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BS: whit aboot mah poem

17 Aug 00 - 11:28 PM (#280008)
Subject: whit aboot mah poem
From: little john cameron

Listen here,is naebody gaun tae read mah braw poem"It took me aboot an oor tae type it.It's on the tweested tung threed that nae body is lookin at. ljc

17 Aug 00 - 11:35 PM (#280012)
Subject: RE: BS: whit aboot mah poem
From: Pene Azul

Lyr Req: Dorian Toungetwister...

17 Aug 00 - 11:38 PM (#280014)
Subject: RE: BS: whit aboot mah poem
From: Brendy

I'm sure you think it must be great fun, Johnny - you know, typing phonetically, and all that.
I'm not Scottish, but even I find your characterisations gratuitous.
It's a kind of 'Andy Stewart meets Norman Wisdom'.
Not at all like any Scotsman that I know or respect.


18 Aug 00 - 12:10 AM (#280043)
Subject: RE: BS: whit aboot mah poem
From: hesperis

I like it!!!


18 Aug 00 - 12:16 AM (#280045)
Subject: RE: BS: whit aboot mah poem
From: Lox


Looks like smacky botties for you Johnny. Now talk properly or your cookie will have to be confiscated!

(rest assured that I have about as much understanding of the workings of a cookie as I do the baking of one)

18 Aug 00 - 12:23 AM (#280048)
Subject: RE: BS: whit aboot mah poem
From: Mbo

Ah, yair a' a bunch o' heathens! Made puirfect sense tae me! Wha whadna dae wi' oot me Hieland glossairie! Thanks agin' auld friend wee Johnny! Talk laik that as lang as ye laik!

--Maithu Ruadh

18 Aug 00 - 12:32 AM (#280050)
Subject: RE: BS: whit aboot mah poem
From: Little Hawk

Now, Brendy, don't go witholding respect on such a flimsy basis as that...LJC deserves respect just as much as you or anyone else.

I'm gonna go and read the poem.

18 Aug 00 - 12:48 AM (#280060)
Subject: RE: BS: whit aboot mah poem
From: katlaughing

ljc, ya know how I feel about it all...the poem was fine, just have to work out a few of the the meantime keep it up...good exercise for the brain cells!


18 Aug 00 - 12:52 AM (#280066)
Subject: RE: BS: whit aboot mah poem
From: Lox

You tell 'em Kat

18 Aug 00 - 03:25 AM (#280097)
Subject: RE: BS: whit aboot mah poem
From: GUEST,Scabby Doug ( I ate my own cookie)

I have to say that I applaud ljc's determination to keep on writing in his own voice.

I'm from Glasgow, and ah've attemptit tae write in mah ain voice wance or twicet, bit it aye seems ower much hard work.

I suppose that, in my own case, Glasgow/Scots is a spoken medium of communication. I often sing using that language, but, for me, I have to think really hard when writing that way.

So for those of you who see it as an affectation, thrrrsthrrrp (big raspberry noise - Bronx cheer, if you're from the US). And 3 real cheers for john who writes with warmth and humour.

A' the best, wee man!

18 Aug 00 - 11:58 AM (#280248)
Subject: RE: BS: whit aboot mah poem
From: little john cameron

Ah got ah PM a few days ago fae Jenny[Moonchild] aboot me an LH advice tae ignore incendiary posts so ah hae tae tak mah ain advice.
Ah'm includin a link aboot the various Scots vocabulary.Mibbe that will enlichten ye on whit fur ah write in this manner.
Scabby.Ah also include ane that has mah stories on a Scots web site.the writin there is ,as here,been modified tae a certain extent tae accomodate non-Scots readers.
Only on the rare occasion dae ah write [FONETICALLY],Ah hae tae compromise as if it wis in Broad Scots,Lallans or Doric ah doot if ye wid mak heid nor tail o it
Onyway, ah'm gled some o ye like it, an them that dinnae Go n-ithe an cat thú is go n-ithe an diabhal an cat. LJC

18 Aug 00 - 12:08 PM (#280254)
Subject: RE: BS: whit aboot mah poem
From: Kim C

I replied in the poem thread .... but you already know I like what you write anyway!:)

18 Aug 00 - 12:23 PM (#280270)
Subject: RE: BS: whit aboot mah poem
From: little john cameron


18 Aug 00 - 12:47 PM (#280283)
Subject: RE: BS: whit aboot mah poem
From: Mbo

Remember this?


18 Aug 00 - 01:16 PM (#280306)
Subject: RE: BS: whit aboot mah poem
From: little john cameron

The original Wellie Boot sang eh ljc awfy guid gang

18 Aug 00 - 01:45 PM (#280326)
Subject: RE: BS: whit aboot mah poem

Now I binna postin on thizzeer forum fer a rite gud spell and Ime allwiz one whut iz trine ta better hisself soze I red yur pome an beins az I got me a fine forth grayed edgykashun, i still cant make hide ner hair outta the thang. But iffen yall ar awontin sum reel fine pome like stuff, well thizzeer is one whut I allus holt with.

