)
Subject: RE: Anyone going to The National?
From: Gervase

Sadly Julie's right - see the press release here from the parent university.
Dave Earl says that the organisers are offering either a refund or a straight ticket transfer to the 2002 National.

22 Mar 01 - 05:52 AM (#423001)
Subject: RE: Anyone going to The National?
From: Julie B

Re. foot and mouth, it seems the link I gave above wasn't the right one. The current F&M discussion is going on at: Foot and Month Part II

23 Mar 01 - 12:21 AM (#423807)
Subject: RE: Anyone going to The National?
From: aussiebloke

John in Brisbane: Yep, Tony does have a great voice - not a bad squeezebox player too, if you like that sort of thing...

Anyone with a hankering for Folk Music in Alice Springs could think about attending the 31st Top Half Folk Festival.

Festival info posted on the Top End Folk Club web-site:

The 31st Top Half Folk Festival
Queen's Birthday Weekend 2001
Friday 8th June - Monday 11th June 2001
Just outside of Alice Springs - Central Australia

All inquiries:
PO Box 883
Alice Springs NT 0871
Facsimile: 8951 6581

Martin 'aussiebloke' Goreing
TEFC Committee Member
Lagophonist & shameless-player-of-the-bodhrán-in-public

04 Apr 03 - 12:54 PM (#926165)
Subject: RE: Anyone going to The National?
From: Julie B

Anyone else going to Sutton Bonington next weekend (April 11th -13th)? I looked for a 2003 thread for this festival but couldn't spot one...
Julie B

04 Apr 03 - 01:06 PM (#926175)
Subject: RE: Anyone going to The National?
From: treewind

Yes indeed. Mary Humphreys and I are hosting one of the tunes sessions in the ante-room next to the bar, and also running a singaround featuring Welsh and English songs and tunes. ("Welsh" will be widened to "celtic fringe" and include Cornish if Moe Keast turns up)

Apart from that we'll be playing and participating wherever possible, and will probably be found hanging out with the Ryburn Three Step gang some of the time.


04 Apr 03 - 01:10 PM (#926181)
Subject: RE: Anyone going to The National?
From: Noreen

I'll be there :0)

04 Apr 03 - 03:43 PM (#926294)
Subject: RE: Anyone going to The National?
From: GUEST,bigJ

So will I.

04 Apr 03 - 04:56 PM (#926333)
Subject: RE: Anyone going to The National?
From: 8_Pints

Hi Julie B, Noreen and other friends,

Sue will be there on Friday, and I shall be flying in from Budapest sometime in the evening ......

We will then be there for the rest of the week-end, so looking forward to seeing you there!

Bob vG

04 Apr 03 - 05:39 PM (#926352)
Subject: RE: Anyone going to The National?
From: Noreen

And the wonderful Joe Kerins too :0)

04 Apr 03 - 07:23 PM (#926413)
Subject: RE: Anyone going to The National?
From: treaties1

I will be there as well so I'll look out for you all in the bar ares

05 Apr 03 - 05:49 PM (#926865)
Subject: RE: Anyone going to The National?
From: Willa

Hi there, Treaties1; I wondered where you'd got to!

Hope to get to the National over the w/e so may some of you.

05 Apr 03 - 11:00 PM (#927014)
Subject: RE: Anyone going to The National?
From: pete au

I have never been to the national in canberra but one day i will get there, has any one been to the wintermoon folk fest in calen nth queensland austrlia

06 Apr 03 - 12:07 PM (#927265)
Subject: RE: Anyone going to The National?
From: Herga Kitty

I've bought a ticket, but I seem to be on the programme as well, on Saturday afternoon, with Chris Coe, Carolyn Robson, Alison McMorland, Annie Dearman, Moira Craig, Heather Horner and Katie Howson.

Looking forward to seeing catters in the bar.


06 Apr 03 - 12:28 PM (#927280)
Subject: RE: Anyone going to The National?
From: GUEST,Eliza c

I'll be there! Who's up for an English session? x e

06 Apr 03 - 03:17 PM (#927370)
Subject: RE: Anyone going to The National?
From: Emma B

I'm going as Treaties Taxista! - in return for the customary ticket for the wonderful Song and Ale later in the year. Kevin (Harlow) I'll buy you a drink in the bar in memory of the London march. Have fun in Canberra hope it's a bit warmer than the National (on both sides of the globe) last year

07 Apr 03 - 01:40 PM (#927988)
Subject: RE: Anyone going to The National?
From: treewind

EC - I'm sure we'll be at your English session on Friday evening, and we're doing one 10-11pm Saturday...


