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Why are some Mudcatters cretins?

15 Jul 00 - 10:36 PM (#258408)
Subject: Why are some Mudcatters cretins?
From: GUEST,Hump-a-long Eelskin

Seems from the proliferation of these "Why?" threads there's been a massive die-off of brain cells lately. What Gives?

15 Jul 00 - 10:38 PM (#258410)
Subject: RE: Why are some Mudcatters cretins?
From: GUEST,Rump-a-long-a-stilskin

Beats me

15 Jul 00 - 10:56 PM (#258417)
Subject: RE: Why are some Mudcatters cretins?
From: Little Hawk

Well, it's just that sometimes one's attempts to be humorous in order to make a point are misconstrued, that's all. At least that's what happened with me, anyway. I can't say for the rest. I gather from your names that you are being humorous as well...I hope. I'm new at this stuff.

Little Hawk

15 Jul 00 - 11:00 PM (#258420)
Subject: RE: Why are some Mudcatters cretins?
From: Lepus Rex

Well, LH, *I* got your thread, at least. I wonder if they really thought that I'm a lagomorph and you're a hawk, too?

---Lepus Rex

15 Jul 00 - 11:01 PM (#258422)
Subject: RE: Why are some Mudcatters cretins?
From: GUEST,Stump-a-long-a-riltskin

What's wrong with our names?


15 Jul 00 - 11:21 PM (#258433)
Subject: RE: Why are some Mudcatters cretins?
From: Gary T

The original question in this vein, "Why are almost all Mudcatters white?", was a serious query. I have asked myself the same type of question at music festivals where dark faces are extremely few. With the Mudcat being partly dedicated to blues, generally considered a "black" genre of music (at least historically), it is certainly a natural thing to wonder about. Read that thread for all the various responses, which very likely include the one(s) you're thinking of now.

Some people found the question ridiculous/offensive and responded with the obviously satirical "Why are . . ." threads. This one, which pokes at that phenomenon, is thus a satire of a satire.

It will all die out. Eventually. Maybe. We hope.

15 Jul 00 - 11:25 PM (#258434)
Subject: RE: Why are some Mudcatters cretins?

Not if people stop posting to it, it wont

16 Jul 00 - 01:02 PM (#258662)
Subject: RE: Why are some Mudcatters cretins?
From: Linda Kelly


16 Jul 00 - 01:17 PM (#258666)
Subject: RE: Why are some Mudcatters cretins?
From: Dave (the ancient mariner)

Cretien? thats the prime minister of Canada...

16 Jul 00 - 02:54 PM (#258706)
Subject: RE: Why are some Mudcatters cretins?
From: Micca

And I thought they were those little bits of toast you get in soup in posh restaurants...

16 Jul 00 - 03:08 PM (#258714)
Subject: RE: Why are some Mudcatters cretins?
From: GUEST,Cretin the Mudcat

It is because we have a genetic defect that makes it impossible for us to resist answering questions like this.

It is a basic Mudcat trait to have to weigh in repeatedly on every topic. Especially when we don't know what we're talking about.

16 Jul 00 - 03:18 PM (#258722)
Subject: RE: Why are some Mudcatters cretins?
From: Dave (the ancient mariner)

Micca, Thats "croutons" which a learned person told me you strap to yer boots when climbing mate....

16 Jul 00 - 03:24 PM (#258727)
Subject: RE: Why are some Mudcatters cretins?
From: Gervase

Zeno he say: "Epimondas the Cretan says that all Cretans are liars."
Ergo, how the hell are we going to make a sensible thread out of this?

16 Jul 00 - 03:26 PM (#258729)
Subject: RE: Why are some Mudcatters cretins?
From: Linda Kelly


16 Jul 00 - 03:29 PM (#258732)
Subject: RE: Why are some Mudcatters cretins?
From: GUEST,Prime Minister Jean Chrétien

"Cretien? thats the prime minister of Canada..." said Dave, (the ancient mariner).

Me, I spell my name Chrétien. Only a cretin, no relation to a Chrétien like me or Raymond, would make such a stupid mistake.

16 Jul 00 - 03:38 PM (#258738)
Subject: RE: Why are some Mudcatters cretins?
From: Dave (the ancient mariner)

Thats me Guest! You can't fool me I'm too stoopid. Yours, Aye. Dave

16 Jul 00 - 04:21 PM (#258765)
Subject: RE: Why are some Mudcatters cretins?
From: Sorcha

Reg! Cletus! Hey boys!! Come quick, and bring those portables!! We got a full load here on the Mudcat that needs to be delivered to somebody's compost pile!!

17 Jul 00 - 01:34 PM (#259297)
Subject: RE: Why are some Mudcatters cretins?
From: L R Mole

Good Cretin men rejoice. (Or is that politically incorrect)?

17 Jul 00 - 02:03 PM (#259320)
Subject: RE: Why are some Mudcatters cretins?
From: Liz the Squeak

Hey Dave, I thought they were tampons - something to do with jamming them in cracks.......

Sorry, tasteless and coarse - what can you expect for someone who got a mention on Radio 2 this afternoon!


17 Jul 00 - 02:25 PM (#259340)
Subject: RE: Why are some Mudcatters cretins?
From: Dave (the ancient mariner)

Liz youre right. I was foney-netically sprounouncing the wurds so I fucked up...OOps! sorry! I made a miss take! You got a mention on Radio 2 police finally caught up to yer eh? Guess the Guest will have a field day now. Yours (frantically working with Micca to form an escape pan) Aye. Dave

17 Jul 00 - 02:27 PM (#259342)
Subject: RE: Why are some Mudcatters cretins?
From: Gary T

I think most mountain climbers will tell you, Liz, that it's nuts that get jammed into cracks. And you should get a crampon where you got a tampon.

