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BS: Sick and Tired...

07 Jun 00 - 06:49 PM (#239606)
Subject: Sick and Tired...
From: Hardiman the Fiddler

I like my fiddle. I like to fiddle. There's precious else in this world I would rather do than fiddle. I've recently been informed by a certain otherwise loving, caring member of my family that said person is "sick and tired of fiddle music."

I am certain that others have faced this serious domestic problem---which is probably extended to banjos, guitars, mandolins, and all other host of musical instruments---and I'm curious how other mudcatters dealt with it.

As for me, you'll find me out in the chicken shed most every night. The old hen doesn't seem to mind, but the feathers seem to keep on getting stuck to the rosined bow. Any suggestions---I'll be grateful.


07 Jun 00 - 06:52 PM (#239608)
Subject: RE: BS: Sick and Tired...
From: Bert

Get a banjo

07 Jun 00 - 06:53 PM (#239611)
Subject: RE: BS: Sick and Tired...
From: McGrath of Harlow

Or a set of bagpipes...

07 Jun 00 - 06:55 PM (#239612)
Subject: RE: BS: Sick and Tired...
From: black walnut

unplug it.


07 Jun 00 - 06:56 PM (#239613)
Subject: RE: BS: Sick and Tired...
From: TerriM

or eat a lot of garlic, then she'll/he'll be grateful if you only want to play your fiddle.

07 Jun 00 - 06:59 PM (#239615)
Subject: RE: BS: Sick and Tired...
From: DonMeixner

Play louder so you won't be bothered by the whining.

I married a person who has never liked banjos or fiddles or particularly cared for the music I have loved since I was a child. When I hurt my hand and had to give up the fiddle in favor of the banjo she told me awhile back she traded one headache for another. But the income of 50+ jobs a year buys a lot of asprin.

Play the fiddle as long as you can, I wish still could.


07 Jun 00 - 07:02 PM (#239617)
Subject: RE: BS: Sick and Tired...
From: Mbo

As a fellow fiddler, I understand your frustration, Hardi! My sister's always telling me to put the fiddle away. Hmmmph! Keep playin, Hardi!


07 Jun 00 - 07:05 PM (#239622)
Subject: RE: BS: Sick and Tired...
From: Hardiman the Fiddler

Mabye I'll buy her some hearing protectors!!!


07 Jun 00 - 07:15 PM (#239627)
Subject: RE: BS: Sick and Tired...
From: Sorcha

Harrrruuummmppph! Does this mean she doesn't want to listen to me fiddle, either? Ha! Seriously, I have noticed that most musicians are not married to/with musicians, and wondered why this is. Those who do marry other musicians seem to split up, is it an ego thing? A relationship can only handle one musician ego? My hubby doesn't seem to mind my fiddle, or at least has never said so. Maybe he knows better.

07 Jun 00 - 07:19 PM (#239628)
Subject: RE: BS: Sick and Tired...
From: Hardiman the Fiddler

It was a pretty generic statement: not like, "I'm sick and tired of listening to YOU play that &**^^thing. Now that, I could understand. But all fiddle music generically so????

I'll listen to you play anytime, Sorcha!


07 Jun 00 - 07:28 PM (#239633)
Subject: RE: BS: Sick and Tired...
From: Uncle_DaveO

I'm a folksong, banjo and guitar freak. Some people don't bother with the adjectives, but so be it. I'm lucky enough to be married (36 years now) to a classical pianist. For a good part of the day I have no access to the center part of the house, which I like best for practice purposes, because she's either practicing on the Steinway or will be coming in to do so pretty durn quick, so I'll get chucked out. We both understand that she can't move her instrument and I can, so if I don't want to move to the bedroom or outside I can quit playing. What's more, she NEEDS those five to six hours of practice EVERY DAY day to keep her fine edge, to keep old repertoire current, and to develop new material.

