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HELP! I tink im an addict...

21 Jul 97 - 11:24 AM (#9139)
Subject: HELP! I tink im an addict...
From: Laoise, Belfast

I would like to share something I tink i have in common with a few of you out there.

I AM AN MUDCAT/INTERNET ADDICT. (Please note I am not just shouting!)

The First time i realised this was when one of my non-internet-friendly friends pointed out the huge tower of paper that was mounting in my room. She said "I think you need help".

My PC at home isn't linked (yet!) and I am therefore on-line only at work. I switch on every morning. Guess what URL is at the top of my bookmark list? I print off every song that I know or have heard of and even some that I haven't heard of. I have ammassed a mad collection of tunes, only some of which I have played. I don't have the time to get to play them all!

I know I'm not the only one. Bert Hansell, Kiwi and Suzy have all admitted addictive tendencies on the Friends thread.

My problem is - I am going away for two weeks and I know there won't be a computer in sight (I'll be on a boat - no wee cafe's in the middle of the outback with internet access as in the postcard thread). I'm dreading it - how will I survive without reading through all the threads?

Am I going mad? Can anyone help? Could we start an "Internet Anonymous" group for folk/trad musicians. I need to come to terms with my problem or I will have to get a bigger room.



21 Jul 97 - 11:40 AM (#9145)
Subject: RE: HELP! I tink im an addict...
From: Kiwi

Laoise, I can only offer my sympathies. I was at my father's last weekend and didn't log on to check my Email for three days, and was going slightly bonkers. The only advice I can suggest is taking that mad tower of paper with you and rereading songs and such to help keep you sane.

21 Jul 97 - 11:53 AM (#9151)
Subject: RE: HELP! I tink im an addict...
From: Bert Hansell

Yes, Like Kiwi, I can barely make it through a weekend.

But what is your problem? Just get a bigger room, or use a smaller font.

What sort of a boat trip is it? Sailing I hope. Sing a lot of songs our there on the briny.

You could even write oneabout your trip.

Have a good time.


21 Jul 97 - 01:18 PM (#9159)
Subject: RE: HELP! I tink im an addict...
From: Suzy

I dont think Internet Anonymous will help. One has to want to recover first.... and I'm not quite readty for that yet, I'm having too much fun. I was just away 2 days and just knew I was missing lots of important conversation here at the mudcat. I miss all of you so much when I'm away!!

21 Jul 97 - 01:18 PM (#9160)
Subject: RE: HELP! I tink im an addict...
From: Suzy

I dont think Internet Anonymous will help. One has to want to recover first.... and I'm not quite readty for that yet, I'm having too much fun. I was just away 2 days and just knew I was missing lots of important conversation here at the mudcat. I miss all of you so much when I'm away!!

21 Jul 97 - 08:03 PM (#9188)
Subject: RE: HELP! I tink im an addict...
From: Kiwi

Suzy, either we don't want to recover, or we're just in partial denial. Whichever, it IS too much fun on here! :)

22 Jul 97 - 09:44 AM (#9210)
Subject: RE: HELP! I tink im an addict...
From: Laoise, Belfast

Thank you all for your kind notes of sympathy. I will get over it, I can beat it ... I just have to overcome the incessant urge to move my mouse or type out a few words when there's no computer in front of me.

I'll be taking my mandolin and songbook with me - lets hope I don't drive everyone mad enough to jump overboard or I might end up on a deserted island with no hope of getting back on line....but I digress.

I will be thinking of you all.

Slan go foill.


22 Jul 97 - 12:03 PM (#9233)
Subject: RE: HELP! I tink im an addict...
From: Bob Landry

Laoise, Every year, I go canoeing and take along my beat up 12-string. (Ten days in 1995: four guys, two canoes, two guitars and a keg of ale) You should have room for the mandolin. Make beautiful music and have fun on your cruise.


22 Jul 97 - 12:31 PM (#9240)
Subject: RE: HELP! I tink im an addict...

Yes, sigh, we can all probably relate to this. My studio/office is in my home, so I am able to log on any day or hour that I wish. I'm not sure if that is a blessing or a curse. I am sitting here ill, headache, etc. and should just go back to sleep, but could not resist checking my email and ESPECIALLY checking out what is happening at the Mudcat Cafe. (Are we crazy? Obsessed?) I could not even resist typing in lyrics to the Frog in the Well song. I must admit that in the frenzy of the moment of getting the words down, I forgot my headache for a bit. If this is obsession, then I know that having music be such an important part of my life is the "healthiest" obsession I have ever had. Alice

22 Jul 97 - 03:37 PM (#9259)
Subject: RE: HELP! I tink im an addict...
From: Max D. Spiegel

Just do what I did, start a couple of internet companies and make it your career. I go nowhere without a laptop and a modem.

