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Who will win the World Series?

22 Oct 00 - 03:05 PM (#324650)
Subject: Who will win the World Series?
From: GUEST,Rudy G.

I'm sure it will be New York!

22 Oct 00 - 03:12 PM (#324653)
Subject: RE: Who will win the World Series?
From: Bernard

It won't be me...

22 Oct 00 - 03:13 PM (#324654)
Subject: RE: Who will win the World Series?
From: Zebedee

I expect it will be the Americans


22 Oct 00 - 03:14 PM (#324655)
Subject: RE: Who will win the World Series?
From: Bernard


22 Oct 00 - 03:54 PM (#324683)
Subject: RE: Who will win the World Series?
From: Peter T.

All those who spend the allotted time reading uplifting books, or engaging in charitable works among the poor and downtrodden (or the rich and uptrodden, for that matter).

yours, Peter T.

22 Oct 00 - 04:06 PM (#324692)
Subject: RE: Who will win the World Series?
From: Amos

The crowds are getting madder
As the innings mount past ten
And their voices rise in anger
As the side shuts down again
And the night air grows much colder
And the batter's getting slow
But they stay there in the bleachers
For where else could ballfans go?

For the thunder of the hickory
And the pounding of the glove
And the smell of franks and mustard
And the screams of men in love
Gives the night a special frequency
Which electrifies the land
But it's only heard by baseball fans
No-one else quite understands.


22 Oct 00 - 04:11 PM (#324696)
Subject: RE: Who will win the World Series?
From: Matt_R

THANK YOU AMOS!!! I love it!!!!!

22 Oct 00 - 04:44 PM (#324717)
Subject: RE: Who will win the World Series?
From: RWilhelm

Letterman said they asked Hillary who would win the subway series and she answered "The D train."

22 Oct 00 - 04:58 PM (#324735)
Subject: RE: Who will win the World Series?
From: GUEST,Colwyn Dane


It won't be the Cubans or the Japanese methinks.


22 Oct 00 - 05:11 PM (#324749)
Subject: RE: Who will win the World Series?
From: Sorcha

The Canadiens? No? Ho hum. Truth in Advertising--it ain't the World Series, friends, it's the North American Series.

22 Oct 00 - 05:45 PM (#324771)
Subject: RE: Who will win the World Series?
From: Hotspur

And not even that, unless a Canadian team is in it.

22 Oct 00 - 07:35 PM (#324861)
Subject: RE: Who will win the World Series?
From: Matt_R

You people are so petty! Reminds me of a game my sister invented called "Picking Apart Plebian Phrases." OK, GET THIS. When the when the name for the tournament to decide the best baseball team was named "The World Series", the United States WAS the only country in the world that played baseball. So what that now other countries play baseball that aren't in the U.S. Majors...but that the name "World Series" remains. Why keep something so seemingly outmoded and useless, but links us to our past and reminds us of our history? It's something called a FOLK TRADITION. Ever heard of such a dumb idea?

22 Oct 00 - 07:39 PM (#324867)
Subject: RE: Who will win the World Series?
From: Peter T.

Actually I believe it was named after a sponsoring newspaper, Matt -- nothing to do with the world. yours, Peter T.

22 Oct 00 - 07:44 PM (#324873)
Subject: RE: Who will win the World Series?
From: GUEST,Mark Cohen in Kona

OK, Matt, take a deep breath and let Mbo back outside to cool off. Your point is very well taken...but it might be better received if it were made with just a smidgen less outrage. OK? We're all friends here, including the ones who don't understand what baseball is all about. Hey, I lived through the 1964 Phillies, and I can still smile.


22 Oct 00 - 07:48 PM (#324878)
Subject: RE: Who will win the World Series?
From: catspaw49

The 64 Phillies? Hey Mark, I was an Indians fan and as a child back in the early fifties remember when they had a team! It was a long dry spell. Only thing worse I guess would have been born a Cubs fan.


