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BS: Do Mudcatters like Leather

15 Jul 00 - 11:38 PM (#258445)
Subject: Do Mudcatters like Leather
From: GUEST,Johnny Dingus

Hey all

Anybody (guest or no) wish to share a few secrets.

15 Jul 00 - 11:50 PM (#258453)
Subject: RE: BS: Do Mudcatters like Leather
From: GUEST,Willie-O Upstairs

Rick Fielding does and he does wondrous designs in it too...

nice to see another arts & crafts thread

got any tips &N techniques to share, Johnny?


15 Jul 00 - 11:54 PM (#258454)
Subject: RE: BS: Do Mudcatters like Leather
From: SDShad

Well, I've been meaning to ask Rick this anyway, so this is as good a place as any. Do you know of any good sites on the Web for carving templates, techniques, etc.?

I'm thinking of taking up the ol' swivel knive again after about 13 years and make myself a guitar strap....


16 Jul 00 - 12:01 AM (#258459)
Subject: RE: BS: Do Mudcatters like Leather
From: catspaw49

Say Shad......Ya' know that Bill Sables is another leather carver of distinction. Somewhere on some thread or another are some examples of his straps. I know a couple of 'Catters have them.....Big Mick maybe?

I myself am the proud owner of a Rick Fielding strap which I value quite highly both for its beauty and for the circumstance under which it was given.


16 Jul 00 - 12:05 AM (#258461)
Subject: RE: BS: Do Mudcatters like Leather
From: Ebbie

Good on ya, boys! I myself have a carved leather guitar strap I like.Ebbie

16 Jul 00 - 12:07 AM (#258464)
Subject: RE: BS: Do Mudcatters like Leather
From: Big Mick

I possess a strap made by Bill Sables that is a phenomenal piece of work. It is a wonderful creation that was custom made for me with my design and his mixed together.

I am also in possession of a wonderful leather carving of a man playing a flute that was done by Rick, and a gift from him to me. I am completely honored by that gift. It occupies a prominent place on my wall. While at Rick's house, I also got to see some of his wonderful work, such as entire guitar cases covered with his work. Simply spectacular.

While the first post was tongue in cheek, I must say that this could be an interesting thread.

16 Jul 00 - 12:13 AM (#258472)
Subject: RE: BS: Do Mudcatters like Leather
From: Jeri

If you go to Bill Sables' picture in Mudcat Resources, you can see some examples of his work down at the bottom of the page. I've seen a few of his straps in Real Life, and they are truly works of art.

16 Jul 00 - 12:17 AM (#258473)
Subject: RE: BS: Do Mudcatters like Leather
From: catspaw49

Geeziz Jeri....Do I go "DUH" now? I was looking for the pictures and lo and behold, they're in the obvious place.

Beat me with a carved leather strap.



16 Jul 00 - 12:17 AM (#258474)
Subject: RE: BS: Do Mudcatters like Leather
From: Ebbie

Sounds remarkable! I'd love to see that. It seems to me that musical people have many other talents as well. Think I'll start a thread on that...Ebbie

16 Jul 00 - 12:19 AM (#258476)
Subject: RE: BS: Do Mudcatters like Leather
From: SDShad

You've got it, Mick. Let's us swivelheads hijack this sucker.

Marvelous work, Bill! Web graphics hardly do justice to the depth and contour of good carving, let alone the nice dye work. But you can still tell. Especially good are the free-hand knife cuts on the flower petals, the technical term for which my brain has lost to the mists of time.

Spaw: what an honor! I hope to see it some day.

A question: a few years before I stopped carving, I bought one of those swivel-knife attachments for beveling that you put in place of the blade. As I recall, it was easier than using the mallet and bevel tool, but what do y'all think of that particular gadget?


16 Jul 00 - 12:26 AM (#258480)
Subject: RE: BS: Do Mudcatters like Leather
From: Jeri

OK Spaw, could be fun...

Ebbie, you're right, but I don't know why it's so. Maybe it's the attention span. "I wanna try this! No, wait, gotta try that." That's my excuse anyway. Too bad I haven't become anywhere near as good as Bill and Rick are at even one thing.

Mick, I've seen one of Rick's instrument cases, (a banjo case?) and it's in-flipping-credible!

16 Jul 00 - 12:35 AM (#258486)
Subject: RE: BS: Do Mudcatters like Leather
From: Homeless

I tried my hand at leather working a few years (along with a thousand other things) the result of which is that I have a small handful of tools that I no longer need. Is anyone interested in taking them off my hands? (I wouldn't start a thread for something like this, but if the leather carvers are taking over this thread anyway...) If you wanna know the details of what I've got, PM me. It would be nice to know that someone is making use of them.

