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Big Bad John is no more

14 Jul 00 - 04:57 PM (#257792)
Subject: Big Bad John is no more
From: GUEST,A Boy Named Sue

When I was fired by the WWF, it seems that the wrestling name "Big Bad John" had been registered as a trademark by the WWF and I can't use it anymore.

I've been working on a new wrestling character called "A Boy Named Sue," based on the old Johnny Cash song. I was turned mean by growing up as a boy named Sue. I'll be doing that character at some of the small wrestling promotions in the south and midwest later this summer. If it gets over with the fans, I may get invited back to the WWF or to WCW.

I'll let you know what happens.

14 Jul 00 - 05:09 PM (#257796)
Subject: RE: Big Bad John is no more
From: little john cameron

Who cares?LJC

14 Jul 00 - 05:31 PM (#257805)
Subject: RE: Big Bad John is no more
From: paddymac

LJC - no need to be rude. It's not our way here at the 'cat.

14 Jul 00 - 05:56 PM (#257820)
Subject: RE: Big Bad John is no more
From: Jacob B

Best of luck John (er, Sue.)


14 Jul 00 - 08:06 PM (#257874)
Subject: RE: Big Bad John is no more
From: Áine

Well, being from the South myself, 'John-Sue' doesn't sound strange to my ears. Great good luck to you in your future bouts, and may the best Big Bad Boy win (yourself, of course)!

-- Áine

(Lest we forget, that great cowboy-in-the-sky was named 'Marion')

14 Jul 00 - 08:13 PM (#257877)
Subject: RE: Big Bad John is no more
From: Sorcha

Seems odd to me that the WWF could "own" a name like BBJ when it has been the title of a song, and titles are not copyright-able..........whose idea was the name in the first place--yours or theirs? Hey, bro, wan' fight this? You might just win, but it probably is not worth the hassle and bucks.

14 Jul 00 - 08:22 PM (#257881)
Subject: RE: Big Bad John is no more

Pseudo Sue,
I am glad you have a plan. Some of us here would love to see a "hardcore" match with dueling banjos. What do you think?
When will you get up north? I can supply an odd assortment of bodies to cheer you on. Are you going to shave your legs to stay in character?

14 Jul 00 - 09:22 PM (#257910)
Subject: RE: Big Bad John is no more
From: Rick Fielding

All the best(former) John. I've no idea what got into Little John, he's usually pretty nice.


14 Jul 00 - 09:28 PM (#257912)
Subject: RE: Big Bad John is no more
From: GUEST,A Boy Named Sue

If I were in character, I'd probably say something like, "Little John Cameron is a little jealous because his Little John is so little." But I'm not in character so I'll keep my mouth shut.

14 Jul 00 - 11:08 PM (#257953)
Subject: RE: Big Bad John is no more
From: Mrrzy

Anybody remember the Country Gentlemen's Big Bad Bruce?

14 Jul 00 - 11:45 PM (#257965)
Subject: RE: Big Bad John is no more
From: Peter Kasin

Good luck, Boy Named Sue -

I was afraid getting fired by the big one would spell bad news for your pro wrestling career, but it looks like your wrestling career will carry on! Good news! So hey, let's see a change from "Guest" to membership? You've got an online family here.

15 Jul 00 - 03:02 AM (#258015)
Subject: RE: Big Bad John is no more
From: Sourdough

Sue 'em.

Best of luck and let us know what your up to (and if there are many other folkies in the square ring).


15 Jul 00 - 04:21 AM (#258026)
Subject: RE: Big Bad John is no more
From: Lepus Rex

Didn't 'Sable' try to sue them to retain rights to her stage name and fail? (Was that the WWF? I can't remember...) Besides, I like 'A Boy Named Sue' quite a bit more than 'Big Bad John.' Good luck, Sue.

15 Jul 00 - 06:27 AM (#258041)
Subject: RE: Big Bad John is no more
From: sledge

BBG, in your other thread on the WWF someone mentions trying your hand at body guarding, I suggest that unless you are desparate for employment you don't bother.

I work with several guys who at some time or other have had no other avenue open to them. They found it in general demeaning. THe principle (the body to be guarded) often will see you as nothing than a gofer with muscles, hence very useful for carrying shopping.

Keep with the music and hope WWF see sense with the boy named Sue angle, it would be good to see you up there as my girlfriends son loves it, so what makes him happy............



15 Jul 00 - 01:51 PM (#258207)
Subject: RE: Big Bad John is no more
From: Bill D

...sounds like you need to 'SUE' the WWF....

sorry, it just popped out

15 Jul 00 - 02:26 PM (#258221)
Subject: RE: Big Bad John is no more
From: catspaw49

Best of luck with your new sex.


15 Jul 00 - 03:28 PM (#258246)
Subject: RE: Big Bad John is no more
From: GUEST,A Boy Named Sue

To chanteyranger: I'm sorry but I can't register at Mudcat becuase I access the internet from the public library abd the computers here do not allow cookies to be accepted.

To Lepus Rex: Yes, Rena Mero tried to keep Sable, her character's name, when she left the WWF. If a character name is created when you're employed at the WWF, they retain all rights to the name and character. You might remember Doink the Clown. There were five or six different wrestlers who played that character. When you create a character and bring it to the WWF you can take the character with you when you go. I hope that will be the case with A Boy Named Sue.

To catspaw49: Not a new sex. I'll just be a boy turned mean because his dirty mangy dog of a father went and named him Sue.

