18 Oct 00 - 04:33 PM (#322085) Subject: TAKE ME OUT TO THE BALLGAME! From: SINSULL For months now I have hugged and snogged those in need, prayed myself into sore knees for everything from bad hair to bad heirs, cheered you all up when you were down, corrected you when you were wrong, even apologized when I was wrong...and for what???? Not one Catter has congratulated me on the brilliance of my New York baseball teams. For those of you unaware of recent developments or distracted by Tweedledee and Tweedledum playing at being leadership material, THE METS AND YANKEES WILL BE PLAYING A SUBWAY SERIES, THE FIRST IN ALMOST 50 YEARS STARTING ON SATURDAY. Too late. Don't offer any insincere encouragement. I will open a lone Song Circle and sing "Take Me Out To The Ballgame" all by myself. Maybe a beer and a dog. Maybe a tear in my beer, my lonely beer... |
18 Oct 00 - 04:35 PM (#322090) Subject: RE: Lyr Req: TAKE ME OUT TO THE BALLGAME! From: Robo Yanks . . . in seven. |
18 Oct 00 - 04:57 PM (#322112) Subject: RE: Lyr Req: TAKE ME OUT TO THE BALLGAME! From: mousethief Those are YOUR teams? Man, I never knew you were the owner of even ONE team, let alone two. How curious that both the teams you own are in the series, however. Hmmmm. Baseball season is over for the year. Let the New Yorkers have their navel-gazing subway series. They think NY is the center of the world, anyway. The rest of the nation isn't necessarily interested. Not that I'm bitter or anything.
Seriesless in Seattle, |
18 Oct 00 - 05:04 PM (#322118) Subject: RE: Lyr Req: TAKE ME OUT TO THE BALLGAME! From: SINSULL Mouse? Would you feel better if I sent you a Subway Series T-Shirt? Or an "I Love NY" one with the heart in the center? HEE HEE HEE Mets in three!!!! |
18 Oct 00 - 05:06 PM (#322123) Subject: RE: Lyr Req: TAKE ME OUT TO THE BALLGAME! From: mousethief You can't win a best of 7 series in 3. Send me an XXL "Subway Series" t-shirt and I'll wear it to work. Just wait till next year!
Alex |
18 Oct 00 - 05:14 PM (#322127) Subject: RE: Lyr Req: TAKE ME OUT TO THE BALLGAME! From: SINSULL The Mets can when the Yankees take their balls sniveling home to the Bronx and refuse to lose a fourth! Salt tears in the beer has done wonders for my attitude. XXL it is! |
18 Oct 00 - 05:20 PM (#322135) Subject: RE: Lyr Req: TAKE ME OUT TO THE BALLGAME! From: annamill SINSULL, you're a New Yorker?? How come ya haven't been to one of my gatherings?? or did you join later? Maybe you can come to the next one!! (Soon I hope) About your teams...I commute to work eveyday from Jersey and now the traffic will be unbearable and I have to listen to NYers sceamin and fussin.... besides I'm a Red Sox fan... ;-) Love, annamill |
18 Oct 00 - 05:22 PM (#322137) Subject: RE: Lyr Req: TAKE ME OUT TO THE BALLGAME! From: Sergio Alguim I am sorry, Sinsull, but for me baseball is not a sport. For me its a nothing .I dont mean to be unpolite, but baseball should never have existed, simply like that. My advice: Stop participating in baseball ! "Who can hit the ball best ?" is not a sport !!! "Who can drink most beers in one hour" , is also not a sport. "Who can jump longest time on one feet" is /or should not also be a sport. Baseball is a (sorry) stupid game. Dont play it, dont discuss it, is my advice. |
18 Oct 00 - 05:26 PM (#322144) Subject: RE: Lyr Req: TAKE ME OUT TO THE BALLGAME! From: mousethief Sergio, take a chill pill! Just because YOU don't like baseball doesn't mean it's not a sport! Sheesh! Talk about ego.
