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I'm lost

22 Jun 00 - 12:05 AM (#245725)
Subject: I'm lost
From: balladeer

Folks. I admit it. I haven't visited the cafe for a long time. Protocol seems to have changed. I cannot seem to get into the collection of current threads. How do I get from here to there? Balladeer

22 Jun 00 - 12:09 AM (#245726)
Subject: RE: I'm lost
From: katlaughing

If you can get to this thread, you are in the current threads, Balladeer. If you need to go back a few days to find something, you can either put a keyword in the filter box and set the age back to as far as you want, or, put keywords in the SuperSearch, both of which are at the top of the threads.

Hope that helps. If you clicked on the thing to start this thread, you were right at the top of the current threads.

Good luck,


22 Jun 00 - 12:11 AM (#245728)
Subject: RE: I'm lost
From: Rick Fielding

Not only that, but I just gave your tuner to Tony Burns. Those fine folk Bill and Allan thought it was mine!


22 Jun 00 - 12:22 AM (#245736)
Subject: RE: I'm lost
From: Crowhugger

When lost, sing.


22 Jun 00 - 12:32 AM (#245743)
Subject: RE: I'm lost
From: Gypsy

You aren't're at the Mudcat. Welcome back!

22 Jun 00 - 12:57 AM (#245753)
Subject: RE: I'm lost
From: ddw

Balladeer — you're not complaining, are you? I love being lost — stay that way most of the time. If you're not, you usually know where you are and/or where you're going, so you can't enjoy all of life's little surprises!

;>)) david

22 Jun 00 - 01:58 AM (#245762)
Subject: RE: I'm lost
From: catspaw49

You can't possibly be lost since you're here, but if you aren't here its because you can't get back here. In which case it might behoove you to go to a local mall, which isn't here, where you'll find an information stand replete with mall map and a big red "X" stating "You Are Here"......but in that case you aren't here either since you're there but if we were there you'd be here when you were there.

Let me know how this works out for you.


22 Jun 00 - 09:04 AM (#245812)
Subject: RE: I'm lost
From: balladeer

Thanks to all for advice ranging from the practical to the downright poetic. And Rick, thanks for giving Tony my tuner, which I hadn't even missed yet. That's because I was so intimidated hearing you play on Sunday, I have placed my guitars in a beautifully decorated, if somewhat dank, closet-cum-crypt until I see if I bounce back. Turns out it was a Mudcat glitch, I guess. I wasn't getting the whole screen, just the "start new thread" bit. I'm going to go try that big-red-X-at-the-mall thing now. Glad to see you all stay up late. Balladeer

22 Jun 00 - 01:23 PM (#245929)
Subject: RE: I'm lost
From: Morticia

Uncle 'Spaw, you know perfectly well if you direct him from the mall, which is where we aren't, he'll wind up in the nearest music shop which is where at least one of us is likely to be, so that was really helpful.....for you:)

22 Jun 00 - 03:28 PM (#246015)
Subject: RE: I'm lost
From: MudGuard

To save you the trouble to go to a shopping mall info stand:

You are X


22 Jun 00 - 03:29 PM (#246016)
Subject: RE: I'm lost
From: MudGuard

Somehow the word "here" got lost.
Second attempt:

You are here X


22 Jun 00 - 03:32 PM (#246019)
Subject: RE: I'm lost
From: MMario

And I thought I was the Red Cross!!

22 Jun 00 - 03:33 PM (#246021)
Subject: RE: I'm lost
From: Bert

Now Mudguard's 'here' is lost or is it Mudguard's lost here or maybe Mudguard's ear is lost.

Dammit YOU tell 'im Spaw, you're better at this than I am.


22 Jun 00 - 03:43 PM (#246031)
Subject: RE: I'm lost

But that's neither here nor there...

22 Jun 00 - 03:46 PM (#246034)
Subject: RE: I'm lost


what joy....i found you!


22 Jun 00 - 03:48 PM (#246035)
Subject: RE: I'm lost
From: kendall

What goes around, comes around.

22 Jun 00 - 03:50 PM (#246036)
Subject: RE: I'm lost
From: GUEST,black walnut

I leave home for one overnight, the boys play with the computer, lose half my address book, change who-knows-what to make things 'better', and now I'm a guest here instead of a member. No personal pages access! Talk about lost...

