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133 messages

HTML practice thread

03 Apr 00 - 05:17 PM (#206170)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread
From: katlaughing

Get your homemade cookies at Caitrin's MUDCAT PARK!

04 Apr 00 - 10:11 PM (#206806)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread
From: Caitrin

Just one question, Threadie...

10 Apr 00 - 07:08 PM (#209893)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread
From: Mark Clark

Not only that but importing the image causes the MIDI link to be left behind; we don't get to hear what it sounds like.

- Mark

10 Apr 00 - 08:32 PM (#209928)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread
From: Tony Burns

Oh darn!

You've got me blushing Joe.

I really have to learn to prof read.

Thanks for the correction.

10 Apr 00 - 08:42 PM (#209935)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread
From: Joe Offer

...and now you're tempting me to learn tables, Tony. I need help bad in the Glossary of Scottish Words thread. John in Brisbane sent it to me as a nice table in a Word document. When I used Word to change it into an HTML file, it came up to over 6 megabytes, far too large to post. Can anybody figure out how to make the glossary into an HTML table that doesn't take up a lot of space?
Feel Free to copy John's glossary and post it again in the same thread. I'll delete all but the best one.
-Joe Offer-

12 Apr 00 - 03:17 PM (#210736)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread
From: Mark Clark

Ignore the man behind the curtain. He's just playing.

<a href="http://urlstring">visible text</a>

13 Apr 00 - 01:06 AM (#211013)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread
From: lloyd64

sorry, What did YOU start?

Will a second line work?

13 Apr 00 - 01:40 AM (#211024)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread
From: Sorcha

Jonny, my boy, you are so naughty! (big grin) After all, El Papa Joe will clean this up, right?

13 Apr 00 - 06:58 AM (#211073)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread
From: MudGuard

Which other stuff? Is there any stuff outside the Mudcat Cafe? I can't remember anything else but the Mudcat for the last few years... ;-)
There are some previous threads about Mudcat addiction. Look for them the same way as for the html threads.

25 Apr 00 - 09:12 AM (#217578)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread
From: MudGuard

Jon, I know myself pretty good (for almost 34 years now), that's how I know I am not katlaughing!

TextPad is really good, I use it for some years now (licensed!). There are also some good add-ons on their home-page (e.g. a little program that calls textpad whenever the system wants to open notepad).

18 May 00 - 11:46 AM (#229915)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread
From: Jed at Work

first line
last line

26 May 00 - 05:45 PM (#234520)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread
From: Noreen

try again

A Heart Needs a Home (Richard Thompson)

27 May 00 - 08:25 AM (#234723)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread
From: MudGuard

Noreen, the slash / at the end of an URL indicates that the URL is a directory (= file folder). In that case the webserver looks for a default file in that folder (usually that is index.html).
There is no file folder called thread.cfm?threadid=11671 in the mudcat home folder, so your first two links failed.
In your case, the url points to a file (called thread.cfm) and it gets parameters (threadid=11671).

18 Jun 00 - 04:01 PM (#244108)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread
From: MudGuard

you need to put <br> to the ends of lines even in <tt> sections. The tt tag only tells the browser to use a typewriter font (a non-proportional one). You'd have to use it even in a <pre> section, but this is not due to html but due to the Mudcat input box - all line feeds are stripped from the input.

Noreen, I think I will forgive you, but only if you promise not to do it again!
And if I really can't stand it any longer, I might ask Joe to edit the marquee out of your post.


19 Jun 00 - 10:47 AM (#244428)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread
From: Noreen

This is in bold text.
This is in italic text.
This is in bold italic text.
This text is underlined.
This is big text.
This is small text.
This text is big and underlined.

19 Jun 00 - 11:03 AM (#244436)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread
From: Noreen

OK, I know, I'll try again

This is in bold text.
This is in italic text.
This is in bold italic text.
This text is underlined.
This is big text.
This is small text.
This text is big and underlined

19 Jun 00 - 01:02 PM (#244496)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread
From: BlueJay

Ok, I'm just guessing at most of this:

19 Jun 00 - 01:09 PM (#244499)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread
From: BlueJay

Hmmm, nothing happenned at all. Trying to do bold, italics and underline. I'm only guessing, but like for bold, I started with less than, B/ then the word, ending with greater than. Didn't work. Maybe it's

19 Jun 00 - 01:31 PM (#244512)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread
From: Sorcha

Jay, its less than, B greater than, then the word.

