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llanfair discussion about 'birds'

17 Oct 00 - 05:52 AM (#320659)
Subject: llanfair discussion about 'birds'
From: Patrish(inactive)

Skipjack is responsible for this thread.(he know why)
I try to be PC in formal surroundings, but when you are with a load of friends being unPC can be a laugh. As a woman (yes I am, not a frenchman as someone said at the weekend) I have been called various things, such as bird or totty or chick. I was wondering if there were similar names for men. There is bloke, chap, useless piece of skin on the end of a p***s. Any ideas?
Patrish who is not trying to alienate all of the masculine persuasion - honest

17 Oct 00 - 05:56 AM (#320661)
Subject: RE: llanfair discussion about 'birds'
From: Ella who is Sooze

eye candy


bit of rough


male totty

erm digging deep ermmmmm erm erm...

Oh i don't know Patrish. my mind is fuddled by a cold.


17 Oct 00 - 06:22 AM (#320666)
Subject: RE: llanfair discussion about 'birds'
From: Catrin

'im indoors

17 Oct 00 - 06:42 AM (#320680)
Subject: RE: llanfair discussion about 'birds'
From: Catrin

The servant

17 Oct 00 - 06:57 AM (#320689)
Subject: RE: llanfair discussion about 'birds'
From: GUEST,micca at work

I overheard a (female)collegue once refer to a pretty but dim other (male) colleague as a " f***ing lawnmower" as they were the only 2 things he was good for!!!!

17 Oct 00 - 07:03 AM (#320690)
Subject: RE: llanfair discussion about 'birds'
From: Patrish(inactive)

Big girls blouse - but whats the matter with small girls blouses?
Sheep shagger - some men quite like to be called this, the mind boggles, well mine does
Finding the right sort of name for a man that is not PC, but not downright disusting is more dificult than I thought it would be
Perhaps sweetbuns is ok, or hunky munky or perhaps this was a stupid idea in the first place!
I blame skipjack. Oh and BTW thanks for sharing the cold lads (big kiss) sniff sniff

17 Oct 00 - 07:52 AM (#320704)
Subject: RE: llanfair discussion about 'birds'
From: sian, west wales

Are we looking for all-purpose can-be-used-in-public words? Or other?

When I first moved here, I couldn't figure out what w*nk*r meant. Someone told me it was a guy that slappers went out with. I was none the wiser.

The older end of the market can be Old Gits or (maybe this is N.American) Old Geezers.

In this part of Wales, they use *cwrcyn* / tomcat or "pwdryn" / lazy sod.

It isn't easy, is it?


17 Oct 00 - 10:54 AM (#320845)
Subject: RE: llanfair discussion about 'birds'
From: KingBrilliant

Gentlemen who are easy on the eye I would (and often do) call 'tasty piece of stuff' Amoret calls them 'a bit of phwoooaarr'

got to go to a meeting, but will entertain myself therein by thinking up some more.


17 Oct 00 - 11:14 AM (#320859)
Subject: RE: llanfair discussion about 'birds'
From: Llanfair

I don't know what the fuss is about, men are really good for tiling

But you have to slice them really, really thin.
I've got that cold, too, and I blame Eric the Viking. There are a lot of sheep sneezing on the hillside, and one collie I noticed.........!!!!!
Cheers, Bron.

17 Oct 00 - 12:19 PM (#320909)
Subject: RE: llanfair discussion about 'birds'
From: bill\sables

How about "Lord and Master"

17 Oct 00 - 12:31 PM (#320916)
Subject: RE: llanfair discussion about 'birds'
From: KingBrilliant

I think not, Bill.


17 Oct 00 - 12:32 PM (#320918)
Subject: RE: llanfair discussion about 'birds'
From: Liz the Squeak

This cold thing seems to be spreading..... I had to sniffle and sneeze through two meetings today, if you've ruined my chances to be 'spotted' on the BBC this week, there will be words!!