~black walnut

22 Jun 00 - 03:53 PM (#246037)
Subject: RE: I'm lost
From: MMario

reset your black walnut cookie!

22 Jun 00 - 04:10 PM (#246043)
Subject: RE: I'm lost
From: black walnut

Oh, I know, MM......I was just taking a moment to reflect on my newly discovered lostness, considering the thread subject and all....

~'nut (who thanks her boychild for correcting his mistakes)

22 Jun 00 - 05:32 PM (#246073)
Subject: RE: I'm lost
From: MudGuard

I know it is not my ear that is missing as I am up to my ears in work.

22 Jun 00 - 06:00 PM (#246091)
Subject: RE: I'm lost
From: Bert

Oh it must be Ballad-ear then that's lost.

22 Jun 00 - 06:45 PM (#246106)
Subject: RE: I'm lost
From: catspaw49

Mudguard ol' buddy...I hate to be the one to break this to you, but your "X" is broke. I did just what I was supposed to and stood up and everything, but when I did it, I was the only one in the vicinity and I didn't see you walkin' around nowhere. Obviously you weren't here so I assumed you must be elsewhere, possibly there. Problem was, I didn't see nobody else here either and I figured I would since everybody was commenting and all. But either they were here before and are now there or they too could be elsewhere, but where I have no idea, or they could be here later even though they are elsewhere at the moment and haven't actually been either here or there. I worked on this standing at the "X" thing for a long time and when I was still the only one here and all others were either there or elsewhere, I realized that the situation may be that your "X" is broke or needs to be placed there or elsewhere and not here.


22 Jun 00 - 06:47 PM (#246108)
Subject: RE: I'm lost
From: Mbo

Ha! Me at dream will have come true by then...

22 Jun 00 - 06:52 PM (#246112)
Subject: RE: I'm lost
From: catspaw49

Nice post Meebo....Its on the wrong friggin' thread, but its a nice post. And as it doesn't belong here, but there, this assures me that MG's "X" is indeed broke.


22 Jun 00 - 06:54 PM (#246113)
Subject: RE: I'm lost
From: Bradypus

No, you're not here, and I can prove it.

You're not at the North Pole, are you? You'd know if you were at the North Pole, there would be snow, and night wouldn't come, and you'd be nervy about polar bears.

And you're not at the South Pole, are you? You'd know if you were at the South Pole, it would be just like the North Pole, except it would be night time, and there wouldn't be any polar bears - you get the idea.

So, if you're not at the North Pole, and you're not at the South Pole, you must be someplace else.

And if you're someplace else, you can't be here!

Bradypus (the old ones are the best, sometimes)

22 Jun 00 - 06:59 PM (#246116)
Subject: RE: I'm lost
From: Sorcha

If he has lost the X does this mean he is Y? Or was he XXY to begin with? Are we there yet? This must be here, because there isn't anywhere near here that looks like here.

22 Jun 00 - 07:07 PM (#246123)
Subject: RE: I'm lost
From: catspaw49

Sorch Darlin'....You can't be here, because I'm here and you're not or.................



22 Jun 00 - 07:13 PM (#246125)
Subject: RE: I'm lost
From: Mbo

Spaw, there's nothing wrong with the X. You must be using Netscape.

22 Jun 00 - 07:51 PM (#246133)
Subject: RE: I'm lost
From: simon-pierre

I know where I was... then that man named 'spaw told me that the X wasn't the X... then he started to speak about here and there and elsewhere and everything turned and faded and the place where I was wasn't there anymore and he left screaming to a man named Mudgard who was bringing that X where I was supposed to be... There must be an exit... HEY Mudgard, is there an exit?

22 Jun 00 - 07:58 PM (#246137)
Subject: RE: I'm lost
From: Sorcha

Simon-Pierre: and you say your English is not good? And you got that? Your English is JUST FINE, my friend! There is no way I could have gotten the point (if there is one) in any language other than English!! Tres bien!

