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Bad News: David C's Twist of Fate

20 May 00 - 08:27 AM (#230963)
Subject: Bad News: David C's Twist of Fate
From: Allan C.

Many years ago David C. fell. The fall caused him some skeletal damage and quite a bit of nerve damage. Most of that damage was thought to have been repaired. The damage which remained was "under control" with medications.

However, within the past few days David C. has lost the ability to walk without the use of a cane and has also lost his ability to sit in one place comfortably for more than about twenty minutes.

This last item is the most troubling for David. This precludes his being able to ride in or drive a car for long periods of time. That, unfortunately, means that David C. will not be able to be on the road with Bill and me for Bill, David & Allan's Great Mudcat Trip. He will not be able to make the drive to Charlottesville from his home in West Virginia to play the gig on Thursday night.

I spoke with David by phone last night. This is when I first learned of this development. He had been to the doctor yesterday afternoon and the doctor had confirmed most of David's worst fears. As soon as he returned from the docor, David phoned me. He had waited until after the docor visit because he didn't want to say anything to me about it until he was sure that this wasn't just a passing thing.

Two weeks ago when I last met with David C., he was dancing around like a puppy. I think I have never seen him so excited about anything as he has been about this adventure. I am sure that he is now devastated by this twist of fate.

David's first concerns were about disappointing Bill and me. He also feels that he has somehow let you guys down. I have tried to tell him that we all can deal with this and that life will go on and all that sort of thing, but a word or two from you folks here might help. I will be sure he sees a print-out of this thread.


20 May 00 - 08:56 AM (#230971)
Subject: RE: Bad News: David C's Twist of Fate
From: katlaughing

Oh, Allan, thank you for letting us know and please tell David that we understand completely. Twists of fate happen to us all and we have to just learn to roll with the punches.

While it will be sad not to meet him, our first concern is that he receive any medical help that he can and that he be able to recover and start feeling better. We are so sorry this happened and wish only the best for him.

Kat and Roger

P.S. Tell him there is a gig open at Fifi's for next year, too!**BG** (see my latest posting to your other thread)

20 May 00 - 09:01 AM (#230973)
Subject: RE: Bad News: David C's Twist of Fate
From: wysiwyg


I am so sorry you will miss meeting everyone on the trip!

When the body takes over, it's best to listen. I will be praying that God's blessings are richly abundant in your heart and in your life as you regroup with this situation.


20 May 00 - 09:05 AM (#230977)
Subject: RE: Bad News: David C's Twist of Fate
From: bbc


Please pass along to David all of our good wishes for his health, both physical & emotional, at this time. Life has a tendancy to throw us curve balls every now & then. I've learned that our response is more important than the initial event & is also the only part that is under our control. Nonetheless, I'm so sorry he's had this disappointment.


20 May 00 - 10:21 AM (#230991)
Subject: RE: Bad News: David C's Twist of Fate
From: BlueJay

Allan- Please let David know that we all will regret not being able to meet him, but we are with him in spirit. While I don't know the nature of his injuries, it sounds like he has made a wise decision. Ignoring the pain and continuing with the trip could easily make things much worse. David, we all share your disappointment, but maybe we can all help by giving a blow-by-blow via the Mudcat! My Best Wishes, Jay

20 May 00 - 10:36 AM (#230993)
Subject: RE: Bad News: David C's Twist of Fate
From: Caitrin

Please do pass along all our best wishes, Allan. I'm sorry I'm going to miss meeting all of you guys. Bill, you're in our thoughts!

20 May 00 - 10:47 AM (#230997)
Subject: RE: Bad News: David C's Twist of Fate
From: Jeri

David, I'm sorry I won't get to meet you. I'm even more sorry that you've had to suffer this disappointment, and for the pain that caused it. I hope there will be many photos so you can do a "virtual" road trip.

20 May 00 - 10:49 AM (#230999)
Subject: RE: Bad News: David C's Twist of Fate
From: Peter T.

David, Really sorry about this, but as Allan says, we are more concerned that you should not be troubled throughout what would be a strenuous trip for anyone. Take care of yourself -- the chickens along the Canadian border might not have let you in anyway! Really sorry, seriously.
yours, Peter T.

20 May 00 - 12:09 PM (#231024)
Subject: RE: Bad News: David C's Twist of Fate
From: Mrrzy

David-via-Allan, I am also very sorry all this! Hope you have a working phone, mayhap the travelers can speaker-phone you into some of their togethernesses? And Allan/Bill, send him lots and lots of postcards with Catter signatures, to make up for what he's missing... and we will all think of you! Bonne guérison, David!