For some reason I am not comfortable playing in the bedroom. What's more, although I CAN play there, I can't record even there if she's doing her thing in the living room.

So what's to do? I play when I can, that's all. She's the professional, and can't move; I'm the amateur, and can. I just work around it the best I can, and am happy that she's happy.

Dave Oesterreich

07 Jun 00 - 08:25 PM (#239643)
Subject: RE: BS: Sick and Tired...
From: Irish sergeant

Hardiman; SHades of my youth! in my case it was the harmonica. And later when I started playing the guitar I heard that also but I am fortunate that my better half doesn't mind my music and is pretty forgiving if I really murder a chord. Tough it out and hopefully she'll relent so you won't have to deal with chickens. reguards, Neil

07 Jun 00 - 09:22 PM (#239675)
Subject: RE: BS: Sick and Tired...
From: simon-pierre

To be tired of fiddle music is like to be tired of music. I just don't understand.

07 Jun 00 - 09:35 PM (#239682)
Subject: RE: BS: Sick and Tired...
From: MMario

sick of "fiddle music" or "music on the fiddle". If the former, maybe a switch to some tunes not typically thought of as "fiddle music". If the later, get a kazoo. The fiddle will be a godsend very shortly.

07 Jun 00 - 09:43 PM (#239688)
Subject: RE: BS: Sick and Tired...
From: Clinton Hammond2

Learn to play some different stuff on the fiddle...

Get an album or 2 by Oliver Schroer... the worlds best fiddle player, if for no other reason that he doesn't feel tied into playing Trad stuff... That stuff gets real old real fast!! After 2 or 3 Jigs, Reels, and a Strathspay, they all sound the frigg'n same!

Ollies latest album is full of what he calls JAGS and Sur-reels! LOL!!!


07 Jun 00 - 09:50 PM (#239690)
Subject: RE: BS: Sick and Tired...
From: Mbo

Ah, he ripped that off from the Simon Thoumire Three's album "March, Strathspey, and the Surreal". BTW the tunes ARE different. I can tell them apart.


07 Jun 00 - 09:51 PM (#239691)
Subject: RE: BS: Sick and Tired...

Easiest solution in the world... About 8 or 10 times a day insist on making love. After a couple days, all you'll hear is, "Why don't you go play your fiddle??"

07 Jun 00 - 10:01 PM (#239695)
Subject: RE: BS: Sick and Tired...
From: sophocleese

ABC's solution would only be approriate if the "otherwise loving, caring member of my family" were hardiman's wife/lover/girlfriend/S.O. Were it his mother, daughter or aunt things might get a little tricky.

Personally I figure listening to my husband practicing bagpipes (in the basement) or fiddle is fair payment for him hearing me practice guitar or recorder. Sometimes I have to fight the urge to turn the radio on when he's playing but mostly we stay apart until requested to join in. He's never yet asked me to jam along with pipes though...

07 Jun 00 - 10:33 PM (#239711)
Subject: RE: BS: Sick and Tired...
From: kendall

I can understand someone getting enough fiddling. I go to a gathering of folkies each winter, and the fiddlers just take over. A half dozen or so of them will grab the center of the main room, and literally fiddle for sometimes 5 or 6 hours without a break. This is crazy making for the people who came to sing or listen to singing. I suppose it's great if you fiddle, but, after 4 or 5 hours of it tempers get short. It seems like the fiddlers enter into an altered state and have no clue what is going on around them outside the circle of fiddlers. We finally had to suggest to them that maybe they should take a smaller room. They got a little huffy, but, hey, majority rules eh?

07 Jun 00 - 10:38 PM (#239713)
Subject: RE: BS: Sick and Tired...
From: Uncle_DaveO

Try the "at least it isn't" approach. My Beautiful Wife on occasion, when not too enthralled by one of my enthusiasms, says to herself, "At least it isn't baseball!" You can insert your own last word--rock&roll, mud wrestling, accordion, bagpipes, or whatever.