07 Apr 03 - 06:04 PM (#928154)
Subject: RE: Anyone going to The National?
From: Willa

Yes, please, Eliza!

09 Apr 03 - 08:47 AM (#929437)
Subject: RE: Anyone going to The National?
From: Julie B

Regarding the "National Song Competition", how good do you have to be to enter? I thought I might have a go (though will hardly be shocked if I don't win!!!) Do you just fill in a form when you arrive on Friday?

Julie B

09 Apr 03 - 11:17 AM (#929558)
Subject: RE: Anyone going to The National?
From: English Jon

Going to try to be there. Got a gig on saturday night in Hounslow though, so it'll have to be fri and sun. Will sharpen fiddle in preparation...



09 Apr 03 - 11:29 AM (#929573)
Subject: RE: Anyone going to The National?
From: Noreen

Hi Julie! Three of us (at least) from up here have decided to go in for it- as Sid says, you can't go to the fair and not have a go at the coconut shy... So, at least the three of us won't be competitive about it- we sing together regularly and have very different styles: you would add yet another dimension to the event, so DO enter!

It's restricted to the first 12 who send in the form, and we're going to do that when we get there Friday. I believe it has not been over-subscribed in the past :0)

And hi again Jon! Will be good to see you again so soon- we must stop meeting like this. Will EJC be attending too?

09 Apr 03 - 02:43 PM (#929750)
Subject: RE: Anyone going to The National?
From: Mary Humphreys

How do you recognise a Mudcatter at a big gathering like the National? Should we all wear yellow t-shirts or pink socks?

09 Apr 03 - 02:54 PM (#929764)
Subject: RE: Anyone going to The National?
From: treewind

My beloved, you wear one of these!

Why do I have to post a mudcat message to communicate with somebody five feet away me in the same room (yes, on a different computer, how sad are we?)


09 Apr 03 - 03:00 PM (#929772)
Subject: RE: Anyone going to The National?
From: McGrath of Harlow

I can't make it this year, but have fun those who do. It's a great festival, and quite unlike all the others I've been to.

The song contest is enjoyable enough, especially if you can get to sing early and then relax, and don't care too much about it. But the late night singarounds are the main event.

09 Apr 03 - 03:49 PM (#929827)
Subject: RE: Anyone going to The National?
From: Emma B

Sorry I won't get the chance to buy you that drink then Kevin after memorising your photo as well! (Doing any other midway (North/South divide) festivals?) Will have one for you in late night session and probably one for all the others who can't make it as well

10 Apr 03 - 07:27 AM (#930327)
Subject: RE: Anyone going to The National?
From: Julie B

Thanks for that Noreen :) I'll enter the song competition then. It'll be nice to see you again.
Julie B

10 Apr 03 - 11:35 AM (#930470)
Subject: RE: Anyone going to The National?
From: English Jon

Only if you bring lots of tinz of caffoo.


10 Apr 03 - 12:17 PM (#930481)
Subject: RE: Anyone going to The National?
From: GUEST,Rich A

I'll be there for the first time. Excellent, as I started typing the rain stopped and the sun came out.
I'll be the one behind a couple of melodeons and a bottle of port!

10 Apr 03 - 12:37 PM (#930487)
Subject: RE: Anyone going to The National?
From: Noreen

Will Co-op MeatyChunx do, EJC, or do I have to splash out on Whiskas?? You might have to make do with a stroke behind the ears...

I'll look out my Mudcat t-shirt then- or at least wear my Mudcat badge at some time. Do say hello, Mudcatters not yet met! I'll say hello to you Mary and Anahata- I was at the Unicorn when you came up to Manchester before Christmas.

Managed to get off work early tomorrow- looking forward to this very much!!