16 Jul 00 - 03:49 AM (#258545)
Subject: RE: BS: Do Mudcatters like Leather
From: Peter Kasin

Mucatter Melani does really nice leatherwork. Talented with nautical knot work as well, such as the sailor's art of making fine decorative" whippings". (Oh, oh, that last one could be cannon fodder for Catspaw. Where are you now, buddy?)

16 Jul 00 - 04:55 AM (#258555)
Subject: RE: BS: Do Mudcatters like Leather
From: The Shambles

'Red hair and black leather, my favourite colour scheme'

Richard Thompson. From 1952 Vincent Black Lightning.

16 Jul 00 - 06:04 AM (#258565)
Subject: RE: BS: Do Mudcatters like Leather
From: bill\sables

Hi Homeless Allan C was interested in getting started in leather carving so he might be interested in having your tools. SDShad, one of the best places to get templates is Tandy Leather in Fort Worth Texas Cheers Bill

16 Jul 00 - 01:30 PM (#258667)
Subject: RE: BS: Do Mudcatters like Leather
From: Pixie

I wasn't sure what you were asking vote was yes, but I was thinking along different lines! Ha ha!

16 Jul 00 - 01:51 PM (#258679)
Subject: RE: BS: Do Mudcatters like Leather
From: GUEST,Willie-O Still Upstairs No Cookie

That's great looking stuff Bill S. Rick gave me a tote bag for library books, a sample of his first-year leatherworking product. My family was initially unimpressed, but then they took it to the library and found it to be wondrously functional. Now I can't even find it, I think they took it to Vermont on their current road trip wit'out Willie.

Form follows function: the bag works therfore it is beautiful!


16 Jul 00 - 05:46 PM (#258810)
Subject: RE: BS: Do Mudcatters like Leather
From: Catlin

I thought this thread was going to be about something else entirely....... I suppose my filthy mind will have to go and play somewhere else.....
BTW the leather carving sounds interesting... any sites with basic instructions/tools/templates? It would look gorgeous as an overlay on some of the Corsets I'm working on...

16 Jul 00 - 05:53 PM (#258814)
Subject: RE: BS: Do Mudcatters like Leather
From: Art Thieme

I am really proud of all of you!!!!!!!!!!!!

Art Thieme

16 Jul 00 - 10:24 PM (#258932)
Subject: RE: BS: Do Mudcatters like Leather
From: Rick Fielding

Well I'm not Art! I was hoping we could discuss 220 pound men in black leather chaps, with southerly apertures.

Actually during my first leather carving class (at night school!!) a woman next to me was working on a dog collar. Being the insufferable wag I am, I said "is that for your dog or your boyfriend?" Big mistake. For the next several classes I got descriptions of a sub'culture that scares the crap outta me! But....just like Mudcat, when it gets totally silly....I watched and listened in amazement.


If you type in the magazine "Leather Carver" you should get good stuff. Also the names of some of my heroes....Al Stohlman, Peter Main (in Australia), Al Shelton, Kat Kuszak, and Bill Gomer. These are GREAT carvers.

Bill Sables is right up there with the top-notch carvers. His depth is good and his clarity with small details excellent. I wish he lived next door.


17 Jul 00 - 01:28 AM (#258998)
Subject: RE: BS: Do Mudcatters like Leather
From: Melani

Thanks, chanteyranger. A few years ago, a friend of my husband's who hadn't seen him in a while ran into another mutual friend. He asked, "What's Joel doing nowadays?" The other guy replied, "Well, he's living with this woman who's into leather." "Gee," said the first guy, "I didn't know Joel was like that." Now as for decorative whipping...

17 Jul 00 - 01:58 AM (#259000)
Subject: RE: BS: Do Mudcatters like Leather
From: Charlie Baum

Leather has always been a part of folklore. I grew up in Connecticut, and was introduced to tales of the Leatherman, a fixture in the folk stories of my native state, based on a real historical person. I'm not sure if anyone has celebrated him in song, though my mind vaguely recalls the possibility that Jim Douglas created something about him. If not, he's surely fodder for some modern broadside-ballad writer.

--Charlie Baum

17 Jul 00 - 02:15 AM (#259002)
Subject: RE: BS: Do Mudcatters like Leather
From: katlaughing

I'll never forget how funny we thought it was, moving from the West, to near Westfield, Massachusets, which proudly proclaimed to be "Whip City!" Seems they had had several buggy whip companies there. When we moved there, there was still one left which looked like a museum but was still making whips. Just didn't fit in with the stereotypical image we had of prim and proper New England!**BG**

17 Jul 00 - 03:52 PM (#259405)
Subject: RE: BS: Do Mudcatters like Leather
From: Mooh

...and black fishnet stockings with the seam up the back...

