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CatConcert 4: WyoWomon

18 Oct 00 - 07:33 AM (#321660)
Subject: CatConcert 4: WyoWomon
From: bigchuck

CatConcert 4 will feature WyoWoman. Thursday, October 19, at 8:00 PM EST. Your presence is respectfully requested.

Mudcat Hearme Concert Room

link added
- el joeclone -

18 Oct 00 - 08:26 AM (#321676)
Subject: RE: CatConcert 4: WyoWomon
From: Naemanson

You got it! Now what should I wear? The tux or the overalls? Should I bother with a shirt if I wear the overalls? Shoes? And is it time for the somnrero, the ball cap, or the stetson?

I'll start popping corn right now for the food fight.

18 Oct 00 - 08:29 AM (#321678)
Subject: RE: CatConcert 4: WyoWomon
From: bigchuck

Brett, don't forget to sprinkle some with vegemite for Cleigh. I just noticed my spelling deficiency. Sorry, Wyo. I plan to attend in my Woodchuck suit, with a top hat and flowered tie.

18 Oct 00 - 08:33 AM (#321681)
Subject: RE: CatConcert 4: WyoWomon
From: Little Neophyte

Oh this is wonderful, can I bring a date?
I'm very much looking forward to hearing our Wild Woman live in concert.


18 Oct 00 - 09:20 AM (#321707)
Subject: RE: CatConcert 4: WyoWomon
From: MMario

okay - I will do my best to get there. I haven't heard her yet, ever!

18 Oct 00 - 09:21 AM (#321708)
Subject: RE: CatConcert 4: WyoWomon
From: Mrs.Duck

What is EST and how does it relate to GMT?

18 Oct 00 - 09:33 AM (#321718)
Subject: RE: CatConcert 4: WyoWomon
From: GUEST,Mary in Kentucky

I'll be there...still undecided about what to wear. Mrs. Duck - EST is Mudcat time.

18 Oct 00 - 09:40 AM (#321724)
Subject: RE: CatConcert 4: WyoWomon
From: GUEST,Mary in Kentucky

...oops, Mrs. Duck, I may have mispoke there. Eastern Standard Time is not the same as Eastern Daylight Time. Mudcat (like Kentucky) is on EDT today, but will change to EST the last Sunday night in October. I suspect the concert will be at 8:00 PM Mudcat time, which will still be EDT next Thursday? Any questions? Clear as mud?

18 Oct 00 - 10:05 AM (#321745)
Subject: RE: CatConcert 4: WyoWomon
From: MMario

Mrs. Duck ;

EST=MudCat Time for all practical purposes. The MudCat is 5 hours behind you, I think you will find. that means an 8:00 PM mudcat time concert will start at 1:00 AM for you.

18 Oct 00 - 10:54 AM (#321779)
Subject: RE: CatConcert 4: WyoWomon
From: Midchuck

I think Mary in Kaintuck is right. I understand Mudcat time to be the time wherever Max is, which is Pennsy, which means it's either EDST or EST, as in force at the time - Daylight Savings now.


18 Oct 00 - 12:06 PM (#321838)
Subject: RE: CatConcert 4: WyoWomon
From: WyoWoman

Thank you, thank you. Yes, yes, by all means, bring a date. I'll be wearing bubblewrap and my Tony Lamas. (lovely hand-tooled cowboy boots, for you uninitiated...)

The concert will be, as I am, utterly and unabashedly eclectic.

I still haven't gotten the typing thing worked out, so it'll just be me talking, hold the typing. And I don't know yet how to refresh the button-holding-down thing, but will get that straightened out with Jon a'fore the curtain rises. (It's also a bubblewrap curtain -- you can pop your approval, if you approve, of my music. Just make sure you're popping the curtain, not my outfit!)

Can't wait to "see" you there ...

