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How do I get rid of this congestion?!?

11 Oct 00 - 05:15 PM (#316533)
Subject: How do I get rid of this congestion?!?
From: Kim C

Greetings ------ I have to use my voice a lot this weekend and I am coming off a cold from last week. I no longer feel ill but I can't seem to shake this nasal congestion no matter what I take or how many times I blow my nose. It's one of those horribly annoying things where you can only breathe out of one side of your nose at a time. Any suggestions? I probably don't have time to get in to see the doctor. Thanks! -----------Kim

11 Oct 00 - 05:18 PM (#316535)
Subject: RE: How do I get rid of this congestion?!?
From: Morticia

have you tried Olbas oil? A little on your pillow or on a hankerchief may help.

11 Oct 00 - 05:21 PM (#316538)
Subject: RE: How do I get rid of this congestion?!?
From: Naemanson

Kim, I am in the same boat right now. All I could do was keep taking the Dayquil or Dristan Cold stuff and blow my nose a lot.

Morticia, what is Olbas oil and where do you get it?

11 Oct 00 - 05:22 PM (#316541)
Subject: RE: How do I get rid of this congestion?!?
From: sophocleese

Try not to blow your nose too harshly, or while pinching it partly closed with your fingers. You end up blowing stuff backwards into the tubes you're attempting to clear. Other than that Eucalyptus steam can help to clear things a bit.

11 Oct 00 - 05:23 PM (#316544)
Subject: RE: How do I get rid of this congestion?!?
From: mousethief

The only thing that works for me is Sudafed.

Good luck!


11 Oct 00 - 05:23 PM (#316545)
Subject: RE: How do I get rid of this congestion?!?
From: Kim C

I've seen Olbas oil somewhere.... I know I have eucalyptus oil at home, if I can find the time to sit still for 15 minutes...

11 Oct 00 - 05:24 PM (#316546)
Subject: RE: How do I get rid of this congestion?!?
From: Morticia

any health shop or pharmacy should stock it, it's a concentrated eucalyptus should also avoid dairy products if possible since they produce mucus....

11 Oct 00 - 05:26 PM (#316548)
Subject: RE: How do I get rid of this congestion?!?
From: sophocleese

Kim, if you're rushed for time, but still need to stay clean, chuck the oil in your bathtub or shower. Its not quite as effective but can still be a little helpful.

11 Oct 00 - 05:29 PM (#316555)
Subject: RE: How do I get rid of this congestion?!?
From: GUEST,Barry Finn

I'm glad this came up, I'm on for a full weekend of singing & my wife wouldn't stop coughing at me till she was sure she got to sharing her cold with me. Thanks for any past & future info on this. Barry

11 Oct 00 - 05:42 PM (#316566)
Subject: RE: How do I get rid of this congestion?!?
From: Penny S.

Inhale the vapour from hot water to which have been added a few drops of Friar's Balsam, a resinous mixture of I know not what. Just put it in a container you never want to use again for anything else.


11 Oct 00 - 05:46 PM (#316569)
Subject: RE: How do I get rid of this congestion?!?
From: Wesley S

To get uncongested, come down to Ft Worth Texas and go with me over to a little Mexican place called Benitos. Then order some of the enchiladas with the green sauce. Take a big spoonful of the green sause and swallow. I can't discribe what will happen in the next but I promise you'll have no congestion in about 7 minutes flat. Trust me. Good Luck.

11 Oct 00 - 06:00 PM (#316574)
Subject: RE: How do I get rid of this congestion?!?
From: catspaw49

Yeah, increasing the Habanero content of your diet will help a lot. Try some Thai food too....have some Phad Thai, order it extra spicy.

Outside of that, opt for Afrin with menthol.


11 Oct 00 - 06:07 PM (#316581)
Subject: RE: How do I get rid of this congestion?!?
From: Carlin

Theraflu works pretty good....

If you want something less medeciney, try hot tea with honey, lemon and a shot of brandy...(I prefer apricot myself...).

