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your genre 'blues&folk'

07 Apr 00 - 01:50 PM (#208435)
Subject: your genre 'blues&folk'

hello, im starting a webpage souly based on music genre's. it is still very new in the making......i came to this msg board to learn about the distinct sounds of BLUES&FOLK as well the creative artists of this genre...any feedback to this msg about BLUES&FOLK'S different and unique sounds from any of the other genres out there, what exactly defines this genre (what are your definitions on blues and folk music), and the mainstream as well underground artists that have thrived within BLUES&FOLK, presently speaking for right now.

THANKS to everyone that responds!

07 Apr 00 - 02:45 PM (#208456)
Subject: RE: your genre 'blues&folk'
From: Fortunato

Personally I think your question in too large and general to be answered in a thread. However, this site, if closely reviewed by someone capable and interested, could provide much of the information you seek. But I'm afraid the research must be your own. Start by searching for the key words and READ.
good luck Fortunato

07 Apr 00 - 02:47 PM (#208459)
Subject: RE: your genre 'blues&folk'
From: Amos

Wal, Seeker, you are opening a can of worms with that question -- the edges of our genre are very muzzy indeed.

I would suggest you come on board as a member and peruse some of the many past discussions in our Forum records about "What is Folk?" and "What Are the Blues?". You can find them using the Quicklink to "Search the Forum", and you can learn more about it by reading over the "Welcome to Newcomers" Thread which our kindly genius and lars et penates Mr Bert has nicely provided.


07 Apr 00 - 03:36 PM (#208504)
Subject: RE: your genre 'blues&folk'
From: Doctor John

Seeker, I suppose simply put "folk" includes some blues but much of blues isn't folk, especially the drums and bass electric stuff. It's amusing to see where record shops have filed what is certainly folk over the years: years ago it used to go in the "jazz" section (jazz it certainly isn't): now blues and jazz is another matter. I see it in "popular" and even "country" these days. Dr John

08 Apr 00 - 03:11 PM (#208928)
Subject: RE: your genre 'blues&folk'
From: Bill D

yep...we argue constantly here over the question...I am of the reactionary set that thinks it takes awhile before a song 'rightly' deserves to be called 'folk/traditional'...but there are many very nice people here who disagree, and think 'folk' is being written every day. It is mostly a matter of people wanting a convenient way to refer to what THEY like, and the language just doesn't have enough simple terms to cover it all.

I have on the wall above my stereo a little sign which says..."I like the RIGHT kind of music-which kind do YOU like?"