I've still got a strap of heavy leather which my Mum (her spelling) gave me 25 years ago. Since then the holes have widened and a leather guy from London Ontario did some dragons and vines on it for me, and it's still my favourite strap.

Peace, Mooh.

17 Jul 00 - 04:04 PM (#259412)
Subject: RE: BS: Do Mudcatters like Leather
From: Kim C

I have done a very little bit of leatherworking and would like to learn more. Anyone who can shed light on where to start, and what are the most important tools to get first, is welcome to send me a personal message. Thanks!

17 Jul 00 - 04:59 PM (#259458)
Subject: RE: BS: Do Mudcatters like Leather
From: SDShad

Others might benefit from this, Kim, so I'll post it here rather than in a PM. At least when I was still doing leathercraft actively, most any reasonably-sized city had a Tandy Leather store--haven't really noticed if they're still around. But Tandy or otherwise, any decent craft or leathercraft store should have a "starter kit" for doing basic leather carving, which typically should include: A swivel knife, and something for sharpening it; a board for tooling and hammering upon; a wooden mallet for striking the rest of the tools; a bevel tool; a background tool; a veiner tool; a seeder tool; a camouflage tool; a pear shader tool; needles and lacing.

You can do a great deal of basic carving with just those tools. There are dozens of kinds of each of those tools for specialized purposes, and more kinds of tools, too, but those can come later. Those will get you started. Buying several practice rounds is a good idea too. Many starter kits come with some basic projects included, prepunched, but on some of them the leather is kinda chincey. Tandy has starter kits for $35 and $90. See here. Ultimately, you'll want a good hole punch too, and a stamp for fastening snaps, and a good edging tool, and....

In other words, welcome to leathercraft addiction, Kim. :-)


17 Jul 00 - 05:17 PM (#259471)
Subject: RE: BS: Do Mudcatters like Leather
From: Biskit

I've still got m'first bike jacket...course it won't fit over my belly anymore.`bout 20 years ago I had to buy another and it still fits I've gottalota fond memories with both of `em. So in answer to your question Johnny.Yes I like leather it's kept me warm on occasion,kept me dry on others and has saved my hide more than once -Biskit-

17 Jul 00 - 06:29 PM (#259517)
Subject: RE: BS: Do Mudcatters like Leather
From: Liz the Squeak

I've got some green leather placemats..... Very nice too, from the Leatherman, seen at many an English festival/re-enactors fair (a re-enactor is one of those very silly people who dress in period costume and go and live in a wood somewhere to play at being mediaeval. Guess what I'm doing next month.....)


17 Jul 00 - 06:39 PM (#259523)
Subject: RE: BS: Do Mudcatters like Leather
From: bill\sables

Kim C What SD Shad says is right don't buy too many tools just get the esential ones to get you started the others will come as and when you need them. But beware leathercarving is like Mudcat it becomes addictive. Cheers Bill

17 Jul 00 - 06:48 PM (#259532)
Subject: RE: BS: Do Mudcatters like Leather
From: Mrs.Duck

No Bill it's the smell. New leather shoes-oooh Even now I can remember taking all my new shoes to bed with me just for a sniff of new leather. In fact I'm getting carried away just at the thought.

17 Jul 00 - 06:54 PM (#259539)
Subject: RE: BS: Do Mudcatters like Leather
From: Liz the Squeak

Ooooooh, that leather smell in mens' changing rooms, ..... the bliss of buying a new handbag and sticking my head in it.

Then there is Nigel the Leather man, regular at folk festivals in the UK. He has a dog called Max who licks toes. As I am habitually barefooted or sandalled, he likes me a lot. So I stand by his stall with a blissed out look on my face, having my toes licked and with my head in a leather bag, sniffing heavily...... and I wonder why they won't let me out......


17 Jul 00 - 06:58 PM (#259545)
Subject: RE: BS: Do Mudcatters like Leather
From: Melani

Kim C--Tandy's has gone entirely to online and catalogue sales. The Leather Factory has pretty much filled that niche in our area, and probably all over the U.S., if you actually want to see the physical item you're buying before you buy it. I think a starter kit is probably a good idea, since it will probably come with instructions, if you don't have the benefit of a live teacher. There may be classes in your area as well. After you mess around a little, you'll figure out what you really need and what you don't. Eventually you'll want to find wholesalers in your area, and then you'll have to start selling the stuff to justify the expense...welcome to a new life.

