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Buffalo Springfield again

18 Jul 00 - 10:32 PM (#260519)
Subject: Buffalo Springfield again.....
From: mactheturk

On a warm summer night in LA the Stones were playing at the Rose Bowl. It was 1966 and a new group was about to open the show. I remember the first song "Mr. Soul" and the magic created by Richie Furay, Stephen Stills, Neil Young, Dewey Martin and Bruce Palmer that night.

Neil Young recaptures that magic on his new album "Silver and Gold" as he reminisces in his song Buffalo Springfield Again........

Any fans out there?


18 Jul 00 - 11:29 PM (#260548)
Subject: RE: Buffalo Springfield again.....
From: Jim the Bart

Oh man, yes. One of my great regrets in life is that I missed them when they came to the "teen club" in my little Chicago suburb in the summer of 1967. I was at Northwestern being a theatre "cherub", but that's another story.

My younger sister (all of 16 at the time) met the band and got to smoke a bomber with them in their van. All of them except Neil Young, who had split before the tour. Can you imagine? Seeing Stills, Furay, and the rest in the "Dark Spot" - an old warehouse with a 20' by 20' stage, flat black walls, cheazy PA and a few spot lights? Meanwhile, the Doors, Hendrix, Fresh Cream and Sgt. Pepper were just creeping into our consciousness. What a summer!

When I finally left for college in the fall of '68 I didn't have a stereo. The only albums I took with were Neil Young's "Everybody Knows This is Nowhere", Poco's "Picking Up the Pieces" and the Buffalo Springfield Again. "Bluebird", "Broken Arrow", etc. Oh, to be that young and innocent again.

18 Jul 00 - 11:48 PM (#260555)
Subject: RE: Buffalo Springfield again.....
From: zonahobo

Oh yes .. definitely a fan. Along with the Byrds and Dylan. I've kept a turntable around so I can still play those scratchy 33's for a nostalgia trip. IMHO the 60's were a great decade for music.

19 Jul 00 - 12:45 AM (#260569)
Subject: RE: Buffalo Springfield again.....
From: thosp

count me in ---- but now i'm trying to remember the song that was dropped from thier first album ---when they reissued it to include "for what it's worth" --- when it became popular as a single --- or am i remembering it correctly at all? ----- anyway i still love their sound!

peace (Y) thosp

19 Jul 00 - 12:52 AM (#260575)
Subject: RE: Buffalo Springfield again.....
From: rangeroger

Yes I'm a big fan.In 1967 I was in the Navy, stationed in Bremerton Washington."For What it's Worth" was my theme song.

I've got the ATCO double LP sitting on my lap right now.

19 Jul 00 - 01:17 AM (#260585)
Subject: RE: Buffalo Springfield again.....
From: Clifton53

A huge fan years ago. Thought Steve Stills was the second coming. Don't forget the late addition of Jim Messina.


19 Jul 00 - 02:18 AM (#260599)
Subject: RE: Buffalo Springfield again.....
From: Sorcha

Oh yes......."memories, pressed between the pages of my mind"...... a little later, but oh so apropos.

19 Jul 00 - 07:46 AM (#260652)
Subject: RE: Buffalo Springfield again.....

"Bluebird." Now there's a song I hadn't thought of in years. What a great tune..."they don't write 'em like that anymore." So saith John Mellencamp. Thanks...for the memories (so saith Bob Hope).

19 Jul 00 - 08:04 AM (#260656)
Subject: RE: Buffalo Springfield again.....
From: GUEST,

Hello there fellow Buffalo Springfield fans. Glad you guys are alive because I have heard so many nasty remarks about my favorite 60's music. (Mostly related to shoddy production, but hey, Todd Rundgren was in Woody's Truckstop and George Martin was busy elsewhere, so where were you gonna find anybody with studio smarts?) Hey Rangerover, where did you find the double Atco LP? I had it very briefly in Spring 1974, and was never able to locate it again. All of my inquiries have been met with befuddled shrugs or mocking laughter. Could you please tell me the Atco LP number so perhaps I can snag a copy off the web. And good mr thosp, the missing tune from the first LP was "Baby Don't Scold Me". Clifton 53, how could we ever forget Jim Messina. Also remember prior to Jim, substitute bass players Bobby West (of Love), Ken Kolblum (of Neil's band The Squires), and Jim Fielder (of the Mothers of Invention)and when Neil split they had Doug Hastings on lead Guitar. I've got an interesting bootleg from Monterey pop with David Crosby sitting in. Only really noteworthy cut is Rockn'roll woman merged with Bluebird.

Keep the faith my good brothers!


