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BS: Any interesting mutations?

26 Jun 00 - 09:21 PM (#247419)
Subject: Any interesting mutations?
From: Mrrzy

Well, I always knew I had a split uvula (look it up, O ye dirty-minded ones), but I just found out that one of my feet apparently doesn't belong, quite, to a human. It has an "atavistic" (their term, not mine!) formation that makes it think it ought, well, to have a thumb, and prehensile, to boot. I am vastly entertained by this, but it started me wondering how frequent these kinds of somewhere-else-on-the-normal-curve formations are? I'm not counting things that get diagnosed, like cleft palate or webbed fingers, but the strange little oddities that don't really get in the way, they just, well, aren't quite right...

And feel free to post anonymously if you don't feel like telling... let us guess who has the hairy eyeballs!

26 Jun 00 - 09:36 PM (#247430)
Subject: RE: BS: Any interesting mutations?
From: kendall

It is rumored that Ann Bolyn had three boobs. Anyone know?

26 Jun 00 - 09:37 PM (#247431)
Subject: RE: BS: Any interesting mutations?
From: Sorcha

Could your splt uvula possibly be the reason you lost custody? ( Sorry, Mrz, I know the custody thing is not funny, but I just couldn't resist, and there has to be some humor in a bad situation, somewhere. And, I do know what an uvula is) For those of you who maybe don't, think: Deep Throat.

26 Jun 00 - 09:42 PM (#247433)
Subject: RE: BS: Any interesting mutations?
From: Mbo

I have a weak muscle in my right eye that causes it to float, thus giving people a rather disconcerted feeling as one eyes looks at them while the other is looking off to the right and up at the ceiling.

26 Jun 00 - 09:43 PM (#247434)
Subject: RE: BS: Any interesting mutations?
From: GUEST,The Happy Hammer

uvula: A small pendant fleshy lobe at the back of the soft palate.

I have a perforated penis, but luckily my girlfriend is a tin whistle player.

26 Jun 00 - 09:44 PM (#247435)
Subject: RE: BS: Any interesting mutations?
From: GUEST,The Happy Hammer

When you cry, do the tears run down your back?

26 Jun 00 - 09:57 PM (#247442)
Subject: RE: BS: Any interesting mutations?
From: Jon Freeman

Mbo, just found your perfect match here


26 Jun 00 - 10:09 PM (#247448)
Subject: RE: BS: Any interesting mutations?
From: Ebbie

I once knew a brother and sister who both had another set of breasts below the 'proper' ones. Her second set was smaller than her upper ones; his second set was a little puffy.


26 Jun 00 - 10:12 PM (#247450)
Subject: RE: BS: Any interesting mutations?
From: GUEST,The Happy Hammer

I can also lick my eyebrows.

26 Jun 00 - 10:35 PM (#247456)
Subject: RE: BS: Any interesting mutations?
From: Chocolate Pi

Anne Boleyn had a sixth finger on one hand, a mutation that is fairly common over large populations. Along with a number of moles which she had special jewelry designed to cover, the extra finger provided fodder to the claims of witchcraft against her.

Chocolate Pi (who played Anne Boleyn with her head tucked underneath her arm for Halloween one year)

26 Jun 00 - 10:44 PM (#247459)
Subject: RE: BS: Any interesting mutations?
From: Sorcha

If the sixth finger is operational, it is a great help to harpers..........don't know about perforated penises. Never met one...

26 Jun 00 - 10:54 PM (#247462)
Subject: RE: BS: Any interesting mutations?
From: Bill D

I had an Aunt who had a Cedar chest. (My uncle had only a wooden leg)

26 Jun 00 - 11:12 PM (#247470)
Subject: RE: BS: Any interesting mutations?
From: Little Neophyte

I have hyper-mobility in my joints. It means I am really flexible. I guess I could work in a circus as a contortionist but I settle for showing off at the gym when I stretch.......'My that girl is flexible'


26 Jun 00 - 11:27 PM (#247479)
Subject: RE: BS: Any interesting mutations?
From: GUEST,The Happy Hammer

But are you an interesting mutation Banjo Bonnie?