19 Jun 00 - 01:31 PM (#244513)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread
From: BlueJay

OK, Bold
Italics underlined

20 Jun 00 - 02:53 AM (#244820)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread
From: MudGuard

regarding your 1:02PM post:
<B/Bold><BR> <I/Italics><BR> <U/Unterline><BR> <BIU/Bold Italics, underlined>
The only html tags in that line of yours are the <BR>.
For bold text, enclose the text in <b>your bold text</b>
For italic text, enclose the text in <i>your italic text</i>
For underlined text, enclose the text in <u>your underlined text</u>

You can combine these, for example <b><i>your bold italic text</i></b>

If you wonder why the tags show in my example, i put them in twice. Once normal to get the effect, and once with the < and > replaced by &lt; and &gt;.


20 Jun 00 - 09:13 AM (#244889)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread
From: Noreen

You confused me there, MudGuard, but after studying your post I think you must be referring to BlueJay's post @1.02pm.
I seem to have have got this limited amount of HTML sussed, not to mention the marquee... you said not to mention the marquee!

Two more things though while you're here; thanks for explaining how to make the tags show, and howdid you see what html had been written in BlueJay's post, when it didn't show up?



20 Jun 00 - 09:26 AM (#244895)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread
From: Wolfgang

How to see what doesn't show? In Netscape: ctrlU


20 Jun 00 - 07:28 PM (#245125)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread
From: Snuffy

In Internet Explorer ALT+V C (View Source)

21 Jun 00 - 02:13 AM (#245291)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread
From: MudGuard

sorry if I confused you. This was not my intention. It is my fault - even me is not perfect!. I answered to BlueJays html code addressing you. I think when I looked up the name of the poster I just looked one post further up then I should have.
I promise not to do it again (at least not intentionally) - hope you will forgive me ;-)

I did never say you must not mention the marquee. It is okay to mention it if you damn it ;-).


21 Jun 00 - 05:52 AM (#245334)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread
From: Noreen

Thank you, Wolfgang and Snuffy.


Unconditionally forgiven.

No more marquees.

21 Jun 00 - 09:02 AM (#245374)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread
From: MudGuard

As most of this has been answered before, here just the link to More of the HTML stuff. If this is not enough, search the forum for HTML and you will find some more threads about HTML.

30 Jun 00 - 01:02 AM (#249626)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread
From: Mark Clark

Here are the lyrics to "Coot From Tennessee." I copied these down from the Greenbriar Boys' record but I'm afraid, on my old copy at least, some of the words are pretty hard to make out. I've numbered each line so I can easily refer back and give other possibilities for the words on that line.

Coot From Tennessee

  1. I know an old coot from Tennessee,
  2. Lord, wicked as he could be,
  3. He didn't even believe in Church or Sunday School,
  4. All he believed was to socialize,
  5. Having him a good time all his life,
  6. Well he broke up the congregation when he stood.

  7. Sayin' I'm gonna live and how until I die,
  8. This life I'm livin' it's so very high,
  9. Sticks and stones gonna break my bones,
  10. Will you talk about me when I'm dead and gone,
  11. I'm gonna live and how until I die.

  12. Now he went to Church last Sunday morn,
  13. Everybody in the world was there but one,
  14. Would you hear those mourners sing and pray,
  15. When the choir begun to sing,
  16. Every bell in the steeple started to shake and ring,
  17. But he broke up the congregation when he said.

  18. I'm gonna run me a cemetery of my own,
  19. If you don't leave my sweet gal alone,
  20. Gonna buy me a razor, gonna scrape the blade,
  21. Gonna lay some son-of-a-gun in the shade,
  22. Oh, I'm gonna run me a cemetery of my own.

    Final chorus:
  23. I'm gonna live and how until I die,
  24. This life I'm livin' it's so very high,
  25. Sticks and stones gonna break my bones,
  26. Well I know you're gonna think about me when I'm gone,
  27. I'm gonna live and how until I die.

Possible errors are as follows:

Line 7 is probably wrong but the words above are the only ones that make any sense. The line is garbled but probably ends in some kind of an "ard" sylable like "bard."

Line 8 may then end in the word "hard."

Line 11 should match whatever translation is used for line 7.

Line 14 may not begin with the word "would." The word is passed over very quickly so I'm not sure.

