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How does one get off Mudcat???

25 Sep 00 - 02:27 PM (#305151)
Subject: How does one get off Mudcat???
From: Little Hawk

My life is slipping away! My hands are growing numb! My desk is full of unfinished work! I have to practice "Jesse With The Long Hair", and get some tunes ready for song circle tonight! I haven't had lunch or even brushed my teeth yet and it's 2:24 pm already!

HEEEELLLLP! How do I get off Mudcat????

No literal-minded answers, please...

25 Sep 00 - 02:31 PM (#305154)
Subject: RE: How does one get off Mudcat???
From: Morticia

I believe there is a twelve step programme.....'Spaw invented it and I suspect it involves some time at the NYCFTTS......let me know if it works and I may sign up. Take heart, the first thing is to admit you have a problem.....

25 Sep 00 - 02:32 PM (#305156)
Subject: RE: How does one get off Mudcat???
From: DougR

Ok, Little Hawk, here is a conservative one. Look up at that little thing probably in the upper left hand corner of your screen, (File) and click on it. You will see a word, probably at the bottom that says, "Exit." Click on that word. That should do it. :>) DougR

P. S. Your motivation might be finally opening those unpaid bills you have lying around that you haven't had time to pay because of your addiction to the Mudcat!

25 Sep 00 - 02:36 PM (#305158)
Subject: RE: How does one get off Mudcat???
From: GUEST,Amos

The first step in solving the problem is recognizing that it is a problem, pal. Until you do that, the question is purely rhetorical. And don't pretend that because you wrote this funny post that you have finished Step 1. I see right through you. You're still in denial!! ADMIT it!!

Either that or find someone else willing to admit it for you, in painfully loud tones. That oughta do the trick...


25 Sep 00 - 02:38 PM (#305162)
Subject: RE: How does one get off Mudcat???
From: Robby

Take two Jamesons and call me in the morning.

25 Sep 00 - 02:41 PM (#305166)
Subject: RE: How does one get off Mudcat???
From: GUEST,Major Major

You could write on of your major protest songs about the evil Mudcat stealing your time. I would majorly like to hear that one.

25 Sep 00 - 02:44 PM (#305169)
Subject: RE: How does one get off Mudcat???
From: Naemanson

Step up to the cliff's edge. Put your toes right where the rock ends. The chasm that lies before you is called the real world. Gaze down from the heights of the Mudcat and view the scene. Note the sharp rocks and twisted briers that line the foot of the cliff. See the arid desert of reality that stretches off into the distance. Far off, is that Mt. Doom smoking in the distance?

Take one step forward....

25 Sep 00 - 02:47 PM (#305171)
Subject: RE: How does one get off Mudcat???
From: dwditty

Spend at least one hour in the "silly" threads. By then you will be so bored that you will quietly take your leave in pursuit of something with meaning. Of course, NOI.


25 Sep 00 - 02:53 PM (#305176)
Subject: RE: How does one get off Mudcat???
From: Thomas the Rhymer

Had enough of living, had enough of dieing
Had enough of crying, had enough of crime
I'm finished with the fashions, and acting like I'm tough
I'm bored with hate and passion, I've had enough of trying to loooooooooooooooooooooove


25 Sep 00 - 03:02 PM (#305180)
Subject: RE: How does one get off Mudcat???

Don't do it Little Hawk. I ventured out into the real world and got stepped on. Stay here with us.
By the way, most of us here understand an affinity for sheep. But fish???