Love and rockets, WW

18 Oct 00 - 12:37 PM (#321862)
Subject: RE: CatConcert 4: WyoWomon

I am wearing my Mets uniform and carrying my "Miracle Mets" autographed bat in case Cletus shows up. I believe Cleigh is babysitting the twins. Cletus is lovable but until Spaw housebreaks him...don't know why they gave the boy Vegemite before housebreaking him. In place of flowers I will be tossing Yodels at our diva. Gee WW, I saw you in midnight blue velvet aglow with spangles and your Tony Ls. You may want to rethink the bubble wrap. Several here remember "Executive Pacifiers" from the 70s. Hope you enjoy it as much as I intend to.

18 Oct 00 - 01:16 PM (#321895)
Subject: RE: CatConcert 4: WyoWomon
From: Lonesome EJ

SINSULL,it just won't be the Subway Series without Brooklyn in it.What ever happened to that team,anyway?

Wyo,if at all possible, I will be in attendance.As is my usual habit during HearMe sessions,I will be unclothed except for my navy blue fez.

18 Oct 00 - 03:33 PM (#322035)
Subject: RE: CatConcert 4: WyoWomon
From: Joe Offer

Oh, darn. I'll be on the way to the Getaway, and I'm going to miss it. Are you going to make a tape, Wyo? This is one that should go in the Mudcat Archives. You've got a beautiful voice, WW.
-Joe Offer-

18 Oct 00 - 05:17 PM (#322132)
Subject: RE: CatConcert 4: WyoWomon

The Bums left, Lonesome. I thought you were a nice man... why bring that up?

18 Oct 00 - 08:19 PM (#322294)
Subject: RE: CatConcert 4: WyoWomon
From: jacko@nz

Damn, Damn, Damn I've just realised that I'll be travelling too

Ah well, them's the breaks. I know you folks are going to have a grand night in

Sock it to them Wyo

18 Oct 00 - 08:24 PM (#322297)
Subject: RE: CatConcert 4: WyoWomon
From: Sorcha

Wanna know how confused I am? I just switched the speakers for the headphones and went to the concert room. Nobody there, of course. Finally realized today is WED, not Thurs.......duh.

18 Oct 00 - 08:46 PM (#322311)
Subject: RE: CatConcert 4: WyoWomon
From: WyoWoman

Well,that's ok, because I was thinking all week that I need to be ready to go at 7 p.m. my time and suddenly today realized that if it's 8 p.m. EST, it's 6 p.m. rat cheer, rat now. So ...

I don't know about the taping thing. I'm not well set up to do that -- just a cheapie Radio Chak portable (apologies, LEJ) -- but I'd love to, so I will give it a shot. If anyone has a better idea, I'm game.

Thanks, Joe Offer. That was a lovely thing to say.

Maybe I need to rethink this bubblewrap thing. Maybe the slinky black sleeveless dress, with a bubblewrap cape and my faux diamond earrings ... DAMN, I wish I'd gotten that feather boa when I was considering it. But then you'd hear me going ptooie! ptooie! all night as I tried to keep the feathers out of my lip gloss...


18 Oct 00 - 09:04 PM (#322322)
Subject: RE: CatConcert 4: WyoWomon
From: Bill D

practice page for the concert....Virtual Bubblewrap

and a happy bubble popper

I hope to be there,'cause I will still be at home before starting to the Getaway Fri noon...

18 Oct 00 - 10:22 PM (#322361)
Subject: RE: CatConcert 4: WyoWomon

Is senility contagious? I was pulled from the computer by some family business and thought I had missed it too. I came here to apologize and ask for a recap. Where's the gingko? See you all tomorrow if I remember my password.

18 Oct 00 - 10:34 PM (#322368)
Subject: RE: CatConcert 4: WyoWomon
From: Tinker

Can't wait!!! I'm gonna put on my new snake stompin' boots... ( Even if snakes're only virtual these days ) And maybe a silk wrap in honor of eclectic music and the women who make it.( and 'cause The next couple of nights at Getaway it'll be time to bundle up warm by eight.)

19 Oct 00 - 12:06 AM (#322442)
Subject: RE: CatConcert 4: WyoWomon
From: Musicman

aw nooooooooooo....... after being swooned by that beeaauuttiffull voice a week or so on hearme ( I still havn't gotten over it!!) I treasure the chance to hear the fair maiden sing again... and in concert this time!! But alas, I will be on errands away from my home and computer and will be unable to 'tune in'.....