Line 16 actually sounds as if they are singing "Little Billy in the steeple.." but that makes no sense so I imagine what I've used is what they're actually singing.

Lines 23 and 27 have the same problems as lines 7 and 11.

If anyone knows for certain what the questionable words should be, please post them. I'd rather have it be correct if it's headed for the data base.

      - Mark

10 Jul 00 - 04:41 AM (#254959)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread
From: MudGuard

badly copied! To turn off bold, it needs </b>, not <b>!
And all three of your marquees are incorrect (even if the last one might look correct! But as I disencourage use of the internet explorer specific marquee (as well as the netscape specific blink) I won't tell you what is wrong with them!

10 Jul 00 - 10:38 AM (#255081)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread
From: RichM

Um...thanks...I think... This reminds of Wordperfect, and its "reveal codes"...

I think I will wait till technology catches up...

27 Aug 00 - 01:20 AM (#285950)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread
From: Mark Clark

  Now is the time  for all good men
to come to the aid
of the party

27 Aug 00 - 03:39 AM (#285980)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread
From: CarolC

Sorry, gotta try it.

27 Aug 00 - 04:20 AM (#285986)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread
From: Joe Offer

So, CarolC - Does it Work? Joe Offer

27 Aug 00 - 05:37 AM (#285997)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread
From: CarolC


27 Aug 00 - 06:05 AM (#286001)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread
From: Roger in Sheffield

Don't they work in Netscape?
I was just looking at this thread in Netscape and non of that moving multicoloured stuff was happening - WHY???

27 Aug 00 - 06:13 AM (#286002)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread
From: Roger in Sheffield more thing
can you put in moving links?
like a shooting range?

27 Aug 00 - 06:44 AM (#286004)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread
From: Jon Freeman

Yes and no Roger, you can put a link in a Marquee but clicking anywhere on the line will activate the link - you don't have to hit the words.

The other thing to note about marquees in apart from being irritating, they are an Internet Explorer extension to HTML. They won't work with other browers like Netscape. Netscape have blink instead.


27 Aug 00 - 07:48 AM (#286013)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread
From: GUEST,Roger in Netscape

Thanks John
this HTML stuff gets more and more confusing
So how about Opera? does that have its own querks too?

27 Aug 00 - 08:14 AM (#286022)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread
From: Jon Freeman

Roger, I only dabble with HTML. I haven't got time to search right now but there is an HTML standard (in fact more than one as HTML has been "upgraded"). All browsers designed to adhere to that version of the standard should behave in a consistent and defined manner but anything outside such as Netscapes blink, IE's marquee may or may not work in another browser.

The same applies to errors in HTML. It is down to the browser to decide how to handle them.

With regard to the versions, as an example, older browsers do not support frames and these issues need to be considered when designing a web site. Personally, I would err towards compatibility and I think that is what Max does with Mudcat - IMO it is better to have something relatively simple that is accessible to everybody than to use all the latest all singing and dancing features and find that you are excluding a large number of people who would like to access your site.

One final comment, if you ever do attempt to design a web site, test it on whatever browser you have available before putting it on the web. It is easy to make a mistake that will not show up on one browser but will cause problems or not work with another.


27 Aug 00 - 08:22 AM (#286026)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread
From: GUEST,roger in Opera

Thanks John
Those marquees don't show here either

27 Aug 00 - 08:28 AM (#286027)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread
From: Pene Azul

Standards, etc. from W3C: HyperText Markup Language Home Page

27 Aug 00 - 10:43 AM (#286051)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread
From: Roger in Sheffield

Thanks Pene it looks complicated but I will look through it
A couple more things though if anyone can help
How do I put sound into webpages?
and do pages load top down? If so can I put a sound file at the bottom of the page so that the text can be read while the sound loads?


27 Aug 00 - 12:22 PM (#286098)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread
From: Pene Azul

Embedding Sound in Web Pages from, a very useful site.


29 Aug 00 - 08:39 AM (#287102)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread
From: Quincy

Click here

29 Aug 00 - 08:50 AM (#287109)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread
From: Quincy

Yeeeessssssss!!!! First attempt at a blue clicky thing and it worked!!!!!!!!!

31 Aug 00 - 02:48 PM (#288670)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread
From: wildlone

as Joe pointed out I should have used a link to a page I found yesterday so I will try and see if this works
click .