25 Sep 00 - 03:06 PM (#305182)
Subject: RE: How does one get off Mudcat???
From: Quincy

People need to be 'weaned off' their with any will suffer if you just stop totally. You need to gradually reduce your time spent on the forum. Another treatment is to have an elastic band around your wrist and everytime you think of Mudcat you "ping" the band!!
Eventually you will associate all of us lot with pain and suffering and you will not be tempted.......
Alternatively If you make yourself sit at the computer for 10 hours at a time you will be so pleased to get away from it.
My suggestion is to prioritise your time.......obviously Mudcat needs to be top of the case closed!!!
bst wishes, Yvonne

25 Sep 00 - 03:07 PM (#305184)
Subject: RE: How does one get off Mudcat???
From: MMario

Ha-Ha! you cannot get away. Do not try to adjust your browser, we have taken control! you, my friend, are trapped, in the MudCat zone

25 Sep 00 - 04:00 PM (#305204)
Subject: RE: How does one get off Mudcat???
From: Max

Sure there were government investigations claiming that I planned, engineered and knew all along of the addictive properties of The Mudcat. There were never any charges brought against us. There was word that one of our former elves had an interoffice memo concerning a scientific study performed by Boise State University that confirming that The Mudcat is in fact addictive, but that elf mysteriously disappeared along with the memo. He was eventually found confused and disoriented just outside of the Spring Gulch Folk Festival on a rainy Monday afternoon, but without said memo. It was also rumored that I attended the Spring Gulch Festival that year, suggesting that I had something to do with the disoriented elf and the missing memo, but I have an alibi… Bert was with me.

25 Sep 00 - 04:02 PM (#305206)
Subject: RE: How does one get off Mudcat???
From: Mbo

Max, yer a riot! Sounds like you been hanging around with Spaw again.

25 Sep 00 - 04:02 PM (#305207)
Subject: RE: How does one get off Mudcat???
From: DougR

Are you explaining the unexplained, Max? :>) DougR

25 Sep 00 - 04:03 PM (#305208)
Subject: RE: How does one get off Mudcat???

Ten hours at the computer is a very bad idea. It becomes the norm. Then you find yourself spending an additional 5 hours on Hearme. When you start writing notes to Cletus, it's too late. I thought I was strong enough to try it once and walk away but it keeps calling me back. Resistance is futile.

25 Sep 00 - 04:42 PM (#305223)
Subject: RE: How does one get off Mudcat???
From: WyoWoman

Well, Hawk, Mudcats are easy to get off, you just hold them gently and ... huh? oh.

nivver mind ...


25 Sep 00 - 04:42 PM (#305225)
Subject: RE: How does one get off Mudcat???
From: Uncle_DaveO

That's right, Sinsull,resistance is futile. You HAVE been assimilated!

Dave Oesterreich

25 Sep 00 - 04:48 PM (#305230)
Subject: RE: How does one get off Mudcat???
From: Llanfair

Why is it that you want to leave, Little Hawk?
The numbness will pass, and who cares about work anyway?
I'ts cheaper than alcohol or nicotine, and does'nt cause as much damage. Stay with it.
You'll find the OFF button when you are good and ready.
Cheers, Bron.

25 Sep 00 - 05:05 PM (#305234)
Subject: RE: How does one get off Mudcat???

So how come I still can't play like Bryan Bowers?????

25 Sep 00 - 05:11 PM (#305239)
Subject: RE: How does one get off Mudcat???
From: WyoWoman

I'm trying to deal with the problem by having my guitar here in my office and as I'm waiting for the site to load, or a thread to refresh, I'll pick a bit on whatever new song I'm trying to learn. That way I have the illusion of progress without any real commitment to it.


25 Sep 00 - 05:47 PM (#305261)
Subject: RE: How does one get off Mudcat???
From: tar_heel

YOU CANT GET OFF!!...they own your body and soul forever!! DEAL WITH IT!!

25 Sep 00 - 06:00 PM (#305272)
Subject: RE: How does one get off Mudcat???
From: Ebbie

More seriously than not- Little Hawk, the way I deal with it is that I let myself access it frequently but not for very long at a time. Kind of like having chocolate in your cupboard so that it's always accessible and you needn't panic. The trick is to shut down each time- otherwise you find yourself passing by and stopping and sitting down- and there you go again...


25 Sep 00 - 06:05 PM (#305278)
Subject: RE: How does one get off Mudcat???
From: Thomas the Rhymer

I just tried, and picked a big dumb fight to do it...
It didn't work.
I have a new plan.
I practice Two hours for every half hour I sit at the Cudmat...