Gene Gene bilt a machine
Frank Frank ternt her crank
Joe Joe amader go
Art art let a fart an blu the hole dang thang apart

See how gud thattun rimes an all. Keepa trine thair an Ile betcha git reel fine liken the feller whut rit thatun. An Ima hopin ya git yersef a nu an bigger outhouse senz itz awful hard ta releeve yersef inna little john.


18 Aug 00 - 01:47 PM (#280328)
Subject: RE: BS: whit aboot mah poem
From: Kim C

Oh my stars

18 Aug 00 - 05:18 PM (#280438)
Subject: RE: BS: whit aboot mah poem
From: hesperis


18 Aug 00 - 05:29 PM (#280445)
Subject: RE: BS: whit aboot mah poem
From: little john cameron

No bad Cletus,but watch oot fur Brendy,he disnae like fonetics. LJC

18 Aug 00 - 05:38 PM (#280450)
Subject: RE: BS: whit aboot mah poem
From: Bernard

Yon mon Brendy's bamfert get coppit. Us lanky types are reet gradely fonetic fowk, too, tha knows.

Awreet, Chuck?

18 Aug 00 - 09:04 PM (#280531)
Subject: RE: BS: whit aboot mah poem
From: Brendy

On the contrary, lads and lassies, I love phonetics.
As part of my finals for my M.Ed in Celtic Studies, I did a dissertation on the languages of the Ulster Scots.

Your poem was quite good as well, I thought, though I can't for the life of me think why you should have repeatedly drawn our attention to it - over two threads.

Which just leaves my unease.

I tend to get defensive about my family, no matter what nationality they are. And my reaction is the same whether its someone doing a D'Arby O'Gill on it, or an 'Och aye the noo'.

As you pointed out in another thread, a Sheáin, you find it difficult to express yourself on certain subjects, using the vocabulary that you normally use.
It seems to me, in that case, that the only use you make of your language is when you are being jocular. Therein lies my point.

It would have been far more consistent of you, IMO, had you tackled your vibration theory in Braid. I would have known then, that 'This guy is serious about who he is, and where he's at'.

But all I can see is an attention seeking Scots guy, taking the piss out of his own language.
I really wish I could see it differently.

But, hey, who gives a toss, eh?

Yer a quare geg, tho.

18 Aug 00 - 10:18 PM (#280553)
Subject: RE: BS: whit aboot mah poem
From: little john cameron

If ye wid notice ah revived the threed o Havards tae try an help him oot wi his request an said ah wid get back tae him efter mah denner but it slipped mah mind.By the time ah got back wi the poem that threed wis nearly a goner even efter ah posted the poem ,an then the bluidy thing got stuck an it took me a while tae figur oot tae get on the help line.Ah only mentioned it on the 2nd ane tae direct fowk back tae the 1st ane.Then Pene pit a link tae 2nd ane back tae the 1st ane an by that time the John Crosbie ane POPPED UP'!!
Dae ye folly that awricht?
Noo then,ah agree wi ye aboot the lookin fur attention an the mickey takin.The only talent ah hae is mah sense o humour.Too bad ye dinnae hae ane!.
As fawr as the poem goes,if ye can mak ony sense oot o that then ye're a better man than me Gunga Din.It's a bunch o words maistly oot o Rabbie Burns' poems strung thegither in nae particular order.In ither words"rubbish" but when spoke oot lood sounds very"Burnsesque'
Dae ye honestly think fowk wid o had an easier time wi mah vibrational disertation if it wis scrieved in Scots?
Ah,m gled tae hear ye're learnin Ulster Scots.Fortunately ah dinnae hae tae dae that tae learn oors as ah live it every day in mah bones. LJC

18 Aug 00 - 10:31 PM (#280557)
Subject: RE: BS: whit aboot mah poem
From: little john cameron

Me again fowks!!Ah seem tae dae got mah pipes fired up noo.So here's a wee bittie o Real Scots fur ye.
(b) Scots as a naitional leid

The nixt three-fower hunner year wis tae see the flouerin o 'Scots' as a naitional leid. In 1314 Bannockburn o course makkit sicker the freedom o the kintra (fur a wee). In 1375 Barbour's Scots epic 'The Brus' cam out, in 1398 the Scottish Parliament stairtit tae pit its laws in Scots (insteed o Laitin). Doon south o coorse the Inglish wis growein an aw throu the warks o Chaucer an ithers. Bit it hid chynged, noo bein, a wheen say, mair an Anglo-Frainch 'creole'. The by- leid o the hame counties becam the offeecial naitional leid therr efter aboot 1450.