Is this the time to request a 'concert' on your arrival in Vancouver? or should I wait till you get here? Maybe we could sing some duets too......... :) The possibilities are endless.......

Hope all goes well, sing your heart out girl.....


19 Oct 00 - 03:22 PM (#322708)
Subject: RE: CatConcert 4: WyoWomon
From: GUEST,Bigchuck at work

Get back to the top where you belong, thread.

19 Oct 00 - 04:13 PM (#322770)
Subject: RE: CatConcert 4: WyoWomon

Save the front row aisle for me and my gentleman friend. Paw will be gracing us with his presence, freshly bathed and decked out in his "Sunday going to meeting" suit. A rare honor, WW. He is a quiet, taciturn individual prone to curmudgeonly outbursts but sure to add an air of gentility to the proceedings.

19 Oct 00 - 04:20 PM (#322779)
Subject: RE: CatConcert 4: WyoWomon
From: MMario

Did the box office scr*w up my tickits again? @#$#@!!&@

Sinsull - Are you on aisle "A" or aisle "B" - cuz they promised me I would get an aisle seat front row!!!!

19 Oct 00 - 04:47 PM (#322804)
Subject: RE: CatConcert 4: WyoWomon

It's the hat MM. You insist on wearing the damn hat and no one can see past the feathers. Sit near Paw with that hat and I will not be responsible for the outcome.

19 Oct 00 - 04:58 PM (#322812)
Subject: RE: CatConcert 4: WyoWomon
From: WyoWoman

Well, the moment draws nigh and I'm preparing my song list even as we speak. I couldn't figure out the F9 Holdie-Downie Thingie, so it's the High Tech Duct Tape Solution to all my F9 Woes. The MudGuys will be so happy.

I'm going to do ACTUAL FOLK MUSIC for my first set. Then, if I have time, I'll maybe do a lil' Western stuff and if I really have time, I'll do a couple from my Torch Singer repertoire (visualize Michelle Pfeiffer ...)

I will be doing my best not to visualize LEJ and his blue fez.


19 Oct 00 - 05:02 PM (#322819)
Subject: RE: CatConcert 4: WyoWomon

DO NOT read the messages while performing. Think of the blue fez if you have to but don't read the posts.

19 Oct 00 - 06:18 PM (#322875)
Subject: RE: CatConcert 4: WyoWomon
From: katlaughing

Not too long to go, now. WW, you got to do one Torch Song, at least. Phoaks, I've heard her do them, in person and it is NOT to be missed, along with her yodeling, her sweet soft songs, etc., etc.!! See ya soon, KC!

19 Oct 00 - 07:18 PM (#322908)
Subject: RE: CatConcert 4: WyoWomon
From: katlaughing


19 Oct 00 - 07:59 PM (#322932)
Subject: RE: CatConcert 4: WyoWomon
From: WyoWoman

The clock is ticking ... Kat or someone, could you put a blue clicky thing in here for the Hearme room?

Hasta soon, ww

19 Oct 00 - 08:10 PM (#322940)
Subject: RE: CatConcert 4: WyoWomon
From: MMario

Wyowoman live on stage

19 Oct 00 - 09:36 PM (#323011)
Subject: RE: CatConcert 4: WyoWomon
From: MMario

my comments...WOW! oh, WOW! it was incredible!

19 Oct 00 - 09:39 PM (#323013)
Subject: RE: CatConcert 4: WyoWomon
From: katlaughing

There was a link in the first post, put there by an elf.



Beautiful Job, KC!! Congratulations. Sorry I messed up and missed recording some of it. Tape will go out to you this w/end!