22 Oct 00 - 07:55 PM (#324884)
Subject: RE: Who will win the World Series?
From: Sorcha

Well, at least the Canadian team (s?) are in the league and play offs. Matt, you may have a point there. Especially since baseball is originally an American sport.

22 Oct 00 - 08:01 PM (#324891)
Subject: RE: Who will win the World Series?
From: Matt_R we go again! Fergot my ";-)" and they all think I'm rage incarnate. BTW this "old Mbo" thing is pretty silly. Don't worry, my name may have changed and I have may have friends now, but I haven't changed one bit.

22 Oct 00 - 08:08 PM (#324898)
Subject: RE: Who will win the World Series?
From: Sorcha

Good on ya, Matt! I did have this uncle who was a rabid St. Louis Cardinals fan, and he took me to see them play at home once. I was about 8. I have very vivid memories of seeing Stan Musial play, and being allowed to order my very own milk-shake. I chose vanilla, as my dad always ordered for all of us, and it was always chocolate. Turned out, I LOVED vanilla milk shakes. It was also the very first time I ever stayed in a motel....ahhhhh, "memories, pressed between the pages of my mind....."

22 Oct 00 - 08:13 PM (#324899)
Subject: RE: Who will win the World Series?
From: McGrath of Harlow

Now if the English had only thought of that one, Matt, they could win the World Cup every time...

But you're quiet right, it's a daft enough thing to call it, but it's harmless and a bit funny, and such things should be preserved.

But is there a real baseball world championship? With national teams from Cuba and Japan and Canada and Western Samoa and any other places where they play the game.

Actually I think it's rather a beautiful game, though I don't understand it, But I gather that American Football is now much more popular! I find that a very depressing thought.

22 Oct 00 - 08:58 PM (#324950)
Subject: RE: Who will win the World Series?
From: Matt_R

Yep, McGrath, it's the baseball world championships, culminating of course, in the Olympics.

22 Oct 00 - 09:13 PM (#324963)
Subject: RE: Who will win the World Series?
From: Sorcha

The OLYMPICS?? And, do the US pros get to play like they did with the Basketball Dream Team? And are the other countries players up to a professional standard? I think I am still unhappy about the US "Dream Team" BB stuff. Whatever happened to the Olympics being "amature"? Oh well, just what does that mean, anyway?

22 Oct 00 - 09:16 PM (#324968)
Subject: RE: Who will win the World Series?
From: Matt_R

NO Sorch, Olympic baseball is world major league teams against while the U.S. team is minor leaguers & college players.

22 Oct 00 - 09:20 PM (#324971)
Subject: RE: Who will win the World Series?
From: Sorcha

That's what I thought......IOC rules again. Just like Andreea Rudican lost her medal because of Sudafed, and the fact that she is little..........IOC is sometimes very stoopid, no? Oh well.

22 Oct 00 - 09:30 PM (#324980)
Subject: RE: Who will win the World Series?
From: Little Hawk

At the risk of offending sports fans everywhere...except maybe in North Korea...

a-one, a-two, a-three...


Hee! Hee! Hee! (e.g.) :-D

22 Oct 00 - 09:39 PM (#324986)
Subject: RE: Who will win the World Series?
From: Matt_R


22 Oct 00 - 09:45 PM (#324992)
Subject: RE: Who will win the World Series?
From: Parson

As a confirmed Atlanta Braves fan, I can report with some sense of satisfaction that New York will LOSE! No offense to New Yorkers, in general. I've never been, but my daughter has & loves the place. Can't wait to go back. And guess what impressed my 14 year old daughter the most? Hard Rock Cafe? No, she liked it, but she LOVED the Metropolitan Museum of Art!

Take care.


22 Oct 00 - 10:27 PM (#325016)
Subject: RE: Who will win the World Series?
From: Little Hawk

Yeah, Matt, I thought so...

That's why the "evil grin".

I am just a nasty lowlife rat with few if any scruples. Kind of like Spaw...