20 May 00 - 12:35 PM (#231035)
Subject: RE: Bad News: David C's Twist of Fate
From: Sorcha

David, I am so sorry this happened. We are dissapointed, but more for you than for us. Take care of yourself, and hope for brighter things.

Sorcha and family

20 May 00 - 12:38 PM (#231036)
Subject: RE: Bad News: David C's Twist of Fate
From: alison

Look after yourself David, sorry you have to miss out on your trip..........



20 May 00 - 12:55 PM (#231043)
Subject: RE: Bad News: David C's Twist of Fate
From: Margo

David, I have a twist of fate (even though it's totally different). All my life I've felt odd, and that our whole family was different. I went through life trying to make my way and to separate myself from this oddness. I waited to meet Mr.Right, and indeed at the age of 35, I met Jack and married. We have two kids, and I thought, "finally, I'm normal! I'm a housewife and am raising a family!"

Hah!! Fat chance that I should be normal. The oddity reared it's ugly little head in the form of autism in both my kids! The only comfort is to know that I'm not just wierd, I'm genetically wierd! So you see, I can't help it.

My children are beautiful, and very smart. My daughter is in a special ed class, and my son is going into a normal kindergarten. Still, it is a lifelong commitment and it has been a real emotional roller coaster.

I got involved in folk music as a way to have an outlet, and have a life apart from my kids. Lo and behold, I find that I have some talent for banjo and songwriting, but my activities are confined mostly to what I can do at home.

So my twist of fate is that I wanted so to be normal, but I found out that I am a dyed in the wool wierdo! Sing and play to chase the blues away..... Yours, Margo

20 May 00 - 02:26 PM (#231069)
Subject: RE: Bad News: David C's Twist of Fate
From: katlaughing

One compensation, a small one perhaps, but still...Roger is going to videotape the jam at my house, with participants' permission, of course. This will be a broadcast quality tape, as he will use a camera from the tv station where he is the chief engineer. I had thought, as a surprise, I would send it to Max and maybe he could play some of it on Mudcat Radio, but now, I am thinking we might just have to make a dub for you, too, David, so that you can enjoy some of the trip from your easy chair.

Autographed postcards sounds like a wonderful idea, too, Mrrzy!

Still and all, David, I am darn sorry you won't be in the video! Take it easy and know we will be thiking of you and singing for you.

All the best,


20 May 00 - 02:41 PM (#231072)
Subject: RE: Bad News: David C's Twist of Fate
From: Rick Fielding

Damn. We'll hoist a glass for you guy. Fate needs a good kick in the ass sometimes. We'll miss you THIS YEAR.


20 May 00 - 03:16 PM (#231083)
Subject: RE: Bad News: David C's Twist of Fate
From: Mbo

That's a real shame Allan. I'm going to miss seeing him and his dobro. But I do agree that taking it easy and resting would be a lot more beneficial than a trip which may cause things to become even more serious. I'll be praying for him, that he will recover enough to get back on his feet again.


20 May 00 - 03:25 PM (#231085)
Subject: RE: Bad News: David C's Twist of Fate
From: Lonesome EJ

David, we'll audio and video tape the event in Evergreen for you. That way you can still jam along with it at your convenience.


20 May 00 - 03:41 PM (#231089)
Subject: RE: Bad News: David C's Twist of Fate
From: AllisonA(Animaterra)

David, we'll lift a song in your honor at Old Songs. Take care, and know we all care about you!

20 May 00 - 04:16 PM (#231104)
Subject: RE: Bad News: David C's Twist of Fate
From: catspaw49

Hey David........Life does kinda' bite sometimes don't it. On the other hand, the idea of riding around for thousands of miles with a pair like Bill and Allan isn't exactly charming either. Bill, being English, can barely be understood by most of us who actually speak the language (Yorkshire is still an undeveloped portion of the third world--maybe the fourth, I dunno). Allan can be incredibly boring around here so I can only believe that travelling a bejillion miles with him wouldn't be no bed of roses, now would it?

Then there is the whole idea of meeting a bunch of 'Catters. Now I know a lot of these folks pretty well and I think that if you have any sense at all you'll realize that I kid you not when I say you ain't missin' a whole helluva' lot. A bigger bunch of completely dubious mortar forkers would be hard to imagine. Maybe we all need to get you fixed up with a computer and get you on-line so you could see that I am telling the truth!!!