22 Jul 97 - 03:59 PM (#9261)
Subject: RE: HELP! I tink im an addict...
From: Bert Hansell


Dick tells me that you live in Downingtown. I live in Phoenixville & work in Exton.
Let's get together some time.

Bert. (

22 Jul 97 - 06:49 PM (#9276)
Subject: RE: HELP! I tink im an addict...
From: Kiwi

Bob, I only wish I had an opportunity like that.. just getting together, hanging out, and playing music. Hopefully when a friend gets back from Germany, we can kidnap him and drag him to open mike at the local pub (they even have guinness on tap!), and force him to play bodhran and guitar while D and I sing some of the ballads that we know and I steal sips of her Guinness. :)

22 Jul 97 - 10:28 PM (#9289)
Subject: RE: HELP! I tink im an addict...
From: suzy

How many times a day do the rest of you check the local threads? I hate to say - It's too rediculous...

23 Jul 97 - 12:39 AM (#9295)
Subject: RE: HELP! I tink im an addict...
From: Max D. Spiegel

It's all my fault. I am sorry. I'll tell you what... I'll take the Mudcat away tomorrow.

23 Jul 97 - 02:07 AM (#9302)
Subject: RE: HELP! I tink im an addict...
From: Bill

Howdy All,

I imagine I lead a collective response to you Max, "Don't even joke about such a thing!"

How many different sets of lyrics to the Gilligan's Island theme can we come up with for Laoise to sing during her cruise (and really drive the other people crazy)?


23 Jul 97 - 03:14 AM (#9305)
Subject: RE: HELP! I tink im an addict...
From: Max

Start a new thread for that one Bill, and remember that I can edit the contents of the forum.

23 Jul 97 - 09:10 AM (#9327)
Subject: RE: HELP! I tink im an addict...
From: Sheye

I agree with Suzy ... I'm not ready to be helped away from here. Mudcat is the first stop along my day. It's cozy and comradic (new word; Webster will learn it soon enough) and I look forward to seeing what everyone has to say and share. I have also greatly heightened my interest in and appreciation for what is to me a "new" kind of music. Thanks y'all. A la prochaine,


23 Jul 97 - 09:27 AM (#9330)
Subject: RE: HELP! I tink im an addict...
From: Laoise, Belfast

Bill, I think there was an implied threat in Max's post. It doesnt' matter 'cause I don't know the tune to Gilligan's Island Theme. I know lots of other long and tedious tunes which I can recite while staring away at the endless horizon...

I must say that I feel much better knowing that I'm not the only one with a mudcat addiction. I've only been visiting this thread for about a month and I'm totally hooked. There's no going back! Lord knows what I'm going to do when this job ends and I'm no longer on the Internet. I'll have to raise the cash to get one at home. I wouldn't mind a laptop + modem.

This is a great forum and for a trad-head like me, I could well splash out just for this link alone.

May the road rise with you all, agus tciofaidh me thu (see you) in two weeks time.


23 Jul 97 - 10:11 AM (#9336)
Subject: RE: HELP! I tink im an addict...
From: suzy

Max. Please....Please.....Please...... Nobody yet knows what sort of withdrawal problems one might occur when unable to feed this addiction. You wouldn't want to be responsible.....

23 Jul 97 - 04:16 PM (#9384)
Subject: RE: HELP! I tink im an addict...
From: Barry Finn

Hi my name is Barry, I'm a reformed Mudcat.... PHYC. I have no desire to be reformed, I'm functioning fine & if it feels this good it must be illegal. I started here about 6months when I broke both legs, got online, got here & got rid of my pain meds. I'm hooked, I'm healthy, I'm certain my addiction is total & I don't need rehab, just don't take my Mudcat Away Barry

23 Jul 97 - 05:35 PM (#9393)
Subject: RE: HELP! I tink im an addict...
From: Kiwi

Since you asked, these days I check the threads about twice a day.. it used to be much more often, but now I also have piles of Email to wade through from some mailing lists I'm signed up for. :)