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BS: Mudcat Political Party

12 Jun 00 - 07:09 PM (#241679)
Subject: Mudcat Political Party
From: DougR

Some folks in the "Brain Dead Republican" Thread suggested that two existing major parties in the U.S. have done a pretty sorry job of ruling. I suggested that maybe we should start a "Mudcat Party." Certainly there are enough divergent ideas to go around at this site.

Any ideas about what the "Mudcat Party's" platform should be? You non USAers feel free to make suggestions. Us USAers might learn something.


12 Jun 00 - 07:11 PM (#241681)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Political Party
From: Mbo

Lak' I sed on d'other thread...

Spaw for President!!!


12 Jun 00 - 07:12 PM (#241683)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Political Party
From: MarkS

Lets forget the politics and just have the party.

12 Jun 00 - 07:16 PM (#241685)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Political Party
From: Jon Freeman

I'm not even from the US but MarkS has just won my vote :-)


12 Jun 00 - 07:57 PM (#241708)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Political Party
From: sophocleese

Spaw, the thinking man's bulldozer! (in fancy HTML)

It could work.

12 Jun 00 - 07:57 PM (#241709)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Political Party
From: GUEST,Dave (the ancient mariner at work)

Dave (tam) for King or I'll settle for Minister of Defence portfolio.... Aye... ( nice pension plan mates )

12 Jun 00 - 08:00 PM (#241710)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Political Party
From: sophocleese

It works so well I even had to put it in twice. Eileen McGann wrote a nice song about folksingers in the government I just can't remember what its called.

12 Jun 00 - 08:39 PM (#241725)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Political Party
From: keltcgrasshoppper

Yes SPAW's the man with MBO as Secretary of State and head of the CIA....KGH

12 Jun 00 - 08:56 PM (#241734)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Political Party
From: McGrath of Harlow

Who gets to be Monica Lewinsky?

12 Jun 00 - 08:57 PM (#241735)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Political Party
From: keltcgrasshoppper

Yuk on that one... KGH

12 Jun 00 - 08:59 PM (#241736)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Political Party
From: Mbo

You said it, KGH!! Don't EVER let CLETUS & the Reg boys anywhere around a gas main with a cigar!!


12 Jun 00 - 09:02 PM (#241738)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Political Party
From: keltcgrasshoppper

You are a naughty one MBO... Kgh

12 Jun 00 - 09:59 PM (#241767)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Political Party
From: katlaughing

I think we should have co-presidents, so...since Spaw & me'r twins **BG*...guess he'll hafta share the platform!!

Kat n' Spaw!!! Come out back & Play in our litterbox!

12 Jun 00 - 11:16 PM (#241797)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Political Party
From: catspaw49

I want to say that I accept this nomination and would like to lay out my platform, unless I can find a young intern better looking than Monica, which shouldn't be hard, although other things are, that I could lay out instead.

First though, you should know that I am not a crook ...... anymore. I stand for the rights of all, and often to take a leak, although age has made sitting a viable option. I will fight to have a guitar in every pot, pot in every guitar, whisky in the jar, and a jar on every porch.

And now I wish to provide you members of the fourth estate, regardless of whether or not you have a member, with this photo opp as I kiss the babes..........Just bring 'em on in here and....................say what?.........babies?........BABIES????......... Not babes huh?..............uh....... yeah, right............Well just fock this whole thing for a row of soldiers.................


12 Jun 00 - 11:16 PM (#241798)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Political Party
From: Hagbardr

Ooh! Ooh! Can I be Minister of Silly Walks?


12 Jun 00 - 11:18 PM (#241800)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Political Party
From: DougR

Gee whiz! I thought, because of the dissatisfaction with the current political parties in Umerica, we would have a lot of suggestions by now for a party platform! Nuthin' yet but suggetions for folks to be on the ticket.

I'll suggest one: keep the issue of abortion out of politics.


12 Jun 00 - 11:24 PM (#241804)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Political Party
From: Sorcha

I second that!! and, Music for all, and All for music. And, anybody that has extra zuchinni cannont leave it abandoned in a car!

12 Jun 00 - 11:44 PM (#241816)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Political Party
From: JenEllen

Political platforms? Songs are shared, music is free, lots of trees planted, lots of alcohol passed 'round, everyone has a home(not just a dwelling space), and anyone found guilty of abusing animals or children gets a healthy dose of THE MALLET!!