Dave Oesterreich

08 Jun 00 - 12:35 AM (#239743)
Subject: RE: BS: Sick and Tired...
From: ddw

I understand, Hardiman. My wife can't stand repetition — which is what practise is all about. One by one, she's going through my play list saying "I don't ever want to hear that song again!" I've taken to either playing when she's not around or just throwing a couple of instruments in my truck, driving to a park somewhere and playing for the squirrels. Which works for the guitars and autoharps, but not so well with the piano. I guess the real saving part is that she works mostly days and I work mostly afternoons. Leaves us both time for our own things.


08 Jun 00 - 12:45 AM (#239745)
Subject: RE: BS: Sick and Tired...
From: Rick Fielding

Well Hardiman, I sympathise. Heather HATES the I bought a melodeon. Damned if she didn't hate THAT as well. So I bought a concertina. She LOATHED that. Well for a while I had to practice accordion, concertina AND Melodion when she wasn't around (which was almost NEVER!)

One night a couple of the planet's finest "squeezebox" players came over for an "after concert" jam. I'll be damned if she didn't go and watch "Law and Order".

At least now I know she doesn't know how lousy I am and how GOOD they were.....she just hates the sound. Period. One day I'm gonna get rid of them........and maybe buy a Cajun Windjammer....or maybe I'll keep all FOUR of 'em.

Thank God she likes stringed instruments. That would be grounds.......


08 Jun 00 - 03:01 AM (#239778)
Subject: RE: BS: Sick and Tired...
From: Callie

I'm lucky. The woman who lives downastairs has told me she loves it when I practice saxophone (even when It's scales and long notes - weird, huh?) and sometimes even shouts up requests.

My parents and siblings couldn't and can't stand me playing the piano - coz I don't play very well. I used to spend hours at it, working out harmonies and fiddly bits. Our favourite family joke is me sitting at the piano and shouting out "any requests?" to which the answer is always "yeh - shut up!"

My sisters used to hate me singing harmonies with the radio. However, my persistence paid off as I'm now in a vocal trio. My sisters have gracefully admitted defeat (plus I don't live with them any more so they don't have to hear me)


08 Jun 00 - 04:48 AM (#239798)
Subject: RE: BS: Sick and Tired...
From: GUEST,KingBrilliant

Hmm. I have a very loud singing voice & don't really feel comfortable singing at my best in our terraced house, - since my neighbour said she could hear me & it made her laugh. She didn't mean it unkindly, and was in fact telling me that it didn't bother her - but ever since I feel a bit inhibited. For some reason, also, I find it hard to practice at full volume when my husband is around (I go all shy!!). Solution - I go round a friend's house & sing my heart out there! He is learning the Djembe, so I suppose I ought to invite him round to practice at our house. Perhaps we could do a house-swap for practicing purposes. That strikes me as a well cunning idea!


08 Jun 00 - 05:27 AM (#239809)
Subject: RE: BS: Sick and Tired...

Someone's already suggested the kazoo trick,works for me, I get bought drinks to shut me up but then I want to sing! Perhaps the sousaphone...?
[Silly old fart posted this to wrong thread (Singing...)!Blame CRS!]

08 Jun 00 - 06:10 AM (#239814)
Subject: RE: BS: Sick and Tired...
From: GUEST,flattop

Ya'all might read her subtext carefully and the sheet music before deciding that it's the one note on the didgeridoo that's driving her crazy. If you're trying to drive her crazy, never mind.

08 Jun 00 - 08:39 AM (#239847)
Subject: RE: BS: Sick and Tired...
From: Ella who is Sooze

Gets all self concious in my house too about practising.

Finds herself, mumbling songs and such. And trying to play the flute quietly

Though the drums are definately going to get me evicted.

The bodhran almost - well in the shed with that.

But the main thing they don't like too is the repeating of the tunes. And when I practise the same notes over and over and over.

Finds that the best way to avoid conflict is to put her head down, when passing the other member of the household and rush past before the comments fly.

