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Default Date for Threads

30 Jun 97 - 06:44 PM (#7795)
Subject: Default Date for Threads
From: Peter Timmerman

As someone who complained to the site heroes about the slowness of loading earlier, I am very happy that the 30 day default has been changed; but would it be possible to put it to 7 days, instead of 3? I assume 3 was sort of done arbitrarily to speed things up (which I support as a 14.4 kind of guy). I went back through a number of the most interesting threads, and there was often a week between comments in threads that were still quite lively. I am concerned that we are not going to get some of these interesting discussions continuing with new people, because only the most popular or the very newest will get refreshed space. I appreciate that there would be some slight slowing down for loading, which would also drive some people away, but there should be some room for compromise -- I hate having things turn into yesterday's news too quickly -- especially with this good group. I think a week as default would be enough to get things off the priority list. Is this a problem, Max (or others?) Yours, Peter

30 Jun 97 - 07:53 PM (#7802)
Subject: RE: Default Date for Threads
From: Angus McSweeney

Add my vote to Peter's for a seven-day default. I believe there are more than a few folk who only check in on the weekends. And if I'm on the road I sometimes miss more than three days. I'd hate to miss a good thread. It would be too bad if it were gone and I had something just wonderful to add. And you all missed it. What? It could happen!

30 Jun 97 - 10:17 PM (#7821)
Subject: RE: Default Date for Threads
From: mim

Only three days? Definitely not enough!

I just came back from a three week trip and was happy to be able to read all the messages that happened while I was gone.

Even when I'm here I don't check this every three days. Please don't leave those of us who are slow out of the fun.

30 Jun 97 - 10:23 PM (#7823)
Subject: RE: Default Date for Threads
From: Alison


Yes please put it up again to 7.




01 Jul 97 - 01:01 AM (#7834)
Subject: RE: Default Date for Threads
From: can set your own default to ANY NUMBER OF DAYS YOU LIKE....3/5/7/9/11/21/etc....Just go to the URL LOCATION BLOCK and change the MESSAGES=? to whatever!!!

01 Jul 97 - 11:59 AM (#7856)
Subject: RE: Default Date for Threads
From: RS

Yes, you know that & I know that, but new users may not realise it, & "defaults" are by their nature supposed to be the most common or convenient settings.

I liked the 30 days, but then I have 28.8 ... agree that 3 is too short, 7 is a reasonable compromise.