31 Aug 00 - 02:56 PM (#288679)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread
From: wildlone

That seemed to work okay lets try a link to the re-enactment group I belong to. Due to the way that the site is made it can take a long time to load.
The Royal Welch.

31 Aug 00 - 09:26 PM (#288916)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread
From: Joe Offer

Please Note Important Message

03 Sep 00 - 12:29 AM (#290168)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread
From: Terry K

Here goes nothing - Map of LLanstock

03 Sep 00 - 12:34 AM (#290171)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread
From: Terry K

Map of LLanstock

03 Sep 00 - 09:47 AM (#290268)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread
From: GUEST,Crazy Eddie

Roses are red,
Blickies are blue
Can I make a line-break Or 'cos I can't make a rhyme?

15 Sep 00 - 07:21 AM (#297889)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread
From: Jon Freeman


27 Sep 00 - 11:38 PM (#307099)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread
From: campfire

Try this

Angel From Montgomery


27 Sep 00 - 11:41 PM (#307102)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread
From: campfire

Try again... Angel from Montgomery

27 Sep 00 - 11:42 PM (#307104)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread
From: campfire

Try again... Angel from Montgomery

27 Mar 01 - 10:49 PM (#427180)
Subject: Guitar Tab?
From: Mark Clark

                      C                                   Ab                E                |  0              |                 |                 |  B                |                 |                 |                 |  G                |                 |  0              |  1              |  D                |      2       2  |      2       2  |      1       1  |  A         0   2  |  3              |  3              |  3              |  E     3          |          3      |          3      |          4      |  

                      C                                   A                                  |  0              |                 |                 |                   |                 |                 |                 |                   |                 |  0              |  2              |        1       1  |      2       2  |      2       2  |      2       2  |    3              |  3              |  3              |  0              |            4      |          3      |          3      |          0      |  

27 Mar 01 - 10:55 PM (#427188)
Subject: Try Again
From: Mark Clark

                      C                                   Ab              
E | 0 | | |
B | | | |
G | | 0 | 1 |
D | 2 2 | 2 2 | 1 1 |
A 0 2 | 3 | 3 | 3 |
E 3 | 3 | 3 | 4 |

13 Apr 01 - 06:44 AM (#439645)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread
From: Geoff the Duck

  Hello there.  I am just testing something out for my own information -  Checking out a formatting command.  Please do not take much notice of this bunch of drivel.  

13 Apr 01 - 12:45 PM (#439846)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread
From: MudGuard

problem with pre tag is that the linebreaks do not even reach the server - they are taken out before the browser sends the content of the window to the server as the textarea has the wrap attribute set to "soft"

13 Apr 01 - 08:40 PM (#440136)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread
From: Geoff the Duck

If you are still reading this stuff
Can you explain to a reasonably
intelligent bod what gets lost where
and why??? Preferably in a for which I might understand!

I was led to believe that by using the "pre" tag in "<" brackets would leave text formatted elsewhere with paragraph breaks intact when it appeared on screen. Am I mistaken or is it just something which does not work with Mudcat?
Line Breaks <br> added. Mudcat is set to ignore carriage returns in all cases except double-spacing (two carriage returns in a row). The <pre> affects most things, but not line breaks. It's set to ignore carriage returns because there are some problems associated connected with accepting them. I saw the bad advice you must have read, but didn't have time to post an explanation.
-Joe Offer-

14 Apr 01 - 12:11 AM (#440252)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread
From: Louie Roy

Joe Offer This is where I get my feet wet
I hope that I read your instructions right
If this turns out the way it is suppose to
I will be sharing a lot of info with others
If not I am just practicing the way I anyway
Anyway let me know allthe mistakes I've Made

14 Apr 01 - 12:18 AM (#440255)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread
From: Louie Roy

Old mother Hubbard went to the cubbard
To get her poor daughter a dress
But when she got there the cubbard was bare
And so was her daughter I guess

14 Apr 01 - 12:34 AM (#440260)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread
From: Mark Clark


If you were building your own Web page, the <pre> tag would indeed cause everything to display just as it looked when you entered it. For Mudcat posts, however, any hard return all by itself—separate lines with no intervening blank line—is stripped out causing the lines to flow together when viewed. If there are two or more hard returns in a row—one or more blank lines—they are replaced with a <p> tag. You can observe me discovering this fact just eight posts above this one.