11 Oct 00 - 07:09 PM (#316636)
Subject: RE: How do I get rid of this congestion?!?
From: mrs_zezam

If you are squeamish, please don't read mine...
Nasal lavage:
Make a saline solution in the proportion of 1/8 tsp. salt to 1/4 cup water and heat the water so that it is warm to your touch (as milk for a baby's bottle). Don't forget the salt or this will hurt. Pour some water into your cupped hand and gently inhale it on one side. Tilt your head back and let the water go deeper.
Be very careful not to choke if all the congestion decides to loosen at once.
You may have to repeat several times until you are clear.
I read this in either Prevention magazine, ALA or LungLine literature over 20 years ago & it has always worked well for me.

11 Oct 00 - 07:37 PM (#316661)
Subject: RE: How do I get rid of this congestion?!?
From: celticblues5

Re colds & sniffles & all the winter nasties:
Gargling with salt water is also good for sore throats. (I've also resorted to carrying a thermos of hot lemon juice & honey to guzzle during every break.)
When we had a woodburning stove, I would roast rosemary in an iron pan on top of the stove - it releases a nice-smelling & supposedly antiseptic smoke.
Outside of OTC remedies, one of my herbals recommends snorting a garlic emulsion - yeeeeoooooowwww! It would certainly do SOMEthing up in all them li'l sinus cavities! ;-)

11 Oct 00 - 07:49 PM (#316668)
Subject: RE: How do I get rid of this congestion?!?
From: Rich(bodhránai gan ciall)

I could use it myself. I've had good results with tea tree oil steam. Use the same as eucalyptus. Add a little to a pan of water on the stove. when it starts to boil, turn off the burner, put a towel over your head, and stick it over the pan. Breath DEEP in through the nose and out through the mouth for a minute or two. Blow about a gallon of mucous out of your nose. Repeat as necessary.

I'll have to look and see if I have any here, or e;se pick up some. Glad I don't have to sing or speak publicly anytime soon.

Slán agat (In this case literally "Health at you"),

11 Oct 00 - 07:49 PM (#316670)
Subject: RE: How do I get rid of this congestion?!?
From: katlaughing

A less squeamish way of doing the saline solution is to buy it over the counter in a squeeze bottle and use it anytime you start to feel congested. This always works for me. The non-generic name is "Ocean Spray" saline nasal spray, but the generic works just as well.

11 Oct 00 - 07:57 PM (#316678)
Subject: RE: How do I get rid of this congestion?!?
From: paddymac

Wes is dead on re the theory of hot spices. Wasabi (the wad of green horseradish-like-stuff that comes with sushi) does the same thing, and it's availabe in powdered form in most any oriental foods market. Sadly, the effect of such "cures" is short-lived. The best "home remedy" I've encountered is also the lest expensive. Take a 3# bag of onions, quarter them and cover w/ water in a suitable saucepan. Cover, and bring to a boil. Remove from heat. Cover your head and the saucepan with a towel and beathe deeply for about five minutes. The staem, as noted by others, is a big part of it, but the onions also release a sulpher compound whose name escapes me which is apparently the "secret ingredient." This year's variety of flu seems to carry a lingering case of walking pneumonia with it, but the "onion thing" seems to be really effective for many folks. If you're on a tight budget, you can actually re-use the onion for a couple of days. Some folks clain you should eat the onions too, but I've not tried that. If all else fails, take a long some o' the crature for on-site medication, and get the audience "involved" in the cure.

11 Oct 00 - 10:13 PM (#316753)
Subject: RE: How do I get rid of this congestion?!?
From: Alice

I had a year of constant sinus infections and could barely drag myself around. I learned this from searching the internet and trials on myself:

1) Set up a steam vaporizer near your bed at night with pure eucalyptus oil. If you can keep it going near you during the day, do that as well. At night is especially important. If you are in a dry climate, humidify your house as much as possible.

2) Roll a hot, wet cloth inside a towel and wrap it around your neck so you have warmth on the back of your neck. You can pop it in the microwave to keep warming it.

3) Irrigate your sinuses gently with warm salt water and the lowest setting of a WaterPik pulsator. Use the tip of a baby nasal aspirator on the water pick, or buy one specially made for sinus irrigation at this website -

click here - irrigation tips

4) Sudafed

5) Get a gel mask that you can warm in hot water and place it against your face. The warmth will help your sinuses.

