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Won't Find Me There!!!!!!!!!

27 Jul 00 - 05:49 PM (#266054)
Subject: WON'T FIND ME THERE!!!!!!!!!
From: Art Thieme

Mudcat is NOT a clique and you sure won't fine ME in that other thread. ;-)

Art Thieme

27 Jul 00 - 05:56 PM (#266059)
Subject: RE: WON'T FIND ME THERE!!!!!!!!!
From: Sorcha

Me either, Art. I have been doing my best to just ignore all of it, and laugh but it is becoming more and more difficult to ingnore it. (But not to laugh at it, it is all so silly!) Even the flaming troll stuff. I was wondering, though if Bill D. needed to borrow some treble aught hooks for his trolling.........MudCat trotline, On Duty. Does he count as a (forbid--)Mudcat "Cop"? LOL!

From now on, I will try to control myself, but it is hard, so hard. (Too easy, spaw....)

27 Jul 00 - 08:00 PM (#266138)
Subject: RE: WON'T FIND ME THERE!!!!!!!!!
From: little john cameron

Aye yer right guys.It gets on yer nerves efter a while'Ye're dain the right thing ignore it. LJC

27 Jul 00 - 08:04 PM (#266140)
Subject: RE: WON'T FIND ME THERE!!!!!!!!!
From: catspaw49

Bless you Art!!!

Friends are friends....................Didn't see me there either didja'?


27 Jul 00 - 08:07 PM (#266141)
Subject: RE: WON'T FIND ME THERE!!!!!!!!!
From: katlaughing

Me, too, me ,too!!!


27 Jul 00 - 08:08 PM (#266142)
Subject: RE: WON'T FIND ME THERE!!!!!!!!!
From: catspaw49

Aw geez.......I'm kinda' dense sometimes. I suppose posting here will make anyone who does, part of a clique.

Damn..........I foresee Personal Messages in my future.


27 Jul 00 - 08:26 PM (#266153)
Subject: RE: WON'T FIND ME THERE!!!!!!!!!
From: catspaw49

This should really be titled, "Condom Thread;The Sequel"


27 Jul 00 - 09:02 PM (#266185)
Subject: RE: WON'T FIND ME THERE!!!!!!!!!
From: Naemanson

So, does posting to this thread make you part of the clique?

JUST KIDDING!!!! I know better but I couldn't resist!

27 Jul 00 - 09:10 PM (#266192)
Subject: RE: WON'T FIND ME THERE!!!!!!!!!
From: catspaw49

Too late Naemanson........too late!


27 Jul 00 - 10:51 PM (#266235)
Subject: RE: WON'T FIND ME THERE!!!!!!!!!
From: Sorcha

Cliquie Club!!--what a great name for a Old Folgies nightclub. Folgies--not a typo, figure it out......

27 Jul 00 - 10:55 PM (#266238)
Subject: RE: WON'T FIND ME THERE!!!!!!!!!
From: GUEST,Barry Finn

Who won't find me where. Gezze, always a day late & a dollar short. Barry

27 Jul 00 - 11:18 PM (#266251)
Subject: RE: WON'T FIND ME THERE!!!!!!!!!
From: JedMarum

... funny, I saw just a bit of that thread and decided not to look too far. I see I was in good company!

27 Jul 00 - 11:22 PM (#266257)
Subject: RE: WON'T FIND ME THERE!!!!!!!!!
From: catspaw49

Yeah Jed, but now ya' done gone and posted here and you're stuck in this clique.

Too late to repent......We're glad to have you.


27 Jul 00 - 11:23 PM (#266258)
Subject: RE: WON'T FIND ME THERE!!!!!!!!!
From: GUEST,Guest

Oh great. Another garbage dump to respond to idiots!

27 Jul 00 - 11:31 PM (#266266)
Subject: RE: WON'T FIND ME THERE!!!!!!!!!
From: Sailor Dan

Ah ha- I found them I found them

Spaw tracks, now to follow them closely................................................................................................ and I aint going there either

Sailor DAn

27 Jul 00 - 11:35 PM (#266270)
Subject: RE: WON'T FIND ME THERE!!!!!!!!!
From: Sorcha

You betcha, GUEST,guest!! An' this club don't pay no dues, we just hand out a few walkin' shoes. We ain't got no rules, jes' jump right in the jello pools.