13 Jun 00 - 12:08 AM (#241822)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Political Party
From: Racer

I've been kind of partial to the "look at home" philosophy. People are always so concerned about federal politics that they totally forget about state and local politics. The simple fact is that local politics have more to do with our standard of living than federal politics do.

So 'Spaw, tell 'em that they should vote for you because you might do some really cool things. Then tell 'em that none of those cool things will affect them and they should concentrate on local government.

Did y'all know that our local governments have regular meetings that we can attend? Anyone can say anything they want at these meetings. I can stand there and talk about free guitar picks to homeless children if I want to. I can also sit there and see how dirty my local politicians really are.

By the way, our shitty presidential candidates are coming out of our shitty local governments. I think it's time to cleanse from within.


13 Jun 00 - 01:43 AM (#241849)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Political Party
From: Chicky

Hey - why limit ourselves to a political party? Let's secede and set up our own (virtual) nation! Then we get to set up the rules from scratch, and most importantly of all...

...decide on a National Anthem!!!

Any ideas?

- Chicky

13 Jun 00 - 02:12 AM (#241861)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Political Party
From: BlueJay

I think I like Catspaw's platform. I nominate Allan C and Bill/Sables as Secretaries of States. In fact, they have already undertaken the job! And doing a fine job recruiting new voters. But maybe Spaw should fill both the President and Vice President positions. Wow, this is more fun than flaming southern octogenarian right-wingers. Mbo for Secretary of Energy. BlueJay

13 Jun 00 - 02:23 AM (#241864)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Political Party
From: Callie

Old Blevins (as a National Anthem). you'd never forget the words.

13 Jun 00 - 02:24 AM (#241866)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Political Party
From: SeanM

I'd like to announce my official intent to run as the Enlightened Opposition, in hopes of being bought off with a sinecure of a job within the new administration... Minister of Assisting the Beer Tasters would do most well, thank you.

Barring that, I'm always up for Minister of Always Missing the Damn Radio Show. MAMDRS has a ring to it...

"You put your accordion in...
You put your...
Wait... I have to take it BACK?!?"

13 Jun 00 - 04:20 AM (#241880)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Political Party
From: MudGuard

I don't like the politcal party concept.
I prefer anarchy - but only under the rule of a good anarch ;-)

For the Mudcat nation I suggest the name of "Mudland"
But why should we select one national anthem? I prefer if everyone is allowed to select his/her own national anthem! This is much more fun when a foreign president walks along the line of soldiers and every musician plays a different national anthem.


13 Jun 00 - 06:38 AM (#241893)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Political Party
From: GUEST,Roger the skiffler

As an impartial Brit beyond reproach (ahem!), I volunteer to look after the pork barrel and the brown envelopes...

13 Jun 00 - 07:23 AM (#241896)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Political Party
From: keltcgrasshoppper your style..but prefer Spaw's platform..Jar on every porch..etc...By the way Mudguard are you in disguise at the moment???? I detect a familar sound in those words..Spaw I'd like to see porch on every house, house for every family added to the platform please.....KGH

13 Jun 00 - 07:34 AM (#241899)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Political Party
From: JedMarum

what a cool idea. I wanna live in a land where everyone is allowed to select his/her own national anthem! Just imagine the glorious cacaphony at the football stadium when they raise "Old Mudcat Glory" and we all sing in one voice, 50,000 different songs together!

13 Jun 00 - 08:00 AM (#241903)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Political Party
From: ol'troll

America is not ready for self-government! Work instead for a Hanoverian restoration.


13 Jun 00 - 08:33 AM (#241909)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Political Party
From: MudGuard

why should I be under disguise? I am sitting in the office as on any other working day, no mask, no false whiskers...
And it is quite some time since I used a different nickname here in this place (14-Jul-1999 is the date of my first post under my current Nickname)

13 Jun 00 - 09:29 AM (#241924)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Political Party
From: MMario

Might I suggest a split, bi-level platform? Preferably with part at the right height to sit and the other either lower to act as a footrest or higher to act as a music stand?

13 Jun 00 - 09:53 AM (#241935)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Political Party
From: Big Mick

I will run the campaign 'Spaw, but before any of youse layabouts get wrong Idea, I will be appointed Secretary of the Sacred Fertility Rites. ......................

