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BS: Welcome New Members

23 Oct 00 - 11:46 PM (#325842)
Subject: Welcome New Members
From: wysiwyg

One way to get more Mudcatters is to raise them up in the faith (of the Cafe).

(Hardiman calls it spawning but then I think of Catspaw and it gets messy after that.)

In the last month our daughter Artsy D Lemur and son INSCRUTABLEDAVE have joined. I dunno if you can expect them to be spouting sprouts; probably they won't be around too often-- she is a college froshling on a nearby campus, and he's in the Navy on a nuke sub-- but hey. We did our part. One son left to go. Me, I am working also on my sister, brother, sister-in-law, their son, and what the hell, my mom. Love to see some kids' HearMe's! And I believe Hardiman is working on at least one of his several brothers, who has posted as a guest. (Have our own Mudcat gathering, if we hafta, see?)

(Now not all of these people are relentlessly open practicing Christians, so don't worry, it isn't a jihad.)

Anyway, welcome our sprung-offs, and ante up!

And, anybody else join lately? Introduce yourself!


24 Oct 00 - 12:50 AM (#325861)
Subject: RE: BS: Welcome New Members
From: Thyme2dream

I'm not really new, but I wasn't around long enough the first time for the newbie stuff to wear off. To qoute myself from another thread

.. I started at the beginning of this year as Sabra, and then my PC went on the fritz and tossed my cookie and when I finally got back online, I forgot my password! I decided to come back as Thyme2dream, a handle I use online a lot and something I wish I had more of.

You wrote a very nice welcome poem for me the first time I was here, Praise...thanks! I guess I hafta stay around this time, Ian sent my pic to the photos page... I'm here for real:-)!

24 Oct 00 - 01:30 AM (#325872)
Subject: RE: BS: Welcome New Members
From: kimmers

I'm fairly new. Been visiting the 'Cat on and off for over a year to look for song lyrics, but lately I've started to enjoy the forum discussions.

Professionally, I'm a pediatrician; musically, I play folkie guitar and sing in the choir at church. I'm also into Civil War re-enacting and hope to learn to play the fife soon.

24 Oct 00 - 01:32 AM (#325874)
Subject: RE: BS: Welcome New Members
From: Ebbie

Welcome, Artsy D. Lemur, InscrutableDave and Thyme2dream! It's a great place you've found.


24 Oct 00 - 01:52 AM (#325879)
Subject: RE: BS: Welcome New Members
From: katlaughing

Oh, you really are a Dr. Kimmers! *bg* I thought you were just making a small joke on the diet thread! We have another pediatrician/folkie on here who lives in Hawaii, Mark Cohen. Kewl!

Welcome to the Mudcat Cafe, everyone!


24 Oct 00 - 02:12 AM (#325884)
Subject: RE: BS: Welcome New Members
From: Night Owl

welcome and ENJOY!!! Praise...I think we should add "SPAWning" to the Mudcat dictionary!

24 Oct 00 - 02:48 AM (#325889)
Subject: RE: BS: Welcome New Members
From: Fred/Forsh

Thank you for the general welcome for new members...I will visit the cafe just as soon as I get the visa and air fare!...You lot are the best entertainment on the web by far!!

24 Oct 00 - 06:18 AM (#325949)
Subject: RE: BS: Welcome New Members
From: wysiwyg

Welcome back and welcome!


24 Oct 00 - 06:20 AM (#325950)
Subject: RE: BS: Welcome New Members
From: John P

I've been here for a couple of weeks now. I play traditional folk music and live in Seattle. I've been enjoying some of the discussions. Bored silly by others, of course. I'm amazed at how much time some people seem to have available to spend on Mudcat. I'm pretty highly opinionated, so I look forward to some refreshing discussions.

I sent in a bio and some pictures to the Mudcat Profiles and the Mudcat Photos in the Mudcat Resources area.


24 Oct 00 - 06:33 AM (#325957)
Subject: RE: BS: Welcome New Members
From: wysiwyg

John P, I'm just curious. What do you think is an effective Mudcat approach for a highly opinionated person? Since you have been observing, so to speak-- what do you think makes it work?

~Also Highly Opinionated

24 Oct 00 - 12:46 PM (#326136)
Subject: RE: BS: Welcome New Members
From: Skeptic

First I used the lyrics database.(for months and months) Then I started watching the forums. Then I started posting.

