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What does 'BS:' stand for?

22 Aug 00 - 08:02 PM (#282820)
Subject: What does 'BS:' stand for?
From: MichaelAnthony

Probably something obvious I'm overlooking.


22 Aug 00 - 08:05 PM (#282827)
Subject: RE: What does 'BS:' stand for?
From: Brendy

Who wants to take this one, then?

Be prepared, Michael.


22 Aug 00 - 08:07 PM (#282829)
Subject: RE: What does 'BS:' stand for?
From: Little Hawk

I think it's "Broadcasting System"...??? Or is it "bloody stupid"?

22 Aug 00 - 08:07 PM (#282830)
Subject: RE: What does 'BS:' stand for?
From: catspaw49

Although the answers can be quite erudite, the bottom line is.....Bull Shit.

So what does M.A.R.T.A. mean Mikey?


22 Aug 00 - 08:08 PM (#282831)
Subject: RE: What does 'BS:' stand for?
From: dwditty

B(efore) S(paw)

22 Aug 00 - 08:08 PM (#282832)
Subject: RE: What does 'BS:' stand for?
From: CarolC

Beyond Suspicion

22 Aug 00 - 08:09 PM (#282834)
Subject: RE: What does 'BS:' stand for?
From: Brendy

Actually, I'm sorry Michael, should have explained myself.

Bovinely Surreptitious, of course, is the answer.


22 Aug 00 - 08:12 PM (#282840)
Subject: RE: What does 'BS:' stand for?
From: GUEST,Mark

Must be Bullshit.

Watch out for the Beatles however.

22 Aug 00 - 08:13 PM (#282841)
Subject: RE: What does 'BS:' stand for?
From: Brendy

My, Aren't Romanians Terribly Astute?


22 Aug 00 - 09:02 PM (#282880)
Subject: RE: What does 'BS:' stand for?
From: Shamrock

Uh. Sorry I thought it indicated a persons gender orientation.

22 Aug 00 - 09:07 PM (#282883)
Subject: RE: What does 'BS:' stand for?
From: Brendy

Backwardly Sensitive?


22 Aug 00 - 09:16 PM (#282889)
Subject: RE: What does 'BS:' stand for?
From: catspaw49

Brendy, i generally hate etnic and racial humor, but sometimes one comes along that I can't help but laugh at. So my apologies in advance to any and all for the following.

MARTA is the Metro Atlanta Regional Transit Authority and Michael lives in Atlanta. Its becoming an excellent rapid transit system, but for many years its main patrons were Atlanta's black population and some wag came up with.....(sorry) Moving Africans Rapidly Through Atlanta. Just always cracked me up.

So Michael, where in Hotlanta are you? Karen and I got married on the square in "Mayretta" back in '86.


22 Aug 00 - 10:04 PM (#282910)
Subject: RE: What does 'BS:' stand for?
From: Brendy

Ha ha ha 'Spaw, Touché *LOL*

Ok Ok, how about 'Romulans'. Surely that can upset nobody...except perhaps Mbo. What d'ya reckon?

Yeah, alright. Romulans it is.

I thought I was been complimentary....maybe it was condescension...who's to know!!!

22 Aug 00 - 10:16 PM (#282918)
Subject: RE: What does 'BS:' stand for?
From: Sorcha

Oh dear, oh my goodness, LMAOROF, I had guessed that MarcAntony's first language was not English, but how did you get to Romaina? (sorry Marc, we are the most irreverent bunch on the web) UH OH, MichaelAnthony now has a new nick name.........and I loved the psuedo MARTA thing, spaw. Michael may not get it tho. Don't you just hate English, sometimes? MichaelAnthony, please don't be offended, and come on back, we would love to have you participate.

23 Aug 00 - 12:46 AM (#283024)
Subject: RE: What does 'BS:' stand for?
From: MichaelAnthony

Well, I'm in Inman Park, a block away from a MARTA station...

I gather BS stands for the obvious, which is Wink, or TIC (tongue-in-check), or just not true...but the threads that have this in front of them weren't really that way, it seemed.