11 Apr 03 - 04:40 AM (#930961)
Subject: RE: Anyone going to The National?
From: My guru always said

Don't think I can make - have a Brill time everyone :-)

11 Apr 03 - 11:05 AM (#931154)
Subject: RE: Anyone going to The National?
From: GUEST,Gav Dav

2 melodeons...and only one bottle of Port...!!!!

sounds a little imbalanced. I'll bring a bottle of LBV for stabilising use, see you there. :)

13 Apr 03 - 07:59 PM (#932698)
Subject: RE: Anyone going to The National?
From: Noreen

Port was lovely thanks, Rich- I'll have to return the favour sometime. And I didn't get to show you my Crabb :0(

14 Apr 03 - 08:28 AM (#933009)
Subject: RE: Anyone going to The National?
From: treewind

Hey, what a party!
Did we all have a good time or what?

Thanks to Noreen and Sue for wearing Mudcat T shirts and thus being identified, and Julie B for identifying herself too... and congrats to Sue on winning the singing competition!


14 Apr 03 - 08:34 AM (#933015)
Subject: RE: Anyone going to The National?
From: GUEST,Rich A

Noreen, I'm still recovering from that port, the second bottle was a bit excessive. :O
Oh well, I'm sure we'll bump into each other somewhere, if the Crab is anything like the one on the music stall I'm soooooooooo jealous.


14 Apr 03 - 09:00 AM (#933041)
Subject: RE: Anyone going to The National?
From: Noreen

It was excellent lubrication for singing though, Rich. As was the (Lord)Batemans and the Tir Conaill single malt and...

I came back here to tell everyone that our own Sue vG won the NATIONAL SONG COMPETITION at the festival with a masterful delivery of Lady Diamond, and so is now the Singer of the National 2003. But since treewind beat me to it, I don't need to mention it. You can rest assured that Sue won't be mentioning it... she's far too busy floating around somewhere near the ceiling :0)

Was a wonderful weekend. Great to meet friends old and new- and I am SO glad, Mary, that I didnt match Leadfingers's description of me- that still tickles me, thank you!

14 Apr 03 - 09:32 AM (#933070)
Subject: RE: Anyone going to The National?
From: Noreen

Oh, I forgot.... Eliza, do you really want copies of those Twister photos for your publicity? *grin*

Shame English Jon's Cat couldn't make it- so EJ got the stroke behind the ears instead.

14 Apr 03 - 09:37 AM (#933075)
Subject: RE: Anyone going to The National?
From: My guru always said

Well Noreen, if everyone had half as much fun as you seemed to, this is obviously THE festival to go to *grin* see you next year!!

Congrats on doing so well yourself in the singing competition BTW :-)

14 Apr 03 - 12:28 PM (#933202)
Subject: RE: Anyone going to The National?
From: Surreysinger

I had a good time too! Thanks to the t-shirts I've now signed up here too. Best part of the weekend for me, among many really good moments, was the 7.5 hour very informal session in the Octagon room on Saturday night (particularly the first bit with the winners of the last 4 competitions at the National song competitions, and other competitors comparing versions of songs, and having a lovely laid back time. It was a great, if tiring evening!!) Thanks for your company if you attended it! Has anyone mentioned that the winners of the last 5 competitions have all been women, even though the majority of the competitors every year have been men??
Roll on next year.

14 Apr 03 - 12:41 PM (#933221)
Subject: RE: Anyone going to The National?
From: Mary Humphreys

Hi there!
Just to add my congratulations to Sue for winning! And to say that it was great fun all weekend. Guru - you really MUST try it next year - it's not to be missed. For those of us who are addicted to tune session - we had a great time with Flos Headford, Rees Wesson, Mick Brookes and Dave Hunt and all the usual suspects. Wonderful stuff. Good to speak to other Mudcatters. Especially Noreen, as a new acquaintance. See you there next year. Will bring Port too - good for bad heads. ( Making them, that is!)

14 Apr 03 - 12:59 PM (#933235)
Subject: RE: Anyone going to The National?
From: 8_Pints

We agree, one of the highlights for us was the fantastic Octagon room singaround. After it eventually broke up, a few of us continued in our campervan - until 5-30 am! There were also quite a few drinks and cheese involved. Great to meet you Surreysinger and welcome to Mudcat - glad the T shirts worked!

Thanks for the congrats Treewind - much appreciated. Noreen is right, I haven't come down off the ceiling yet! I can't quite believe it, but it feels great all the same to have won - especially in such a strong field.

Anyone who wasn't at the festival missed a real treat. The atmosphere was brilliant all weekend. The main problem was not being able to be in three places at once! We knew we were missing other superb events each time we went somewhere.