Or, just mumble something about well you watch those awful soaps. Or just get all upset and make them feel guilty.

In our house I have an Al Jolson worshipper, who insists in singing along. Which is worse now, repeating tunes or MAMMY HOW I LOVE YOU HOW I LOVE YOU, MY DEAR OL MAAAAAAAAMY.

Harumphhhhhhh I ask you, my house is NOT a sane house at all.

With 3 lots of music tastes from Al to Strauss to Pavaroti and me with the folk then there is bound to be a bit of musical tension.


08 Jun 00 - 08:59 AM (#239854)
Subject: RE: BS: Sick and Tired...
From: black walnut

We live in one of those little semi-detached houses in old Toronto. This year we added a big two-storey addition out the back, and the new big room on the main floor is JUST for MUSIC! It is a retreat away from kids and computers and television and homework.....It has the piano, and the harp, and the dulcimer, and the 36 gallon aquarium, and the bay window with the garden view, and the fireplace..... (and my sanity!).

Doesterr, I hear your situation loud and clear. I have a classical music degree, and spent years carving out my territory practicing flute and piano 6 - 8 hours a day. I am very impressed that you can make it work in your house with two musicians and two different styles of music's not an 'ego' conflict, it's creative time and space we're talking about....

~black walnut

08 Jun 00 - 09:49 AM (#239871)
Subject: RE: BS: Sick and Tired...
From: Jim the Bart

It's always a problem when you can't fiddle with your spouse. And if you don't find a solution you'll invariably end up fiddling with yourself.

Two suggestions come to mind:
1. Find a solitary spot where you can fiddle around in peace
2. Earplugs. Two sets. One for her when you play and the other for you when she complains.

But, under no circumstances, should you stop fiddling. Birds gotta swim, fish gotta fly, I gotta fiddle around 'til I die. . .


08 Jun 00 - 10:07 AM (#239880)
Subject: RE: BS: Sick and Tired...
From: Willie-O

Barts about got it. I've achieved a certain detente in regards to fiddle (me, or recordings) and accordion music. My family doesn't like it first thing in the morning, or right when M gets home from work and needs to decompress. Fair enough, thats suppertime/school bus time anyway--(although in my perfect world, I would practice for two hours right when I get up).

Luckily I pretty much own the basement in the evening and the fiddle-haters are two floors away.

And try pointing out that the less you get to practice, the worse it sounds when you do, and vice versa--lots of times it's not the fiddling they actually dislike, its BAD fiddling. (Though they may not make the distinction)

They're all gone, gotta practice!


08 Jun 00 - 10:29 AM (#239888)
Subject: RE: BS: Sick and Tired...
From: Ella who is Sooze

Oh for a basement two floors away from everyone.

Dreams of lovely basements all to myself.

Ho hum

08 Jun 00 - 11:03 AM (#239897)
Subject: RE: BS: Sick and Tired...
From: Steve Latimer


I loved your suggestion. LOL

My younger brother has been a Night owl all his life. I remember trying to sleep while he was working on becoming the next Gene Krupa. He has actually turned into a fine drummer despite my jumping out of bed and running downstairs threatening his life on a nightly basis. I can't believe my mother didn't throttle us both, but her support of all of us and our various endeavours approached saintly.

Wednesday my eight year old son came home from school with a recorder. He had his first music class that day, so he is having some trouble, but there is no way I'll ever discourage him from practising.

My daughter was with me in a music store last year and saw the recorders. She asked if she could get one. I replied that she could on two conditions. First, that she would practise with it and not just throw it in a corner of her room. She agreed. The second condition was that it could not lead to Bagpipe playing.