(but,and it's one big BUTT, there is a $5 fine for whinin')

27 Jul 00 - 11:40 PM (#266276)
Subject: RE: WON'T FIND ME THERE!!!!!!!!!
From: Seamus Kennedy

Do I get thrown out of the clique for posting to that thread and calling it a 'claque?" Come to think of it, was I ever part of the clique, and if not, why not? Semaus

27 Jul 00 - 11:40 PM (#266277)
Subject: RE: WON'T FIND ME THERE!!!!!!!!!
From: rangeroger

If we're going to jump in jello pools again, can I belly-flop off the diving board again?


28 Jul 00 - 12:06 AM (#266304)
Subject: RE: WON'T FIND ME THERE!!!!!!!!!
From: Gypsy

Ugh....won't find ME there either. When o when will we get back to the business, the joy and the love of MUSIC, rather than rabble rousing topics! Good Grief!

28 Jul 00 - 12:07 AM (#266306)
Subject: RE: WON'T FIND ME THERE!!!!!!!!!
From: Liz the Squeak

No, you know what that does to the ducks....


28 Jul 00 - 06:02 AM (#266441)
Subject: RE: WON'T FIND ME THERE!!!!!!!!!
From: InOBU

Art: - yup, me too, Larry

28 Jul 00 - 09:12 AM (#266509)
Subject: RE: WON'T FIND ME THERE!!!!!!!!!
From: Morticia

well, I was there ; but only because my good name......okay, my reasonable name,was drugged up and I had to defend myself......I think I was accused of being a blue clicky and everyone knows I don't click, I yell.

28 Jul 00 - 09:28 AM (#266519)
Subject: RE: WON'T FIND ME THERE!!!!!!!!!
From: GUEST,The Yank

Everybody Sing!!

If you miss me in the Clique o' the Cat
You can't find me nowhere
Come on over to the Clacque o' the Cat
I'll be writin' up there
I'll be writin' up there
Come on over to the Clacque o' the Cat
I'll be flamin' up there.

Whoo, boy.....

28 Jul 00 - 09:43 AM (#266529)
Subject: RE: WON'T FIND ME THERE!!!!!!!!!
From: Jim the Bart

There seem to be a lot of paranoid thoughts around lately. Is this something I should be worried about?

I've got my name on the tail o' my shirt
I'm an easy rollin' man - I don't need to work

Oh, I do? OK, boss.
I guess I'll see y'all later

28 Jul 00 - 09:55 AM (#266540)
Subject: RE: WON'T FIND ME THERE!!!!!!!!!
From: wysiwyg

You won't find me THERE but Shambles' thread seems to have a positive note to it.


28 Jul 00 - 10:13 AM (#266552)
Subject: RE: WON'T FIND ME THERE!!!!!!!!!
From: bbelle

Remember when we were called the "gang of 12" about 2 1/2 years ago? I didn't go "there" and I won't go "there." No, I've not reached my dotage ... those are two difference "theres." I'm glad to see you "all" on this one, though. If "friends" are what make a claque ... whatcha gonna do?


28 Jul 00 - 10:49 AM (#266570)
Subject: RE: WON'T FIND ME THERE!!!!!!!!!
From: Peter T.

I have come to the dark conclusion that only one thing will slow the bastards down: nauseating sweetness. Overpower them with warm greetings. Ask about their hobbies. It might work. I intend to hold all these jerks in what kat would never call the Holy Light of Mudcat Goo. For instance: isn't it wonderful that people with so little intelligence have mastered such a complex thing as a computer? And to send messages to others! Reaching out for human contact in a lonely world. Can anything be more heartening? SIGHHHHH.

yours, Peter T.

28 Jul 00 - 10:53 AM (#266572)
Subject: RE: WON'T FIND ME THERE!!!!!!!!!
From: L R Mole

Is this the year of the claque?Anyway, I'm off to the rock-ribbed coast for a bit, me and the Guild 12 and my worries. Take care of each other and yerselves. Bless all here.

28 Jul 00 - 11:51 AM (#266620)
Subject: RE: WON'T FIND ME THERE!!!!!!!!!

I spent an hour looking for you guys but you were neither here nor there. I guess that's neither here nor there.........Spaw? Spaw? Where are you? Art????

28 Jul 00 - 12:07 PM (#266633)
Subject: RE: WON'T FIND ME THERE!!!!!!!!!
From: wysiwyg

Peter, I have had some success with same. Go for it. See me for support as needed.