6) Check out these websites -
click here - Sinusitis

A treatment plan -click here

good luck


11 Oct 00 - 10:19 PM (#316762)
Subject: RE: How do I get rid of this congestion?!?
From: Uncle_DaveO

No dairy products for say 24 hours before you perform. Milk and milk products tend to produce phlegm, I'm told.

Dave Oesterreich

11 Oct 00 - 10:23 PM (#316767)
Subject: RE: How do I get rid of this congestion?!?

You are all disgusting. And none of this cures the problem.
Mary, who has been hacking and gagging for two weeks thus explaining the bitchy attitude.

Of course Vick's Vaporub works great on pimples. It brings them to a head quickly and helps dry them out. Now I am disgusting too.

11 Oct 00 - 10:41 PM (#316790)
Subject: RE: How do I get rid of this congestion?!?
From: Alice

I forgot this one. Use a cough syrup with guaifenesin. It helps to break up the crud, even though the crud is in your nose. Don't worry about dairy products. The acids in your stomach break down and digest them. The idea that they create mucous in your body is not based in fact, although there was once a popular diet theory that promoted the theory.

11 Oct 00 - 10:45 PM (#316797)
Subject: RE: How do I get rid of this congestion?!?
From: Dave (the ancient mariner)

Tea Tree Oil (melaleuca alternifolia) as suggested above I recomend dabbing a little pure oil under your nose just before sleep too! cured me of sinusitis.. Aye. Dave

11 Oct 00 - 10:46 PM (#316800)
Subject: RE: How do I get rid of this congestion?!?
From: kendall

Get yourself to a health food store and pick up a spray bottle of Echinacea & Goldenseal. It works for me.

11 Oct 00 - 11:04 PM (#316822)
Subject: RE: How do I get rid of this congestion?!?
From: InOBU

Hi! Hope ya feel better! I would use the olbas oil, as my liver is in toobad shape to use my old fall back of Poteen and brown sugar... hot, Last year around this time I had that flu we all had... in order to get rid of the congestion to sing, I tried coughing a lot, all it did was break a rib. Again, feel better, Larry

11 Oct 00 - 11:32 PM (#316854)
Subject: RE: How do I get rid of this congestion?!?
From: hesperis

Last New Year's Eve, I came down with the horrible cold/flu/whatever that was going around. A lot of people ended up with pneumonia from it, including one of the Ministers from the United Church, who was out of it in the hospital for quite a while.

I usually catch every virus that goes around. Really badly, too.

I ate nothing but organic oranges and organic raisins for a week, and most of the thing was gone. Unfortunately, I'd eaten my whole grocery budget for the month, and was living on canned food, which gave me some more congestion until I could get fresh food again. And I had lingering tiredness for three months more. But I didn't get pneumonia!!!

Organic oranges have up to 66% more vitamin C than sprayed oranges. You can also eat the peel, because it's sweeter due to the lack of poisons in it. (I'm also allergic to the chemicals used in pesticides/herbicides/etc. so I can really tell the difference when I eat organic food.)

I often get migraines during cold season from the medications other people are using, especially the menthol types. (I'm allergic to that, too.)

12 Oct 00 - 12:00 AM (#316874)
Subject: RE: How do I get rid of this congestion?!?
From: kimmers

Thank you Alice, for speaking up on the dairy products myth. I have yet to ever see any scientific proof of any association between the consumption of dairy and the production of mucus. As far as I can tell, the myth is based on two things: one's throat does feel coated after a swig of milk, and diary products often *sound* revolting when one has a cold. But if cold milk or hot cocoa are what you are craving, I can't find any evidence that it will set you back.

How come no one ever starts evil rumor about Brussels sprouts? Or overcooked canned green beans? I could have used some rumors like that as a kid.

For what it's worth, I think our choir sounds its best at the annual post-Lessons and Carols party, after we've all had 2-4 drinks apiece and are gathered 'round the piano. Whether the booze loosens us up so we sing better, or whether we just can't tell how bad we sound... who knows?


12 Oct 00 - 12:03 AM (#316876)
Subject: RE: How do I get rid of this congestion?!?
From: Ferrara

Wow, first, this is great and useful looking stuff, and second, misery does love company and I had to sing this weekend with my nose swollen and my chest full of mucus and it is in fact comforting to know there are other people struggling with the same problem. Petty of me, but there it is....