I've always been told that women are called birds because we pick up worms......


17 Oct 00 - 02:23 PM (#320997)
Subject: RE: llanfair discussion about 'birds'
From: Eric the Viking

Don't you lot start blaming the collie cold on me!!! I didn't ask it to go up there and anyway it said it was only watching!!! If I get herpes or something from that dog, I have it's guts for guitar strings.

To get back to the thread.......

This is a-sexual and applies to both sexes. I often say "A waste of a good skin".

Sorry about the cold, I don't think I passed it around(except for the sheep)

If you lot have got colds then you should have got to the sheep FIRST ! Not second!!!!

Watch out because, I think the parasite is called "Ovallis" and it's difficult to treat. So they tell me. Unlike you lot I believe in safe sex and kept me wellies on!!!!!!



17 Oct 00 - 02:43 PM (#321016)
Subject: RE: llanfair discussion about 'birds'
From: Fortunato

Here are some alias' for men from my experience:
Party of the second part

(hee, hee)

17 Oct 00 - 03:11 PM (#321052)
Subject: RE: llanfair discussion about 'birds'
From: Morticia

You know Patrish, you're right......there are loads of phrases for women but very few for men......I sometimes refer to Gomez as 'my present husband' ( nicked from Wogan), which kept him on his toes until he discovered another woman ( see Llanstock 2)and I've heard Fiona refer to someone as 6'2" of wet fart......and other less flattering phrases but no specific, , well used phrases spring to mind...maybe we should invent some?

17 Oct 00 - 03:30 PM (#321075)
Subject: RE: llanfair discussion about 'birds'
From: wildlone

To all you "birds" out there men are but boys but their toys are more expensive.
In Sherborne last night I overheard a man explaining to his wife why he just had to have the carbon fibre fly fishing rod and matching reel even though he had four at home.

17 Oct 00 - 05:24 PM (#321175)
Subject: RE: llanfair discussion about 'birds'
From: GUEST,Skipjack at ancestral home on Essex Coast

I dunno, you're moving in on a chick, and she goes all woolly jumper on ya. It went out as a compliment and was returned as an insult! Made her tea to make up, and she still dobs me in.

The present Mrs Skipjack prefers "slime". Charming!

Skipjack (Bottom male totty)

17 Oct 00 - 06:41 PM (#321272)
Subject: RE: llanfair discussion about 'birds'
From: Noreen

And you make a lovely cup of tea, Skippy, whatever they say about you!


18 Oct 00 - 04:01 AM (#321609)
Subject: RE: llanfair discussion about 'birds'
From: Patrish(inactive)

Bottom male totty, thanks for the tea, sorry for telling tales, I wouldn't have told a soul if you had told me your real name!

18 Oct 00 - 05:16 AM (#321628)
Subject: RE: llanfair discussion about 'birds'
From: KingBrilliant

How about 'man-flesh'. I think that's quite evocative.


18 Oct 00 - 08:22 AM (#321674)
Subject: RE: llanfair discussion about 'birds'
From: Bagpuss

Not answering the question, but I find it interesting where lots of the words for women came from originally. Many go back to old english. For example, bird comes from the word bride, and hussy comes from housewife. Anyone know the origins of any others?


18 Oct 00 - 08:31 AM (#321679)
Subject: RE: llanfair discussion about 'birds'
From: Ella who is Sooze


mountains of tishooooos and beechams.

I didn't go to Llanstock as was stuck here in Cardiff. But still have a horrid cold.

@ work with a squeegie to wipe my screen with ocaisionally. YUK!

18 Oct 00 - 09:35 AM (#321721)
Subject: RE: llanfair discussion about 'birds'
From: sian, west wales

Bagpuss, I remember reading that Gossip was once quite a positive ... label? I'll have to look it up, but I know that it, at one point, referred to a Godmother, also to a female confidant. Someone who could be confided in and trusted.