19 Jul 00 - 08:17 AM (#260660)
Subject: RE: Buffalo Springfield again.....
From: mactheturk

I was working as a laborer on a construction crew in the summer of 69', one of the equipment operators ran an old Buffalo-Springfield roller and he collected tractor "watch fobs", you know, those neat brass ones with a leather strap to carry your timepiece. Well, he gave me a beauty, engraved "Buffalo Springfield" on the front. He had no idea of he had done. I still carry it with me today....


19 Jul 00 - 08:23 AM (#260661)
Subject: RE: Buffalo Springfield again.....
From: Whistle Stop

Great music, a talented bunch of guys. I was too young (9-12) to see them when they were together, but I love the tunes.

19 Jul 00 - 08:31 AM (#260665)
Subject: RE: Buffalo Springfield again.....
From: L R Mole

Whoa...first album,"Nowadays Clancy Can't Even Sing" and "Sit Down I Think I Love You" (later covered by the Mojo Men with an odd one-beat shift in the meter). "Again" with "Everydays" (cool jazz piano meets fuzz-tone guitar) and those two Neil Young (sorry Spaw) grandiosities "Broken Arrow" and "Expecting to Fly". Nothing ever expressed, for me, the hopeless, thwarted-romantic teenage emotional slush I was wading through at the time than that last tune. Nor ever will again.

19 Jul 00 - 08:41 AM (#260667)
Subject: RE: Buffalo Springfield again.....
From: mactheturk

When considering cross-over artists I always think of the Buffalo Springfield and Roger Miller. As a kid, my rock and roll buddies thought I was nuts to be listening to Roger Miller so much, I loved all of his stuff,"Chug-a-lug", "Dang Me", "KinG Of The Road", "Walkin' in The Sunshine".

Next thing you know, here comes Neil Young in that Davey Crockett outfit with songs like, "Carefree Country Day", "Kind Woman", Pretty Girl Why".

Two worlds collided in 1967 and I was lucky to be there.

To quote Roger Miller.."You can"t roller skate in a buffalo herd......"


19 Jul 00 - 09:15 AM (#260678)
Subject: RE: Buffalo Springfield again.....
From: Big Mick

When you look through my CD case in my car you will find page after page of Irish. But smack dab in the middle of the B's ( they are arranged alpha by artist) is Buffalo Springfield's Retrospective. I have literally worn out copy's of the LP over the years. The guitar work and arrangements still knock me out today. I can remember when I found the first Springfield album. I immediately went to my girlfriends house, called my buddy and told him to grab his guitar and let's get learning this stuff. They were way ahead of their times. Broken Arrow, for obvious reasons still reaches inside me in a profound way. Think I will play that CD today.

All the best,

Big Mick

19 Jul 00 - 09:20 AM (#260680)
Subject: RE: Buffalo Springfield again.....
From: mactheturk

Happy to say that my son is a big fan too. A few weeks ago he played "I Am A Child" at one of his gigs...

a proud father, mac

19 Jul 00 - 11:24 AM (#260747)
Subject: RE: Buffalo Springfield again.....
From: Wesley S

I'm a big fan also. They had some of the best sounding acoustic guitar sounds at the time. I'll bet I listened to the solos in "Bluebird" a couple of thousand times. And they were willing to have acoustic solos on rock songs. I'm not sure a lot of other people were doing that at the time. They may have but my mind plays tricks on me after all these years.

I remember that one of the main reasons I picked up Bonnie Raitts first LP even though I hadn't heard it yet was because she had recorded "Bluebird". And it had been recorded just a few miles from where I was born in Minneapolis.

19 Jul 00 - 12:03 PM (#260788)
Subject: RE: Buffalo Springfield again.....
From: Jim Krause

Somewhere along the line, I found a copy of "Greatest Hits." Maybe in a cutout bin. In those days, my allowance was just about eaten up by the purchase of an LP. I always liked that sound, those rich accoustic guitars, close three part harmony. Yep, that was good music.

19 Jul 00 - 06:35 PM (#261108)
Subject: RE: Buffalo Springfield again.....

And from that springfield came...

Loggins and Messina.....
Crosby Stills & Nash....
Neil Young & Crazy Horse
Crosby Stills Nash & Young

pretty impressive, Mac

19 Jul 00 - 08:30 PM (#261215)
Subject: RE: Buffalo Springfield again.....
From: rangeroger

The album is ATCO SD 2-806. I have had this one since I bought it new in '73.
There's a good chance it may be out on CD.


19 Jul 00 - 11:24 PM (#261338)
Subject: RE: Buffalo Springfield again.....
From: Jim the Bart

They had a feature on VH1 about Neil a few weeks back with some video of the Springfield performing live. Is any of that available commercially? I was really amazed at how good they sounded.