I live in Florida and musically I'm well qualified to be a professional audience. I've always loved folk music of all persuasions but being musically untalented (not an exaggeration), content myself with appreciation. As such posting will be to the BS versus music threads.

As some may have noticed, I'm somewhat opinionated. What I like about mudcat is the tolerance (comparatively speaking) shown to and by both new and long term members. Egos there may be, but egotism seems to be kept at a lower level than on a lot of other forums.

Regards John

24 Oct 00 - 02:53 PM (#326231)
Subject: RE: BS: Welcome New Members
From: wysiwyg

Skeptic, or John,

Welcome! Just be your true self, and all the rest here seems to work.


24 Oct 00 - 03:53 PM (#326287)
Subject: RE: BS: Welcome New Members
From: Lindsay

I am a 52 year old male who has always liked music, despite a lack of talent. The tastes tend to be eclectic, with some areas having greater precedence.

My life also tend to jump around. Interests include, leatherwork, dancing, computers, and camping. I came to Mudcat because my daughter got a job at our local Renfest several years ago. That led me to becoming a street entertainer and then to reenactor (F&I). That led to looking for the words to "The Last of Barret's Privateers" and thereby Mudcat. There are a number of steps before, during, and after that, but they will remain unmentioned for now.

Anyway, this is the only group that I belong to currently. From the entries I've read, I fit pretty good here.


24 Oct 00 - 04:04 PM (#326300)
Subject: RE: BS: Welcome New Members
From: wysiwyg

Yeh, Lindsay, they like to say "Yer among yer own kind now."

Oughtta be scary but isn't, right?


I can see I will be busy next week with praisepoems of welcome.


24 Oct 00 - 04:33 PM (#326323)
Subject: RE: BS: Welcome New Members
From: Dave (the ancient mariner)

Welcome aboard mates (all O'ye) Yours,Aye. Dave

24 Oct 00 - 05:13 PM (#326352)
Subject: RE: BS: Welcome New Members
From: marshman

Hi Ya'll. I found this forum about a year ago while looking for lyrics and recently have been enjoying some of the discussions (now that I have time free mid-day). Been a folkie since before Dylan went electric but took some time off to raise kids and have a career . When I found music again country had crept into my soul. Love the old songs and the new writers of authentic sounding music. Tom Russell, Guy Clark, Gillian Welch, Tim O'Brian, etc. My wife and I sing with friends on Wed. nights and attend the Strawberry music festival in Ca. regularly. Love the latitude of music on this site and the bredth of knowledge exibited. Have posted a few tidbits recently and thought I'd introduce myself: from the muddy banks of the mighty Petaluma I am the the "marshman"

24 Oct 00 - 05:48 PM (#326378)
Subject: RE: BS: Welcome New Members
From: Matt_R

Welcome all you new folks!

25 Oct 00 - 01:05 AM (#326722)
Subject: RE: BS: Welcome New Members
From: Rich(bodhránai gan ciall)

Welcome, and whatever you do, keep your hands and feet away from Spaw's mouth.


25 Oct 00 - 07:29 AM (#326825)
Subject: RE: BS: Welcome New Members
From: John P

Praise, I think the best approach for a highly opionated person on Mudcat is the same as the approach anywhere else in life. Speak when you have something to say. Don't speak when you don't. Treat everyone with repect and dignity. Seek to always speak and hear with integrity. Silly arguments are silly. Personal insults are insulting. Opinions are just that.

My goal is to treat internet message boards and newsgroups the same as I would a meeting of the local folk club. I try to pretend that the people I am dealing with are standing there in the flesh, and treat them the way I would a person who I had to keep looking at and talking to, not like some words on a computer screen.

I don't waste my time talking to idiots, crazy people, or people who attack me for the fun of it. I try to avoid saying things that I know are going to make people angry, unless there is a really big reason to do so. If a debate turns acrimonious I fix it (if it's important) or walk away (if it's not). I try to avoid discussing religion with the religious or politics with ideologues, except in a general, intellectual, non-personal way. I'm not always successful at that. I try to meet new people. If they screw up, I give them a second chance, but not usually a third. I try to always remember the Golden Rule.


25 Oct 00 - 07:38 AM (#326829)
Subject: RE: BS: Welcome New Members
From: wysiwyg

I nominate John P's post to go into the FAQ thread.