Big Mick

13 Jun 00 - 09:59 AM (#241936)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Political Party
From: SDShad

Well, since Hagbard has already put in dibs for Silly Walks, I'll throw my hat in the ring for Department of the Interior. I love national parks, live in the center of the country (the "interior," if you will), and have an idea or two for straigtening out the &^$#!*( BIA....

Hanoverian? Try Stuart, and then you might be onto something. Of course, the current Stuart claimant is a deposed central European prince or some such, unless you count the Belgian caterer/con man who's behind the whole "Bloodline of the Holy Grail" thing.

Shad, who's still waiting of a resurgence of Howard the Duck's All Night Party

13 Jun 00 - 11:28 AM (#241958)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Political Party
From: Rick Fielding

As my first act of civil disobediance, I'll refuse to stand for ANY National Anthem selected. Well lemme see, I can't just stop THERE.

1. I'll burn the flag as soon as it's avaiable....nuthin' personal, just seems the thing to do.

2. Anyone want to join in and start an insurrection against Col. Catspaw?

3. Better depose Mick as Minister of Sex pretty quick. He IS gettin' a bit old for that! I'll take over in the interim (I know he's 2 years younger than me...but he's used his resources more)

4. Declare war on the United States, but surrender before they send in the Army, and then get reparations for life.

5. Make Joe Offer Pope, and assasinate him the next day

6. YAWWWWN.. ummm, all this revolutionary talk is making me tired. Think I'll have a nap....oh well, whatever you decide, I'll go along with it, as long as you don't take our guitars away.

Rick Guevara

13 Jun 00 - 11:40 AM (#241960)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Political Party
From: TerriM

Where's the bread and circus's?How am I going to know how to vote without you promising me bread and circus's? Actually, beer and folk music will do, I'm not picky ( as my other half could swiftly attest to).

13 Jun 00 - 11:59 AM (#241968)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Political Party
From: DougR

Should all taxes on alcoholic beveridges be removed? Admission taxes to events?


13 Jun 00 - 12:07 PM (#241971)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Political Party
From: Mbo

"Take off the tax on a cold 6-pack, add another day to make the weekend last.." As Confederate Railroad would say!!


13 Jun 00 - 12:09 PM (#241972)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Political Party
From: kendall

I'm going to run for either the Office of Abuse, or Arguments.

13 Jun 00 - 12:14 PM (#241973)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Political Party
From: ol'troll

Last I heard, Prince Ruprecht of Bavaria was the next Stuart in line. Actually, I'd prefer a Plantagenet(sp?) but have no idea where to look.Oh well, if you're going to persist in this political party folly, I claim the rights to the job of Grand Inqusitor.

And what, you ask, will be the heresy that I'm trying to root out? Ah, ah,ah! That would be telling! There are heretics everywhere and we must give them no opportunity to evade our net.


13 Jun 00 - 12:17 PM (#241974)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Political Party

Gee guys, I've read through this twice and see no mention of an office for Max. How about head of the FCC? Or maybe put him charge of patents and copyrights so he can eliminate the threatening letters he gets periodically from disgruntled artists? Or some behind the scenes "mover and shaker" other than Congressional intern.

There is a Senator's seat open in New York. he would do the whole country a favor if he would grab it.

Me? I want to head up the Food and Drug Administration and set up a mandatory Research Fund derived from specific percentage payouts from Drug Profits. This is to be managed by private industry. Bureaucrats and you Soon to Be Bureaucrats, keep out. The first project will be a cure for tone deafness.

13 Jun 00 - 12:38 PM (#241980)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Political Party
From: jeffp

Since nobody else has volunteered, I'll put my name in for Secretary of Education, with a priority being put on restoring emphasis on Music and Art in the curriculum.


13 Jun 00 - 12:46 PM (#241982)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Political Party
From: GUEST,Mbo_at_ECU

Can The President of the Electric Light Orchestra/Dougie MacLean/Andy M.Stewart Appreciation Association count as Cabinet position?


13 Jun 00 - 12:48 PM (#241983)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Political Party
From: Big Mick

Hold up there, Fielding...........I will give my Secretary of the Sacred Fertility Rite, only when you pry my fingers off my cold, dead.......Ummmhh....Uhhhh........maybe I better come, er, find another slogan.....Move over, Rick, all this diatribe as made me snoozy.


13 Jun 00 - 01:37 PM (#241994)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Political Party
From: DougR

Income tax? Do we favor keeping an income tax and an IRS to collect it?

