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Celtic Music on MP3

16 Jul 00 - 08:09 AM (#258587)
Subject: Celtic Music on MP3
From: Nicole Leonard

I hope this will not be considered 'spamming' and have me booted off the Mudcat, but it may be of interest to any Mudcatters who are interested in Celtic traditional music (particularly the haunting, melancholy kind!).
My Celtic band called 'Lothlorien' has a web page at

(I hope this works, it is my first attempt here with html)
The music is available in mp3 format (free) or you can buy a CD. There are lyric pages for all the songs. So check it out if you are interested in this style of music.

16 Jul 00 - 08:54 AM (#258593)
Subject: RE: Celtic Music on MP3
From: katlaughing

Wow, Nicole! I just listened to a couple and they sounded just beautiful. I especially like your voice, very clear and you capture that haunting quality of the msuic quite well.

As soon as I wake up enough to be coherent, I will go back and order the CD. Thanks for letting us know about it and congratulations!


16 Jul 00 - 09:18 AM (#258602)
Subject: RE: Celtic Music on MP3
From: Ed Pellow


This is really good stuff - I'd love to see your band live. Shame you live half the world away...


16 Jul 00 - 10:43 AM (#258628)
Subject: RE: Celtic Music on MP3
From: GUEST,Willie-O Upstairs

Hi Nicole, good tunes. Recognized your name from the CeltComp list (yes?) which I am also on...while we're on the subject, my alter ego's mp3 page is

Stick around the mudcat, its a great place to find lyrics, song backgrounds, swap horror stories (look up "gigs from hell" thread) and like that....and most people's fervent wish is that there be more music-related threads than other pointless stuff. So posting a link to your page is welcome, its even more welcome if you participate in the scene. E-mail an mp3 to Max and he'll likely play it on Mudcat Radio. For Mudcatters only, Aine will post your original lyrics in the official Mudcat Songbook. (see Quicklinks above.) Very welcoming scene. I think of it as what the internet should be.

It's pretty hard to get kicked off the Cat, some people wish it was easier . (grin)

Keep on playing

16 Jul 00 - 04:35 PM (#258771)
Subject: RE: Celtic Music on MP3
From: katlaughing

Nice to have the link, Willie-O..really sounds great and I hope you will be sure to post when you do get your CD done ao we can order it!


16 Jul 00 - 05:08 PM (#258794)
Subject: RE: Celtic Music on MP3
From: Amergin

My god, Nicole, I just listened to a couple of your tunes there. They were so damn beautiful, I could have sworn they could have come from a time when elves danced across the middle earth.....


18 Jul 00 - 08:17 AM (#259894)
Subject: RE: Celtic Music on MP3
From: Nicole Leonard

Thanks for all your kind remarks! It is true that I live half a world away, but that is why we have this great invention called the internet!
I had a look at your page, Bill (or is that Willie-O) and it sounded great! I like your Schottische. Unfortunately I only managed to listen to a couple of tracks before something went wrong with the system and it refused to play any more (I mean it wouldn't play anything, not just your songs!) - don't know if there was a problem with my connection or what (it is usually slow and I can only lo-fi play).
So I will try again tomorrow, 'cause I want to hear the rest!

18 Jul 00 - 01:41 PM (#260161)
Subject: RE: Celtic Music on MP3
From: Willie-O

Thanks Nicole--at 3 p.m. yesterday (Monday) my ISP developed problems which they say were caused by a meltdown at AT&T's core router, so I couldn't get into any websites, mudcat, or anything else...this problem may have affected a lot of internet users in N America, I'm wondering if that's what happened to you too. (and what it was, really. They're not too forthcoming on that!) They say AT&T fixed it as of 11:15 a.m. today.

But my connection to is weird--can't play streaming mp3's off the page, lo-fi or hi-fi, but it will play them on Stations. When I try to play them--including my own--I get a "help-screen" message which claims my computer can't play mp3's (wrong) and purports to solve the problem by downloading MusicMatch to me. This just pisses me off so I don't do it. (I use WinAmp which seems to have had some kind of falling out with

Well, enough techie jargon, it's about music!

My pals Nathan Curry and Linda Miller have a new site and you should give it a listen too. Nathan has been described as Ottawa's Celtic Kingpin, having hosted hundreds of sessions, played with Wickentree, Six Mile Bridge, and currently working with Linda as a duo and touring as part of Pierre Schryer's band. He's also my old fiddle teacher and a pretty fine luthier of fiddles and citterns. Lots of nice instrument pictures too!

