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BS: annap's gathering 4/8 cancelled -sorry

04 Apr 00 - 09:37 AM (#206480)
Subject: annap's gathering 4/8 cancelled -sorry
From: annamill

Hi. Rick and Heather couldn't make it and I'd rather have a gathering when the weather is nicer. It'll only be a month or so. I'm very disappointed, as I'm sure all of you who were planning to be here are. As I said in the earlier thread, hopefully, Rick and Heather can make it another time.

Love, annap

04 Apr 00 - 08:37 PM (#206767)
Subject: RE: BS: annap's gathering 4/8 cancelled -sorry
From: annamill

Sorry. Just want to refresh this so everyone who is planning to come can see it.

Love, annap

05 Apr 00 - 12:33 AM (#206880)
Subject: RE: BS: annap's gathering 4/8 cancelled -sorry
From: Clifton53

No, No, you can't do this! WAAAAAHHHHHHH!


05 Apr 00 - 12:42 AM (#206885)
Subject: RE: BS: annap's gathering 4/8 cancelled -sorry
From: Max


05 Apr 00 - 12:56 AM (#206888)
Subject: RE: BS: annap's gathering 4/8 cancelled -sorry
From: Sorcha

And "we" went to all that trouble, Oh well, sorry. Maybe IT will show up again someday! Just wish I could have been there, long ways from Wy to there.

05 Apr 00 - 01:00 AM (#206890)
Subject: RE: BS: annap's gathering 4/8 cancelled -sorry
From: thosp

well another bump in the road ---- another time!

peace (Y) thosp

05 Apr 00 - 01:05 AM (#206892)
Subject: RE: BS: annap's gathering 4/8 cancelled -sorry
From: Sorcha

Bumps, always bumps, and ruts. Well, we did try, didn't we?

05 Apr 00 - 01:30 AM (#206899)
Subject: RE: BS: annap's gathering 4/8 cancelled -sorry
From: Rick Fielding

I'm afraid we suddenly found ourselves in a real double bind. I've sent a letter to Anna with the personal details, and believe me we tried very hard to make this work. Sometimes the fates conspire at the very last minute. I was looking forward to meeting and pickin' with some new folks and I sure hope it won't be our last opportunity to visit Anna's.



05 Apr 00 - 01:31 AM (#206900)
Subject: RE: BS: annap's gathering 4/8 cancelled -sorry
From: thosp

yes we did --- well another day!

peace (Y) thosp

05 Apr 00 - 01:38 AM (#206903)
Subject: RE: BS: annap's gathering 4/8 cancelled -sorry
From: thosp

go with the flow Rick --- i hope to get to meet you and some of the other catters at one of annaps happenings

peace (Y) thosp

05 Apr 00 - 09:42 AM (#206973)
Subject: RE: BS: annap's gathering 4/8 cancelled -sorry
From: annamill

It was going to be a surprise, but since we had to cancel I'll just tell you all. Remember the Mudcat quilt that thosp and I heatedly bid for and thosp won. Well, he graciously loaned it to us for our gathering. It's very beautiful incidently. Sorcha and he conspired together and sent it as a surprise. Now I'll send it back and maybe we can borrow it next time.

Rick, don't feel guilty at all. This was not something you could help. We'll get together soon.

Again, I'm awfully sorry about the cancellation.

Love, annap

05 Apr 00 - 11:01 AM (#207015)
Subject: RE: BS: annap's gathering 4/8 cancelled -sorry
From: GUEST,Pete Peterson

This is sad-- something I had been looking forward to! Oh Well. Since we are all going to live forever, one time more or less doesn't matter. Annap-- had looked forward to seeing you and Honey again

05 Apr 00 - 12:48 PM (#207089)
Subject: RE: BS: annap's gathering 4/8 cancelled -sorry
From: bill\sables

Anna, I was coming over especally for it but I suppose I will have to wait till your next one in JUNE Cheers Bill

05 Apr 00 - 01:20 PM (#207109)
Subject: RE: BS: annap's gathering 4/8 cancelled -sorry
From: Easy Rider


I, in my befuddled old mind, seem to remember that you are planning a WEDDING, on the beach, in May or June. Is that right? Maybe THAT will be the next opportunity for us all to get together and party our asses off! Maybe Rick will come down for that.

Meanwhile I understand that his reasons for cancelling are pretty serious, and we must respect them and wish all concerned the very best.