Everybody is jockying for a prime job but nobody is interested in making policy! What a disappointment. Surely, with all the criticisms that have been made of the way things are being done now, somebody must have some ideas about how things could be done better! Es so?


13 Jun 00 - 01:45 PM (#241997)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Political Party
From: keltcgrasshoppper

Mudguard.. no offense ment..Its just that you sounded alot like our MBO who has been known to assume a new identity at times.. Sorry...KGH

13 Jun 00 - 01:49 PM (#242000)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Political Party
From: sophocleese

I'm with SeanM joining the official opposition, its a lot more fun to take shots instead of responsibility. Show us what you got for leadership credentials Spaw, how'd they compare to Clinton's? Can we get a certificate of authenticity from Hilary and Monica?

13 Jun 00 - 01:56 PM (#242003)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Political Party
From: DougR

If Spaw can "out Clinton" Clinton, he gets my vote.


13 Jun 00 - 02:07 PM (#242005)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Political Party

Mbo, Typical politician! Wants to get paid for doing nothing.

Soph, Can we get a certificate of authenticity from Hillary and Monica? You mean have one lie and the other swear to it?

Spaw has my support. I would love to see his brand of common sense in Washington. I am a little concerned about his communication skills. Some of our more volatile international leaders may take offense at being told outright to F*** Off. They hear it every day but not in those terms.

Rick and Mick, This is what gives folksingers a bad name. The only two candidates we have for Secretary of the Fertility Rite are sleeping on the job. They don't even have the job and they already need to nap. Come on Mbo. Step in here! Or where is Kelida when we need her?

13 Jun 00 - 02:07 PM (#242006)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Political Party

Mbo, Typical politician! Wants to get paid for doing nothing.

Soph, Can we get a certificate of authenticity from Hillary and Monica? You mean have one lie and the other swear to it?

Spaw has my support. I would love to see his brand of common sense in Washington. I am a little concerned about his communication skills. Some of our more volatile international leaders may take offense at being told outright to F*** Off. They hear it every day but not in those terms.

Rick and Mick, This is what gives folksingers a bad name. The only two candidates we have for Secretary of the Fertility Rite are sleeping on the job. They don't even have the job and they already need to nap. Come on Mbo. Step in here! Or where is Kelida when we need her?

13 Jun 00 - 02:08 PM (#242007)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Political Party
From: Bert

I'm with Doug regarding No IRS & No tax on alcohol. (are you SURE you're a Republican Doug?)

Peter T is going to look after the environment for us and doing anything he says not to is going to be a capital offense.

I'm with JenEllen regarding planting lots of trees. Everyone has to plant a tree every year.

SINSULL, Max doesn't get an office. He just gets to do all the work.


13 Jun 00 - 02:37 PM (#242009)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Political Party
From: MMario

and Max of course gets no official position with the government. or the religion

13 Jun 00 - 02:41 PM (#242013)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Political Party
From: SDShad

Right you are, troll. Ruprecht of Bavaria is the current Stuart claimant. A king without a kingdom, an elector without an Empire, poor fellow. Brain fart on my part not to remember him. Maybe he's looking for work....

And Meebo--wouldn't there be a place for Brian May in your self-styled ministry? Special Undersecretary for Homebuilt Electric Guitars, maybe?


13 Jun 00 - 04:00 PM (#242042)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Political Party
From: SeanM

Yes! There are two of us!

We're now an Authentic Enlightened Opposition!

And Max, c'mon over to our side! We'll let you take any position you want, and we promise to keep Cleigh and the boys away while you're in it. We're all just angling for meaningless sinecures anyway.

You'll probably still get stuck doing all the work though.



13 Jun 00 - 04:02 PM (#242044)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Political Party
From: DougR

Yep, Bert, I'm one of those guys. We don't like taxes though, remember? We is the guys that wants to cut taxes. The other guys don't want to cut taxes because they then wouldn't have the money to fiance un-needed federal programs (that ought to get some kind of response). :>)


13 Jun 00 - 04:45 PM (#242055)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Political Party
From: Bert

Ah of course I remember now, 'No new taxes'! I guess at least he paid 'lip service' to that policy;-)


13 Jun 00 - 05:51 PM (#242070)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Political Party
From: Mbo

Ok SD, I'll double as head of The Brian May Homemade Ax Craft Guild....but Sins...are you actuallt serious about ME running against Mick as the Head of the Sacred Fertility Rite? Hmmm....let me think...