Alex |
18 Oct 00 - 05:40 PM (#322158) Subject: RE: Lyr Req: TAKE ME OUT TO THE BALLGAME! From: bflat Hey folks, I was born in New York. New York is unique. People from everywhere on the earth come to New York because it is one hell-of-a-place. I've lived around the country and loved every place and all the diversity. But, here in New York, you can surrender to life or run away from it because it can be intimidating. My late father said to me long before the lyrics popularized the saying, if you can make it here you can make it anywhere. Too bad he didn't copywrite those words. He was a poor, uneducated waif and he was a HUGE success in NY all due to his effort and hard work. I greatly admire people of his ilk. He loved sports among his many interests, played sandlot football, was an extraordinary swimmer in these challenging waters and taught me to love the Yankees. Go Yankees. Don't be disparaging of New York, we are not arrogant, we are survivors. Love to you all wherever you reside. bflat |
18 Oct 00 - 05:41 PM (#322159) Subject: RE: Lyr Req: TAKE ME OUT TO THE BALLGAME! From: Sergio Alguim Re Mousethief That was not nice of you ! Is it a sport, BECAUSE I DONT think its a sport ? What is baseball ? Who can hit the ball best and hardest ? Come on,think !!!!! Is it a sport ? Answer: Of course not ! Is it not a sport, because Sergio Alguim thinks its not a sport ? Of course not ! Baseball is not a sport because ITS JUST ISNT !!!!!!!! Lived too long in the USA ?????? |
18 Oct 00 - 11:06 PM (#322394) Subject: RE: Lyr Req: TAKE ME OUT TO THE BALLGAME! From: SINSULL Annamill, I tried to make it to your "do" when Bill and Allen visited. I was twice as disappointed when it didn't work out because I could have had them all to myself almost. Next time. Thanks for the invitation. mousethief - "chill pill"? I haven't heard that in years. You're not going to go around wearing a NYC T-shirt saying things like that are you, Daddio? You need to maintain a certain amount of "cool" to carry off a NYC T-shirt. I need some reassurance here or I am going to substitute a Pokemon T-shirt and and some celery tonic. Sergio, baseball is not "who can hit the ball the hardest. Anybody knows that it's "who can negotiate the largest amount of money for the least amount of effort". It is also a game of teamwork, skill, nerves of steel, perseverance, stamina, and cute butts. mouse, you probably won't agree about the butts but feel free to chime in with your thoughts. Oh, and it is also a game of great music: "Meet the Mets! Meet the Mets Come on out and Greet the Mets!" "Where have you gone Joe Dimaggio? Our natuion turns its lonely heart to you. Woowoowoo" |
18 Oct 00 - 11:10 PM (#322398) Subject: RE: Lyr Req: TAKE ME OUT TO THE BALLGAME! From: SINSULL bflat - Little hints about your Dad. Is he someone we all know? Just curious. |
18 Oct 00 - 11:11 PM (#322399) Subject: RE: Lyr Req: TAKE ME OUT TO THE BALLGAME! From: SINSULL bflat - Little hints about your Dad. Is he someone we all know? Just curious. |
19 Oct 00 - 12:11 PM (#322553) Subject: RE: Lyr Req: TAKE ME OUT TO THE BALLGAME! From: annamill Sergio, what do you consider a sport? It takes great skill to play baseball. Not everyone CAn hit the ball at all, much less very far. Then I guess soccer is not a sport. All you do is kick a ball very hard. or golf..you just chase a ball with a stick. What the heck is American football, big guys just knock each other around. Just curious what you consider a sport? Love, annamill |
19 Oct 00 - 12:19 PM (#322560) Subject: RE: Lyr Req: TAKE ME OUT TO THE BALLGAME! From: Clifton53 ,," Baseball is not a sport because IT JUST ISN'T!!!! Very lucid thinking there Serge, thanks for clearing this up for all us American's who mistakenly consider Baseball our national pastime! Clifton53(Giant fan to the core) |
19 Oct 00 - 12:37 PM (#322576) Subject: RE: Lyr Req: TAKE ME OUT TO THE BALLGAME! From: mrs_zezam Does anybody know how John Valentin is doing, what's his prognosis as far as being able to play next year? sorry to be a "creep", Mrs. Z |