You'll miss Florida and their crop of "noseeum" bugs and various nasty reptiles. I see you were scheduled to stop for awhile in Texas and you're just as well off staying home.......Do you know how to tell if a Texan's lying?--Watch for lip movement. Then again, you were going to go across Mississippi to get there and you'll miss out on all the fine sales they have there on white bedsheets and those cute pillowcases with the eyeholes cut in them....very stylish for those weekly cross flamings. Then there's Oklahoma. Did you ever notice how many people are FROM Oklahoma? Probably a reason for that. And Leej, up in Colorado......not missin' much there. The guy opened a Radio Shack that's 427 miles from the nearest customer. Of course you'll miss Wyoming.....Home on the range, where the air is clean and you can pee in the stream. If this is your idea of a good time, its a fine place to be, but I think we need to talk. Kat lives there and she's a total wacko...........communes with "Faery Spirits" in her garden.....need I say more? Then Montana ... ahh Montana, the "Big Sky" country and home of the "Neil Young Center for the Terminally Screwed." They call it the big sky country because the best way to traverse it is in a jet. On to Michigan and meeting an Irishman so inept that he tried to impress the girls by "stuffing" his pants with a potato. He put it in the back and of course couldn't understand why they all ran off since it looked obvious to them he'd dropped a load. But you will miss Max and Bert on Mudcat Radio. That's OK. Bert misses the show too. I mean like he's there, but he's not THERE....well certainly not all there anyway. Worse, he can't remember the part that IS there.

I could go on and on, but you get my point. You could have a far better time snorting lime jello and chocolate chips then sneezing on people. Well, that's not a great example 'cause that IS a lot of fun.............But, I'm sorry the plans didn't pan out anyway, and I'm sorry I was sick during your excursion to Cincinnati. Hope you get to feelin' better.............and I still think we need to work on getting you on-line with us here at the Mudcat.

All My Best, which is pretty pathetic too, come to think about it........


20 May 00 - 04:17 PM (#231105)
Subject: RE: Bad News: David C's Twist of Fate
From: bill\sables

David, Allan phoned me to let me know you wouldn't be on the trip, I am going to miss you on the trip I was so looking forward to playing a few tunes with you and have your fine sense of humour and company on such a momentous trek, but we will keep you in touch with what is going on and give you a full account when we get back. When you are better you are still invited to come to the JUG for a couple of weeks. So get better Ye Hear Bill

20 May 00 - 04:28 PM (#231110)
Subject: RE: Bad News: David C's Twist of Fate
From: Alice

David, your health and recovery is the priority now, so don't worry that you have disappointed anyone. It's much more important that you physically recover, and everyone on the Adventure "trail" understands that, I am sure.

Sorry you'll miss seeing the elk, bison and geysers in Yellowstone! Steamboat geyser, the largest in the world, recently erupted after many years of no eruptions. It happened early in the morning on May 2, and the witnesses were people who had illegaly parked in the parking lot overnight to sleep. They thought it was an earthquake, then stepped out and saw the huge plume of the geyser shooting above the treetops of the forest.
Steamboat Geyser eruption w/ photo -click here


20 May 00 - 04:31 PM (#231111)
Subject: RE: Bad News: David C's Twist of Fate
From: Mbo

Question--Allan, are you bringing a cam-corder with you? You want we should supply the mini-tape for each get-together? I'm not sure I could acqire my parent's camcorder if it's an individual thing...


20 May 00 - 04:48 PM (#231116)
Subject: RE: Bad News: David C's Twist of Fate
From: Dave (the ancient mariner)

Damn shame mate, I hope the doctors can get you back dancing again. Yours, Aye. Dave

20 May 00 - 06:04 PM (#231137)
Subject: RE: Bad News: David C's Twist of Fate
From: MMario

What can I add to that which has been posted above? David - I think this trip has taken on new meanings for everyone, and hopefully we will, one way or another, make it "come alive" for you, because,I am sure, you will be with each and every meeting in our minds and hearts, though your body be sitting at home.

21 May 00 - 03:31 AM (#231320)
Subject: RE: Bad News: David C's Twist of Fate
From: JenEllen

So sorry to hear you won't be making the trip. Concentrate on your health and feeling better for now, and be grateful you won't be trapped in the car with those two after five-alarm Texas chili....