26 Jun 00 - 11:35 PM (#247485)
Subject: RE: BS: Any interesting mutations?
From: Sorcha

Bonnie, that one gets even more fun as you get older. I am almost 49, and can still do stuff that the youngies can't do, like put my hands flat on the floor w/o bending my knees. Actually, my arms will go almost half way to my elbows when doing toe touches. Oh well, we all need a claim to fame. And both thumbs will double joint,backwards, but that has never done me a bit of good.

26 Jun 00 - 11:38 PM (#247489)
Subject: RE: BS: Any interesting mutations?
From: GUEST,The Happy Hammer

You've heard, of course, about the one armed fiddler?

26 Jun 00 - 11:45 PM (#247494)
Subject: RE: BS: Any interesting mutations?
From: Little Neophyte

Happy Hammer, why I think Sorcha and I are interesting mutations. For instants, musically it makes it much easier for me to do difficult chord positionings.
Why I can do a difficult chord position while doing the spits.
Do you also find this with you too Sorcha?

Bendable Bonnie

26 Jun 00 - 11:52 PM (#247496)
Subject: RE: BS: Any interesting mutations?
From: GUEST,The Happy Hammer

Adds new meaning to the term 'interactive music'

27 Jun 00 - 09:50 AM (#247685)
Subject: RE: BS: Any interesting mutations?
From: alison

I have long toes.. does that count?.. and I can touch my nose with my tongue..... if you can really lick your eyebrows happy hammer..... you'll be a popular man......

but I have have nursed people with extra breasts and nipples, and seen penises (penii?) with holes in odd places....

the oddest ones I ever saw was a baby with double big toes on both feet.... they weren't actually separated so they formed a heart shape...... I had done the baby check and was turning round to tell the mum, (not knowing how to say it) and she said "he's got heart shaped toes like all the other's hasn't he?"

turned out that she and all the other children had the same strange toes....



27 Jun 00 - 11:09 AM (#247739)
Subject: RE: BS: Any interesting mutations?
From: GUEST,Mrr

All I want to know is, Sorcha, when you aren't touching your toes, where do your arms end? (*BG*) I refer to your comment that "Actually, my arms will go almost half way to my elbows when doing toe touches" - MY arms go past MY elbows no matter what I'm touching! This must be VERY interesting!
And I love the heart-shaped toes comment.

And while I haven't heard about the one-armed fiddler, I did hear the one about the one-legged no-armed three-eyed hitchhiker in Australia. When someone finally pulled over, the ride was offered with an Ay ay ay, you look 'armless! Hop in!

27 Jun 00 - 11:14 AM (#247745)
Subject: RE: BS: Any interesting mutations?
From: Bagpuss

I can make a clover leaf shape with my tongue (apparently its a rare genetic trait), and I can also move each eyebrow independently of the other - in time to music! It makes a great party trick!


27 Jun 00 - 11:17 AM (#247747)
Subject: RE: BS: Any interesting mutations?
From: alison

.... and when bagpuss wakes up.......

(nice childhood memory coming back.......)



27 Jun 00 - 11:23 AM (#247752)
Subject: RE: BS: Any interesting mutations?
From: Bagpuss

Alison - I touched the original Bagpuss last week and had my photo taken with him. And I know the woman who did the voice for Madeleine the ragdoll (Sandra Kerr) - I used to be in a folk choir she ran.


27 Jun 00 - 11:28 AM (#247756)
Subject: RE: BS: Any interesting mutations?
From: alison

hahaha.. small world.. I have a real audio of it somewhere that Jon Freeman found... I saw Bagpuss (in a glass case) in the Ulster Museum (Belfast) when I was about 8......

"Once upon a time, not so long ago, there lived a little girl and her name was Emily........"