I steamed my head (just water), avoided sugar, milk & caffeine, etc etc, and also, I went over my repertoire and picked the least demanding songs I could find that would still be entertaining to my audience.

I also coughed for about ten minutes straight once the set was over. They were very nice about it.

This has been a problem for me for years and I'm very grateful to all the people who made suggestions here.

BTW, if you have any possible heart problems, avoid sudafed. My doctor always said it is the safest thing, but this time, it gave me atrial flutters, shallow pulse, rapid pulse. The doctor (a new one) said it has caused fatal heart problems in some people. I know, most people will have no trouble with it whatever, but if you're sensitive or have allergies, be conservative with the stuff.

This makes me especially grateful for ideas like the onion steam treatment which are unlikely to be toxic.

12 Oct 00 - 12:12 AM (#316883)
Subject: RE: How do I get rid of this congestion?!?
From: Rich(bodhránai gan ciall)

Well, I'm having a cup of tea (which has no scientific basis for helping, but works) in between my first eucalyptus steam treatment, which helped and my second which will be in probably about five or ten minutes. I'm out of tea tree oil, but the eucalyptus oil is a decent second choice. Tea tree oil has antibacterial/antifungal propeties though wich make it my first choice. Not only does it work well on the symptom but it helps fight the cause. It's also a good toothache remedy

I hope we all feel better soon

12 Oct 00 - 12:45 AM (#316925)
Subject: RE: How do I get rid of this congestion?!?
From: Rich(bodhránai gan ciall)

OK, this is probably painfully obvious to everyone but me. It's almost 1:00 am here. I have to go to work in the morning and I'm posting mindless ramblings, instead of going to bed and getting to sleep. My last cure for the night will be to Padraigín Ní Uallaigin's new CD of lullabies. (Which is wonderful, by the way)

Oíche Mhaith,

12 Oct 00 - 01:03 AM (#316934)
Subject: RE: How do I get rid of this congestion?!?
From: WyoWoman

My combo: Wasabi or green chile, depending on whether I'm in a sushi or a Mexi frame of mind. You eat this. No matter what Catspaw says, you do not stuff it up your nose.

A vaporizer going night and day in the house.

Echinecea -- which, no matter how long I've used it, I still can't spell -- and golden seal capsules (Kendall, I had no idea it was available in spray form...).

Chewable vitamin C, a gram every couple of hours.

Glass after glass of water.

The saline spray Kat mentioned. Take it with you wherever you go.

The cough medi Alice mentioned.

One of the major tasks throughout this season is keeping the air moist enough in your home and office. The reason we get the stuffiness that just hangs on and hangs on has as much to do with dryness as viruses.

And, of course, ice cream. I've never bought into the mucous-producing theory and think when you're feeling crummy and can only breathe out of one side of your head at a time, you darned well deserve a dish of ice cream ...

Take hot baths ... with candles and Miles Davis ... feel better, ww

12 Oct 00 - 01:18 AM (#316944)
Subject: RE: How do I get rid of this congestion?!?
From: catspaw49

I wouldn't advise the milk either even though you all have debunked the snot myth thing. Tests and several studies have documented that 16 ozs. of milk with a meal will increase your flatulence around 40% over plain water. So even if it doesn't increase the loogie output, it could be embarassing blowing an air biscuit along with your nose.

Just a thought.


12 Oct 00 - 09:00 AM (#317112)
Subject: RE: How do I get rid of this congestion?!?

Wyo Woman - a hot bath with Miles Davis? Did Elvis scrub your back?

12 Oct 00 - 09:26 AM (#317137)
Subject: RE: How do I get rid of this congestion?!?
From: jeffp

I can second the recommendation for Guiafenisen. My doctor recommended it to me, as I cannot take decongestants due to high blood pressure. It thins and loosens mucus, both in your throat and nasal passages. Something else you might try is horseradish. Just sniffing the jar seems to clear my head for at least a short time.