But I like F4F Wildcats, so I'm not all bad.

22 Oct 00 - 11:05 PM (#325042)
Subject: RE: Who will win the World Series?
From: Sorcha

My favorite part of New York? I honestly don't know, because all I saw was New York City. My favorite part of NYC? Rockefeller Center after dark......hey, what can I say, I was only 14 and from TotoLand (Kansas, USA)

But, you know, LilHawk, even though sports in general do sometimes seem like a waste of time, I do love them because they are indicitave of all that the human race can do if and when motivated.

The 4 minute mile was impossible, humans can't run that fast--
The triple flip was impossible because the human brain will "check out"--
Women can't do a Giant Swing because of the center of balance--
Even though I know a lot of these feats are accomplished with the aid of drugs, and the athletes involved pay dearly with their health later, I guess I just like knowing what the human animal is capable of. And it is not relevant at all to (Folk) music, the Blooz, or a lot of other silliness here on the 'Cat that you have started.

Scorchy, who I guess is feeling a little Bitchy tonite.

rant off. Sorry, 'Hawk, I do agree with you about a lot of stuff. Think about the actual athletics involved in counting coup.

22 Oct 00 - 11:30 PM (#325060)
Subject: RE: Who will win the World Series?
From: richlmo

I'm with Parson. Who gives a damn which bunch of New Yorkers wins? I'm a Braves fan from the Eddie Mathews ( my all time hero as a child )and Joe Adcock days. I read recently on the net that Eddie was having heart trouble. Wish him the best. If I did give a damn, go Torre and Justice!

23 Oct 00 - 01:36 AM (#325121)
Subject: RE: Who will win the World Series?
From: Ebbie

Anybody remember Bob Gibson? I remember one fantastic series...


23 Oct 00 - 01:46 AM (#325125)
Subject: RE: Who will win the World Series?
From: Peter Kasin

My parents grew up in Brooklyn, but everyone on both sides of the family were NY Giants fans. Not a Dodger fan in the bunch. The Giants organization must have known that. They followed my father to San Francisco ten years after he moved out West. Man, it took them long enough to find out where he was.

23 Oct 00 - 11:15 AM (#325292)
Subject: RE: Who will win the World Series?
From: McGrath of Harlow

"The baseball world championships, culminating of course,in the Olympics" - fascinating. Who won?

I tried looking this up, but the only page I could find about it related to 1998 when the big news was that the USA had beaten Russia by 10 to 1. Quite a turn up for the books I imagine...

But at least I found that baseball is played in some places I hadn't realised - there was a team there from the Netherlands, for example. Italy, Spain, South Africa, Australia...

23 Oct 00 - 12:17 PM (#325331)
Subject: RE: Who will win the World Series?
From: mousethief

Sorch, I have to assume "amature" means "not mature." "Amateur" means "not professional."

The problem being, of course, that the basketball (and probably other) teams from commie countries were by and large pro teams, since they were employed by the armed forces of that country and did little else but train for their sports. So the USA decided to "beat them at their own game" and allow pro bball players on their oly team as well. The amateur status of many oly athletes these days is suspect. The drug-free status of many more is very suspect. Which is really a shame.

Pro basketball is such a mindbogglingly dull sport, however, that I don't really care one way or another.

As for "World Series" -- anybody in Cuba, Japan, etc. good enough to play in the Majors in USA/Canada will be hired away from their Cuban/Japanese/whatever team. There are several Japanese players on Major League teams now, and more seem to come over every year. Contrariwise, many of the players in Japan are washed-up USA major-leaguers. It may not be a World Series in the sense that all nations' teams are allowed to compete, but it surely is a World Series in the sense that the best baseball players in the world are there, and it's not very credible that any other nation's #1 team could beat the World Series loser, let alone the winner, in a 7-game series.