This works well, and I'm more musical it my posting.

I still don't have much of a social life, but... I've got a plan! I've heard about these things called gigs! Has anyone around here heard about these 'gig' thingies? Anyway, it seems that people actually get to leave their homes and play with others... and rumour has it that people used to do 'gigs' regularly; that is, before the malls came...

25 Sep 00 - 06:15 PM (#305289)
Subject: RE: How does one get off Mudcat???
From: Jim the Bart

Smaller and smaller doses taken, with diminishing frequency will do it. But once it's done the world seems so much smaller. . .

I'm with Naemanson. Consider the alternatives carefully before leaping off. To paraphrase a button that I still have from the sixties "Reality is a crutch for people who can't handle the Mudcat"

25 Sep 00 - 08:17 PM (#305379)
Subject: RE: How does one get off Mudcat???
From: Bill D

I have discovered a simple remedy for your problem.....try this special technique

if you are typing too steadily to do that,

25 Sep 00 - 08:18 PM (#305380)
Subject: RE: How does one get off Mudcat???
From: Bill D

I have discovered a simple remedy for your problem.....try this special technique

if you are typing too steadily to do that, here is a doctor who can help

pooh...messed up the HTML

25 Sep 00 - 08:20 PM (#305384)
Subject: RE: How does one get off Mudcat???
From: Midchuck

Thomas, gigs don't help.

You just get in after midnight and then you have to check things out before you can go to bed. And you're already up too late.


25 Sep 00 - 08:39 PM (#305398)
Subject: RE: How does one get off Mudcat???
From: McGrath of Harlow

Live in a tent. I tried it for a week at Whitby last month, and it worked a treat. Of course I kept on running into this bloke Dick Greenhaus, and Susan of DT and Geoff the Duck and Bill Sables and... But honest, I never touched a computer all week, and didn't miss it.

25 Sep 00 - 08:39 PM (#305399)
Subject: RE: How does one get off Mudcat???
From: Alice

You have to do a little self-brainwashing. You choose something else that you think is a greater priority than Mudcat surfing, and each time you find yourself thinking of logging onto the Mudcat, you make yourself do the other activity instead. Before the interent, I once had a habit of turning on the tv or picking up the phone to chat automatically when I came home from work. I taped notes on the tv and phone that said "Studio!", so I would go there to paint instead. ( I think I need to add this habit breaker to when I'm about to choose the Mudcat bookmark.) Whatever you do, don't make Mudcat your start-up page.

25 Sep 00 - 08:48 PM (#305405)
Subject: RE: How does one get off Mudcat???
From: kendall

a man died and found himself in the most beautiful place he could imagine. His spookie guide gave him anything he wanted, in any amount, for any length of time. He pigged out on sex, booze, gambling...all the great pleasures. About 6 months later, he grew restless, and said to his guide "Look, all this is great but, I'm bored now and I want my computer so I can check the forum." His guide said "Thats the one thing you can never do again." The man dispared, and said "WHAT? I have to spend eternity without the Mudcat? Why, I might as well be in HELL!" and his guide said, "Where do you think you are?"

25 Sep 00 - 09:00 PM (#305415)
Subject: RE: How does one get off Mudcat???
From: Ebbie

Very good, Kendall!

And, Alice, scold, scold, natter, natter... Until you warned against it, it never occurred to me to make the Mudcat my home page- now I've gone and done it. Nothing like saving a little time...

25 Sep 00 - 10:03 PM (#305455)
Subject: RE: How does one get off Mudcat???
From: Rich(bodhránai gan ciall)

Do not attempt to adjust your moniter. We control your computer now. We can make read threads even if the titles bore you. We can make you post to threads that you otherwise would ignore. We make every song in the DT sound interesting. We can make you allot even extra online time to your reflection.
We have assumed control.
We have assumed control.
We have assumed control.

25 Sep 00 - 11:18 PM (#305516)
Subject: RE: How does one get off Mudcat???
From: CarolC

Little Hawk, go brush your teeth.