19 Oct 00 - 12:41 PM (#322579) Subject: RE: Lyr Req: TAKE ME OUT TO THE BALLGAME! From: SINSULL If Spaw gets in here we'll be debating the merits of mud wrestling as a sport. And pouring piss out of boots, now that I think of it. |
19 Oct 00 - 01:14 PM (#322604) Subject: RE: Lyr Req: TAKE ME OUT TO THE BALLGAME! From: Sergio Alguim Ok, lets discuss this more serious. Mousethief insinuated I am a big ego or have a big ego, and that made the discussion not like it should be. I think to call an activity a sport, there should be a certain need for a trained body. And then I mean physical training on the heart and the muscles. I think these activites are not sports, because you can almost be as overweighty and unhealthy as you want, and still do it quite good: -snooker -bowling -baseball -gun-shooting -dart -chess -card(bridge) -bow and arrow-shooting -playing tetris on a computer(you have to concentrate!) -and golf. Yes, golf is not a sport. Some of the golfplayers dont even want to walk after the ball. They are using a small car! .... and probably more that I dont remember right now. But funny enough, some of these activities are of some people looked at as sports. Sports-channels on television sometimes show snooker-games. But snooker is not a sport. Lets rather call it a "hobby-activity". What I think are sports, however, are for exempel: -ice-hockey -soccer -handball -running marathon -boat-rowing -swimming -boxing What do you think about this, annamill ? Re: clifton 53 ",," Baseball is not a sport because IT JUST ISN'T!!!! " I wrote this to explain that its not me who decide if an activity is a sport or not. Swimming is a sport even if you and I should think its not a sport. If you have a green car, then the car is green, even if your neighbour thinks its black. If you have a green car, then the car is green because IT JUST IS green! Got the point ?
19 Oct 00 - 02:54 PM (#322688) Subject: RE: Lyr Req: TAKE ME OUT TO THE BALLGAME! From: SINSULL Fascinating Fact - Godzimmer is the only player still in uniform to play in both Subway Series. Don Zimmer to the uninitiated. |
19 Oct 00 - 02:55 PM (#322689) Subject: RE: Lyr Req: TAKE ME OUT TO THE BALLGAME! From: Robo Serge . . . Enough for cryin' out loud! You're being ridiculous, and I won't prolong this any further other than to say, hey, that's my brother you're talkin' to (Giants fan or no)! "So don't gimme no trouble, or I'll call up my double, and we'll play Piggy in the Middle wit'choo." -- Rob-o |
19 Oct 00 - 03:04 PM (#322696) Subject: RE: Lyr Req: TAKE ME OUT TO THE BALLGAME! From: mousethief Yes, but Serge, who decides what is and isn't a sport? In this case, it's you. You invented this criterion, and then expect us to buy it because you shout about it. Ain't gonna happen. Well okay soccer is a sport, by your criterion, except the goalie. He can be out of shape, so for HIM it's not a sport. Same in hockey. Baseball players cannot be fat and overweight and physically untrained and play for very long at the pro level. You need to do a little research into the game, perhaps. There is a lot of running in baseball, both for fielders and for batters. And if you think a pitcher can be out of shape and still pitch well, you're nuts. Your prejudice is making you think unclearly, perhaps. Sins: you're right, the butts don't do much for me. My mother, on the other hand, likes to watch (American) football for the butts. She calls them "tight ends." The glory of baseball is 1. strategy, and 2. the psychological game between pitcher and batter. Every pitch, every move to first base, every "time out" called, every step off the rubber is a feint or a thrust in a very intricate fencing game between two minds. It's a chess game played with a 9" ball, and there's nothing else like it in professional sports, at least in America. I understand that some people don't enjoy baseball, and I can live with that. I don't enjoy soccer, and I hear that at least a handful of people in the world do. That's okay, it's differences like this that make the world an interesting place. What I cannot understand is making up a bogus "rule" or "test" to determine what is or isn't a sport, then insisting that your rule is as objective as the color of the neighbor's car.