22 Jun 00 - 08:10 PM (#246140)
Subject: RE: I'm lost
From: WyoWoman

And I, meanwhile, am just standing here right in the middle of this big ol'


waiting for someone to bring me a black walnut cookie. I don't care if it's reset or not. Just set it down here.


22 Jun 00 - 08:12 PM (#246141)
Subject: RE: I'm lost
From: katlaughing

Excellent, Simon-Pierre!

Now one way I know that X is broken is Spaw is never there, or even here, whenever I go to call him. I have been out there in the garden, with the faeries, spreading litter, without his help because he is never there when I am here or there when I am not. Then, I find he has been elsewhere so long at the other place that Mbo has become middle-aged, only, only in that other somewhere, which he is not here, middle-aged, I mean, but not here, only there and elsewhere I don't know what he is, but not here.

22 Jun 00 - 08:19 PM (#246145)
Subject: RE: I'm lost
From: simon-pierre

...keep hoping WW... even here... beside that X... in the middle of nowhere... they sent me good marks for my engligh... will you share your cookie... it might be long...

22 Jun 00 - 08:29 PM (#246151)
Subject: RE: I'm lost
From: catspaw49

That's my point exactly katmyluv!!!! I was here and you were elsewhere, possibly there but not by any means here and simon-pierre is not here either so he's elsewhere since you state he is not there and when I was there simon wasn't there either and must have been here or elsewhere. When I returned here I figured WyoWoman must have been here since there were cookie crumbs all over the place, but when I went to the "X" she wasn't there nor was she here and may have gone elsewhere with Sorcha.


22 Jun 00 - 08:35 PM (#246160)
Subject: RE: I'm lost
From: katlaughing

And, Spawdarlin' just keeps on a roll, neither here nor there, always elsewhere, when no one else is anywhere, all the while spreading it around and making sure he is somewhere else, when no one else is, 'cause they're all over there, except for those who've morphed to there, and scooted across to the other place which is behind and across from the ole X which is never here when I am, nor it is over there!

(Your philosophy degree serves you well, Spawmyluv, at least here, it does, but probably not worth shit over there and ya know what it gets you in that golden arches place which isn't to be found here, but always somwhere else.)

22 Jun 00 - 08:43 PM (#246166)
Subject: RE: I'm lost
From: Mbo

You guys make me wish I was someplace else

22 Jun 00 - 08:43 PM (#246167)
Subject: RE: I'm lost
From: WyoWoman

Well, Simon-Pierre, if it's Catspaw's cookie, I don't think it would the THAT long... but having been raised right, I always share my treats.

And anyway, I'm wondering if it might be more likely that Spaw is over here


holding his cookie.


22 Jun 00 - 08:48 PM (#246170)
Subject: RE: I'm lost
From: black walnut

i'm lost.

~black walnut

22 Jun 00 - 08:52 PM (#246173)
Subject: RE: I'm lost
From: catspaw49

You can't be lost 'nut since you have the cookie....simple as that.


23 Jun 00 - 12:54 AM (#246306)
Subject: RE: I'm lost
From: ddw

Wyo — how can you say 'Spaw is somewhere holding his cookie? I know for a fact 'Spaw tosses his cookies every time Neil Young comes on the radio and where he lives they play Neil Young a lot!

23 Jun 00 - 12:58 AM (#246310)
Subject: RE: I'm lost
From: Sorcha

I just have two small questions--what planet is spaw from?
Where do I find black walnut cookies?
Sork the Dork who is hoplessly lost at (middle) C

23 Jun 00 - 01:01 AM (#246315)
Subject: RE: I'm lost
From: Mbo

Reminds me of a Peanuts comic the other day. Snoopy gets lost in the woods one day...When Chuck finds him he asks how he could have got lost when he had a compass. Snoopy said "I though the 'N' stood for 'nowhere'...."


23 Jun 00 - 01:38 AM (#246344)
Subject: RE: I'm lost
From: Helen

Maybe someone could crumble the cookie and make a trail from nowhere to here, and then we could all follow the trail and be in the same place at once.

Nope, it'll never work. There is a possum following on behind, eating all the cookie crumbs.