Then come back to the Mudcat.

Carol (walking a mile or two in your shoes)

25 Sep 00 - 11:22 PM (#305519)
Subject: RE: How does one get off Mudcat???
From: Mbo

How does one get off Mudcat? Well, first, get it a stripper...

26 Sep 00 - 12:53 AM (#305595)
Subject: RE: How does one get off Mudcat???
From: Lonesome EJ

the key is DON'T POST.Declare a personal moratorium on your own posts,and you'll begin to lose interest.It's hard to maintain a high degree of interest in a topic in which you're not actively participating.

26 Sep 00 - 10:51 AM (#305660)
Subject: RE: How does one get off Mudcat???
From: Alice

LEJ give sound advice, Hawk. If you don't start a thread or post to a thread, you are less inclined to go back and read it... and keep posting... and reading... and posting... A month of not posting, and the hook is not in so deep.

26 Sep 00 - 11:00 AM (#305674)
Subject: RE: How does one get off Mudcat???
From: MMario

but it really hurts as it pulls out.

26 Sep 00 - 07:18 PM (#306120)
Subject: RE: How does one get off Mudcat???
From: Liz the Squeak

Bill D - love the piccies - but the second one has a startling resemblance to Fred Astaire on dope, and besides, I need a lobotomy like I need a hole in the head!!

I thought Trepanning was a village in Cornwall until I discovered the Mudcat.....


26 Sep 00 - 10:10 PM (#306225)
Subject: RE: How does one get off Mudcat???
From: northfolk/al cholger

I tried a twelve point program, but after I opened the eleventh one, my posts got dumber and dumber...

26 Sep 00 - 11:05 PM (#306259)
Subject: RE: How does one get off Mudcat???
From: CamiSu

Jump? but I keep falling back in...(however there's nothing like an opening night deadline to get you back in the scene shop...)

26 Sep 00 - 11:52 PM (#306301)
Subject: RE: How does one get off Mudcat???
From: GUEST,Lena who's about to log in


27 Sep 00 - 02:48 AM (#306367)
Subject: RE: How does one get off Mudcat???
From: Little Hawk

Uh...Lena...when you say "cum" in this country it has a sexual connotation (usually). I think you mean "Come on, Hawk." or something like that...

As for the rest of you...LOL!!!! Lots of useful suggestions here. Max's posting is great. Actually I found my own solution to getting off Mudcat, with the assistance of LCW. I just got back on, and it's 2:44 AM here in Ontario, just taking a quick look. I am now going to bed, as I have a fairly early day tomorrow. Hasta luego, compadres, y buena suerte.


27 Sep 00 - 12:35 PM (#306610)
Subject: RE: How does one get off Mudcat???
From: Mbo

Well gee, do you "get off" without "cum"?

27 Sep 00 - 01:46 PM (#306660)
Subject: RE: How does one get off Mudcat???

Mbo!!! Behave yourself!

I checked to see how well your method was working. 1000 posts between Jan 16, 1999 and Jan 16,2000. AND approximately 900 posts between Jan 16, 2000 and today. Next you'll be telling us "It's quality, not quantity." No, you definitely have been assumed. We won't have it any other way.

27 Sep 00 - 01:57 PM (#306674)
Subject: RE: How does one get off Mudcat???
From: sophocleese

Now Now Sinsull, people here have been spending a lot of time and effort trying to get Mbo to NOT behave himself, don't go spoiling it all just when he's getting into the swing of it.

The drastic methods of Mudcat reduction therapy are; Don't pay your connection bills so your server cuts you off, crash your computer (lightning or virus), crush all your fingers under a closing window or in a car door. As long as you spend a minimal reasonable amount of time with your loved ones however they shouldn't feel inclined to employ any of the above.

27 Sep 00 - 02:38 PM (#306714)
Subject: RE: How does one get off Mudcat???

I meant assimilated not assumed.

And you're right soph. I am just afraid of too much, too soon. It may put the young man into shock.