13 Jun 00 - 06:10 PM (#242074)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Political Party
From: kendall

name some of those "Unneed government programs"

14 Jun 00 - 01:07 AM (#242212)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Political Party
From: BlueJay

About half of the positions listed in this thread! Let's not get too carried away, or we'll have to put the tax back on beer. I'd suggest DougR as Secretary of the Treasury, (assuming there is one), and Kendall as Secretary of Human Services. I also think it should be in our Constitution that any Mudcatter wishing to serve in the Congress, Parliament or whatever, should have that right by simply requesting it. That should take care of all these nasty, expensive elections.

14 Jun 00 - 01:38 AM (#242222)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Political Party
From: DougR

Right, Bert, read my lips! :>)

Kendell,up until a few years ago (don't know what the deal is now) the government was still subsidizing makers of buggy whips. I don't Know this for sure, but I am under the impression that the demand for buggy whips isn't what it was at one point in our history, so I see not need to continue supporting the industry with tax payers money. As Secretary of the Treasury, I'd want somebody to look into any other similar programs that might be eliminated so that the tax payers could hold on to more of their hard earned money.

BlueJay I think your idea of allowing Mudcatters who want to serve in the Congress do so merely by requesting it is a super idea! You're right, millions of dollars would be saved. I also agree that Kendall, who has consistently shown himself to be humanitarian in every sense of the word, would make a great Secretary for that department.


14 Jun 00 - 02:00 AM (#242227)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Political Party
From: SeanM

Can we make it a requirement for all congresscatters to wear propeller beanies, loud ties, and hum "Freebird" when not actually performing acts of Guvmmit?

I'd like to have some way to keep track of them, personally.


14 Jun 00 - 02:15 AM (#242232)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Political Party
From: GUEST,Crazy Eddie

I'm beginning to like the sound of this. What do I need to do to get a green card? I can sing fairly well, and listen to music even better, but I can't play an instrument. However, in terms of policy, I'd like to see some changes to the constitution. [1] The right to arm bears, should be replaced with the right to give musical instruments to bears. The bears, for their part would have to promise to stop shitting in the woods, as I understand it is now impossible to walk in the woods for bear-crap. [2] The right to remain silent, should be replaced with the right to whistle, hum, or sing at the slightest provocation. (Yodelling, should need a bit more provocation, but as long as no one minds) [3] Anyone found in possession of a Bodhran is required to have a permit signed by one fiddler, one box-player, two banjo players, or three guitar players. POSSESSION of a bodhran without such permit, to be a misdemenour. Attempting to PLAY the bodhran without such permit, to be a felony. So, do I get in? Eddie :o)

14 Jun 00 - 02:22 AM (#242235)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Political Party
From: BlueJay

Musical instruments don't make bad songs, people make bad songs.

14 Jun 00 - 02:35 AM (#242236)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Political Party
From: Mrrzy

Let the punishment fit the crime. Better yet, make the point of the justice system reparation (to the victim or their survivors) rather than punishment (of the perpatrator). Not an eye for an eye unless a transplant would work and you did it on purpose and with malice aforethought, quoi.
Y'all also remind me of a Québecquois song about an "habitant" locked up by 2"zélés" (jackbooted, képi-ed thugs?) philosophizing with his dog while walking through his fields, with a young man caught singing out loud en route to a tryst, both for practicing arts without permits. Years later they're released and found to be a wise man and a composer, but when offered honors they run away laughing...great song...

14 Jun 00 - 03:39 AM (#242242)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Political Party
From: Fiddlin' Big Al

Rant begins here. Sounds like we're all wannabe featherbeddin' petty dictators at heart. We'd all, being very human, succumb to the garden variety temptations of public office, power and position and end up looking and acting just like the usual suspects we all despise. As musicians, balladeers and broadsiders our real political power is in poking holes in the pompous, deflating the inflated and telling truth to and about the powers that be, even if they be us. I've been involved in politics for the past 15 years, first in my AFM local and as delegate to several Musicians Union conventions, later as a town council person in the little village (pop. 450 or so)I live and work in. Got involved to bring back fairness to the way the town was being run - to protect myself and others from being pushed around by petty officials and selectively enforced local ordinances. So far prevailing. Supporting others like minded for county government positions. It's not easy speaking up. Makes you a target. At this lower end of the political system the same human flaws appear. People try to use government to "get" others they don't like, or for personal gain. Truth twists just as easily in union hall or city hall as in the Oval Office or 10 Downing Street or wherever. We need Tom Lehrers, Mark Russells, Bob Marleys etc., to keep poking and irritating the politicians into thinking and caring and mostly just leaving the rest of us the hell alone. Rant terminates here.