Linda's one of those rare singers that gets everything right..."One-Take Linda" we call her. Lovely contralto voice (something I said as a guess when I had to write some publicity for a concert, turned out to be right.) And one of my favourite people.

So give them a click or three.


18 Jul 00 - 02:22 PM (#260191)
Subject: RE: Celtic Music on MP3
From: Suibhan

Wow! I ordered this CD immediately! Thank you for bringing it to our attention, Nicole.

I have purchased my favorite CDs from sites like these, it is the only way to find out about the kind of music that I prefer.

Your band is great, Nicole, and since I visit Auckland quite frequently, maybe I can hear you live sometime!

Regards, Suibhan

18 Jul 00 - 03:04 PM (#260235)
Subject: RE: Celtic Music on MP3
From: Alice

Excellent, Nicole. I was frustrated with the MP3 not working, but finally downloaded and opened with RealAudio so I could hear the cuts. Great job.

18 Jul 00 - 03:51 PM (#260270)
Subject: RE: Celtic Music on MP3
From: Clinton Hammond2

I'm shocked and stunned that the Tolkien Estate let you use the name for your band... they can be a cranky lot, especially with the movie coming out...

Nice music however! Well done, and thanks for the heads up!


18 Jul 00 - 04:01 PM (#260279)
Subject: RE: Celtic Music on MP3
From: Willie-O

...If the Tolkien estate is litigious, they better have a big research department. I can just imagine them slapping injunctions on about a hundred thousand aging hippies and their offspring; Frodos, Galadriels, et al...and right in my neighbourhood (you'll never get me to reveal it here, but I'm just down the road from Elphin) there's a Lothlorien Woodworking and a Rivendell B & B.

Looks like a job for Blake Madison. And all his dubious cronies.


18 Jul 00 - 04:06 PM (#260287)
Subject: RE: Celtic Music on MP3
From: Clinton Hammond2

Well, they kep that band Marillion from being called Silmarillion, just as an example.. and with the miovies on the horizon, I can imagine that the Estate will be keeping it's eyes open...

Why wouldn't you ask to use it out of kindness though, in the first place, if one wanted to use a name from a book...

And well, we can only hope for the sake of the children that they WILL be able to sue the people who named them Frodo!!! What kind of stupidity is that?!?!?!


18 Jul 00 - 04:40 PM (#260319)
Subject: RE: Celtic Music on MP3
From: Willie-O

Ah yer just bein crotchety Ent you?

I don't know of anyone who named their kid Frodo. A lot of people took it on for themselves though. Duane Allman's daughter is named Galadriel. And I have known both a band and a store named Shadowfax.

I don't see how kindness enters into the question, or even politeness; Tolkien's dead after all.

But it all begs the question: who owns made-up words that have been published under copyright? Are they protected by that copyright, or does it just apply to excerpts of a certain length?

So do they keep all the rights to hobbits and orcs? I think these words have entered the language.


19 Jul 00 - 12:37 AM (#260563)
Subject: RE: Celtic Music on MP3
From: Clinton Hammond2

Galadriel?!?! Bet she got teased at school, and I hope her parents pay through the nose for her psych. bills!

JRR may be dead, but his franchise certainly isn't... and New Line is breathing a tonne of new life into it with the movies... The franchise owns all JRR's 'made up' words yes... But what I know about copywrite law could rattle around in a shot glass with what I know about cars and what I understand about women...

It's kinda like recording a Stan Rogers tune now.. he may be dead, but you still pay royalties to Fogarty's Cove music...

19 Jul 00 - 04:16 AM (#260621)
Subject: RE: Celtic Music on MP3
From: Merry

Hi all, If you try a search on altavista (advanced) for gandalf: ... you will find quite a lot of pages (16690). Although I tried to filter out music related pages, they are still there; however, Sourcecode Home Page, Gandalf Technologies, etc. sound pretty corporate. A handful for the JRR estate...


19 Jul 00 - 05:32 AM (#260630)
Subject: RE: Celtic Music on MP3
From: Brendy

I wouldn't advertise my surname too much, Clinton, or the makers of certain electronic organs could be knocking at your door. *BG*


19 Jul 00 - 11:47 AM (#260764)
Subject: RE: Celtic Music on MP3
From: Bert

Hi, I think I fixed it but I deleted one message by Willie-O by mistake. Sorry Willie, you'll have to post that again.