15 Jul 00 - 08:23 PM (#258369)
Subject: RE: Big Bad John is no more

I like the name "Munch". I had a cat named "Munchkin" who was called "Munch" and lived up to it. A cannibal named "Munch" in pro wrestling. It works for me. Keep it in mind Sue. Great gimic potential. You could show up at the hardcore match with a giant cauldron and a carrot. But you'll have to pay me royalties.
No computer? I guess we won't be hearing you on Hearme. Keep us posted on your itinerary.
Sorry, but I have this vision of a huge man with hairy legs dressed in gingham and terrifying the old ladies and Kindergarten class in the local library.Say Goodnight Gracie!

15 Jul 00 - 08:44 PM (#258373)
Subject: RE: Big Bad John is no more
From: Willie-O

I like having someone with a different kind of job around!

Never met a boy named Sue but I recently met a girl named Fred--and her mother made a point of saying "Fred is a girl". And I know a girl whose real name is Sable. If Rena likes the name so much, couldn't she just change hers legally?


15 Jul 00 - 10:47 PM (#258413)
Subject: RE: Big Bad John is no more
From: Little Hawk

Hey, I remember "Big Bad Bruce", and boy is it ever a silly song. I have heard it performed a few times by Don Beaulieu, the owner and MC of Don's Coffeehouse in Hillsdale, Ontario, Canada. Don, I'm sorry to say, is notoriously homophobic (in an entirely harmless sort of way, but he is...), and he does the hackneyed limp wrist thing while performing the song. He's also a very nice guy, by the way, just has that one little paranoid streak about gays. For those of you who might be curious, Don's Coffeehouse has been around now for about 7 years. I've played there around 250 times, and accordingly have my picture framed on the wall...I was in a race with some other musicians back in the early days to be the first to reach 100 performances...that's when you get your picture on the wall. Katie Austin and Steve Brown beat me to it by a few performances each. There is an open stage at Don's on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday nights from 7:00-10:00. You can get more info about it by emailing Now why is that not turning blue? Maybe it will when it gets posted...? I'm a little new at this. Anyway, check it out if you're in Ontario sometime.

15 Jul 00 - 10:48 PM (#258414)
Subject: RE: Big Bad John is no more
From: CamiSu

Never met a girl named Fred, but I know three women named Kevin, Kevan, and Kevon. I was in high school PE with two of them. Also two women named Michael. And since my name is Cameron, I get plenty of mail to MR. Cameron Buster. But I think it may be easier being female and having a male name. Heck, both my grandfathers have granddaughters named for them. Oh well, have fun Sue. Don't be TOO mean.

Cami Su

15 Jul 00 - 10:58 PM (#258418)
Subject: RE: Big Bad John is no more
From: Peter Kasin

Hello again, Boy Named Sue -

I won't bother you about membership now that I know your computer situation. Good to have you here in any manner. I came in late to your first two threads, so I don't know if you saw my question in your first one concerning the wrestlers of my youth. I know this is more appropriate for a personal message, so please bear with me, Mudcatters: The pro wrestling heroes of my youth in the 60's were Pepper Gomez and Bearcat Wright I was wondering if you know of them, and know if they are still alive and well. I wonder what became of them in retirement. I don't know if wrestlers of one era keep up with wrestlers of another, but I'd thought I'd ask just in case you knew about them. They were stars in the San Francisco bay area, and real gentlemen off-camera as well as on. Great with kids. I met them when I was 12 and it was quite a thrill for a young fan.


16 Jul 00 - 03:04 PM (#258712)
Subject: RE: Big Bad John is no more
From: wysiwyg

Just be sure you don't become a black-eyed Susan in the bargain.


17 Jul 00 - 12:37 AM (#258985)
Subject: RE: Big Bad John is no more
From: Seamus Kennedy

Sue this is great. You can arrange a fight with some older wrestler playing the part of your "Dad", and re-enact the song in the ring. The possibilities are endless. All the best. Seamus

17 Jul 00 - 12:40 AM (#258986)
Subject: RE: Big Bad John is no more

Hardi beating you up, Praise?

17 Jul 00 - 10:51 AM (#259176)
Subject: RE: Big Bad John is no more
From: GUEST,A Boy Named Sue

To chanteyranger: I've heard of Pepper Gomez but never met him. I don't know of Bearcat Wright. Some of the retired wrestlers are active behind the scenes in the various promotions and wrestling schools and others like to drop by backstage when there's a card in their town. So maybe, I'll run into those guys sometime.

17 Jul 00 - 02:24 PM (#259337)
Subject: RE: Big Bad John is no more
From: Peter Kasin

Thanks, A Boy Named Sue -

Gomez was a little more well-known of the two. His nemesis's were Ray Stevens and Kinji Shibuya, and it was usually Gomez vs either of them that was the main event in San Francisco. The last I heard of Gomez was when in the late 70's, SF columnist Herb Caen noted that he was tending bar at a local Fisherman's Wharf seafood restaurant. I hope you get to meet them, wherever they live now. Well, congrats again, and please let us know when and where you'll be wrestling, and you might have a Mudcat contingent in the arena.

17 Jul 00 - 08:59 PM (#259645)
Subject: RE: Big Bad John is no more
From: Mrrzy

So, does this mean that nobody remembers the Country Gentlemen's Big Bad Bruce?

17 Jul 00 - 10:14 PM (#259710)
Subject: RE: Big Bad John is no more
From: WyoWoman

How about A Boy Named Sioux ... think of the fun you could have with that.


18 Jul 00 - 01:46 AM (#259810)
Subject: RE: Big Bad John is no more
From: Peter Kasin

WWF: WyoWoman's Fun.

18 Jul 00 - 03:06 PM (#260239)
Subject: RE: Big Bad John is no more
From: Hollowfox

Best wishes, BNS! How about the Reverend Mister Black as an alternate persona?