08 Jun 00 - 11:07 AM (#239898)
Subject: RE: BS: Sick and Tired...
From: Patrish(inactive)

I end up being all apologetic when I want to play my melodeon. Everyone leaves the room.
But as was said previuosly, practice is all about repitition, and I can understand that it is no fun hearing the same tune(especially if it is badly played) In a perfect world I would suggest brainwashing your partner to love the fiddle, but as I know myself it is about compromise(boring)

08 Jun 00 - 11:37 AM (#239906)
Subject: RE: BS: Sick and Tired...
From: black walnut

I forgot to mention that my teenage son plays drumset and marimba in the basement below 'my' music room. you can't have it all, no-way, no-how, not if you want to live in the same house with other human beings.....


08 Jun 00 - 11:44 AM (#239909)
Subject: RE: BS: Sick and Tired...
From: Mbo

"...And if you don't like it, you can leave me alone--I'll tune me fiddle and rosin me bow, and I'll be welcome wherever I go..."


08 Jun 00 - 11:54 AM (#239912)
Subject: RE: BS: Sick and Tired...
From: GUEST,Sean Ruprecht-Belt @ Work

Sheesh! After reading this thread, I realize how lucky I am that my partner loves to hear me playing whichever instrument! Well... Okay, the tin whistles do get on her nerves a bit, but I think that's more a reflection of my playing than her views on the instruments themselves. But, generally Amy thinks the music is wonderful and is especially happy for me to keep her company and play in the kitchen while she's washing dishes, or elsewhere when she's working with wool and pointy sticks. Sorry for your dilemma, Hardiman. Now I'll go count my blessings for awhile.

- Sean

08 Jun 00 - 12:02 PM (#239913)
Subject: RE: BS: Sick and Tired...
From: Hardiman the Fiddler

I want to thank everyone for their words of encouragement and I'm especially grateful for the way in which everyone has shared how they deal with what seems to be a universal problem. That curiosity of how other people deal with it was the reason that I posted the thread.

It may have come to my attention that a certain person's feelings may have inadvertantly been hurt by the posting of this thread. I would assure that person as I assure all, that I did not post out of spite---but out of sincere curiosity. My appologies for hurting her feelings.

Thanks to all the rest for the suggestions they've offered and the way in which they've shared their solutions to the problem.


08 Jun 00 - 12:10 PM (#239920)
Subject: RE: BS: Sick and Tired...
From: Wesley S

My darling wife likes mandolin music - it's the practicing of scales and "licks" that bother her. After awhile I'll notice her standing in the the doorway with a request to move on to something else. Anything else. I'm lucky because I usually get home an hour before she does so I'm able to do my bashing then. And after she goes to sleep I can get in some quiet time without bothering her out in the front part of the house.

08 Jun 00 - 12:49 PM (#239937)
Subject: RE: BS: Sick and Tired...
From: Wesley S

Hardiman - I thought you might like to know that "I'm in the doghouse now" is performed to the same tune as "I'm in the jailhouse now".

08 Jun 00 - 12:59 PM (#239944)
Subject: RE: BS: Sick and Tired...
From: katlaughing

Sean at work...I guess I've got to count my blessings, too. I didn't post earlier, because I couldn't relate to all of the troubles talked about.

Growing up, everyone was expected to practise and nobody complained. It was just part of the daily fabric of life. We had everything from trad and dance tunes on banjo, piano, guitar, baritone uke, voice and fiddle to classical on piano, violin, trumpet, clarinet, voice, and a few others in between..with five kids and both parents playing we had a lot of music, including recorded and the radio. It never occured to me, at least, that anyone would ever have a problem with any of it and since being married three times, it never has been, esp. with Rog...he loves the music as much as I do.

Thanking my lucky stars,


08 Jun 00 - 02:49 PM (#239998)
Subject: RE: BS: Sick and Tired...
From: wysiwyg

Geez, can't a girl have a bad day once in awhile????????


08 Jun 00 - 02:51 PM (#239999)
Subject: RE: BS: Sick and Tired...
From: Sorcha

Sissie, considering what else you are dealing with, it's a wonder you don't have more of them!! Still love ya tho!!