Sue vG and 8 Pints xxxx

14 Apr 03 - 02:23 PM (#933303)
Subject: RE: Anyone going to The National?
From: John Routledge

I must be getting old - agree with everything that has been said about the weekend!!

The main component of the festival was song but there was ample opportunity for musicians to play. So everyone was happy.

The venue lends itself very well to this festival and I am already ready for 2004 - Last weekend in MARCH 2004.

Having listened to the singing competition I am almost ready to have a go myself as even if you don't win you get constructive critcism on your performance :0) Congratulations are due to Sue vG for winning with a real ballad!!

Don't believe anything negative about this festival just go and experience it yourself. See you March 2004 if not before.

15 Apr 03 - 06:34 AM (#933799)
Subject: RE: Anyone going to The National?
From: Surreysinger

Hi John! Having sat in on a number of competitions myself before having a go, I agree - the crits are the thing about it. They are honest, and given in a kindly and helpful fashion. I eventually decided to have a go just for the sake of having reliable and unbiassed feedback. However nice friends and family (? did I really say that? they were usually the worst critics to begin with!) may be, it's really useful to have unbiassed and knowledgeable feedback about your singing that you know you can trust. Look forward to seeing you having a go next year!

15 Apr 03 - 03:59 PM (#934150)
Subject: RE: Anyone going to The National?
From: Willa

I just got back from a great w/e; my first visit to the National, but I'm planning to be there next year. I'm only sorry I couldn't stay for the late night singarounds, they were obviously the highlight of the w/e.
Congrats, Sue, on a well-deserved win.
Surreysinger. Welcome. Since you're now a member that means that more than 50% of the singing contestants were/are 'catters (as were several of the audience.)I forgot my t-shirt, but did get to know some more 'catters.Hope to see some of you again at Whitby Moor and Coast FF.

15 Apr 03 - 05:45 PM (#934235)
Subject: RE: Anyone going to The National?
From: Herga Kitty

I'm glad to hear that the National virgins had a good time and want to come back next year. The Octagon room was a new addition last year (in the sense that it was only built after the previous festival), and has the great advantage of being close to the bar, so you can easily alternate between the quiet singarounds and the noisy sessions. Or even walk a few yards to a formal concert.

15 Apr 03 - 06:23 PM (#934270)
Subject: RE: Anyone going to The National?
From: McGrath of Harlow

In some ways it seems to me that the National is the folk festival which is most like the Mudcat. It's got the same weird combination of scholarship, gossip, fun and craziness. And music.

So I'm glad that the Mudcat component seems to have taken off this year.

I wish I could have made it. Next year I'll be there, I promise myself.

16 Apr 03 - 09:44 AM (#934696)
Subject: RE: Anyone going to The National?
From: GUEST,Eliza C,arse in the air

Cheers Noreen, I think I can do without them!! x

16 Apr 03 - 11:56 AM (#934790)
Subject: RE: Anyone going to The National?
From: Julie B

Good weekend. Only difficulty is, as always, not being able to do everything at once! But, thanks to the workshop, I do now know that I can play "Amazing Grace" on the smallpipes!!
Julie B

16 Oct 03 - 01:58 PM (#1036917)
Subject: RE: Anyone going to The National?
From: Abuwood

Refresh -Any info for 2004?

16 Oct 03 - 03:34 PM (#1036967)
Subject: RE: Anyone going to The National?
From: Noreen

26-28 March 04.

02 Mar 07 - 06:47 AM (#1983698)
Subject: RE: Anyone going to The National?
From: GUEST,surreysinger

Oh Bugsy - you rat! I thought this was about the English National (since, if you look at the original posting on the thread, it originally was, all those years ago!)and was under the impression that I'd missed some crucial bit of information. I've been suffering withdrawal symptoms since the very last one at Sutton Bonington.

bigJ, as far as I know, nothing as yet (if ever). The last I heard about it was from John Heydon, in answer to a direct question at Whitby in August last year, when they were still actively looking for somewhere that fulfilled all the requirements for the National. Since then , nothing further heard.

As to anything that compares favourably with it - there IS nothing like it, or even comes close as far as I'm aware - hence the withdrawal symptoms. Add to that the fact that there's a couple of friends who I've made over the years, that I only got to see at the National, and don't have any address (or even, come to that, I've realised, a surname for), and I miss it desperately!!
I separated the threads. Here is the thread about the Oz National