05 Apr 00 - 01:30 PM (#207115)
Subject: RE: BS: annap's gathering 4/8 cancelled -sorry
From: annamill

EZR, did you just invite yourself to my wedding? We're getting married on August 12th. I will definitely be inviting Mudcatters, but we can only have 150 people, that's 75 couples or so. and Honey has friends too ya know. I'm only teasing you EZR ;-)

Bill, you were NOT!! ...were you?

I haven't heard from Rib yet, and I'm getting nervous.

Love, annap

05 Apr 00 - 01:45 PM (#207129)
Subject: RE: BS: annap's gathering 4/8 cancelled -sorry
From: Easy Rider

NO! I wouldn't impose, not unless a hundred other Mudcatters would join me in crashing the party, with banjos and bodhrains and accordians and all those other instruments we all make jokes about all the time! See what you get for having your wedding on a public beach.

Let's start a movement. We'll band together and march down the beach waving flags, beating our drums or our heads and making a cacaphonious noise that will drive the straight old relatives (aunts & uncles & grandparents) to distraction. THEN we'll take over and carry you two off down the beach to Honeymoon Heaven or the nearest Irish bar, to party the night away. You shouldn't have told us the date!

Seriously, though, many many of us will be sending you and Honey all our love and wishes of happiness, whether we're there or not. We'll be there in spirit.

( [=O=)===={:::}

05 Apr 00 - 02:04 PM (#207150)
Subject: RE: BS: annap's gathering 4/8 cancelled -sorry
From: annamill

Actually, that sounds like fun. ..but, as you all make your way down the beach making your cacaphonious noises you'll notice as you get closer that you'll have to get louder and louder because the music and laughter will be so loud it will start to drown you out as you get closer and soon there will be a joining of two styles of music floating all over Sea Bright bringing people from miles down the beach to also will join in.

Next day, when they've removed all the exhausted bodies from our beach, they are going to say all over town "Boy, that Glenn and Anna sure throw one hellova party".

Beware..some may never make it home ;-)

Love, annap

05 Apr 00 - 02:18 PM (#207165)
Subject: RE: BS: annap's gathering 4/8 cancelled -sorry
From: McGrath of Harlow

I trust you're going to have this wedding on the Mudcat radio-with-pictures. Otherwise I doubt it'll be valid.

06 Apr 00 - 09:34 AM (#207632)
Subject: RE: BS: annap's gathering 4/8 cancelled -sorry
From: annamill

Rib, where are you?? We had to cancel. Yooo hooo Roger...

This is to refresh.


07 Apr 00 - 09:50 AM (#208294)
Subject: RE: BS: annap's gathering 4/8 cancelled -sorry
From: annamill

One more time. I hope Rib sees this. We won't be home tomorrow.

Love, annap

07 Apr 00 - 08:10 PM (#208615)
Subject: RE: BS: annap's gathering 4/8 cancelled -sorry
From: annamill

Guess who's here? Well, actually, Roger and Marge are in a nearby restaurant having dinner. Yup. They didn't get my messages. They're going to be here in about an hour. I came home to an abundance of baking goodies. Soda bread, deeeelicious muffins, potato bread, and many others. Poor Marge must have been baking for days. Well, we'll have a quiet evening and hopefully I'll have Rib's blues all to myself. Well, Marge too of course. Anyone want jump over for an evening of blues (MAX, BERT, DICK, SUSAN)? Honey and I have to leave real early in the morning, but that never stopped us from partying. Come on over. You're welcome to crash if you like. Just bring refreshments, please.

Love, Annap

07 Apr 00 - 08:26 PM (#208622)
Subject: RE: BS: annap's gathering 4/8 cancelled -sorry
From: catspaw49

Well, I sure would like to attend the pig-out and hear the RiB, but I think its a little late to leave. have a good time guys.......and tell RiB to check in more often!


13 Apr 00 - 07:57 AM (#211084)
Subject: RE: BS: annap's gathering 4/8 cancelled -sorry
From: GUEST,Roger in Baltimore

Geez, you guys. Last year you fell for Max's April Fools gag and this year you fell for Annap's. We had a party. She was a gracious hostess as always. We talked about the 'Cat and Annap's upcoming marriage and I played a few tunes. Marge and I left early 'cause we were sleepy and Annap had to get up early.

Roger in Baltimore (still laughin' at youse guys)