Alex |
19 Oct 00 - 03:52 PM (#322742) Subject: RE: Lyr Req: TAKE ME OUT TO THE BALLGAME! From: Peter T. a plague on both your houses. Yankee hater since 1964 (Athletics, Chicago, Toronto); Mets since 1980 (Expos). Phooey. Prediction: the ratings will disappear. yours, Peter T. |
19 Oct 00 - 04:17 PM (#322773) Subject: RE: Lyr Req: TAKE ME OUT TO THE BALLGAME! From: annamill Oh yeah SINSULL..Lemon bars -- YES! Very good! Next time bring 'em yourself. Love, A |
19 Oct 00 - 04:28 PM (#322788) Subject: RE: Lyr Req: TAKE ME OUT TO THE BALLGAME! From: GUEST,Merlin Go Bronx Bombers! For anyone who doesn't know, those are the Yankees, best team in the world! So, lets go Yankees! (And for all you cynical, anti-baseball people, don't ruin it for the res of us) |
19 Oct 00 - 04:28 PM (#322790) Subject: RE: Lyr Req: TAKE ME OUT TO THE BALLGAME! From: GUEST,Merlin Go Bronx Bombers! For anyone who doesn't know, those are the Yankees, best team in the world! So, lets go Yankees! (And for all you cynical, anti-baseball people, don't ruin it for the rest of us) |
19 Oct 00 - 04:35 PM (#322795) Subject: RE: Lyr Req: TAKE ME OUT TO THE BALLGAME! From: SINSULL Peter T., I finally come to terms with your Canadianism and then you pull this. Well, in the immortal words of a well-loved friend: Mets RULE!; Blue Jays ROOST. Mary who, for the record is practicing irony. Thanks annamill, I will. |
19 Oct 00 - 05:00 PM (#322814) Subject: RE: Lyr Req: TAKE ME OUT TO THE BALLGAME! From: Peter T. I wave my privates in your general direction, New Yorkers!!! yours, Peter T. |
19 Oct 00 - 05:02 PM (#322820) Subject: RE: Lyr Req: TAKE ME OUT TO THE BALLGAME! From: mousethief Is THAT what Peter's doing!? I thought he was just patting the Robertson.
Alex |
19 Oct 00 - 05:49 PM (#322854) Subject: RE: Lyr Req: TAKE ME OUT TO THE BALLGAME! From: bob schwarer Cubs forever. Lose or win. Bob S. |
19 Oct 00 - 06:26 PM (#322881) Subject: RE: Lyr Req: TAKE ME OUT TO THE BALLGAME! From: NightWing Sergio's definition of a sport reminds me rather of mine, however mine definitely includes baseball. Also definitely includes many of the games he excluded. How's this: "Sport" can be defined as a contest between teams or individuals that requires specific physical skills (differing from one sport to another) where success (winning or losing or placing) can be determined by some completely objective measure. Races of any kind are obviously sports. Whether they be long distance or short, they each require specific sets of physical abilities and success can be measured completely objectively: who crosses the finish line first. Same with the field events of jumping and throwing. The measure being a tape measure. Baseball is definitely a sport. The physical skills are very different from track and field events or football (soccer), but skills they definitely are. (Serge, if you think it's easy to hit a ball thrown at you at over 140 kph [~87 mph], come to America and make your fortune. And yes, I'm 100% serious!) The measure: How many men for each team cross home plate. Soccer certainly fits. How many times does the ball go through the goal? Interestingly enough, several Olympic "sports" (some I like and others I don't) definitely do NOT fit this definition. Gymnastics, figure skating, diving, synchronized swimming, ballroom dancing (???!!!) all have VERY subjective measures of success. That's why they have several judges and extremes of their opinions are thrown out of the final score. All of these require physical skills, but the lack of a objective measure of success makes them, IMO (I don't have humble ones), something other than "sport". BB, NightWing |
19 Oct 00 - 06:31 PM (#322883) Subject: RE: Lyr Req: TAKE ME OUT TO THE BALLGAME! From: SINSULL HMMMM How many batteries will it take to knock Roger Clemens on his ass? Is that a sport? |
19 Oct 00 - 08:21 PM (#322952) Subject: RE: Lyr Req: TAKE ME OUT TO THE BALLGAME! From: Robo In some sections of Queens, probably. |
20 Oct 00 - 01:27 PM (#323394) Subject: RE: Lyr Req: TAKE ME OUT TO THE BALLGAME! From: Clifton53 Right on Merlin!!! ",,And for all you cynical anti-baseball people, don't ruin it for the rest of us"! Right freakin' on! Clifton53 |