23 Oct 00 - 01:50 PM (#325413)
Subject: RE: Who will win the World Series?
From: Peter T.

Actually, a much more thrilling contest going on right now is the real serious World Championship Chess Tournament between Kasparov and Kramnik, which has received zero press. This is the big one chess players have been waiting for for about 3 years: so far Kasparov is losing!

yours, Peter T.

23 Oct 00 - 02:01 PM (#325420)
Subject: RE: Who will win the World Series?
From: catspaw49

09wtudhnm;e45..........Sorry PT, I kinda' nodded off there and my head smacked the keyboard.......More intellectual, but like sailing in a way......Begs the question......

Is there a grass growing championship I could watch instead? Do they have instant replay? I think the fescue fouled the bent and the ref missed it.

I do know what you mean....couldn't resist though.


23 Oct 00 - 04:18 PM (#325539)
Subject: RE: Who will win the World Series?
From: Matt_R

McGrath--Cuba was the world champions, the U.S. won the Gold medal in the Olympics, for the first time ever.

23 Oct 00 - 04:27 PM (#325552)
Subject: RE: Who will win the World Series?
From: mousethief

Chess is thrilling? Maybe to play. It's not much of a spectator sport.


23 Oct 00 - 04:39 PM (#325564)
Subject: RE: Who will win the World Series?
From: bbc

Well, as it happens, I live close to NYC & care nothing about sports. Duane D. & I were in a restaurant Sat. pm, though, & experienced some sports fans close-up. They were clapping & yelling when they saw the plays on the bar tv. When one of them started swearing & saying somebody cheated & he was fed-up w/ the whole thing, I started feeling it was time to go home. At my school, my principal came in, Friday, in a Yankees cap & one of the 4th grade teachers wore a Yankees uniform all day. Just to be perverse, I decided I'm rooting for the Mets! Hey, when they get to their home park, I figure they have a chance! :)

best to all, fans or not,


23 Oct 00 - 04:47 PM (#325572)
Subject: RE: Who will win the World Series?
From: Seamus Kennedy

You guys are breaking my heart. I'm a Red Sox fan, and have been since I came here 30 years ago. They haven't won since 1918, and the few times they did get to the Series, they lost in 7 games. The Yankees are the hated enemy, so I don't want them to win, and the Mets beat the Sox in 1986 (Bill Buckner!) so I don't want them to win either. Who is a Red Sox fan to root for? But, as my banner that I take to Fenway on Opening Day each year says: "Wait till next year!." Seamus

23 Oct 00 - 05:12 PM (#325594)
Subject: RE: Who will win the World Series?
From: McGrath of Harlow

So maybe the team that wins this week in New York could play Cuba? I might stay up to watch that.

23 Oct 00 - 05:22 PM (#325605)
Subject: RE: Who will win the World Series?
From: mousethief

All the best cuban players have swam to the USA.


23 Oct 00 - 06:03 PM (#325666)
Subject: RE: Who will win the World Series?

The problem with chess tournaments is No T-shirts. How can a fan show his true allegiance without a T-shirt? Something to think about.
Mary,faithful to her Mets.

23 Oct 00 - 06:43 PM (#325691)
Subject: RE: Who will win the World Series?
From: catspaw49

T-Shirts huh Sinsull? That's an idea....but a logo might be tough.....Let's see here...............HEY!!! I got it!!!!

How about the Knight on his fiery steed whipping the Bishop???


23 Oct 00 - 06:46 PM (#325693)
Subject: RE: Who will win the World Series?
From: Matt_R

The Bishop sentences the Pawn to eternal damnation.

23 Oct 00 - 09:46 PM (#325780)
Subject: RE: Who will win the World Series?

The Knights are "Painting The Roses Red" while the Queen looks on horrified. They planted white, not red!!! And the Knights can be the appropriate contenders - one getting his head chopped off with a flamingo.

23 Oct 00 - 10:02 PM (#325789)
Subject: RE: Who will win the World Series?
From: Matt_R

And the Mets crush the Yankees like a frog under a steamroller (to quote George Orwell...sort of..)