19 Oct 00 - 09:48 PM (#323025)
Subject: RE: CatConcert 4: WyoWomon
From: alison

sorry I missed most of it.... but what I heard was brilliant... thanks WW



19 Oct 00 - 09:54 PM (#323036)
Subject: RE: CatConcert 4: WyoWomon
From: Bill D

'twere a VERY nice time!...A great mix of songs...well sung. And an obviously HAPPY singer! *smile*

19 Oct 00 - 09:55 PM (#323038)
Subject: RE: CatConcert 4: WyoWomon
From: GUEST,Joerg


19 Oct 00 - 09:55 PM (#323039)
Subject: RE: CatConcert 4: WyoWomon
From: Naemanson

What a lovely concert. And for once my sound was clear as a bell. Wyo, you have a fine voice and discerning taste in music. I feel priveleged that I was able to canoe in to hear it.

Great show!

19 Oct 00 - 09:59 PM (#323045)
Subject: RE: CatConcert 4: WyoWomon
From: Bugsy

I had to leave early, but really enjoyed what little I DID hear. Thank you for a great concert WyoWoman!



19 Oct 00 - 09:59 PM (#323046)
Subject: RE: CatConcert 4: WyoWomon
From: WyoWoman

Thanks, all. That was an absolutely amazing experience. But my computer's clock is still stopped on 6:43 p.m. I kept trying to give you your money's worth and kept pulling songs out of my folder and FINALLY noticed that it was STILL on 6:43 after about 8 more songs. So ... I went over, but thanks for the opportunity to sing all those songs that I like so much.

A generous audience, most assuredly.

Love and rockets, ww

19 Oct 00 - 10:05 PM (#323056)
Subject: RE: CatConcert 4: WyoWomon
From: Rich(bodhránai gan ciall)

Sorry I missed it. I have class on Thusday night.


19 Oct 00 - 10:21 PM (#323071)
Subject: RE: CatConcert 4: WyoWomon
From: catspaw49

Pansy, you were great!!!! Sorry I had to be so back and forth, but karen and I were both listening as we could and it was simply beautiful. You have a very "real" and easy voice that carries your selections well. Great stuff Slick!!!


20 Oct 00 - 12:32 AM (#323164)
Subject: RE: CatConcert 4: WyoWomon
From: WyoWoman

Thanks, Pal. Could you hear me popping the bubblewrap? I just sent BBC capes for Cleigh's new siblings ...

WW Singer and Bubblewrap Cape Crafter Extraordinaire

20 Oct 00 - 01:07 AM (#323181)
Subject: RE: CatConcert 4: WyoWomon
From: dwditty


What an awesome display!! Really enjoyed everything you did. But that yodeling really got me going. Absolutely great. Thanks for sharing.


BTW, no chords required for YBOTBIM when you do it.

20 Oct 00 - 02:23 AM (#323209)
Subject: RE: CatConcert 4: WyoWomon
From: WyoWoman

Aw, thanks. But I WOULD like to be able to sing it with an accompanist at some point. I just love that song ...

See? Yodeling doesn't have to be yee-haw=ish... People have such weird associations with it, but I think it CAN be lovely. We need more lovely yodeling songs ... ah-HA! maybe a new thread title???

Thanks again, and thanks for joining in ... I peeked up enough to see that you had just come back from a business trip or something and had kids and wife desiring attention. So I especially appreciate your taking the time to sit in with us for a while.

best, ww

20 Oct 00 - 02:37 AM (#323217)
Subject: RE: CatConcert 4: WyoWomon
From: Peter Kasin

Wyo, I'm one of those lost in the woods Mac owners, but from all reports here, I really missed something. Congratulations on your concert from Cattegie Hall.


20 Oct 00 - 07:13 AM (#323281)
Subject: RE: CatConcert 4: WyoWomon
From: bigchuck

What an absolutely marvelous concert. Thank you so much for doing it. I hope you'll do another fairly soon.

20 Oct 00 - 09:16 AM (#323306)
Subject: RE: CatConcert 4: WyoWomon
From: MMario

a good yodeler is a real treat to listen to...and we were treated last night!

20 Oct 00 - 10:50 AM (#323311)
Subject: RE: CatConcert 4: WyoWomon
From: Naemanson

Have you guys heard Lou and Peter Berryman do their Double Yodel song? In that song they yodel with him doing the low notes and her doing the high notes. Very Funny.

20 Oct 00 - 12:14 PM (#323329)
Subject: RE: CatConcert 4: WyoWomon
From: Night Owl

WW....awesome concert and choices of songs...thank you!!!