17 Jul 00 - 02:27 PM (#259343)
Subject: RE: Why are some Mudcatters cretins?
From: Liz the Squeak

Never rely on Micca to get you out of anywhere, especially trouble or a pub!!


If anyone is interested, I was complaining about woodchip wallpaper to the nation.

17 Jul 00 - 02:28 PM (#259344)
Subject: RE: Why are some Mudcatters cretins?
From: Liz the Squeak

Never rely on Micca to get you out of anywhere, especially trouble or a pub!!


If anyone is interested, I was complaining about woodchip wallpaper to the nation.

17 Jul 00 - 02:35 PM (#259348)
Subject: RE: Why are some Mudcatters cretins?
From: Zeno

Gervase: I never said that.

17 Jul 00 - 02:37 PM (#259351)
Subject: RE: Why are some Mudcatters cretins?
From: Gary T

Well, I'm not familiar with woodchip wallpaper, but it's got to be better than buffalo chip wallpaper.

Stop me before I hurt myself--or someone does it for me!

17 Jul 00 - 03:04 PM (#259361)
Subject: RE: Why are some Mudcatters cretins?
From: Kim C

Because somebody has to do it.

17 Jul 00 - 03:25 PM (#259373)
Subject: RE: Why are some Mudcatters cretins?
From: Amergin

Hey, Dave, what's that you're frying in the escape pan?

17 Jul 00 - 03:31 PM (#259378)
Subject: RE: Why are some Mudcatters cretins?
From: Dave (the ancient mariner)

ego's an backgammon mate... I tink therefore I is. Yours, (graduate of the North Atlantic School of Couth and Kulture) (failed Inglish tho)Aye. Dave

17 Jul 00 - 06:38 PM (#259522)
Subject: RE: Why are some Mudcatters cretins?
From: Liz the Squeak

Wasn't that Popeye said that?

Gervase, what have warrior princesses got to do with philosphy, and does that mean she wears Plato armour?


17 Jul 00 - 06:47 PM (#259530)
Subject: RE: Why are some Mudcatters cretins?
From: Sorcha

Yes, but are her plates tuned? If so, are they a full tone or a semi tone apart?

17 Jul 00 - 06:50 PM (#259534)
Subject: RE: Why are some Mudcatters cretins?
From: Liz the Squeak

MMmmmmmm, they look pretty tuned to me!


20 Jul 00 - 08:29 AM (#261467)
Subject: RE: Why are some Mudcatters cretins?
From: Gervase

I looked again at the title of this thread.
Nah, I thought. They're not cretins. They're just completely barking. Beyond Barking, in fact. Almost Upminster.

20 Jul 00 - 10:35 PM (#261928)
Subject: RE: Why are some Mudcatters cretins?
From: Bill D

I can't believe I read the WHOOOLE thing.........

20 Jul 00 - 11:13 PM (#261939)
Subject: RE: Why are some Mudcatters cretins?
From: dick greenhaus


I am the very model of a Newsgroup personality.
I intersperse obscenity with tedious banality.
Addresses I have plenty of, both genuine and ghosted too,
On all the countless newsgroups that my drivel is cross posted to.
Your bandwidth I will fritter with my whining and my sniveling,
And you're the one who pays the bill, downloading all my driveling.
My enemies are numerous, and no-one would be blaming you
For cracking my head open after I've been rudely flaming you.

I hate to lose an argument (by now I should be used to it).
I wouldn't know a valid point if I was introduced to it.
My learning is extensive but consists of mindless trivia,
Designed to fan my ego, which is larger than Bolivia.
The comments that I vomit forth, disguised as jest and drollery,
Are really just an exercise in unremitting trollery.
I say I'm frank and forthright, but that's merely lies and vanity,
The gibberings of one who's at the limits of his sanity.

If only I could get a life, as many people tell me to;
If only Mom could find a circus freak show she could sell me to;
If I go off to Zanzibar to paint the local scenery;
If I lose all my fingers in a mishap with machinery;
If I survive to twenty, which is somewhat problematical;
If what I post was more mature, or slightly more grammatical;
If I could learn to spell a bit, and maybe even punctuate;
Would I still be the loathsome and objectionable punk you hate?

But while I have this tiresome urge to prance around and show my face,
It simply isn't safe for normal people here in cyberspace.
To stick me in Old Sparky and turn on the electricity
Would be a fitting punishment for my egocentricity.

@parody @computer
filename[ NERDSONG

21 Jul 00 - 04:19 AM (#262004)
Subject: RE: Why are some Mudcatters cretins?
From: GUEST,Roger the skiffler

Great, Dick, what's left to say?!
RtS (Extensively learned in mindless trivia!)

21 Jul 00 - 07:06 AM (#262026)
Subject: RE: Why are some Mudcatters cretins?
From: AndyG

Well, Roger,

There's always this.


21 Jul 00 - 09:06 AM (#262072)
Subject: RE: Why are some Mudcatters cretins?
From: GUEST,Roger the skiffler

AndyG, LOL,

21 Jul 00 - 12:05 PM (#262177)
Subject: RE: Why are some Mudcatters cretins?
From: Bert

Beyond Barking!

Dagenham, Rainham, Purfleet, Grays
The Good Lord's coming gonna see me again.