Great to have you aboard, John!


25 Oct 00 - 10:43 AM (#326946)
Subject: RE: BS: Welcome New Members
From: Tinker

Welcome everyone, take your shoes off and set a spell....hope to meet ya'll in the Tavern soon.

25 Oct 00 - 01:32 PM (#327085)
Subject: RE: BS: Welcome New Members
From: Lindsay

John P. I like discussion, it's healthy and stimulating. Unfortunately, some topics, as you mentioned, are difficult for some people, i.e. religion and politics. When the argument starts, I walk away.


25 Oct 00 - 01:56 PM (#327107)
Subject: RE: BS: Welcome New Members
From: Áine

Howdy to all you newbies (and returning/renamed folks, too!). Don't forget to check out the two funny colored threads at the top of the rest, and take a look at all the links in the Quicklinks box at the top of each page.

And here's my shameless plug for the Song Challenge! (you old timers knew it was comin') -- I'd like to personally invite all of you newbies to the Song Challenge!s (we're now on Part 43), where you're given a whacky topic and challenged to write an original song or parody an old favorite about it. Prizes (virtual) are awarded and we have a grand ole time. It's a great place to see the fantastic talent of your fellow 'Catters abound, completely unfettered!! Whether you're a pro, or you've never written a thing before -- We Want You!

And if you've written any songs you'd like to share with the Mudcat community, check out the Mudcat Songbook (see the Quicklinks) and add your own creation to the Book. Don't keep your light under that bushel -- Let It Shine!

Be sure and come to the Mudcat Hearme Concerts and listen to the wunnerful folks we have hanging out around here. And keep an eye out for the 'casual' Hearme sessions, where you can pull up a chair and play and or sing with your new friends.

Again, welcome, welcome, welcome to the best monkeyhouse on the Net -- But remember, you have to bring your own bananas ;-)

-- Áine

26 Oct 00 - 10:07 PM (#328223)
Subject: RE: BS: Welcome New Members
From: wysiwyg


By God, if you want Mudcatters in your own area, do this:

Go see a friend. Get online on their computer. Show them the Mudcat. Go to the DT and sing them a killingly funny parody-- any one will do. Click to play so they hear the cute tune. Then open the wine. Play around at Mudcat. Laugh a lot. Let the kids run wild around you. Chat with all present, eyes firmly fixed on screen. Read a few of your better PMs out loud (thanks Rick!!). Pour more wine. STAY IN THE CHAIR. Pizza can help.

Then turn to your friend brightly and say, "Shall we join you up now then, or will you be joining later???"

The answer is sure to be now, if you have poured enough wine.

You get your pal all cookied and bookmarked.

Then you leave them a yellow sticky note on their computer that says, "You joined the Mudcat. You were drunk. It is bookmarked. Your name is [Ladyfrog]. Your password is ******."

You initial the sticky note and party on. Then you reset cookie and slip them a PM of welcome. And then you come to a thread like this to say,

"Any friend of Praise's is a friend of yours."

Welcome Ladyfrog!


27 Oct 00 - 10:01 AM (#328479)
Subject: RE: BS: Welcome New Members
From: mrmoejoerisen

I'm a "Newbie", I've been posting since the 20th of this month ("Robert Johnsons' Music") and this is the best forum I think I'll ever find for the Blues. I have a wonderful time reading all of the cool posts. Also this "Cafe" is free all the Blues and Folk Food I can handle. Thanks Again Catters for such a great place to share. TNT Peace mrmoejoerisen

27 Oct 00 - 12:48 PM (#328594)
Subject: RE: BS: Welcome New Members
From: Áine

Welcome, welcome, welcome,! Glad to see another blues enthusiast round the place, and I'm sure you'll be meeting quite a few others.

-- Áine

30 Oct 00 - 10:16 PM (#330871)
Subject: RE: BS: Welcome New Members
From: Matt_R


31 Oct 00 - 06:29 PM (#331458)
Subject: RE: BS: Welcome New Members
From: CarolC

A belated welcome to all of the new and returning members. It's good to have you here with us.

Best wishes,


31 Oct 00 - 06:50 PM (#331474)
Subject: RE: BS: Welcome New Members
From: wysiwyg

I have not forgotten you all get praisepoems either. Soon.


