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Lyr Req: Dorian Toungetwister...

01 Aug 00 - 10:51 AM (#269442)
Subject: Dorian Toungetwister...
From: GUEST,Håvard

I'm looking for the lyrics to a Aberdonian/Dorian song. Probably a nightmare to sing (and for a Norwegian - to understand). It's set to a jig I think, and no - it's not in the DT.

Here are some of the fragments I've been able to dechiffer and remember:

"...alang cam' a lassie, and she offered me a kiss - an offer I would never think of scorning..."

"...tall lassies, short lassies, big lassies, wee lassies, all sort of lassies..... but the flow'r o' them all was little Peggy (?)...."

"... now, you never saw a horse like my old horse Bob....."

"...... head as yellow as a big Swed nepe...."


01 Aug 00 - 10:53 AM (#269447)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Dorian Toungetwister...
From: Mrrzy

This sounds great! What is a Dorian? Or rather, where is a Dorian from?

01 Aug 00 - 11:07 AM (#269458)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Dorian Toungetwister...
From: MMario

*aaaaarrrrggggghhhhhh!* I have HEARD this before..but have no idea what the title is....or who does it.

02 Aug 00 - 10:24 AM (#270252)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Dorian Toungetwister...
From: GUEST,Håvard

Not sure about how Dorian is defined... as an accent of people from Aberdeenshire or in terms of the many peculiar words and rhymes? Surely someone knows!


02 Aug 00 - 10:47 AM (#270268)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Dorian Toungetwister...
From: GUEST,Håvard

of cource... when I say dorian I mean DORIC (embarassed)!


02 Aug 00 - 11:20 PM (#270772)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Dorian Toungetwister...
From: big48mama

Guest, Dorian in music is one of the modes starting on the second scale. Like in key of C, it would be from d to hi d, not sharps/flats. "Shady Grove" is in the dorian mode. The major songs of today are in Ionian and the minor songs are in aeolian. I'm a music teacher and know about this. Hope it doesn't confuse anyone.

02 Aug 00 - 11:31 PM (#270777)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Dorian Toungetwister...
From: Sorcha

Well, it did me, but I think I have it now. Talking about a type of verbal accent, right?

02 Aug 00 - 11:45 PM (#270784)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Dorian Toungetwister...
From: alison

"but the flow'r o' them all was little Peggy " is from the bonnie lass of Fyvie



03 Aug 00 - 06:57 AM (#270896)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Dorian Toungetwister...
From: GUEST,Håvard

I actually know the difference between dorian and doric... just that I mix them up sometimes (usually when I'm much less sober than this).

I've heard the song you mention Alison, but unfortunately it's not the one I meant.


16 Aug 00 - 11:42 AM (#278858)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Dorian Toungetwister...
From: GUEST,Håvard


16 Aug 00 - 11:55 AM (#278870)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Dorian Toungetwister...
From: little john cameron

Disnae sound much like a tung tweester tae me Havard,but then mah tung is permanently tweested.Ah'll hae a raked aboot in mah vast repertoire o useless knowledge an see whit ah can come up wi.If ye are interestit in strange Scots vocabulary ah've got a dandy that has been bamboozlin fowk wi fur years.Ah'll type it oot efter ah hae mah denner. LJC

17 Aug 00 - 09:14 PM (#279899)
Subject: Lyr Add: BONNIE JEANIE
From: little john cameron


O ken ye Wullie Broon, Jeanie,
O ken ye Brulzie Glen,
Wi the haslock on the brig, Jeanie,
A' bu ca fu big ben?

Whaur's the loof, noo, Jeanie?
Whaur's the bannock, Jo?
My luv's a blearit caulsie, Jeanie,
An' the gutchers doit sae low.

Snaw white wis her hert, Jeanie,
Waulkin doon the warl.
The midden-creels a' bracht, Jeanie.
The loof's anint the sparl.

Sair rins the Tees noo, Jeanie,
Deevin through the glaes,
But a mons a mons a mon, Jeanie,
Wi'oot a guidmans claes.

Sair rins the Tweed hoocht, Jeanie,
Blithe towmond, bonnie skirl,
The Snowther's blate the criffe, Jeanie,
Wi' birkie frae the sirl.

O ken ye Wullie Broon, Jeanie?
Whaur's the limmer noo?
Flicht stricht the bricht licht fa's, Jeanie,
An' mony mair tae you.

Noo this "poem" is scrieved in Broad Scots an no "Doric" but the best a could dae at short notice.
Mibbe oor panel o resident experts can translate it intae standard English. LJC

17 Aug 00 - 10:55 PM (#279968)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Dorian Toungetwister...
From: little john cameron

Thank ye agin PENE.

17 Aug 00 - 11:32 PM (#280010)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Dorian Toungetwister...
From: little john cameron

Whit dae ye think o that then? ljc

18 Aug 00 - 12:42 AM (#280056)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Dorian Toungetwister...
From: Little Hawk

Quite a poem. I shall study it intensively, investigate for the possibility of significant prime (not cardinal!) number arrangements, etc., and then get back to you with a full explanation.

Or not.

Wait and see.

Even now it hastens to the print head, and is about to assume visible, tactile form on my desk. Ah! The miracles of modern science!

18 Aug 00 - 10:13 AM (#280197)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Dorian Toungetwister...
From: Kim C

Well, now, I said in Mr. Crosbie's thread that I could understand you perfectly. But I am not "versed" enough in Scots dialect to understand this, although I picked up a couple of things....... :)

18 Aug 00 - 11:08 AM (#280224)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Dorian Toungetwister...
From: little john cameron

LH, dinnae forget the Sacred Geometry in the spacin o the vowels.
Wid it no be easier tae jist print it aff?
Ah'll gie ye the Enigma code tae it later.Dont yase up too much grey matter on it tho as it is meant tae be understood intuitively raither than wi the intellect. ljc

19 Aug 00 - 04:40 AM (#280671)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Dorian Toungetwister...
From: CarolC

little john cameron,

I don't understand it with either my intellect or my intuition, but it looks like it would sound beautiful when read out loud. Is it about boats?


19 Aug 00 - 11:30 AM (#280761)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Dorian Toungetwister...
From: little john cameron

Hi Carol, ye won the prize.Hae a wee gander at explanation o the poem in conversation wi Brendy,If ye go tae this site ye see the translation o maist o the words.Haslock fur instance is the wool aboot a sheeps throat. When ye pit aw the words thegither it soon becomes obvious that it disnae mak sense.Ye're richt tae aboot how it sounds when spoken oot lood.
Here is the addy fur the dictionary.
Jist a wee bit o fun,some folk hae nae sense o humour.Ye could also drap intae the chat room an see some o the conversations we hae wi each ither.Some times it has me bamboozled whit they are on aboot. Here is the addy tae the Dundee 3js.
These are aw Scots fowk an they seem tae like mah foolishness. LJC