23 Jun 00 - 02:34 AM (#246372)
Subject: RE: I'm lost
From: JennieG

I don't get lost - but sometimes I get slightly disoriented........JennieG

23 Jun 00 - 05:09 AM (#246397)
Subject: RE: I'm lost
From: Sailor Dan

I did it, I did it, I saw the X and I wasn't there but I was here, so I went to the X and found I wasn't here I was there, I read the thread and it wasn't here it was there and the hell with this I just poured a Vodka and tonic because it was here and I was there and now it isnt there its here and ..............................

23 Jun 00 - 05:25 AM (#246400)
Subject: RE: I'm lost
From: Morticia

Nurse! The screens! My head hurts.....I think Uncle 'Spaw and the rest of you are overdue a little visit to the NYCFTS.....I'll just trot along and ensure a plentiful supply of those nice white jackets...RTS, where are you?Emergency, mate!

23 Jun 00 - 07:37 AM (#246425)
Subject: RE: I'm lost

Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere....

23 Jun 00 - 08:34 AM (#246459)
Subject: RE: I'm lost
From: balladeer

So I went to the mall. I found shoes, jewellery, and crossword-puzzle books, but nary a mudcatter (although I'm not sure I would know what a spaw looks like) and not a trace of the Mudcat Cafe. Now that I'm home (and broke) I have found the thread and a lot of folks who seem to be lost but are actually talking themselves into a deeper state of foundness. What I really want to know is -- how do you create that big red X? Balladeer

23 Jun 00 - 08:44 AM (#246463)
Subject: RE: I'm lost

And to bring this back to music: "He's a real Nowhere Man
Sitting in his nowhere land
Making all his nowhere plans for nobody.
Who is Somewhere.

23 Jun 00 - 08:57 AM (#246469)
Subject: RE: I'm lost
From: Mbo

I'm a thousand miles from nowhere...and time don't matter to me....

23 Jun 00 - 09:14 AM (#246475)
Subject: RE: I'm lost
From: GUEST,Roger the skiffler

I thought I was crazy until I discovered Mudcat. Now I find I seem quite normal.
I'm doing triage, Morty-baby, the worst cases now go to the House of the Setting Sun, the rest to the NYCFTTS.

23 Jun 00 - 09:23 AM (#246477)
Subject: RE: I'm lost
From: MudGuard

Spaw, you are right, there is something wrong with the X. In reality it is an U.

23 Jun 00 - 10:13 AM (#246501)
Subject: RE: I'm lost
From: L R Mole

I once was lost. But now I'm followed by all these bagpipers.Amazing. Say goodnight, Grace.

23 Jun 00 - 10:25 AM (#246509)
Subject: RE: I'm lost
From: Mbo

I'm just a rambler from the city. Can you help me? I'm lost and I'm new here...

23 Jun 00 - 11:53 AM (#246555)
Subject: RE: I'm lost
From: Bert

Here's how to make the X.

< font color="blue" size=7 face="Arial" > X < /font >

23 Jun 00 - 12:33 PM (#246575)
Subject: RE: I'm lost
From: WyoWoman

House of the Setting Sun! I absolutely love it. This is getting good....

Only, re. those directions up there. If you want to do a RED X, you'd write "red" instead of blue.

And the secret to finding out how to do some of this stuff is to go up to your toolbar, click "view," click "source" and then see what the code is before whatever element you want to copy. (Might be a good idea to practice first, sort of like a new guitar riff, before you try it out on company.) But if you check the HTML practice thread, there are plenty of cool tricks to play with.

Yrz in HTML, WW

now, following my own advice, let's see if that worked...

23 Jun 00 - 02:07 PM (#246632)
Subject: RE: I'm lost


23 Jun 00 - 02:09 PM (#246633)
Subject: RE: I'm lost

When I am old I will wear purple.

I spent $2000 on a course in HTML and needed Bert to show me how to make a purple X. Pathetic.

23 Jun 00 - 04:25 PM (#246683)
Subject: RE: I'm lost
From: Noreen

Lovely poem, Sinsull. It makes me cry.

And if MudGuard sees that, WyoWoman, you 'll wish you were lost!!


24 Jun 00 - 10:26 AM (#246949)
Subject: RE: I'm lost
From: MudGuard

Noreen, how did you know ? ;-)