      - Mark

14 Apr 01 - 12:35 AM (#440261)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread
From: catspaw49

Really LR???

Old Mother Hubbard
Went to the cupboard
To get her poor dog a bone.
But when she bent over,
Rover came over,
And HE had a bone of his OWN!!!


17 Apr 01 - 12:11 PM (#442576)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread
From: mousethief


18 Apr 01 - 11:20 PM (#444059)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread
From: Jim Dixon

Here is some text above the table.
















Here is some text below the table.

Text line
text line

chorus line
chorus line
text line

21 Apr 01 - 01:19 PM (#446135)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread
From: Tiger

Testing, testing, testing
1 2 3
Testing, testing, testing
1 2 3

21 Apr 01 - 01:22 PM (#446138)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread
From: Tiger

    Testing, testing, testing
1 2 3

21 Apr 01 - 01:36 PM (#446146)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread
From: MudGuard

Within pre, tt is usually not necessary as most browsers use a nonproportional font anyway.

But it does not hurt to use tt as well.


21 Apr 01 - 01:53 PM (#446152)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread
From: Tiger

    :s1  |s1   :m  :m   |m    :r    :r |r  :-.d    :d  |d   :-
Oh! Ma - ry! this Lon - don's a won - der - ful sight,

:t1 .l1 |l1 :s1 :s1 |s1 :l1 :t1 |r :d :-.d |d :- Wid the peo - ple here work - in' by day and by night;

22 Apr 01 - 08:18 AM (#446543)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread
From: Crazy Eddie

Just practicing.
To boldly go, where no man has gone before

22 Apr 01 - 08:21 AM (#446545)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread
From: Crazy Eddie

To boldly go, where no man has gone before.

22 Apr 01 - 01:37 PM (#446681)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread
From: Bernard

 ~  ~

 ~  ~

 ~  ~

 ~  ~

 ~  ~

 ~  ~

 ~  ~

 ~  ~

 ~  ~

23 Apr 01 - 06:34 AM (#447171)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread
From: MudGuard

the marquee is not HTML, it is Microsoft's invention and will work only in Microsoft browsers. Similarly, blink is a netscape invention and only works in Netscape browsers.

both pseudo-tags should not be used on web-pages, not only because they are not HTML, but also because they are annoying!


23 Apr 01 - 09:22 AM (#447231)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread
From: Bernard

Just having a laff!

They look daft enough in Netscape, so I didn't bother with the blink...

They can be quite mesmerising... the different text sizes make them move 'randomly'!

I used <table width="75%"> so that it adjusts to your screen width for maximum annoyance!!

23 Apr 01 - 11:56 AM (#447347)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread
From: RichM

Crazy Eddie, Picard should have said

Tobaldly go, where no man has gone before

24 Apr 01 - 08:11 AM (#447973)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread
From: Crazy Eddie

Good one. :o)
Though I think to boldly go where no man has gone before, had been updated to to boldly go where no-one has gone before, by the time Pickard arrived on the scene.
And just to try something else Enterprise and Klingon

24 Apr 01 - 08:17 AM (#447977)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread
From: Crazy Eddie


Hows that?

24 Apr 01 - 08:29 AM (#447987)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread
From: Patrish(inactive)

Check Hello Hello Hello!

24 Apr 01 - 08:32 AM (#447990)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread
From: Patrish(inactive)

Hello again without the check this time

24 Apr 01 - 03:23 PM (#448342)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread
From: MudGuard

to boldly go where no man has gone before - the ladies' toilet?

Btw, I hate marquee. Was that named after the Marquee de Sade?


24 Apr 01 - 03:38 PM (#448349)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread
From: Bernard

Or the Refreshments Marquee? Give me a good beer tent any day!! Then again, who needs the tent...

25 Apr 01 - 04:31 AM (#448775)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread
From: Crazy Eddie

Bernard, please!

Without the tent, the rain dilutes the beer. Not a happy outcome!

27 Aug 01 - 04:33 PM (#536296)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread
From: Geoff the Duck

"Is this how you do quotation marks??"