08 Jun 00 - 02:53 PM (#240002)
Subject: RE: BS: Sick and Tired...
From: radriano

Relationships are all about compromise, Hardiman. If you love to play the fiddle you should be allowed to play. Doesn't this person care about your happiness? We all have likes and dislikes. Play when this person isn't around or get a mute for when they are around.

Music, yeah, sometimes fiddle tunes, are what keeps me sane in this crazy world. Stand your ground, Hardiman, and play on.


08 Jun 00 - 04:18 PM (#240033)
Subject: RE: BS: Sick and Tired...
From: Kim C

I am one of those people who has to play the phrase over and over and over and overandoverandover as many times as it takes to get it right. If Mister minds it, he never says. I tend to wander about the house when I play so if I get frustrated I'll go off in the other room anyway.

He said that many years ago, when he tried to learn the fiddle, his girlfriend at the time made him go outside. So he wasn't going to do that to me. Let's be honest, though, when you're first learning something it can be hard for other ears to hear.

I think maybe this is where "better or worse" comes in...

08 Jun 00 - 04:20 PM (#240035)
Subject: RE: BS: Sick and Tired...
From: kendall

I just realized how lucky I am..I live alone and can make all the noise I want. My dog even ignores my banjo.

08 Jun 00 - 06:12 PM (#240080)
Subject: RE: BS: Sick and Tired...
From: sophocleese

My kids are getting used to hearing "la la lalala luh! DAMN!" over and over again as I learn something on the recorder. I realize that I learnt it from hearing my mom practice piano. My husband just giggles.

08 Jun 00 - 07:39 PM (#240120)
Subject: RE: BS: Sick and Tired...
From: Irish sergeant

HI All: (Especially Praise & Hardiman: LaLALA damn sounds very familiar only when I do it it's "plunk, plunk plunk sonof a bitch! plunk, plunk damnit!etc." Sometime the stoop or the backyard. I must not be too bad, the neighbors haven't called the cops on me yet. And Praise, of course a girl can have a bad day. reguards, Neil

08 Jun 00 - 07:49 PM (#240124)
Subject: RE: BS: Sick and Tired...
From: McGrath of Harlow

"Offer it up" is what we always used to say, Priase.

08 Jun 00 - 07:50 PM (#240126)
Subject: RE: BS: Sick and Tired...
From: McGrath of Harlow

"Praise" that should be. Me proofreading is getting worse, I think...

08 Jun 00 - 07:59 PM (#240129)
Subject: RE: BS: Sick and Tired...
From: Alice

My dog howls to the violin or singing. He is a Samoyed, and has a very expressive woooooooooo. It's hilarious. Sometimes I sing high notes just to show company how good the dog sounds.


08 Jun 00 - 08:03 PM (#240133)
Subject: RE: BS: Sick and Tired...
From: McGrath of Harlow

That's it Hardiman, get a singin' dog.

08 Jun 00 - 08:42 PM (#240147)
Subject: RE: BS: Sick and Tired...

Get a divorce

08 Jun 00 - 10:27 PM (#240182)
Subject: RE: BS: Sick and Tired...
From: bflat

Cyrano needs to speak for himself, so says the sweet Roxanna

09 Jun 00 - 07:28 AM (#240302)
Subject: RE: BS: Sick and Tired...

Being into electric blues when I was growing up, my parents were always telling me to turn it down. I thought I was past all that when I moved out and started having kids of my own...but NO!! Now my kids tell me the same thing - about the same music that got on my parents' nerves. Some things never change. However, I try to practice "Do unto others..." when my teenaged daughter cranks up Eminem or Destiny's Child.

09 Jun 00 - 07:56 AM (#240314)
Subject: RE: BS: Sick and Tired...
From: Sailor Dan

After reading this thread I had to stop and think back for the past two years. I picked up a Banjo for the first time two years ago. Now lets face it, there is nothing worse to listen to then a beginner on any instrument trying to learn something foreign like music when there is absolutely no former training in anything but boats and airplanes.