12 Oct 00 - 09:55 AM (#317151)
Subject: RE: How do I get rid of this congestion?!?
From: Alice

Rich, if you go to one of the sinusitis links I posted, you will find that hot tea is recommended by the doctors. The basis in fact that it helps is the warming of your sinus cavities (savor the warm liquid in your mouth), and like a warm face mask, it helps to get the drainage going. Hot soup, of course, does the same thing.

Be careful with Echinacea. It should not be taken over an extended period of time. Use it cautiously, because it has side effects, such as possible immune suppression by overstimulating the immune system. Chamomile used too often can lead to ragweed allergy. What every herb user should know, especially singers - from the University of Pittsburgh Voice Center Taking Herbal Medicines: What Singers Should Know

Here is a page on Medicine In The Vocal Arts. click here. Scroll down the page to get to treatments and prevention. Although decongestants like Sudafed can get you cleared up, they are not good on the voice. Anything drying or anesthetizing or antihistamines should be used rarely if you are a singer.

More health guidelines for singers, click here.

happy singing,

12 Oct 00 - 10:08 AM (#317164)
Subject: RE: How do I get rid of this congestion?!?
From: Kim C

Wow! Lots of good suggestions. I did the eucalyptus oil in the shower this morning and that helped for about two hours; now I am back to the same ol' thing. Sushi for lunch sounds good - I like hot spicy stuff so I have thought of that. May also go the guaifenesin route since the pseudoephedrine has the rotten side effect of making my throat very dry.

I wonder, what would happen if I added eucalyptus to the boiling onions?

Has anyone ever used one of those nasal irrigation pots like they have at health food stores? It's supposed to be an old ayurvedic concept or something. I don't like having water up my nose but I hear it really works.

12 Oct 00 - 10:40 AM (#317199)
Subject: RE: How do I get rid of this congestion?!?
From: Alice

Kim, I used the nasal irrigation with the WaterPic, as I described above. It's the same idea, washing things out. Actually, standing with your head tilted back in a warm shower and letting the water go into the clogged area can help loosen up crud (yuk, this IS icky).

12 Oct 00 - 10:57 AM (#317226)
Subject: RE: How do I get rid of this congestion?!?
From: Dave the Gnome

If you are UK side try potters or boots catarrh (sp???) pastiles - like chewing hot tar off the road but sure gets rid of the symptoms for a while. Dunno if they are available in the 'states or banned by the Geneva convention ;-)

Dave the Gnome

12 Oct 00 - 11:42 AM (#317264)
Subject: RE: How do I get rid of this congestion?!?
From: Alice

By the way, I've always wondered, what is the correct pronunciation of Guiafenisen? Does anyone know? (Spaw, I know you at least have a guess.)

12 Oct 00 - 11:51 AM (#317275)
Subject: RE: How do I get rid of this congestion?!?
From: Kim C

Chewing hot tar off the road?!!!?!!!

12 Oct 00 - 11:55 AM (#317280)
Subject: RE: How do I get rid of this congestion?!?
From: mousethief

Take the bus.

Oh, this wasn't about traffic?

Never mind.


12 Oct 00 - 01:19 PM (#317351)
Subject: RE: How do I get rid of this congestion?!?
From: Kim C

Thanks ----- you have all been very helpful. I think I'm going to try the steam thing this evening if I can sit still long enough. (It's good for the complexion too!)

Just for the record, I have never, ever, had any problems consuming dairy products. Beans don't upset me either. Maybe I'm an alien?

12 Oct 00 - 01:59 PM (#317371)
Subject: RE: How do I get rid of this congestion?!?
From: BlueJay

Kim C- I don't know much about the Herbals, but it's worth a try. Afrin works for me. Try using it once a day, like when you go to bed. It'll help clear the nasal passages, allowing for better rest. If you use any of the over the counter decongestant sprays for too long, it'll actually cause rebound congestion. So if you use them only once daily, you can extend their usage from 3 to five or six days.

Lots of good suggestions, especially vaporizers, Guifenasen, (AKA Plain Robitussin), and saline sprays.