23 Aug 00 - 12:53 AM (#283027)
Subject: RE: What does 'BS:' stand for?
From: Brendy

Welcome to the Mudcat, Michael. *BG*


23 Aug 00 - 04:18 AM (#283087)
Subject: RE: What does 'BS:' stand for?
From: Joe Offer

Gee, the FAQ says it means "breeze-shooting." You mean I can't believe the Mudcat FAQ?
-Joe Offer-

23 Aug 00 - 04:26 AM (#283089)
Subject: RE: What does 'BS:' stand for?
From: Brendy

I suppose it depends on which oriface we're talking about, Joe *BG*


23 Aug 00 - 05:28 AM (#283096)
Subject: RE: What does 'BS:' stand for?
From: Lox

Bum Sediment,

Barn Sluice,

Brain Sarnie,

Bungle Snook,

Buffalo Scent,

Breast Saliva,

Ball (s) ...............

23 Aug 00 - 08:05 AM (#283140)
Subject: RE: What does 'BS:' stand for?
From: Gary T

Actually, what Joe mentioned--breeze shooting--is probably the most accurate way to look at it. Of course we all know that "bullshit" is the original word that BS indicates, but it has different shades of meaning. MichaelA's second post listed some of them. Here it essentially refers to something that's not the stated business at hand (folk and blues music), similar to having a "bull session" at college (instead of discussing studies) or "shooting the breeze" around the office water cooler (instead of talking about work). So I would say it means bullshit in the sense of breeze shooting.

23 Aug 00 - 08:40 AM (#283154)
Subject: RE: What does 'BS:' stand for?
From: GUEST,Fibula Mattock

Big Smile?
or Big Scream when it all goes pear-shaped?

23 Aug 00 - 11:38 AM (#283254)
Subject: RE: What does 'BS:' stand for?
From: Liz the Squeak

And I thought it was for Banjos suppressed.....

Or Being Sensible?

Ho hum, I can dream can't I?


23 Aug 00 - 11:48 AM (#283263)
Subject: RE: What does 'BS:' stand for?
From: GUEST,Scabby Doug

Beef Sausage

Big Snogs

Be Suspicious

Bare Scud

23 Aug 00 - 12:01 PM (#283278)
Subject: RE: What does 'BS:' stand for?
From: GUEST,Scabby Doug

oh.. in Glasgow a "BS" is a "Boady Swerve" - originally a jinking manoeuvre used in football to evade a tackle, but now used to mean any nifty piece of footwork to avoid an undesirable confrontation.

"Ah hink the Big Man's gied us a boady swerve!"

23 Aug 00 - 12:11 PM (#283288)
Subject: RE: What does 'BS:' stand for?
From: MMario

Beyond Subject

23 Aug 00 - 12:50 PM (#283309)
Subject: RE: What does 'BS:' stand for?
From: Catrin

Blue Sofa
Baccy Smoker
Bram Stoker
Bessie Smith
Bruised n'Stiff
Bright Sun
Blue Skies
Being Sly
Bitter Shandy

23 Aug 00 - 01:41 PM (#283343)
Subject: RE: What does 'BS:' stand for?
From: Night Owl

Bodacious Souls

24 Aug 00 - 12:32 AM (#283766)
Subject: RE: What does 'BS:' stand for?
From: P05139

Big Superstition Best Soundtrack(!!) But Sertainly(!)(I know it's a C!) Beef Sausage Big Sleep Big Snog!

24 Aug 00 - 12:35 AM (#283771)
Subject: RE: What does 'BS:' stand for?
From: Mbo

Busted Staple
Best Stuff
Borg Sensorscope

24 Aug 00 - 12:41 AM (#283776)
Subject: RE: What does 'BS:' stand for?
From: Joe Offer

If it looks like it...
and smells like it...
and tastes like it...
It must breeze-shooting.

I hate euphemisms.
-Joe Offer-

24 Aug 00 - 12:42 AM (#283777)
Subject: RE: What does 'BS:' stand for?
From: Seamus Kennedy

Bollocks Spoken
All the best. Seamus

24 Aug 00 - 12:48 AM (#283783)
Subject: RE: What does 'BS:' stand for?
From: Little Hawk

Biggles & Snitch, Attorneys at Law. Now occupying the former offices of Oink, Grunt & Squealllll.

24 Aug 00 - 12:50 AM (#283784)
Subject: RE: What does 'BS:' stand for?
From: katlaughing

Balderdash...Spoken (here)

Beautiful Songs

I like Night Owl's best...we are all Bodacious Souls!

24 Aug 00 - 05:41 PM (#284427)
Subject: RE: What does 'BS:' stand for?
From: MichaelAnthony

Guess I shoulda looked at the FAQ. But I'm gonna use "Wink" or some euphemism...would rather not see all those BS's, especially when there're NOT...