27 Jun 00 - 11:35 AM (#247763)
Subject: RE: BS: Any interesting mutations?
From: alison

for those of you who have no idea what we're talking about click on the stripey cat



27 Jun 00 - 11:43 AM (#247768)
Subject: RE: BS: Any interesting mutations?
From: Bill D

....alison, I can also touch my nose with the tip of my tongue.(working on the eyebrow trick..*grin*)I can also vibrate my eyes rapidly back & forth..drives people carzy!

Bonnie...when I was younger..(oh, 35-40 years younger)..I could sit in lotus posture--then, since I was thin, there was a space in the bend of each knee, where I could insert my arms THROUGH the locked knees, bend them around my shins, bend over and lock my hands behind my head!..I did not have the natural flexibility you speak of, but when I was doing Yoga back then, I surprised even myself..

...about the 3-leaf clover with the tongue..saw an article in a magazine many years ago about that...said there were 4 tricks

1) the clover thing
2) folding the tip of the tongue straight back
3) making a tube of the length of the tongue
4) turning the front half of it upside down, like 1/2 a Moebius strip

they said no one had ever been found who could do all one of my high school friends immediately did them..

27 Jun 00 - 11:46 AM (#247770)
Subject: RE: BS: Any interesting mutations?
From: alison

I can do 2, 3 & 4.... hahahaha



27 Jun 00 - 11:49 AM (#247773)
Subject: RE: BS: Any interesting mutations?
From: Bagpuss

Thanks Alison!

That was one site I didn't know about - and I know about most of the main kids tv sites out there.

Bagpuss (but Emily loved him)

27 Jun 00 - 11:53 AM (#247777)
Subject: RE: BS: Any interesting mutations?
From: Bagpuss

I can do 1,3,2 (not very well) and 4 only with the help of my teeth!

Bagpuss (baggy and a bit loose at the seams)

27 Jun 00 - 02:19 PM (#247880)
Subject: RE: BS: Any interesting mutations?
From: Homeless

I can do 2, 3, & 4 (both directions), move each eyebrow independently, bend my index fingers at only the first joint, move my little toe independently of the others, roll my stomach, flare my nostrils, pick up a chair with my shoulderblades, and move my eyelids in towards my nose. On top of that, I was born without eye teeth. Unfortunately, none of this helps with music.

27 Jun 00 - 02:31 PM (#247894)
Subject: RE: BS: Any interesting mutations?
From: Mbo

Homeless, I can bend the index finger on my left hand at the first joint as well, and it seems to give me some special skill (don't ask why) at playing barre chords. Do flat feet count as a mutation? It's so bad that my ankles roll over and almost touch the ground. That's why I wear only high top sneakers & basketball shoes, because I need the support, either that or I'd fall over.


27 Jun 00 - 02:42 PM (#247904)
Subject: RE: BS: Any interesting mutations?
From: Bert

You're all WEIRD!!! Now ME, I'm PERFECT!!!


27 Jun 00 - 02:55 PM (#247919)
Subject: RE: BS: Any interesting mutations?
From: Morticia

Thank you for the link Alison, I love(d) that programme. " and the mice on the mouse organ went 'heave, heave'" I once attended a voice workshop given by Nancy Kerr, Sandra's daughter...fab voice.

27 Jun 00 - 03:07 PM (#247932)
Subject: RE: BS: Any interesting mutations?
From: GUEST,Mrr

Will have to investigate the tongue thing. Only one of my sisters can roll hers over, but we can all do the tube thing. We think the cousins who can't (and the boys of whom are also colorblind) are mutants and we are normal. The sister who can roll her tongue over also spent YEARS -really - in front of the mirror practising raising one eyebrow like Dr. McCoy or Mr. Spock, so now she can, but I don't count it as a mutation as it took so much work.