21 May 00 - 11:52 AM (#231425)
Subject: RE: Bad News: David C's Twist of Fate
From: GUEST,Allan C. on David C's Mom's 'Puter

David has just read your comments here and was deeply touched by your kind remarks. Thank you. This is one of the endearing things about the Mudcat - the caring spirit you guys invariably demonstrate. I love you guys,


21 May 00 - 12:08 PM (#231434)
Subject: RE: Bad News: David C's Twist of Fate
From: bbelle

David ... Allan wrote me yesterday that you wouldn't be making the trip. I'm terribly disappointed ... I was almost more looking forward to cooking for three hungry men than in playing music with them! So ... I'll make one less homemade buttermilk biscuit, slice one less piece of country ham, throw in one less cup of old coffee for the redeye gravy, and toss one less Gulf shrimp on the grill ... Oh, Hell! ... We'll just set your place anyway and toast you with a glass of fresh sqoze Florida OJ or Muscadine Wine. My dad will be disappointed, though, first thing he asked when I said y'll were coming down for a visit was "Can any of those boys drive a bush hog?" Perhaps, when I have time to make a trip to Charlottesville to do some harmonizing with Allan, we'll have an opportunity to get together ... Jenny

22 May 00 - 10:29 AM (#231767)
Subject: RE: Bad News: David C's Twist of Fate
From: annamill

David, I was really looking forward to seeing you again. I am so sorry you are so ill. I hope you get better soon and will be able to come up to a gathering. I play the CD you so kindly sent me often when I need to have gentle around me, so I think of you often. Again, get well and come and see me.

Love, annap

22 May 00 - 07:27 PM (#232185)
Subject: RE: Bad News: David C's Twist of Fate
From: Irish sergeant

David via Allen: Pplease take good care and may you mend quicky. these vagaries of the cruel mistress that is fate can really bite but know that you are in our thoughts and prayers, Irish Sergeant

29 Jun 00 - 08:43 PM (#249549)
Subject: RE: Bad News: David C's Twist of Fate
From: katlaughing

Hey, Allan, I feel really badly that we all just had a merry time in the threads and on the trip and I, at least, never once asked how David is doing.

Now that you are back home, would you please give us an update and let us know if he was able to "follow" along like we did on the Mudcat? I hoep things are going better for him.



29 Jun 00 - 09:03 PM (#249563)
Subject: RE: Bad News: David C's Twist of Fate
From: little john cameron

Davie lad, shit happens!!! Ah nearly fell aff the roof an' had a ruptured aortic aneurism.Talk aboot strange twists o' fate.Ah used tae brag aboot how healthy ah wis no' knowin' ah had a time bomb in mah chest.Aw' ah can say is it's a rough road tae go but anither door will open.Jist hang in an' ye'll see. LJC.

30 Jun 00 - 10:27 AM (#249754)
Subject: RE: Bad News: David C's Twist of Fate

I thought I saw Allan C. in a picture at one of the gatherings. Spirit presence? Or was I hallucinating?


30 Jun 00 - 11:11 AM (#249791)
Subject: RE: Bad News: David C's Twist of Fate
From: Allan C.

SINSULL, could I have a hit of whatever you're on? Of course that was me. This thread is about my good friend DAVID C. who was unable to make the trip.

BTW, Bill and I will be visiting him later today and will fill him up with stories of the trip.

30 Jun 00 - 12:28 PM (#249858)
Subject: RE: Bad News: David C's Twist of Fate
From: GUEST,Mrr

Tell him hi for me too, Allan, and welcome home, can't wait to hear the tales... the ones that didn't make it into print, that is!

30 Jun 00 - 12:45 PM (#249875)
Subject: RE: Bad News: David C's Twist of Fate
From: annamill

Please give him my love and tell him I've missed him..especially when the jet skis go by. I miss his face! I hope he's well. Also tell him I enjoy the cd he sent me and listen to it often when I need to relax.

Love, annap

30 Jun 00 - 01:32 PM (#249904)
Subject: RE: Bad News: David C's Twist of Fate

Dumb Dumb Dumb

I meant that I thought that I saw David C in a picture at one of the gatherings. And NO, you can't have any - it's bad for you. Look at how it screwed up my mind.

"Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds OOOOHHH OOOOHHH" I am going back to the pictures to find the one I thought I saw. And if anyone corrects my grammar, I will spit.


30 Jun 00 - 02:02 PM (#249915)
Subject: RE: Bad News: David C's Twist of Fate

Very strange. I just went back through the photos and found the picture I thought was David C. and of course it wasn't. Too bad. I was all warm and fuzzy thinking he had flown in for one visit.

Guess I'll have to leave the fresh catnip alone for a while.

Given that this was a totally voyeuristic experience for me anyway, I think I'll keep David in the photo after all. Tell him he is smiling in Montana.