14 Jun 00 - 03:58 AM (#242245)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Political Party
From: Brendy

"And every man a King"

14 Jun 00 - 03:59 AM (#242246)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Political Party
From: MudGuard

I think in Mudland we should use Marxism or Communityism as our political system!
MudGuard (who is not offended by kgh ;-) )

14 Jun 00 - 09:02 AM (#242288)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Political Party
From: kendall

Doug, a few years ago, there was another round of base closings to pare down the military budget. One of those forts was built in the 19th century to protect settlers from indians. Our congressman, Tom Andrews, a Democrat, voted to close that group of un needed bases. He was crucified in the next election. Why? because we had one of those useless bases right here in Maine. He was scheduled to appear on 60 minutes to talk about his decision, and the National Republican Committee pressured 60 minutes to drop it. Guess what? he lost the election to a republican. So much for fiscal responsibility.

14 Jun 00 - 09:26 AM (#242296)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Political Party
From: Mooh

Will I be free to (bow)hunt and gather? If so, I'm in.

No taxes on food (including beer, not just for breakfast you know), art, books, clothes, music, tools and instruments, shelter or pollution free transportation. Taxes on cancerous agents, except beer, fuel which pollutes and ...

Free education and health care.

Community gardens. Tree planting schemes. Bicycles.

No handguns or recreational shooting.

Peace, love and happiness. Mooh.

P.S. Can I be King for a day?

14 Jun 00 - 09:32 AM (#242299)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Political Party
From: Big Mick

Big Al,

Take a breath.

Big Mick

14 Jun 00 - 10:10 AM (#242307)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Political Party
From: TerriM

I think you've just invented Maxism..." From each, according to his ability to post, from each according to his ability to read"

14 Jun 00 - 01:01 PM (#242352)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Political Party
From: DougR

Kendall: Wow! I never dreamed The Republican National Committee had that kind of clout! I think it was a shame that the fort built in the 19th Century had to be done away with. That is a piece of history that should have been preserved.

As to other base closings, if we don't need 'em, why keep them open? I know it requires that a lot of people find work elsewhere, but, in my opinon, it is not the federal government's responsibility to provide people with jobs if there is no need for those jobs. You probably don't agree, but then you are a Liberal and I'm a Conservative so what else is new? :>)


14 Jun 00 - 02:14 PM (#242387)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Political Party

Big Mick was napping on the job. No doubt he has the experience but we are just as concerned about his energy level. Someone has to ensure that certain members of this community are not allowed to procreate freely.

Please send all comments on birth control and abortion to another thread. Mbo is too busy to deal with them.

14 Jun 00 - 02:21 PM (#242392)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Political Party
From: kendall

On this we DO agree. I am dead set against government jobs disguised as defense. Tom didnt vote to close just that old fort, but, for the closing of half a dozen useless bases. The reason 60 minutes knuckled under was that the RNC insisted that to show that segment would give the democrat an unfair advantage . CBS news is not owned by democrats.

14 Jun 00 - 05:58 PM (#242519)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Political Party
From: Fiddlin' Big Al

Mick ... okay. Almost passed out from that last one. pax.

14 Jun 00 - 08:10 PM (#242580)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Political Party
From: DougR

kendall: Yes, I understood the Congressman's vote was not to just close that one.

I guess your Congressman experienced a problem encountered by most politicians during election season. The Networks are so afraid they are going to have to give time to the other side. Too bad he wasn't allowed to appear on the program.


14 Jun 00 - 09:03 PM (#242603)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Political Party
From: kendall

we agree again..better watch it lol

14 Jun 00 - 09:59 PM (#242622)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Political Party
From: Callie

Mbo and MudChuck the same person? Well, that must make me Dick Gaughin then.

Max doesn't need a position. This is OUR nation, and we will insist that he stay locked up in the computer lab to ensure the Mudcat runs smoothly and creatively at all times. Food on Fridays.