27 Aug 01 - 05:09 PM (#536318)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread
From: GUEST,iamjohnne

here i go

trying to get the gist of this

this is a test

it is only a test

27 Aug 01 - 05:12 PM (#536320)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread
From: GUEST,iamjohnne

well at least i got that part right

I am not even gonna try all the moving stuff yet


"goin where the weather suits my clothes"

27 Aug 01 - 11:35 PM (#536547)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread
From: Armen Tanzerian


28 Aug 01 - 06:40 AM (#536632)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread
From: JohnInKansas


I don't know whether it might be an improvement, but there seems to be a potential 3 to 1 reduction in file size if the Scottish Glossary is formatted as a Dictionary entry rather than as a table.

My wimpmobile machine (Win98, 64MB) wouldn't convert the whole thread in one pass, but did it in two.
My attempt to send the resulting 456K file broke off at about 50K, but there seems to be some reduction in total file size. I certainly didn't get multiMegs.

I'll forgo further messing with it, until I hear from some experts about whether this is an improvement, but I can provide fairly detailed description of the approach used.

PM me if it looks like it might be helpful, or ignore if not.

I'm off to Winfield in a few days, so may be out of touch after next weekend.


06 Sep 01 - 08:27 PM (#543972)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread
From: Geoff the Duck

"Quotation marks in HTML?"

07 Sep 01 - 06:55 PM (#544822)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread
From: Mark Clark

Ah yes... quotation marks. Here on Mudcat we can simply type the double quote symbol in simple text posting and it will be displayed as we intend. Sometimes, like in the middle of a hyperlink tag, it's best to enter a double quote by using it's HTML name, &quot. That way it won't be confused with the " symbol used to deliniate the URL in the HREF attribute of the anchor (<a...></a>) tag.

The HTML name &quot produces two small vertical tick marks, not a real set of typesetter's quotation marks. Often, when I wish to place quotes around some text in a post, I'll use the HTML names &ldquo and &rdquo which produce “proper” quotation marks more in keeping with the Roman font.


      - Mark

07 Sep 01 - 07:15 PM (#544838)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread
From: Mark Clark

Well, I didn't anticipate that the semi-colons would disappear in my previous post. I don't have a handy HTML name for a semi-colon so I'll just use &#59; to represent the semi-colon since its decimal value in the ASCII representation is 59.

The HTML names I mentioned above should have appeared with terminating semi-colons as follows:

&quot; produces "
&ldquo; produces “
&rdquo; produces ”
&#35; produces #
and of course &#59; produces ;.

I hope that's clear.

      - Mark

27 Jan 05 - 02:26 PM (#1390363)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread
From: RichM

27 Jan 05 - 02:27 PM (#1390364)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread

28 Jan 05 - 12:47 PM (#1391452)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread
From: open mike

so if i want the text to be large,bold and this color,
what do i do??

and then what do i do to make it move around?

28 Jan 05 - 12:52 PM (#1391460)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread
From: Cluin

You mean like this?

28 Jan 05 - 01:09 PM (#1391483)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread
From: open mike

yes, like this?
like that..

28 Jan 05 - 01:10 PM (#1391484)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread
From: open mike

You mean like this?

not just copy and paste...

28 Jan 05 - 01:12 PM (#1391487)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread
From: open mike

28 Jan 05 - 01:13 PM (#1391490)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread
From: open mike

ok i got the color part down now,,

28 Jan 05 - 01:14 PM (#1391492)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread
From: open mike


28 Jan 05 - 01:16 PM (#1391495)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread
From: open mike

28 Jan 05 - 01:17 PM (#1391498)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread
From: Amos

You mean like this?

uses an "H1" bracket for the sise and a "<"FONT COLOR = #FF##(( for the color.

Let's see if it works...ok. Now, what if we add a "marquee" in brackets...

You mean like this?

Ah, most satisfactory. The left side of the containers is marquee, h1, fon t color, bold. Then the text. Then the right side closing brackets for bold, font, h1, and marquee.


28 Jan 05 - 01:38 PM (#1391521)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread
From: open mike


28 Jan 05 - 01:50 PM (#1391525)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread
From: open mike

badk to the drawing board..

thank for trying to help

but i think i am missing

basic information here..

i can figure out how to use tyhe blickifire

i mean blickifier...but that is the extent of it i guess..

if i could cut and paste code i might get it..

28 Jan 05 - 01:52 PM (#1391527)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread

gotta try this out

28 Jan 05 - 02:36 PM (#1391562)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread
From: Amos

1. The text to be modified is typically placed in a container, which means a beginning of the desired effect on th eleft, and an end on the right. So if you were trying to bold the text, it wold go:

[b]the text[/b]

The b starts the bolding and the "/b" ends it. If you use angle brackets < and >, only!!