31 Oct 00 - 07:37 PM (#331520)
Subject: RE: BS: Welcome New Members
From: CarolC

John P, is the lady in your pictures playing a hurdy-gurdy?


31 Oct 00 - 09:10 PM (#331585)
Subject: RE: BS: Welcome New Members
From: WyoWoman

A belated welcome ... I've been out of town, but hope you all feel right at home now.

The other name for the Mudcat is "Opinionated 'R' Us..." so, you're fine, John. Long as you don't get mean when you get riled ...


31 Oct 00 - 09:37 PM (#331600)
Subject: RE: BS: Welcome New Members
From: bydand

Praise, I liked your treatise on enlisting new members. I'll have to try it some time.
I have been occasionally reading the Mudcat threads for the past year; found the Cafe while searching for a song, and just bookmarked it. After reading for awhile and seeing how you "opinionated" folks treated everyone with respect (even Spawn?), I just had to become a member this past week.
I also read how some chose their nick-names, but found that I really never have had one. So, I chose one: "bydand", which is our clan motto; and means "lasting".
Thank you all for being here

01 Nov 00 - 09:15 AM (#331832)
Subject: RE: BS: Welcome New Members
From: Giac

Hi to all the new members.

That's how it starts, you know -- you look for a song, you find the song, then you find other songs, then you start reading the threads ...

You're hooked now! Bwaa-ha-ha!

01 Nov 00 - 09:33 AM (#331844)
Subject: RE: BS: Welcome New Members
From: MMario

and ultimately you will sink to the lowest (highest?) level and start posting tunes and lyrics to obscure folk songs...spend hours searching for variants, days on web searches for midis...

isn't it great to be crazy?

01 Nov 00 - 10:40 AM (#331886)
Subject: RE: BS: Welcome New Members
From: GUEST,Roger the skiffler

We have to welcome Jo King, just so I can say "You must be Jo King" !
RtS (I know, It doesn't get any better, does it?)

01 Nov 00 - 12:23 PM (#331992)
Subject: RE: BS: Welcome New Members
From: Troll

From you? No.

troll **BG***

I love it when they set themselves up.***evil chuckle***

06 Nov 00 - 08:25 PM (#335610)
Subject: RE: BS: Welcome New Members
From: John P

Hi CarolC, Sorry for the slow response. I just got back from vacation and saw your question about whether the lady in the picture with me is playing the hurdy-gurdy. It all depends on what picuture you were looking at. In the Mudcat Photos area, picture #2 has her playing the hurdy-gurdy and picture #3 shows her playing the nyckelharpa. In the Mudcat Profiles, the picture shows her playing the nyckelharpa. By the way, she's my wife and music partner Anna. -John

12 Nov 00 - 04:42 AM (#339060)
Subject: RE: BS: Welcome New Members
From: Long Firm Freddie

I've been dropping in here for about a month or a bit longer; but already it's like I can't remember a time B.M. - before Mudcat.

I live "Dahn Sarf" with my delightful wife and our two cats, and an array of instruments which amuse me to play, if nobody else.

I like folk, blues and anything silly.

My nickname...

I have an office job which involves investigating fraud. One such fraud is called a "Long Firm" fraud.

One Christmas , we thought we'd form a band to play at the office party .

So, what better name than "Long Firm Freddie and the Fraudolettes"?

In its various incarnations, the band has played everything from Tennessee Wig Walk (fully choreographed!)to Only You (Yazoo) via Poison Ivy and Doo Wa Diddy.

Oh, and I used to be the bass player in The Velvet Underpants. We got paid for a gig, real money, once.

It's nice to be here!


12 Nov 00 - 05:13 AM (#339070)
Subject: RE: BS: Welcome New Members
From: CarolC

Thanks, John P.

Long Firm Freddie, I do enjoy your screen name. I think it adds a real touch of class to this place.

Welcome all,


12 Nov 00 - 07:47 AM (#339100)
Subject: RE: BS: Welcome New Members
From: mkebenn

Hi all, I'm a 50yr old{for two more months} male from Western New York. Been a folkie since I was seven and heard "Tom Dooley" for the first time. Bougt a Martin D-35 thirty two years ago for $450 and my warped Gibson jumbo and next to my wife she's still my best mate. I've seen some mention of missing songs in the DT. I downloaded the whole mess back in '97, can this help? Mike Bennett