18 Jul 00 - 12:24 PM (#260088)
Subject: RE: BS: Do Mudcatters like Leather
From: Mrs.Duck

We think alike it seems LTS. I'll keep an eye out for a women with her head stuck in a bag and a dog at her feet and say hello!!!!

18 Jul 00 - 04:20 PM (#260298)
Subject: RE: BS: Do Mudcatters like Leather
From: Liz the Squeak

Mrs Duck - see you at Towersey?? I'm not sure if the dog will make it this year, but I'm sure I could find a substitute.......


19 Jul 00 - 04:20 PM (#261006)
Subject: RE: BS: Do Mudcatters like Leather
From: Biskit

OH MY!!!!!!!!!! -Biskit-

19 Jul 00 - 04:20 PM (#261007)
Subject: RE: BS: Do Mudcatters like Leather
From: Biskit

OH MY!!!!!!!!!! -Biskit-

19 Jul 00 - 04:45 PM (#261018)
Subject: RE: BS: Do Mudcatters like Leather
From: Susie

Yes. In my case, my (to-be) husband, when I first met him, wore leather trousers. And, yes, I quite liked them! I deny that they were anything to do with our subsequent marriage, but they were "quite the thing" in those days - and vey sensuous. However, (me getting more realistic again) his more durable attractions have been a wonderful voice, ability to play guitar/banjo/harmonica. What fun we've had over the years.

Leathe - yes, but it's a still bit private just now and nothing to do with our performance (!!!0) Susie

19 Jul 00 - 04:58 PM (#261029)
Subject: RE: BS: Do Mudcatters like Leather
From: Rick Fielding

Well long before I got into carving the stuff into pictures and instrument straps, I owned a leather suit (pants and vest). What a disaster! I walked through part of Europe with the suit getting tighter and smellier from the rain. Looked like a total dork as well! I gave it to a hippie who was a lot smaller than me. Him, it fit.


19 Jul 00 - 06:30 PM (#261101)
Subject: RE: BS: Do Mudcatters like Leather
From: Liz the Squeak

Mmmmmmmm, squeaky leather......MMMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!

LTS going for a cold shower and a little lie down.....

19 Jul 00 - 06:42 PM (#261116)
Subject: RE: BS: Do Mudcatters like Leather
From: Willie-O

Stop, You guys are killin me...Rick I hope you used that suit in publicity photos, along with the famous bad haircut--we are talking about the 70's here, aren't we? I can just see you striding through an Alpine meadow, wit your knapsack on yer back, and yer leathers getting tighter and tighter...


19 Jul 00 - 06:43 PM (#261119)
Subject: RE: BS: Do Mudcatters like Leather
From: AllisonA(Animaterra)

I also have a wonderful Bill Sables strap and it's one of my most prized possessions. I have no interest in pursuing the art form (which it certainly is) but will leave it to you creative people. But, LTS, your idea of a good time sounds good to me!

20 Jul 00 - 02:47 AM (#261400)
Subject: RE: BS: Do Mudcatters like Leather
From: Liz the Squeak

OK, I am seriously worried now that there are people weirder than me out there!!


22 Jul 00 - 01:13 PM (#262727)
Subject: RE: BS: Do Mudcatters like Leather
From: Mrs.Duck

LTS there are plenty of us!! I'm just rolling the idea around that it would be quite nice to have a leather clad man licking my toes but maybe I'm goung a little too far. Sorry we're not at Towersey - Whitby and Warwick are the only ones on our agenda at present.

22 Jul 00 - 04:22 PM (#262750)
Subject: RE: BS: Do Mudcatters like Leather
From: SDShad

Couple of kinda interesting articles at Sword in the Stone Crafts here, one on carving fantasy dragons, which is sort of outside the box from the traditional leathercraft that I'm used to, and another on using gold leaf on carved leather.

At Hypatia's suggestion, I'm thinking of eventually doing some Celtic knotwork carving for a guitar strap. If anyone has tried anything at all like that and has any suggestions, I'm all ears....


22 Jul 00 - 04:24 PM (#262751)
Subject: RE: BS: Do Mudcatters like Leather
From: SDShad

Oops. Repost:

Couple of kinda interesting articles at Sword in the Stone Crafts here, one on carving fantasy dragons, which is sort of outside the box from the traditional leathercraft that I'm used to, and another on using gold leaf on carved leather.

At Hypatia's suggestion, I'm thinking of eventually doing some Celtic knotwork carving for a guitar strap. If anyone has tried anything at all like that and has any suggestions, I'm all ears....


22 Jul 00 - 08:05 PM (#262834)
Subject: RE: BS: Do Mudcatters like Leather
From: bill\sables

Hi SDShad I do quite a lot of celtic knotwork on straps let me know what you want. Cheers Bill