14 Jun 00 - 10:33 PM (#242638)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Political Party
From: SeanM

Callie, as a founding (and only) member of the Enlightened Opposition, I must take issue with Max's enforced "SLAVERY" if I may call it that.

I (and my many nonexistant colleagues) continue to support Max regardless of what position he ensues, and no possum will EVER stop us! The Man is a devil with a gitar, with or without pot in it, and as such is entitled to whatever bodily contortions he wishes to assume.

He'll still probably end up doing all the work, though.


15 Jun 00 - 12:13 AM (#242682)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Political Party
From: Callie

Yeh - you're right. Give him lots of titles and make him feel important and he'll STILL have to do all the work anyway!

I hear the next meeting of the Enlightened Opposition is in the local phone box? Is this correct?

15 Jun 00 - 12:21 AM (#242684)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Political Party
From: DougR

SeanM, Uh, are you attempting to curry a bit of favor with our leader, Max? you expect some type of reward perhaps, like an appointment to some kind of Commission that pays its members huge fees for attending meetings, or maybe even something more rewarding? Looks suspiciously like brown nosing to me.

Kendall, we can't carry this agreeing thing too far. Ok, here goes: I think our new party should have a plank in its platform that requires all high school teachers to be equipped with a Uzi in the classroom. How do you feel about that. :>)


15 Jun 00 - 09:02 AM (#242772)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Political Party

I am for it but only if the gun is loaded. Same should be true for 7-11 owners. SS

15 Jun 00 - 08:09 PM (#243129)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Political Party

Some resolutions for debate, subject to adoption upon receipt of the requisite number of votes:

1. No borders, no nationalism. No "I'm from" somewhere, unless the somewhere is other than planet Earth. Nah, not even then.

2. Freedom from prejudice for Guests, whose posts - irrespective of previous posts - should merit approval or condemnation based on the thought expressed, and not because they're attached to a moniker with which the reader has preconceived notions.

3. Freedom from condemnation, "retribution," or "consequences," as was suggested by one 'Catter, based solely on the act of posting anonymously (see 2 above).

4. Muddy Waters for Secretary of something.

All in favor....All opposed.....

15 Jun 00 - 08:57 PM (#243152)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Political Party
From: kendall

Here is something real for you. This am I attended a demonstration accross the street from DUBBYA, and the news media were there, but not one inch of it was shown on tv. All the news media are owned by republicans. Sure we have freedom of the press, if you can afford to own one!!

15 Jun 00 - 11:21 PM (#243204)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Political Party
From: DougR

Kendall, you are a good soul. I do believe, though, you would have us believe Republicans run the world. It just ain't so, friend. :>)

DougR (A compassionate Republican)

15 Jun 00 - 11:51 PM (#243214)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Political Party
From: SeanM

As the Official Representative of the Enlightened Opposition, I stand firmly on a pattern well established of pandering to all elements, regardless of status. YES we are attempting to curry! The Opposition is firmly in favor of curries, be they chicken, vegetable or even Possum! We're still debating on kimchee, no matter how deep though.

And finally, Our national convention will be held in a suburb of the fine city of censored, population 2. The only phone box we are aware of is the Media Room, still vacant for major network use.

Note that if you fear, respect, or just plain don't want to deal with us anymore, we are willing to join any winning administration for a nominal fee. No really. We just want to win and begin a lifelong career of graft. Thank You.


16 Jun 00 - 12:52 AM (#243232)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Political Party
From: catspaw49

As the drafted nominee of the party, and I want it to be a good one with whiskey in the jar and a jar on every porch, I want to let all know that an integral part of my proposed agenda includes all forms of graft on any conceivable level, since I am not, and the rest of you are about a bubble or two shy of plumb, but since most of us would prefer figs, unless they're in the form of Newtons, like Gingrich, when a bag of Raisinettes is quite superior, virtually none of this is relevant though it may be virtual, if not virtuous.

Now that you have seen the brilliant examples of how I CAN speak the truth, in and after a fashion or style, of which I am amply endowed (or is that genitalia), combined with high caliber gibberish, if not cartridges, I wish to inform my staunch and atletic supporters that I will be working on my platform this weekend as I drive to Atlanta and back. I will design the platform only as its diffcult to drive a van and drive nails at the same time, unless they're into your tires. Upon return I will assemble all the planks and come up with something resembling a deck or patio or possibly a bread custard. In any case, or gigbag if you prefer, I will be hosting a kickoff thread upon my return.