20 Oct 00 - 01:40 PM (#323411) Subject: RE: Lyr Req: TAKE ME OUT TO THE BALLGAME! From: mousethief Go Mets!
Alex |
20 Oct 00 - 05:07 PM (#323544) Subject: RE: Lyr Req: TAKE ME OUT TO THE BALLGAME! From: Sergio Alguim anamill: Not everybody can hit the snooker-balls exactly as they want, either, but that doesnt mean its a sport. Thanks to Night Wing for discussing this seriously: "Also definitely includes many of the games he excluded." Which of them do you think ARE sports, and most of all: Which of them do you think are NOT sports ??! What do you think about gun-shooting ? Is it a sport because they have competitions about it ? What about gun-shooting with support, that means you can lay your gun down on a support, and just concentrate about hitting the aim as good as possible. Is it a sport ? Is snooker a sport, because there are competitions ? When it comes to the different "sports" you mentioned, for example figure skating, I think its definitely a sport. Ok, you need referees that give the points and have their own opinions, and the best skater could be a looser, because of wrong decisions from the referees. But still I think skating in general demands a lot of good physical qualifications, so it is a sport , I think. Obviously I have hit a sensible point of several people in this discussion, by saying that baseball is not a sport. I like soccer. If somebody says soccer is not a sport, I dont care, because they are wrong. But when I say baseball is not a sport, I get many agressive answers, probably because a lot of those who read it understand that I am right, or at least could be right. I like to play snooker. If somebody says it not a sport, thats ok, because I agree with them. Today, on a sportschannel on TV, I saw some people playing dart ! When I looked at it, I got the feeling: Of course this is not a sport! |
20 Oct 00 - 05:17 PM (#323553) Subject: RE: Lyr Req: TAKE ME OUT TO THE BALLGAME! From: Peter T. The original term "sport" comes from "disport" which in turn derives from the Old French "desport". It means to engage in a pastime, a frolic, a gambol, to enjoy oneself. The current Oxford English Dictionary defines sport as "amusement, diversion, fun". You are confusing sport with athletics. A natural mistake in a culture obsessed with competition, struggle, and striving. However, if I wish to sport upon the green, I shall, in my own way. yours, Peter T. |
20 Oct 00 - 05:17 PM (#323554) Subject: RE: Lyr Req: TAKE ME OUT TO THE BALLGAME! From: mousethief Serge: When you said baseball was not a sport, you got a lot of emotional answers because it's a stupid thing to say, and some people react very viscerally to stupidity. You still have not given us any reason to believe your "rule" for determining what is a sport and what isn't, so the whole thing is still in the range of "your opinion" -- and a silly opinion we think it is, too. Nor have you answered my assertion that baseball requires physical traning and is not for fat slobs as you aver. What it comes down to is this: you appear have a need to pour cold water on other people's enjoyment. Cut it out.
Alex |
23 Oct 00 - 02:42 PM (#325456) Subject: RE: Lyr Req: TAKE ME OUT TO THE BALLGAME! From: Sergio Alguim "Baseball players cannot be fat and overweight and physically untrained and play for very long at the pro level. " Maybe not for a VERY long time, but if they can play on top level for SOME time (a whole season for exampel), I think thats a good proof its not a sport. "There is a lot of running in baseball, both for fielders and for batters. " No, there is not. Its just a little bit. "It's a chess game played with a 9" ball" There you got it! That sounded better. I watched some highlights from the game between New York Yankees and New York Metz. I noticed that the guy who is supposed to hit the ball , a lot of times let the ball go, because he thought it was out. It happened many times. Many times...., I am not an expert on baseball, thats true. You have something that is called home run, right ? Thats when the ball is beeing hitted so hard that it goes out of the field. And the guy who hit it can "run home". But does he have to run ? Can he WALK if he wants, or is there a time limit ?
23 Oct 00 - 02:55 PM (#325461) Subject: RE: Lyr Req: TAKE ME OUT TO THE BALLGAME! From: mousethief Serge, you still haven't given us any reason to buy your stupid rule. Trust me, you're just making yourself look foolish. Talk about something else.