Also, homeless, after I see you pick up a chair with your shoulder blades, I'll show you something. Haven't figured out what, yet... Mbo, looked into Marfan's Sydrome? Are you also tall and dark?

My mom was born with no wisdom teeth (which means none ever grew in, as I assume you meant about your eyeteeth), and her dentist told her she was one step up on the evolutionary scale. One of my sisters had 3, not 4. Also after Mom's tonsils were taken out, ONE GREW BACK.

27 Jun 00 - 03:17 PM (#247947)
Subject: RE: BS: Any interesting mutations?
From: Clinton Hammond2

I can wiggle my ears... Both together or 1 at a time... that's no so common anymore... and I have red hair... a trait that will likely be gone completly by the next century... Except now that human DNA has been mapped, maybe not eh...

Where's the Mudcat raving aobut THAT little tid-bit of news eh???



27 Jun 00 - 03:19 PM (#247951)
Subject: RE: BS: Any interesting mutations?
From: Bagpuss

Homeless, I also have no eye teeth, but thats because I had to have them removed. Everyone laughs when I tell them its because my mouth was too small.

Bagpuss (heave, heave)

27 Jun 00 - 04:01 PM (#247990)
Subject: RE: BS: Any interesting mutations?
From: Mbo

No, I'm sure I don't have Marfan's Syndrome! That's what Abraham Lincoln had. Hmmm, I'm not tall and dark, actually I'm short (5'8") and red-headed.


27 Jun 00 - 04:25 PM (#247999)
Subject: RE: BS: Any interesting mutations?
From: Llanfair

I can move my little fingers independently, which requires a muscle that only 10% of the population have.
I'm 6ft 1in tall and have an android (male) pelvis. The obstetrician told me this AFTER he told me that the baby I was attempting to give birth to was rather large.
He was born normally, and weighed in at 10lb 3oz.
Mutant enough? Hwyl, Bron.

27 Jun 00 - 05:29 PM (#248047)
Subject: RE: BS: Any interesting mutations?
From: Jeri

Well, I can do tongue tricks #3 and #4 - probably # 2, but I'm not sure what exactly what it is. I can wiggle my ears - can't everyone?

True story: I had a boss who had a lazy eye and a habit of getting people's wandering attention by pointing to his non-lazy eye and saying "the left one." One day, he was giving a class for people in our office, and when he assumed one person was gazing off into space, looked at her and said "the left eye". Quick as a wink (so to speak) she looked back and pointed to her right eye, saying "no, doc - the right one." Seems she had a lazy eye too. I can intentionally make my eyes do that, and can keep one in the same place while moving the other around in a circle. I freaked out an optometrist once, who thought I had independent eye function. I learned how to do it, and I'm not sure if it's a unique ability, or whether almost anyone could do it.

27 Jun 00 - 05:49 PM (#248066)
Subject: RE: BS: Any interesting mutations?
From: Kim C

The thumb on my left hand bends funny. I guess you could say it's double-jointed where it joins my hand? I have had to work around it some in fiddle playing, especially when Teacher was showing me how to do vibrato. I can put my hand palm-down on the table and lift my ring fingers independently------ some people can't and I haven't always been able to.

Also, I understand that only 1 in 35 people are physically able to yodel. I can do that, too.

27 Jun 00 - 05:56 PM (#248075)
Subject: RE: BS: Any interesting mutations?
From: Mbo

I can do the thing with lifting the ring fingers separately, and moving the pinky independant of the other fingers. My mom has a "hitchhiker's thumb" where her thumb bends back reaaaally far. I can also sit down and double my back over, so I can lay my head on the floor, and If I turn me head, I can lay the side of it on the floor. All that, and it's quite comfortable. My family thinks I'm weird because I've been known to sleep in such a position.