I sit in my den and play (I think thats what I do) she sits in the living room and watches the boob tube. She actually comes in and tells me I'm doing good, or better and encourages me. I know darn well that I practice just like the Irish Sargent, plink plink plink plank plunk and a string of @#$%^*())__)_(*&^%$## because the hand doesnt get to the chord position necessary and the neighborhood cat just left the neighborhood. But in two years I sure have been lucky,


09 Jun 00 - 08:34 AM (#240327)
Subject: RE: BS: Sick and Tired...
From: AllisonA(Animaterra)

Last December I picked up the fiddle for the first time in 20 years. I have always been a little disappointed that my children showed no interest in musical instruments- but since January, my daughter has increased her flute playing and my son and heir has picked up, of all things, the ocarina!! Is it my sterling influence, or is it....

09 Jun 00 - 10:02 AM (#240350)
Subject: RE: BS: Sick and Tired...
From: RichM

My wife plays upright bass. Two months ago she began taking some serious bass theory lessons--with my electric (guitar)bass--(I play acoustic and electric bass too, and guitar)... Now I don't mind the sounds of practicing--we both play in the same irish trad band, and we do duet singing too.

But when she practiced in the basement, the sound of the bass was EVERYWHERE--even unto the second floor...

Solution; For mother's day, I bought her a Bass Rockman, with HEADPHONES--but it also has all kinds of neat effects built in: chorus, delay etc... She loves it, though she was suspicious of my motives.

Problem solved!

12 Jun 00 - 05:41 PM (#241637)
Subject: RE: BS: Sick and Tired...
From: GUEST,Guest -- Jdhblue

Interesting . . . My wife and I live in a one-room apartment, so any slightly annoying noise is magnified 300% because there is no escape . . . however, I have persisted with blues guitar and found that after a while, my wife developed a wonderful tolerance. So much so that I missed the negative feedback (not that again!). Next I started playing slide guitar, and for a while everything was OK again. Now she is used to that too, so I'm planning on starting harmonica. Of course, when I go back to blues or slide guitar, I get compliments now.

I guess the root of all this was growing up a violin/fiddle player in a family of classical pianists (fiddle was a real rebellion!). What I'm trying to say is, stick with it. Negative feedback can be a great incentive to make progress. Besides, suffering a little for your art, or your convictions, can be a good thing. Good luck in finding the right combination -- jdhblue

12 Jun 00 - 10:04 PM (#241769)
Subject: RE: BS: Sick and Tired...
From: Melani

I have been informed by my husband that the tin whistle is pitched too high for human ears, dulcimer is too twangy, guitar and singing are too loud...I generally only play or sing when nobody's home.

For anyone who thinks they've heard enough fiddle music, I suggest a brain transplant.

13 Jun 00 - 12:51 AM (#241835)
Subject: RE: BS: Sick and Tired...
From: GUEST,flattop

Jdhblue, your message reminds me of a two sentence short story in Richard Brautigan's book, Revenge of the Lawn. It goes like this:

The Scarlatti Tilt

"It's very hard to live in a studio apartment in San Jose with a man who's learning to play the violin." That's what she told the police when she handed them the empty revolver.

13 Jun 00 - 07:11 PM (#242097)
Subject: RE: BS: Sick and Tired...
From: Irish sergeant

Sailor Dan: I'm glad to hear that i'm not the only one who practices like that. HArdiman, Long may you fiddle, Praise: I hope you're having a much better day. best reguards to all including the singing samoyed, Neil

13 Jun 00 - 07:11 PM (#242099)
Subject: RE: BS: Sick and Tired...
From: Irish sergeant

Sailor Dan: I'm glad to hear that i'm not the only one who practices like that. HArdiman, Long may you fiddle, Praise: I hope you're having a much better day. best reguards to all including the singing samoyed, Neil