19 Jul 00 - 12:00 PM (#260782)
Subject: RE: Celtic Music on MP3
From: Clinton Hammond2

Ta bert...

Brendy... that's different... I'm not 1)trying to claim any connection to the Hammond Organ people or 2) Trying to make money off that association at all... But I didn't miss that youy were joking either! LOL!!

Merry... I'm pretty sure that JRR didn't create the word Gandalf... I'm nearly positive it's just one of the millions of things he ripped off from other mythologies.... But I see yer point.. I never ment to imply that the JRR estate wouldn't have their work cut out for them, or that there may not be countless 'infringements' that they chose to ignore... I was only wondering after Lothlorien because 1)I had a precident for a band having problems with their LOTR Related name and 2) Lothlorien is from New Zealand right? That's where the movies are being filmed and I was hinting at a connection between the 2...

Sorry Willie-O lost his thread, but why afraid of opening up the can on recording Stan Rogers music? Why is it a debate at all... It's owned by Fogarty's Cove music and they are entitled to their due no?



19 Jul 00 - 02:40 PM (#260927)
Subject: RE: Celtic Music on MP3
From: The Shambles

Talking of the film. Lord Of the Rings

19 Jul 00 - 05:19 PM (#261044)
Subject: RE: Celtic Music on MP3
From: Willie-O

Re Stan Rogers song catalogue...not really a debate. Ownership and usage of his songs was the subject of a nasty custody battle between Stan's widow and his birth family, very soon after he died. Nuff said.

Gandalf Technologies FWIW was an Ottawa company, an early local player in the hi-tech connectivity game. They made a computerized dispatch display terminal for taxis, that mounted right on the dashboard and spelled out your pickup location, without a radio call that others could overhear and use to steal your fare. (I was driving cab in Ottawa myself around this time, about 1980, hence my interest). Lacked the romance of radio though.

I'm still wondering if that's copyright protection, which I still don't believe extends to individual words since it exempts "short excerpts for review purposes" or have they actually trademarked the significant names to protect merchandising rights? I betcha, with a new movie on the horizon.

Whether or not they possess the actual legal monopoly on the use of the names, anyone can threaten or actually file lawsuits against anyone else for anything they wish--if you want to avoid legal expenses you settle out of court. This is known as "vigorous protection" of trademark or copyright, and it is practiced a lot by the Disney corp among others, because the deepest pockets always win--and it builds evidence that you actually own the terms you are defending. It is also extended to parodies and satirical imitations of trademarked entities--remember Mickey Rat?


22 Jul 00 - 02:45 AM (#262596)
Subject: RE: Celtic Music on MP3
From: Nicole Leonard

Ouch - you've all got me worried now! We got the idea for the band name from a track called 'Lothlorien' on an Enya album, so I guess they'd have to sue her first! We had no idea it might be copyrighted or trademarked or whatever. If you do a search for 'Lothlorien' on Alta Vista you get hundreds of matches for all sorts of things. Also, here in New Zealand there is a winery called 'Lothlorien' and a chain of shops called 'Rivendell'. Anyway, we're poor musicians, not millionaires! All we could really do is change the band name, which is likely to happen eventually anyway.

22 Jul 00 - 04:32 AM (#262622)
Subject: RE: Celtic Music on MP3
From: katlaughing

Last I knew the names of things, i.e. a song, book, etc. could NOT be copyrighted.

22 Jul 00 - 01:16 PM (#262728)
Subject: RE: Celtic Music on MP3
From: Amergin

Nicole, I love the name of your band...don't change it...

22 Jul 00 - 04:27 PM (#262755)
Subject: RE: Celtic Music on MP3
From: Clinton Hammond2


I would suggest that, if you care about such things, you contact the estate of JRR tolkien and make sure it's on the up and up... If anybody'd KNOW the story it'd be them... Better safe than sorry eh!

BTW... I can't remember if I mentioned this or not, but the MP3's of yer work I downed were feckin' awsome!!!!

Keep up the good work!


22 Jul 00 - 04:30 PM (#262757)
Subject: RE: Celtic Music on MP3
From: katlaughing

Nicole, finally got in gear and ordered a CD today. Can't wait to get it! Thanks!