27 Jun 00 - 06:08 PM (#248098)
Subject: RE: BS: Any interesting mutations?
From: Little Neophyte

Well Bill D, you know what you could do now?
Have you ever seen the act where the guy dresses up as a swami, has his legs under the stage, or tucked away somehow so no one can see them. Then he uses fake (stuffed) legs to do all kinds of great tricks like wrapping his legs around his head.
It's pretty funny


27 Jun 00 - 09:27 PM (#248211)
Subject: RE: BS: Any interesting mutations?
From: Ebbie

This is a funny thread- reminds me of third grade! I can do 2,3,4- I don't know what 1 is?

Some time ago, I discovered accidentally that my left hand fingers are very flexible- from guitar playing, no doubt, as the right hand is not. I can readily see 'Magic Eye'; can you?


28 Jun 00 - 06:43 AM (#248381)
Subject: RE: BS: Any interesting mutations?
From: Patrish(inactive)

I can hold a large digestive biscuit in my mouth and bottom lip without breaking it and then I fold it into my mouth, eat it and hope that the telephone does not ring!

28 Jun 00 - 06:58 AM (#248384)
Subject: RE: BS: Any interesting mutations?
From: GUEST,Roger the skiffler

Seems to me if the aliens ever landed looking for specimens to take home they'd be told: "No Mudcatters, please (especially kazoo players)."
RtS ( my abnormalities are all psychological,social or caused by over-indulgence)

28 Jun 00 - 06:20 PM (#248768)
Subject: RE: BS: Any interesting mutations?
From: Liz the Squeak

I can pick up paperclips with my toes (they hate it when I do that at work.....) and I can spread them too. The finger things (moving ring fingers and pinkies) is good excercise for pianists, so what my excuse it I don't know. I can do the independant eyebrow thing as well, and I have a 3rd cousin twice removed who has an extra thumb growing from the joint of his original thumb.....

Re; Bagpuss - the chap who recorded a lot of the fiddle playing, plays at our regular Thursday sessions which have just been moved from the Spotted Dog, Forest Gate. He says they did it on a Phillips tape recorder in his front room - so much for technology!!


29 Jun 00 - 05:58 AM (#249043)
Subject: RE: BS: Any interesting mutations?
From: Bagpuss

LTS - would that be John Faulkner - AKA Gabriel the Toad?


29 Jun 00 - 12:56 PM (#249257)
Subject: RE: BS: Any interesting mutations?
From: GUEST,Mrr

This is fun. Everyone knows the trick where you bend your thumb in half and press it against the other half of the other thumb, hiding the "join" with your index finger, and then "break" your thumb in half? Well, I can't do it because I cannot bend my thumb without also bending my index finger. I can, however, pick up my ring finger without the others.

29 Jun 00 - 03:45 PM (#249376)
Subject: RE: BS: Any interesting mutations?
From: Jed at Work

my wife tells me I lean to the right ... not sure if that's a mutation, though

29 Jun 00 - 03:52 PM (#249382)
Subject: RE: BS: Any interesting mutations?
From: Jed at Work

... but it does make for more careful 'aiming' to avoid the odd splash or two

29 Jun 00 - 05:20 PM (#249448)
Subject: RE: BS: Any interesting mutations?
From: Mrrzy

I have an urge to ask, is it a lean or a bend? Just curious, I knew a guy once whose took an almost right-angle turn to one side about 2/3 down (it went away when turgid. The bend, that is). Of course, I will try to stifle this urge.

30 Jun 00 - 02:31 AM (#249656)
Subject: RE: BS: Any interesting mutations?
From: Liz the Squeak

OOoooh, I know someone who is (according to his partner) the opposite - nice and straight when flaccid (what a lovely word) and bendy when not...... maybe they should get together to compare degrees....

OK I got it wrong, the Bagpuss music was recorded in Terry Yarnell's house, and he plays fiddle, just not credited on Bagpuss.....


30 Jun 00 - 10:08 AM (#249736)
Subject: RE: BS: Any interesting mutations?
From: L R Mole

I can do the Elvis sneer (another atavism, I think) but only with the right side of my upper lip. Thankya.