Alex |
23 Oct 00 - 05:33 PM (#325623) Subject: RE: Lyr Req: TAKE ME OUT TO THE BALLGAME! From: SINSULL I got took out to the ballgame Saturday night, bronchitis and all. And loved every minute of it except the one where the Yankees won. Saw no fat ball players and lots of cute butts - on the field. The players around the Budweiser stand , well there is no point in going into that. I am still pinching myself - I was there for the first game of the World Series. I was in shouting distance of Mookie Wilson, my all time favorite Met. I got to see the eagle fly down from the stands to the catchers mound. I brushed elbows with Joe Piscopo and Charlie Rose and an assortment of other celebrities. In short, I had FUN! And got to see NYC at her best. Partying in the street, dancing, singing, lots of starry eyed little kids with faces painted with their teams' logo. The subway was free to everyone leaving the stadium. Screamed myself hoarse. Great Fun! |
23 Oct 00 - 05:34 PM (#325625) Subject: RE: Lyr Req: TAKE ME OUT TO THE BALLGAME! From: SINSULL I got took out to the ballgame Saturday night, bronchitis and all. And loved every minute of it except the one where the Yankees won. Saw no fat ball players and lots of cute butts - on the field. The players around the Budweiser stand , well there is no point in going into that. I am still pinching myself - I was there for the first game of the World Series. I was in shouting distance of Mookie Wilson, my all time favorite Met. I got to see the eagle fly down from the stands to the catchers mound. I brushed elbows with Joe Piscopo and Charlie Rose and an assortment of other celebrities. In short, I had FUN! And got to see NYC at her best. Partying in the street, dancing, singing, lots of starry eyed little kids with faces painted with their teams' logo. The subway was free to everyone leaving the stadium. Screamed myself hoarse. Great Fun! |
24 Oct 00 - 09:26 AM (#326017) Subject: RE: Lyr Req: TAKE ME OUT TO THE BALLGAME! From: Sergio Alguim Home run: I have checked it out on another internet-page. The players on the team who gets a "home run" , dont have to RUN "home". They can WALK if they want. But to not be unpolite to the opponents , they are expected to at least jog slightly. If they jog VERY slightly, maybe they dont need to wash their shirts before the next game ? Another thing: Why do the baseball-players use long trousers ? Isnt that very HOT during the play ? Wouldnt it be better to use shorts ? Soccer-players (except the goal-ceepers)in England use shorts even when the degree is under 0 degrees Celsius. Hmmm..., I wonder why the baseball-players dont do the same ? NB. I will from now on not answer questions from or make any comments to people who obviously have their hearts full of bitterness just because other human beeings have other opinions then themself. I will not mention any name, but for me it looks like one person here only gets more and more bitter, because other people express opinions that he does not agree with. This person will not get any comments or answers from me anymore, until I have the impression that he has been working with his own psychological condition and has let the bitterness go away |
24 Oct 00 - 12:36 PM (#326130) Subject: RE: Lyr Req: TAKE ME OUT TO THE BALLGAME! From: Robo NB Too: Enough! That person ain't the only one PO'd at you, and you know your right to a contrary opinion has nothing to do with the reaction you've received. Between your "baseball should never have existed" statements and childish why is the sky blue? questions, you came looking for trouble and got it. I was tempted to post again several times in the course of this thread but held off because I was hoping you'd END IT! So I must say I very much like the part about no more comments from you. On baseball, at least. --Rob-o |
24 Oct 00 - 02:55 PM (#326232) Subject: RE: Lyr Req: TAKE ME OUT TO THE BALLGAME! From: SINSULL And now to a REAL sport - Professional Wrestling! Rikichi and the Rock deadly enemies???? Next one will be throwing the sharp end of a broken bat at the other. No big butts here. Just skill and cutting edge competition. |
24 Oct 00 - 03:26 PM (#326267) Subject: RE: Lyr Req: TAKE ME OUT TO THE BALLGAME! From: mousethief And folding chairs! Don't forget the folding chairs!