What you would get is the text.

The commands vanish and the text shows the effect.

For a font color you would make a container defining the color like this:

[font color=red]the text[/font]

which if you used angle brackets would look like this:

the text

Does that make sense? You can then put one container inside another to double up on effects:

[b][font color=red]the text[/font][/b]

would produce (using angle brackets):

the text.

See? Adding a third container to make it italic woud look like this:

[i][b][font color=red]the text[/font][/b][/i]

which produces (using angle brackets):

the text.



28 Jan 05 - 03:19 PM (#1391585)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread

i bet this doesn't work.

28 Jan 05 - 03:21 PM (#1391587)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread

amos why didn't it come out pink. Do you actually haveto write font colour, or just pink? I wrote font colour=pink and put it in angle brackets?

28 Jan 05 - 03:23 PM (#1391589)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread


28 Jan 05 - 03:32 PM (#1391595)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread

say that in pink!

28 Jan 05 - 03:32 PM (#1391596)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread


html speaks US-ese

28 Jan 05 - 03:33 PM (#1391597)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread


28 Jan 05 - 03:33 PM (#1391598)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread


28 Jan 05 - 03:35 PM (#1391602)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread
From: GUEST,Jon

<font color=pink>Guest, it throws me sometimes... You need to spell colour the American way - color</font>

28 Jan 05 - 03:35 PM (#1391603)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread

if at first I don't succeed

28 Jan 05 - 03:36 PM (#1391605)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread

by jove I think I've got it!!!!

28 Jan 05 - 03:38 PM (#1391607)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread

ok so why didn't it blink!!!!! i told it to blink!!!

28 Jan 05 - 03:48 PM (#1391611)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread

not given up yet.

28 Jan 05 - 03:50 PM (#1391612)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread

last try

28 Jan 05 - 04:10 PM (#1391627)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread
From: GUEST,Jon

Guest, all your blink examples work. You might not see it because of the browser you use. It was non standard HTML provided by Netscape. Microsoft had marquee instead.

28 Jan 05 - 04:16 PM (#1391636)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread
From: Amos


[h3][font color=navy]CONGRATULATIONS!![/font]


28 Jan 05 - 05:04 PM (#1391665)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread

amos stop confusing me!, What is h3? thanks for your patience chapswish i could see my handiwork though. yes jon i have microsoft?

28 Jan 05 - 05:10 PM (#1391669)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread

blinky blinky blink blink

28 Jan 05 - 05:13 PM (#1391672)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread

YEAH oh yeah...thanks!!!!

28 Jan 05 - 05:16 PM (#1391677)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread

sorry last time honest,just seeing if it can go bigger

28 Jan 05 - 05:20 PM (#1391682)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread
From: GUEST,Jon

Guest, 2 of the big players in the browser game got into competition to see who could claim power by providing the most irritating feature that only thier browser supported...

If you really want to know more about marquee, etc. try Mudguard here but ask him nicely.

28 Jan 05 - 05:21 PM (#1391683)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread

i am putting in h8, thinking it is bigger than h3, but it has all gone horribly wrong?

28 Jan 05 - 05:25 PM (#1391684)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread

OK I'll settle for it moving and looking purply.

28 Jan 05 - 06:31 PM (#1391775)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread
From: Cluin

MARQUEE is a stupid tag. BLINK is another.

One works in Internet Explorer, the other works in Netscape.
I don't know which work, if at all, in Mozilla or Firefox.
But small loss if they don't.

28 Jan 05 - 07:19 PM (#1391804)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread
From: GUEST,Jon

Cliun firefox 1.0 on Suse 9.2 here. Both tags are working.

28 Jan 05 - 11:29 PM (#1391987)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread
From: JennyO

I can't do "blink" in Internet Explorer, but I can do "marquee" :-)

28 Jan 05 - 11:38 PM (#1391996)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread
From: JennyO

I can't do "blink" in Internet Explorer, but I can do "marquee" :-)

I can do "blink" and "marquee" in Mozilla :-)

29 Jan 05 - 07:46 AM (#1392158)
Subject: RE: HTML practice thread
From: Cluin

Your post contains a forbidden HTML tag.