The Scottish leid, wi its Lochlan colorin, wis noo different eneuch to be cryed a saiprit tung an the by-leid aroon the Forth suin becam the national leid o keing an cowmoner alike. The makar Gavin Douglas (wha kent 'Inglish' Inglish weel) wis aiblins the first kenspeckle scriever tae own the difference an gie the tung its new nam. The makars Henryson, Dunbar, Lyndsay an Douglas hisel aw played a pairt in makkin Scots a heid European leid wi a warld-cless leeterature an staunin. In a wey, this wis noo the tap o the watter fur Scots, yaised in ilka aspeck o Scottish life, a rael an hail naitional leid. Frae nou on the Scots tung (an its speakers) wid hae tae thole ane dunt efter anithir.

18 Aug 00 - 10:33 PM (#280558)
Subject: RE: BS: whit aboot mah poem
From: Brendy

I'm not learning it, LJ. I did my degree a few years ago, now, so what I was learning, I have learnt.

I'm glad, however, that you live it every day in your bones.
It must be a great comfort to you, what with the few words of the mother tongue, and your tin of Baxter's Cock a' Leekie.

Still liked the poem, though.


18 Aug 00 - 10:43 PM (#280562)
Subject: RE: BS: whit aboot mah poem
From: catspaw49

While y'all are debatin' things, I think you should do a "Forum Search" on the name "Cuilionn." She was a lovely young woman, going to school, and very delightful to have around the joint. She's been gone about a year now, but among her other attributes was the wonderful Braid Scots which she posted in most of the time. I think that for different reasons perhaps, both of you would enjoy reading some of her posts.


18 Aug 00 - 10:45 PM (#280564)
Subject: RE: BS: whit aboot mah poem
From: little john cameron

How could a learned person wi a degree like a poem that wid be obvious tae some ane wi sic a wheen o credentials think that nonsensical bit o whimsy wis good?Ye hae it arse furrit. LJC

18 Aug 00 - 10:54 PM (#280566)
Subject: RE: BS: whit aboot mah poem
From: little john cameron

Ye're richt Spaw.Alison telt me aboot her an an looked up her posts, but naethin there fur a while.Too bad. ljc

18 Aug 00 - 11:06 PM (#280569)
Subject: RE: BS: whit aboot mah poem
From: Brendy

Well, from the 10 or so posts that I read, I couldn't see her taking the mickey.

I learned the Irish Language as a child, and being a northerner, with the obvious link to our brothers and sisters across the channel, it wasn't a difficult thing to understand Scots.
In fact, I did Celtic Studies in Uni, because I knew it was going to be a relatively easy subject; having had a fair amount of knowledge already of the 'P' Celtic languages, of which Irish, Scots, and Ulster Scots are a part of.

The 'Taking of the Mickey' is my only gripe.


18 Aug 00 - 11:10 PM (#280573)
Subject: RE: BS: whit aboot mah poem
From: Brendy

I think 'The Jabberwocky' is a great poem, LJ.

Yours has some 'naive charm', I suppose.
But remember, beauty is in the ey.........etc.


19 Aug 00 - 12:05 AM (#280605)
Subject: RE: BS: whit aboot mah poem
From: Lox

"The jabberwocky" is a great poem!

I learned it studying literature at school. Why?

It is about the best example there is of a poem written with aesthetics and texture as its main focus.

It does so well, that any body who has ever read it instantly understands what "mimsy", "brillig" and "slithy" mean. "Toves" doesn't mean much without "slithy" as a prefix, but "slithy toves" are enough to give you nightmares for a week.

Sitting in front of this computer for so long, I have begun to "gyre" and "gimble". Fortunately however, I am indoors, and thus I do not have to do it in the "wabe". (although I fear that there may be a small puddle of "wabe" seeping up from under my desk)

I know that (did Edward Lear write it or was it Lewis carrol) whoever wrote it compiled a glossary of terms for it, but I didn't see that till a few years ago.

Suffice to say, I think, that these definitions were unimportant to the poem as a piece of work, since, upon reading the glossary, I decided that my own imagery suited the poem better.

Thats just me though and I'm sure that anybody else reading it will have their own personal understanding of it. eg.- How is "slithy" pronounced. Is it more like "slither" or "slimy".

What is a poem if it is not bewitching?... ...a bad poem.

19 Aug 00 - 12:08 AM (#280607)
Subject: RE: BS: whit aboot mah poem
From: Brendy

Like 'slimy'

Goodnight all.

19 Aug 00 - 12:22 AM (#280619)
Subject: RE: BS: whit aboot mah poem
From: Lox

Thats what I thought.

19 Aug 00 - 12:24 AM (#280620)
Subject: RE: BS: whit aboot mah poem
From: Lox

Which is to say that I thought "slithy" too.

19 Aug 00 - 12:02 PM (#280772)
Subject: RE: BS: whit aboot mah poem
From: little john cameron

Here is mah favourite Edward Lear.