Alex |
24 Oct 00 - 04:03 PM (#326298) Subject: RE: Lyr Req: TAKE ME OUT TO THE BALLGAME! From: SINSULL mousethief, Don't you mean "the METAL chair"? Folding tables but metal chairs. I love wrestling. Wrestling and baseball - god, I need a life! |
24 Oct 00 - 04:04 PM (#326301) Subject: RE: Lyr Req: TAKE ME OUT TO THE BALLGAME! From: mousethief I only saw one "wrestling" thing and it was an over-your-shoulder glance while at a bar or someone's house or something. One of the "wrestlers" had grabbed a folding chair from the audience (probably was metal, yes) and using it in his act. You definitely need a life Sinsull. Maybe you should take up music. May I suggest folk and blues?
Alex |
11 Jun 03 - 07:36 AM (#965706) Subject: ADD: Take Me Out to the Ballgame! From: wysiwyg You know, I don't think the song is posted here, or at least there isn't a thread title indicating it when I do a Supersearch. Here's what I found-- including verses! Maybe someone can extract the MIDI and post the tune. I dunno how the verses go... Source: http://www.niehs.nih.gov/kids/lyrics/ballgame.htm This song was written in 1908 by a man named Jack Norworth. One day when he was riding a New York City subway train, he spotted a sign that said "Ballgame Today at the Polo Grounds." Some baseball-related lyrics popped into his head, that were later set to some music by Albert Von Tilzer, to become the well known baseball song, "Take Me Out To The Ballgame." Despite the fact that neither Norworth or Tilzer had ever been to a baseball game at the time the song was written, it became the second most widely sung song in America (second only to the National Anthem). (1927 version) Nelly Kelly loved baseball games, Knew the players, knew all their names, You could see her there ev'ry day, Shout "Hurray" when they'd play. Her boy friend by the name of Joe Said, "To Coney Isle, dear, let's go," Then Nelly started to fret and pout, And to him I heard her shout. "Take me out to the ball game, Take me out with the crowd. Buy me some peanuts and Cracker Jack, I don't care if I never get back, Let me root, root, root for the home team, If they don't win it's a shame. For it's one, two, three strikes, you're out, At the old ball game." Nelly Kelly was sure some fan, She would root just like any man, Told the umpire he was wrong, All along, good and strong. When the score was just two to two, Nelly Kelly knew what to do, Just to cheer up the boys she knew, She made the game sing this song. "Take me out to the ball game, Take me out with the crowd. Buy me some peanuts and Cracker Jack, I don't care if I never get back, Let me root, root, root for the home team, If they don't win it's a shame. For it's one, two, three strikes, you're out, At the old ball game." ~S~ |
11 Jun 03 - 07:47 AM (#965713) Subject: RE: BS: Take Me Out to the Ballgame! From: masato sakurai Original sheet music is at Levy: Title: Take Me Out to the Ball Game. The Sensational Base Ball Song. Composer, Lyricist, Arranger: Words by Jack Norworth. Music by Albert Von Tilzer. Albert Von Tilzer Publication: New York: The York Music Co., Albert Von Tilzer, Mg'r, 40 West 28th St., 1908. Form of Composition: strophic with chorus Instrumentation: piano and voice First Line: Katie Casey was baseball mad, Had the fever and had it bad First Line of Chorus: Take me out to the ball game, Take me out with the crowd Performer: [Henry Fink?] Dedicatee: Dedicated to J.A. Sternad. Engraver, Lithographer, Artist: Teller, Sons & Dorner, New York Advertisement: ads on inside front cover and on back cover for York Music stock Subject: Portraits Subject: Silhouettes Subject: Baseball Call No.: Box: 027 Item: 125a MIDI (with lyrics) is at Public Domain Music: Early 20th Century American Music (1900-1924) (under 1908). ~Masato |
11 Jun 03 - 11:26 AM (#965849) Subject: RE: BS: Take Me Out to the Ballgame! From: CapriUni Ken Burns used the 1908 version of this song in his documentary series "Baseball"... I think I like it better than the 1927 version that Wysiwig posted... maybe because it was the first version I learned... But I suspect it's because in the earlier version, "Katie Casey's" passion is allowed to stand on its own, instead of being compared to a man's, as "Nelly Kelly's" is... Besides, the name Katie Casey is a nice allusion to "Casey at the Bat." |