28 Jul 00 - 06:33 PM (#266902)
Subject: RE: WON'T FIND ME THERE!!!!!!!!!
From: GUEST,harpgirl approach to the last individual (guest) who criticized me thoroughly and also made me cry incidentally, was to respond honestly to what they said that was critical. that is another choice thus far has not been mentioned anywhere...I am aware that most of us are reluctant to criticize publically AND to sign our name. That is why people say things which might be construed as mean and don't sign their names. What does one do with negative feelings? I, for one, have backed off and decided not to voice any opinions about anyone elses written remarks on the forum. That is how I have dealt my own disappointment and my own negative feelings, and I am now mainly lurking. It suits my nature better to listen anyway......

28 Jul 00 - 07:06 PM (#266917)
Subject: RE: WON'T FIND ME THERE!!!!!!!!!
From: Lonesome EJ

Well, I just came back from the clique thread, and I have to was GREAT!!! You guys don't know what you're missing! They've got ice-cold buckets of Warsteiners over there! And the shrimp wontons were terrific. I'm going back....

28 Jul 00 - 07:24 PM (#266927)
Subject: RE: WON'T FIND ME THERE!!!!!!!!!
From: Giac

I just posted a clicky and it actually works! Does that mean I can now be part of a click-que??

28 Jul 00 - 11:32 PM (#267043)
Subject: RE: WON'T FIND ME THERE!!!!!!!!!
From: wysiwyg


Wanna be friends?


Get to know each other.


29 Jul 00 - 01:10 AM (#267110)
Subject: RE: WON'T FIND ME THERE!!!!!!!!!
From: Gypsy

Oooh...Peter, quite the serious torture. Used the same technique with recalcitrant customers when i was in the bad old days of retail. Was quite effective.

29 Jul 00 - 03:40 PM (#267397)
Subject: RE: WON'T FIND ME THERE!!!!!!!!!
From: Big Mick

Harpgirl, can we stop this? I am not backing off my position on what has passed, nor do I expect that you should. And I don't know that you and I will ever be the kind of Mudcat friends that we were, or at least that I thought we were. But I can tell you this. You have been an important member of this community for a long time, longer than I have. I wish that you would reconsider your position. It really doesn't matter who or how many agree with any given position/idea. What does matter is that people who care about this place hang in there. You have always cared about this place, that is not in question. Never has been. Please come home. Please contribute as you always have. I am being completely sincere when I say that this place is better with you than without. I would have sent this as a PM, but it is my understanding that you have eliminated the ability to do that.


29 Jul 00 - 09:42 PM (#267586)
Subject: RE: WON'T FIND ME THERE!!!!!!!!!
From: Little Neophyte

I've been away this past week so I figure I will just hang out on this thread because that other thread is way too long to read.
How about calling this one the 'Blue Cliquey' thread?


29 Jul 00 - 10:00 PM (#267602)
Subject: RE: WON'T FIND ME THERE!!!!!!!!!
From: Helen

Peter, Praise & Gypsy,

I started using friendliness as a positive counterbalance to negativity in my working life about 20 years ago and it worked like a charm then and still works in almost every unpleasant work situation I have been in since then. It didn't work in my recently ended work situation but that was a whole new kettle of fish. The offensive person was deliberately nasty, not unconsciously nasty, or just remiss, so he didn't care what I did he just chose to be nasty anyway. The best thing I could do in that case was just to cut my losses and walk away, but in almost every other situation positive, constructive niceness has won out.

It doesn't have to be super-cheesy niceness, sweetness & light, either. It works really well by just acting as if everything they say is nice and responding accordingly. And only responding to the content of their words and not the tone of words, voice, gesture etc makes a lot of difference too.

It all comes down to respect for each other in the final analysis, I think, and as long as we each demand respect for ourselves and give respect to other people there is a lot less negativity and a lot more constructive outcomes - IMHO (in my humble opinion).


30 Jul 00 - 01:13 AM (#267696)
Subject: RE: WON'T FIND ME THERE!!!!!!!!!
From: Gypsy

You are absolutely right, Helen. But there are situations, where I really can't resist nauseating sweetness, cuz the people in question are deliberately hurtful. In 99% cases, I attempt genuine friendship and light. the remaining 1%, however, grrrr....