24 Oct 00 - 02:51 PM (#326228)
Subject: RE: Who will win the World Series?
From: GUEST,albamist

Who cares why would anyone be interested in watching a bunch of overweight,overpaid and underworked spoiled brats smack a ball around. The game ranks next to watching fishing on TV or watching paint dry as the most boring way to spend an evening. Even the "fans" do not pay attention, they are all distracted by stuff going on around them, I have seen people reading magazines and others knitting during a baseball game. When the home team gets up to bat, the crowd stay to cheer. When the other guys get up to bat, that is the signal for over half the crowd to go and load up with hot dogs beer etc. ann indulge in a feeding frenzy which would put sharks to shame. I guess the fans are trying to emulate their heroes, perhaps if they can shift enough food and drink then maybe they too could be a baseball player. If you want to watch real athletes then watch soccer or rugby.

24 Oct 00 - 02:56 PM (#326234)
Subject: RE: Who will win the World Series?
From: Robo

Oooh, a manly man.

24 Oct 00 - 03:18 PM (#326255)
Subject: RE: Who will win the World Series?
From: mousethief

If the Mets are going to crush the Yankees like a steamroller, they'd better get to crushing. Starting the series 0-2 hardly seems very steamroller-like.

That said, I'd love to see the Mets beat the Yanks, just because they're the Yanks and so annoyingly smug.



24 Oct 00 - 04:45 PM (#326334)
Subject: RE: Who will win the World Series?
From: Clifton53

Hey Albamist, feel free to express yourself, after all, I'm sure some of your passions and interests are horseshit too!! In fact, you sound just like 'ol Serge !


24 Oct 00 - 04:47 PM (#326336)
Subject: RE: Who will win the World Series?
From: Clifton53

Hey Albamist, feel free to express yourself, after all, I'm sure some of your passions and interests are horseshit too!! In fact, you sound just like 'ol Serge !


24 Oct 00 - 05:08 PM (#326345)
Subject: RE: Who will win the World Series?
From: Robo

That's it, Clifton!

24 Oct 00 - 06:26 PM (#326431)
Subject: RE: Who will win the World Series?
From: catspaw49

Don't be put off there by the brothers, Cliffie and Rob, Albamist, its just that we don't know no better. See, I never could figure out Soccer but it seems its played by folks too stupid to use their hands. And no real American is gonna' play Rugby 'cause the word Scrum sounds too much like Scrotum.


24 Oct 00 - 06:41 PM (#326448)
Subject: RE: Who will win the World Series?
From: mousethief

Except the goalie, Spaw.


24 Oct 00 - 06:56 PM (#326463)
Subject: RE: Who will win the World Series?
From: catspaw49

Good point Alex!!! I assume them that his IQ is in the 50's?

Spaw (Soccer Uncle....They built Soccer fields over four diamonds)

24 Oct 00 - 07:55 PM (#326508)
Subject: RE: Who will win the World Series?
From: GUEST,mousethief (at the library)

Watch it. My daughter is a goalie.


24 Oct 00 - 08:04 PM (#326526)
Subject: RE: Who will win the World Series?
From: Matt_R

A goalie, or a gaolie?

24 Oct 00 - 08:08 PM (#326534)
Subject: RE: Who will win the World Series?
From: McGrath of Harlow

Scrotum? Half the people I know are very attached to theirs...

But if you're after a real athletic field game, it's got to be Hurling (and Camogie), Gaelic Football, or it's Australian offspring, Footie, which is the most spectacularly athletic of them all.

But baseball's all right. The best thing about it is that it's so diffeent from that American version of Rugby they play in suits of armour, which is probably the only game on the planet more boring than Cricket.

24 Oct 00 - 08:12 PM (#326541)
Subject: RE: Who will win the World Series?
From: GUEST,mousethief

Goalie, definitely. (is a gaolie a jailer or a jailbird?)

I've done hurling before, but it wasn't in a field, it was in the bathroom.