Please keep in mind that viral infections, if ongoing, have a habit of turning into bacterial infections. If your chest and/or nasal congestion changes color from clear to green, get thee to a doctor. At that point, antibiotics is about all you can do. Others may disagree, but when necessary, good old Amoxicillin has always done it for me. I don't leap to antibiotics casually- it just encourages the little buggers to evolve. But if I can't breathe, have a fever for more than a few days, and my walls are now a textured light green, it's time for something stronger than garlic. BlueJay

12 Oct 00 - 02:39 PM (#317398)
Subject: RE: How do I get rid of this congestion?!?
From: Metchosin

Aside from herbals, re chest congestion, also a vote here for Robitussin (Guiafenesin)

However, do not take anything containing a cough suppressant eg. DM (dextra-methorphine?) A doctor friend from the US told us that the availability of that ingredient, in over the counter medicines, has been one of the biggest boons to the American Medical Industry in the past ten years or so. He said there was a correlation between the increase in cases of pneumonia and its use. You need to cough the crap up, not have it festering in your lungs.

12 Oct 00 - 03:22 PM (#317414)
Subject: RE: How do I get rid of this congestion?!?
From: kendall

Here in Gods country, echinacea can be had in tablet form liqid form or spray from. Take it at the first sign of a cold, but dont make it a lifelong everyday habit. You wouldn't wear a condom every day would you?

12 Oct 00 - 03:45 PM (#317437)
Subject: RE: How do I get rid of this congestion?!?
From: Dave the Gnome

What's wrong with chewing hot tar off the road Kim?????

When I were a lad we had to get up at 3 o'clock in't mornin, lick t'road clean with us tungs, then our Dad 'ud cum and kill us all with a bloody big knife, and we were gratefull...

Never really tasted tar btw - it's just that the fumes given off by said pastiles smell like a tar boiler!

Dave the Demented

Why do they call you that?

Because I'm a teapot of course!

12 Oct 00 - 04:37 PM (#317477)
Subject: RE: How do I get rid of this congestion?!?
From: Kim C

oh my.......... :)

12 Oct 00 - 06:39 PM (#317573)
Subject: RE: How do I get rid of this congestion?!?
From: Morticia

Interesting about the dairy product thing......I've had many a singing teacher in music workshops go on about dairy stuff and mucus.....assumed they knew what they were talking I know different I'm off for a cheese butty ( sandwich) and a glass of milk before this weekends high jinks begin....btw, it may be only me but sudafed and derivatives can cause insomnia.

12 Oct 00 - 07:44 PM (#317629)
Subject: RE: How do I get rid of this congestion?!?
From: Peter K (Fionn)

I know of opera singers and broadcasters who drink three or four pints of orange juice a day. In other words binge out on Vitamin C on the basis that prevention is better than cure.

InOBU, first time I've bumped into you in a while - hope your liver's not that bad. If it is, we surely will have collided in the watering holes of Belfast somewhere along the line - the Old House, McGlades, Pat's or some such (you know the Liverpool is now a carpark?).

12 Oct 00 - 07:58 PM (#317646)
Subject: RE: How do I get rid of this congestion?!?
From: rabbitrunning

If nasal allergies are a problem, some of the newer nasal sprays like beconase or flonse are a godsend. There are several things out which are mild enough to use even with children and have side effects which pretty much correlate with the problems you have without the spray.

Benadryl is awful -- turns you into an absolute toad. A squashed one at that.

Sudafed's okay once in a long while, but the longer you take it the more likely you are to have the heart flutter problem.

I have a friend who gets awful sinus problems, and when she really just can't stand it any more, she'll smoke a cigarette. It's the only time she ever smokes, but it does clear her head (and kill the sinus headache pressure) . She figures tobacco is a medicine and should be used like one.

12 Oct 00 - 08:09 PM (#317656)
Subject: RE: How do I get rid of this congestion?!?
From: DougR

Come on over to the BSGeorge Bush President thread! I'm tending bar over there and a hot toddy should fix you right up!


13 Oct 00 - 02:23 PM (#318185)
Subject: RE: How do I get rid of this congestion?!?
From: Kim C

Will you let a Libertarian into the party? ;)

13 Oct 00 - 06:39 PM (#318369)
Subject: RE: How do I get rid of this congestion?!?
From: lingolucky

This is a great thread. thanks to all. something i have tried is alo vera juice. mix one shor juicw, one shot good whiskey (or more) , two ice cubes and a little water. sip at bedtime. good drink. lingolucky