"A Guitar In Every Pot and Pot in Every Guitar"

16 Jun 00 - 02:23 AM (#243244)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Political Party
From: DougR

Onward and upward, Spaw! DougR

16 Jun 00 - 02:26 AM (#243245)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Political Party
From: Lonesome EJ

I would like to officially put my hat on the line, lay my cards on the grindstone, and let everyone know that I am throwing my considerable political weight behind Catspaw. Personally, I'm tired of being lied to by people in leadership whom I don't even know, and am ready to be lied to by someone from whom I know exactly what to expect. When the Colorado Delegation arrives at the Mudcat Nominating Convention, we'll all be wearing the possum hats and paw-print tee shirts that proudly proclaim we support Catspaw- Getting the Weed out of the American Flower Bed, and Back in the Brownies where it Belongs!

16 Jun 00 - 02:16 PM (#243464)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Political Party
From: DougR

I think Catspaw will be a formidable candidate. It occurs to me though, that he might conduct a fiercer campaign if he has some competition. I want some promises! I want to know how the leader of our party will change things! I know he is going to be working on his planks while traveling in Georgia but I think he needs a real challenge for the job too. He is the only announced candidate to date as far as I can see.

Big Mick, you are obviously an experienced campaigner. You should have no difficulty attracting the women's votes from all I've read about you (and you will recall that you learned everything you know about women from me).

Or Kendall, you are a person of good character and and have strong well presented beliefs, how about you?

Why don't you two throw your hats in the ring, and let's make this a real horserace? (or Possom race in Spaw's case)


16 Jun 00 - 05:03 PM (#243510)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Political Party
From: MMario

I would like to ask the candidate(s) if their planks are hand-hewn, and what glue they will be using to assemble their platform? How will this affect the acoustics of the podium and their speeches? And rosewood or mahogany?

17 Jun 00 - 01:44 AM (#243703)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Political Party
From: wysiwyg

One nation, under Max, with liberty and justice for all.

All education systems replaced... Teach through song or personal inquiry.

National policy welcoming UFO's. New songs! New instruments! (But beware the Bodhran Planet!)

Mbo, your graphic arts skills will be badly needed. Think of it. Spaw on the paper money and Cleigh on the coins. Make 'em pretty. You're the only one who can.


17 Jun 00 - 02:14 AM (#243710)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Political Party
From: Peter Kasin

Mudcat campaign slogan: Folk 'em all! Platform: 1. Change the flavor of the Strawberry music festival 2. O'Hare Airport becomes McGrath of Harlow Airport, JFK Airport becomes Mbo Airport. 3. The White House Marine Corps band replaced by Those Darn Accordions. 4. President makes annual trips to Madison, Wisconsin to deliver a state of "The Onion" address. 5. Appoint Sophocleese ambassador to Greece, Barry Finn ambassador to Finland, Shad ambassador to Chad. 6. Move seat of federal govt. to Fiddletown, CA. (yes-there is a Fiddletown, CA) 7. When Congress is in "session," they get free pints.

17 Jun 00 - 08:49 AM (#243745)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Political Party
From: Sapper_RE

I do not give a damn who rules, so long as they are nasty!!! Why? Well, look at Tony Blair for example. He is not just a nice man, he is a VERY nice man. He also knows how nice a man he is and, being a nice man wants the whole country to be nice. Because of this he considers that anyone who disagrees with him is not nice, but nasty. Not only does he consider that nasty people should not be be listened to, he appears to consider that they must be prevented from speaking!!! Look at the way the whole of the parliamentary Labour Party are kept "On Message"!!! No, give me a nasty ruler any day!!! Sapper

18 Jun 00 - 07:59 PM (#244172)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Political Party
From: catspaw49

An official pronouncement of my position will be forthcoming tomorrow.


18 Jun 00 - 08:32 PM (#244181)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Political Party
From: Big Mick

Spaw, not the missionary statement, is it?


18 Jun 00 - 09:18 PM (#244196)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Political Party
From: kendall

Doug, I believe that the republicans did rule the world, and, given the chance, they would again. No, I wont run against spaw, give me someone who I can disagree with..lemme at 'em!!!

19 Jun 00 - 04:27 AM (#244319)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Political Party
From: GUEST,Fedele (from University)

I could be Minister of Health, if you wish.