20 Oct 00 - 01:09 PM (#323370)
Subject: RE: CatConcert 4: WyoWomon
From: BlueJay

KC- I can't believe I missed it! And worse, I missed it 'cause of a f***ing job! I've heard you sing enough to know it must have been great, KC. And your guitar playing must be growing by leaps and bounds if your playing in the dreaded key of F9.

Really, though, I hope Max or Joe Offer or Jon or someone with greater natural ability than I has archived this, and will do the same for future such events. Sort of like Mudcat Radio, for the benefit of Mudcatters in different time zones. Or myself, who is ALWAYS in a different time zone.

I admit to not researching properly; not so much time these days. But does anyone know if such a task has been undertaken, or is being considered?

Thanks, just call me Green(with envy)Jay, at least for this morning

20 Oct 00 - 01:18 PM (#323384)
Subject: RE: CatConcert 4: WyoWomon
From: WyoWoman

Dear Green Jay and C.R. -- Well, I've just gotten emails from Night Owl and Kat and they both taped. I taped, but the quality ain't great. SO ... they're sending me their tapes and I shall slice and dice and have maybe most of the concert to make available. I don't know about the archiving part of the program, but I'll check with Pene Azul, Max, et al and see what needs to happen there.

AND...Jay, I DID play "Two=Way Waltz," complete with C# and F#m (faked, ok, but still, perfectly serviceable) and when I do it I always remember sitting out on LEJ's deck this summer high in the mountains of Evergreen, and fumbling around with that music, saying "I'll never be able to do this..." as I tried to force my fingers to make actual chords. And you said, "Oh, I have a feeling you will..." And now ... Ta-DAH!!!

See what a little faith in a person can do?

ww (having moved her own personal musical mountain)

20 Oct 00 - 02:03 PM (#323436)
Subject: RE: CatConcert 4: WyoWomon
From: BlueJay

That's what it's all about, KC- working a partial, or as you say, "faked", chord into the song. Pros do it constantly. When it comes to playing songs you love, there are no rules. Those chords are really valuable. Sometimes, for the effect, other times for pure simple laziness. Often for both reasons at the same time.

I just read Max's thread about the upcoming Mudcat Concert. I really hope they are able to archive that, as well. If none of this has been done, maybe I can give a listen to the tapes you, Kat, et al have put together.

A lot of my favorite music is stuff I recorded live off of the radio, from simulcast concerts. This music is now gone, unavailable on any CD. Versions of the various groups appeared on albums, but it's not the same, especially the between song banter. Somebody probably has master tapes, but I doubt if they are available.

I guess the moral is that the music being recorded, (hopefully), now is precious, and will only increase in value in the future. Get it while you can, and ENJOY. thanks, BlueJay

20 Oct 00 - 03:19 PM (#323500)
Subject: RE: CatConcert 4: WyoWomon
From: Uncle_DaveO

Corngrats, WW!!! Really nice show--AND, we got our money's worth!!!

Dave Oesterreich

20 Oct 00 - 05:37 PM (#323568)
Subject: RE: CatConcert 4: WyoWomon
From: Rex

I'm with Bluejay, I'm hoping this is archived somewhere as I don't know how to rig the 'puter to catch these concerts. So how do you do it? What software do you need?


20 Oct 00 - 10:12 PM (#323735)
Subject: RE: CatConcert 4: WyoWomon

WyoWoman, you are amazing! I use words like "sweet, pure, simple, etc." and they sound trite. Can't come up with anything more appropriate than "WOW" and thank you.

Remind Brett of his marriage proposal - in some countries it would be binding.

20 Oct 00 - 10:20 PM (#323739)
Subject: RE: CatConcert 4: WyoWomon
From: WyoWoman

Remind Brett of my statement that I would rather eat a bowl of hair than ever get married again. In the terrain of my heart, that's binding. sorry, Brett. Nuttin' personal.

Thank you all verra, verra much. I'll see about the archive thing, and I'm putting together a song list so you will know what I songed.

Bless yer little cotton sox,
